满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




Dear Tom,









Li Hua


Dear Tom, How are you doing recently? According to your needs, I have collected the real examples of my assisting disabled people in their normal day-to-day lives. Considering I need to work very hard in weekdays to support my family, I can only do voluntary work in the International volunteer association. As usual, I take those sitting in wheelchairs to park for walking, breathing fresh air and helping them to do some exercises. Also, for those mentally disabled, we can assist them in recovering their intelligence by speaking to them and play some games with them. Annually, we usually financially help those disabled people by a charitable meeting. I normally donate 10% of my total income per year to the charity. In general, we would like to do more to help those disable people and we hope more wealthy and free people can help them as well. Hope my tips can help you. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】这是一篇提纲类作文。本文属于提纲类作文,考生在成文时应注意:合理发挥想象力,使文章的表达自然,丰满。文章的写作要点要齐全。注意文章的人称:以第一人称为主。时态:一般现在时。注意使用高级词汇和句型,以提高文章的档次;恰当使用一些连词、插入语,使文章表达自然,流畅。注意词数:100词左右。首先点明写信的目的According to your needs, I have collected the real examples of my assisting disabled people in their normal day-to-day lives. 收集了我帮助残疾人正常生活的真实例子。具体实施:As usual, I take those sitting in wheelchairs to park for walking, breathing fresh air and helping them to do some exercises. Also, for those mentally disabled, we can assist them in recovering their intelligence by speaking to them and play some games with them. Annually, we usually financially help those disabled people by a charitable meeting. I normally donate 10% of my total income per year to the charity.表述了对残疾人如何照顾;对有智力障碍的人怎样帮助,以及拿出收入的10%帮助残疾人。最后文章总结:In general, we would like to do more to help those disable people and we hope more wealthy and free people can help them as well.句子中使用了would like to do sth.愿意做某些事。 【名师点睛】 对于这类写作要简洁明了,直入主题,平时学习时多进行作文模板的记忆,万能句型的积累,高中作文写作,注意以下十点: 1. 在写作之前,首先对题目进行认真的审清,并在脑海中回想自己积累的哪些句式、句型、单词能用进来,这些单词、句型都应是经典的,不会错的。 2. 写的过程中,多注意使用“起承转合”的连词,使文章更富有条理,层次分明。 3. 写的过程中,多注意使用定语从句,包括非限制性定语从句。要熟悉英美人写文章的习惯,遇到专有地名、人名一定要用非限制性定语从句,强调唯一性。 4. 写的过程中,多注意使用副词、形容词起到修饰的作用,并注意切忌重复,多使用不同的表达进行转述。多使用高级词汇。 5. 写的过程中,多注意使用平时经常用的万能句型,用不上的时候也要往上靠,自己处理好上下文的连贯性。 6. 写的过程中,多注意使用被动、倒装、虚拟语气及非谓语动词作定语这样的表达。 7. 学会替换,对不会写的进行替换,转个圈说明白。 8. 切忌使用平时不常见的表达,不要出现“中式英文”。 9. 文章中代词要指代明确,自己把握不准时,宁愿重新将指代的内容写出来。 10.英语文字不宜写的太小,所有字母都顶横线写好,看起来卷面整洁,写错的地方只需轻轻划一笔就行,切不可反复涂黑。  







Mental health is very important. Therefore, it is easily overlooked, which can result in seriously metal diseases. Here are some suggestion on keeping good metal health.

First, know your own potential and accept you for who you are. Instead of have impractical expectations for yourself, you should make practical goals for your life.

Second, be sociable and making as many friends as possible. Try to be a person who is easy to get along. When you are discouraging, you can share your troubles with your friends, who can help you out.

Third, love your life and work. Try to display your talent in your work. You will take the pleasure in your achievements, that will make you happy.




1.This kind of forest exists ____________(无处;到处都无)else in the world.

2.He has been _____________(轻打;轻敲)his fingers on the table for some time, which indicates that something is bothering him.

3.If someone __________________(妥协;折衷)with you, it means he has decided to give up something he originally wanted.

4.We were within a few miles of home when the accident _____________(发生;出现).

5.______________________(不管;不顾)of where we are and what we are doing, we want access to our data.

6.When she heard the news, the cup in her hand ______________(滑行;滑倒)down onto the floor.

7.They also focus on deeper, more important qualities that are ___________________(有益的;受益的)to society.

8.He often asked me the question whether this law needed to be ________________(改革;革新).

9.What’s more, a great many workers have _________________(罢工)for a pay increase of 6%.

10.In some places, women may not walk down a public street at night without being _______________(陪伴;伴奏)by a man.

11.Without _______________________(捐赠)blood most of illnesses would have probably been cureless.

12.Many of these tools have been specially _______________(使适应;改编)for use by disabled people.

13.The course teaches you the theory but there’s no ___________________________(代替者;代用品)for practical experience.

14.Everyone should be ________________(意识到的;知道的)of these factors and how they affect the most important ares of their social life.

15.He is getting married again, after two ____________(离婚), so he obviously hasn’t profited by his experiences.



Extremely handsome and athletic, Will looked and dressed like a fashion model. Everything seemed to be easy to him. With his charm,  1. (intelligent), and talents, his business was lively and success was a way of life. So when  2. (face) with a lawsuit(诉讼)one day, Will assumed 3. the case would work out as 4. (easy) as everything in his life and he didn’t worry about it. But it didn’t and the suit finally led to the breakup of his company. He tried for months afterward to get 5. job, but no one would hire him.

Will had to learn that his talents were wonderful but were damaged by an attitude of arrogance(傲慢). He looked down on people6.didn’t have his gifts,7. (treat) them with impatience and annoyance. He felt superior to them and judged them as worthless or stupid. Will made sense of his situation and elected  8.(learn) the lesson of modesty and at last he turned9. (he) circumstances around.

Have pride in who you are and what you 10. (accomplish) so far. However, if you find yourself having secret of arrogance, remind yourself of the lesson of modesty before the universe does it for you.



When I was growing up my dad would often give me small tasks to finish to help out around the house. Some were easy but the three I remember the most were the three ______ of all. The first was helping to weed the four

____ we had. It was ______ work. I would rather ride my bike than crawl in the dirt on my hands and knees

____ the thousands of weeds in our gardens. The second was piling firewood for ______. It was tough work and I got more than my share of pieces. I would rather walk in the woods than piling it in rows. The third was _______water from a mountain spring to our house ______ our well water had too much iron in it to ______.

Over the years, though, I learned to see the ______ in all the things my dad had made me do. Having fresh vegetables for dinner was a delight. ______ a cold glass of iced tea made from the mountain spring water was a pure ______. Standing by the wood stove on a snowy December day was a wonderful way to ______. I saw as well that all this work my dad had given me had ______ made me a better, stronger and more caring man. Most of all, I ______ that when I did my work with a(n) ______ heart, it didn’t feel like work at all.

Over the years I have learned something else too. When we do the work for our Heavenly Father with a _______spirit, it doesn’t feel like work, either. It feels like that every act of ______, word of encouragement, and gift of love we share will only make our lives ______, make our hearts happier, and bring our souls closer to Heaven.

I am so ______ to both my dad and my Father in Heaven. They showed me the ______ of work and more importantly they showed me the pricelessness of love.

1.A. simplest    B. most suitable    C. most awesome    D. toughest

2.A. basements    B. armchairs    C. gardens    D. streets

3.A. awful    B. elegant    C. bound    D. noisy

4.A. operating    B. scanning    C. pushing    D. pulling

5.A. staff    B. holiday    C. winter    D. accommodation

6.A. distributing    B. dragging    C. carrying    D. conducting

7.A. because    B. unless    C. otherwise    D. but

8.A. boil    B. obtain    C. undertake    D. drink

9.A. regulations    B. attention    C. rewards    D. superiors

10.A. Seizing    B. Enjoying    C. Performing    D. Reforming

11.A. desire    B. challenge    C. significance    D. pleasure

12.A. dry up    B. warm up    C. stay up    D. keep up

13.A. merely    B. immediately    C. gradually    D. temporarily

14.A. remembered    B. recommended    C. regretted    D. realized

15.A. ambitious    B. happy    C. brae    D. modest

16.A. loving    B. competing    C. outgoing    D. punishing

17.A. witness    B. curiosity    C. kindness    D. sympathy

18.A. richer    B. better    C. worse    D. poorer

19.A. kind    B. lucky    C. grateful    D. vivid

20.A. key    B. way    C. aim    D. value



Often during a conversation I’ll get the question. “Where have you traveled?” I’m always a little hesitant to answer because travel is typically viewed as going somewhere abroad and my travels haven’t exactly consisted of going abroad. 1. Travel is experienced when you ...

1. Step out of your comfort zone.

Have you ever heard of the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”? The same goes for travel. You cannot travel unless you get planning! But the act of stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t just stop once you’ve finished planning. 2. You have to let yourself be involved in whatever experience may come your way to really experience the beauty of travel.

2. Open your mind.

Wherever your destination may be, you need to arrive with an open mind. You’re going to be experiencing new sights, cultures, foods, maybe even languages. 3. Be open to trying new things, be open to understanding and be open to accepting. More importantly, open your mind to learning. You will learn so much more than you’ve ever dreamed of learning in a classroom.

3. 4.

Through experience, travel can really help you reflect on who you are as a person, what sights your heart responds to and what cultures have powerful influences on you. You begin to realize through the different experiences you find just how capable you really are. Traveling is not about the journey to the destination; it’s about the journey you take into yourself. 5.

A. Discover yourself.

B. Experience something new.

C. It continues throughout your travels.

D. Travel can be experienced in the next city, state or country.

E. You become equipped with a new pair of eyes and a more accurate sense of self.

F. What I want to share with you is that travel is not experienced by your destination.

G. You can’t learn to see the beauty within them unless you view them with an open mind.



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