满分5 > 高中英语试题 >















Dear Sir/Madam, I happened to read about your ad asking for volunteers for the coming Chinese Arts Festival. As a Chinese student on a brief visit here to my relatives, I would be much happier if I could be one of your volunteers. As a teenager, I’m outgoing and honest, always ready to socialize with others. Meanwhile, it is a good chance for me to introduce Chinese culture to people here as well. Should I have the privilege to be admitted, I would do my best and make the most of the chance to promote the mutual understanding between the two cultures. Looking forward to your response. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】本文是一篇书信类作文。书信中的应聘类的作文写起来相对容易,首先在书信的开头考生要说清楚写信目的I happened to read about …;其次考生要根据题目给出的内容提示扩充题干或提纲As a teenager, I'm …;最后要表明自己很期待对方回信等I would be much happier if…。这样一篇结构完整的书信作文就轻松完成了。考生在成文时应注意:合理发挥想象力,使文章的表达自然,丰满。注意文章的人称:以第一人称为主。时态:一般现在时。 【范文亮点】 范文中使用了大量高级词汇on a brief visit, socialize with, Meanwhile, have the privilege, make the most of;运用了I would be much happier if I could be one of your volunteers.状语从句。和Should I have the privilege to be admitted,I would do my best.运用了虚拟语气。  







Dear Sir,

I want to ask for leave in your Oral Chinese class in this Monday. Last night I get a phone call from my father, need an interpreter for one day for his foreign friends. He knows my oral Chinese is such good that he wants me to have try. I consider this as a good opportunity to put which I have learned in your class into practices. But I need his permission for absence first. If you allow me to going to help my father, I’m confident that I’ll do it well.

Hoping to receive your positively reply





Mei Bao jiu, a Peking Opera master, passed away when he was 82. As the1.(nine) son of famous opera star Mei Lanfang, who was the founder of the Mei style of acting, Mei Baojiu devoted his life to 2.(promote) the traditional art of Peking Opera. He was one of China’s most successful and 3.(admire) Peking Opera performers and enjoyed a worldwide reputation.

Born in 1934, Mei Baojiu began to learn the art 4.the age of 10. When he was 13, he had his first formal performance. Gifted with5.clear and sweet voice, Mei Baojiu was well received by the audience. Besides "The Drunken Beauty", his classics "Mu Guiying Takes Command" and "Xi Shi, the Beauty"6.(appreciate) by many foreigners. Mei Baojiu's famous performances won7.(he) the "Asia's Best-Artist Award" by the New York Lincoln Centre in 1989.

Mei Baojiu was enthusiastic about his work8.(develop) the Peking Opera in general. He hoped this Chinese traditional art could be better and 9.his father’s art could last forever. Mei Baojiu’s10.(die) is not just a big loss to Peking Opera but also to Chinese culture.



When I was out of the church, I saw four children selling the paintings. I _______and stood quietly next to them without saying a word and for the next 10 minutes watched them sell their paintings to the_______customers.

My eyes_______the attention of one of the boys. I made a _______for him to come towards me. I was surprised that this little kid gave me a broad _______with a missing tooth and immediately_______to me.

When I asked him very lightly whether he_______who I was, he answered quickly with his eyes much _______, “Mr. Ford!”, which_______me a lot.

I asked him how he knew me, and he replied that he was one of the children whose mother was________by the Ford Foundation and that now his mother looked after them pretty________. I felt good but at the same time a bit________seeing him sell paintings. I asked him why he did so________his mother was taking good care of all the four.

He told me, "Sir, you helped my mother and now I am helping my________. His mother is sick and his father has a low________and his family can’t even________medicine." Hearing this, I took out my purse and gave a hundred-dollar ________to the boy. However, he________and said, "Thank you very much. I will always________you, but please give this money to some other person who needs it more than I do. I can ________money myself."

1.A. moved    B. passed    C. went    D. hurried

2.A. laughing    B. shopping    C. arguing    D. bargaining

3.A. caught    B. paid    C. fixed    D. focused

4.A. signal    B. sign    C. mark    D. opinion

5.A. expression    B. face    C. message    D. smile

6.A. held on    B. went up    C. came up    D. looked up

7.A. suspected    B. knew    C. agreed    D. thought

8.A. brighter    B. braver    C. wider    D. warmer

9.A. disappointed    B. pleased    C. puzzled    D. satisfied

10.A. employed    B. supported    C. adopted    D. raised

11.A. fully    B. hard    C. properly    D. well

12.A. upset    B. nervous    C. annoyed    D. ashamed

13.A. while    B. after    C. when    D. as

14.A. family    B. friend    C. brother    D. teacher

15.A. income    B. diploma    C. condition    D. spirit

16.A. offer    B. pay    C. afford    D. make

17.A. money    B. note    C. check    D. fund

18.A. promised    B. hesitated    C. accepted    D. refused

19.A. miss    B. praise    C. understand    D. remember

20.A. earn    B. save    C. produce    D. borrow



It is not cool to follow the fashion trends wear the latest clothes. Your style—the way you dress up, the way you carry yourself, the trends you follow—plays a key role in helping you stand out in a crowd of faces. 1.

Just be original. Everyone has their own way or thinking and experiences that shape their style. You can stand out of the crowd and be not copied. However, self-doubt can drive many to abandon their ways and follow others. 2.

To be bold. Let’s face it; you can’t please everyone. 3.In fact, explore and experiment with different styles that may be completely non-conventional(非常规的) to find something that you prefer.

Keep track of recent trends. 4.Similarly, your sense of fashion changes as you gain more experience in life. Keeping up with the latest trends will help you reshape your style.

5.You can wear a dress exactly how you want it, however, your attitude can make a significant difference on how you look. You can wear a very beautiful dress, but if you can’t carry it with confidence, it will not look good on you. So trust yourself and wear it confidently.

A. Wear your confidence.

B. You should discover your true feeling.

C. You can and should have your own style.

D. So let your style reflect your individuality.

E. Also, it tells a lot of things about your personality.

F. Changing trends reflects the changes in people’s taste.

G. You have to face people who do not approve of your fashion sense.



Curiosity is the engine of intellectual achievement—it’s what drives us to keep learning, keep trying and keep pushing forward. But how does one stimulate(激发) curiosity in oneself or others?

"Curiosity arises," Loewenstein, a professor of psychology, wrote, "when attention becomes focused on a gap(缺口) in one’s knowledge. Such information gaps produce the feeling of deprivation(剥夺) labeled curiosity. The curious individual is motivated to obtain the missing information to reduce the feeling of deprivation." Loewenstein’s theory helps explain why curiosity is such a great motivator: it’s not only a mental state but also an emotion, a powerful feeling that drives us forward.

A scientist called Daniel Willingham notes that teachers are often so eager to get to the answer that they do not devote enough tune to developing the question. Being told an answer stops curiosity before it can even get going. Instead of starting with the answer, begin by asking the students a question that interests them—one that opens an information gap.

George Loewenstein noted that curiosity requires some basic knowledge. We’re not curious about something we know absolutely nothing about. But as soon as we know even a little bit, our curiosity is excited and we want to learn more. In fact, research shows that curiosity increases with knowledge: the more we know, the more we want to know.

Language teachers usually use a similar idea in exercises that open an information gap and then require learners to communicate with each other in order to fill it. For example, one student might be given some pictures showing the beginning of the story, while the student’s partner is given some pictures showing how that same story ends. Only by speaking with each other can the students fill in each other’s information gaps.

1.When one notices a gap in his or her knowledge, the curious person_______.

A. desires to fill it

B. tends to give it up

C. may be unwilling to admit it

D. will ignore it and move forward

2.Which of the following is Daniel Willingham’s opinion?

A. Answers are more important than questions.

B. Teachers know how to stimulate students’ curiosity.

C. Interesting questions can help stimulate students’ curiosity.

D. Teachers should allow students to ask more questions in class.

3.What do we know about curiosity in Paragraph 4?

A. It is of importance.

B. It needs more knowledge.

C. It is excited when we learn more.

D. It increases with growing knowledge.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. The Importance of Curiosity

B. How to Stimulate Curiosity

C. Curiosity and Language Learning

D. How to Teach Foreign Languages



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