满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was growing up my dad would often...

When I was growing up my dad would often give me small tasks to finish to help out around the house. Some were easy but the three I remember the most were the three ______ of all. The first was helping to weed the four

____ we had. It was ______ work. I would rather ride my bike than crawl in the dirt on my hands and knees

____ the thousands of weeds in our gardens. The second was piling firewood for ______. It was tough work and I got more than my share of pieces. I would rather walk in the woods than piling it in rows. The third was _______water from a mountain spring to our house ______ our well water had too much iron in it to ______.

Over the years, though, I learned to see the ______ in all the things my dad had made me do. Having fresh vegetables for dinner was a delight. ______ a cold glass of iced tea made from the mountain spring water was a pure ______. Standing by the wood stove on a snowy December day was a wonderful way to ______. I saw as well that all this work my dad had given me had ______ made me a better, stronger and more caring man. Most of all, I ______ that when I did my work with a(n) ______ heart, it didn’t feel like work at all.

Over the years I have learned something else too. When we do the work for our Heavenly Father with a _______spirit, it doesn’t feel like work, either. It feels like that every act of ______, word of encouragement, and gift of love we share will only make our lives ______, make our hearts happier, and bring our souls closer to Heaven.

I am so ______ to both my dad and my Father in Heaven. They showed me the ______ of work and more importantly they showed me the pricelessness of love.

1.A. simplest    B. most suitable    C. most awesome    D. toughest

2.A. basements    B. armchairs    C. gardens    D. streets

3.A. awful    B. elegant    C. bound    D. noisy

4.A. operating    B. scanning    C. pushing    D. pulling

5.A. staff    B. holiday    C. winter    D. accommodation

6.A. distributing    B. dragging    C. carrying    D. conducting

7.A. because    B. unless    C. otherwise    D. but

8.A. boil    B. obtain    C. undertake    D. drink

9.A. regulations    B. attention    C. rewards    D. superiors

10.A. Seizing    B. Enjoying    C. Performing    D. Reforming

11.A. desire    B. challenge    C. significance    D. pleasure

12.A. dry up    B. warm up    C. stay up    D. keep up

13.A. merely    B. immediately    C. gradually    D. temporarily

14.A. remembered    B. recommended    C. regretted    D. realized

15.A. ambitious    B. happy    C. brae    D. modest

16.A. loving    B. competing    C. outgoing    D. punishing

17.A. witness    B. curiosity    C. kindness    D. sympathy

18.A. richer    B. better    C. worse    D. poorer

19.A. kind    B. lucky    C. grateful    D. vivid

20.A. key    B. way    C. aim    D. value


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】文章主要讲述了作者的父亲让作者做一些比较艰难的工作,并在做工作的过程中让作者得到了回报,享受到了快乐,使作者明白带着快乐的心情去工作,就会感到更快乐,父亲让他明白了工作的价值,更重要的是给了作者无尽的爱。 1.考查形容词辨析。simplest 最简单的; most suitable最恰当的;most awesome 极可怕的;toughest艰难的。句意:有一些任务是非常容易的,但是所有任务中有三项在我记忆中最为艰难的。根据该句中“easy but”前后转折,与easy相对应的应为艰难的。根据题意,故选D。 2.考查名词辨析。basements 地下室;armchairs 扶手椅; gardens花园;streets街道。句意:首先是为我们家的四个花园除草。根据“the thousands of weeds in our gardens.”花园里成千上万棵草。根据题意,故选C。 3.考查形容词辨析。awful 可怕的;elegant优美的;bound有义务的;noisy嘈杂的。句意:这是一项很可怕的任务。根据下句“I would rather ride my bike than crawl in the dirt on my hands and knees__4___ the thousands of weeds in our gardens.”我宁愿骑自行车也不愿用我的双手和膝盖在泥里爬行。可知作者认为在布满草丛的泥地里除草是非常可怕的。根据题意,故选A。 4.考查动词辨析。operating操作; scanning浏览; pushing推;pulling拉,拔,拽。句意:我宁愿骑自行车也不愿用我的双手和膝盖在泥里爬行去拔成千上万棵草。根据“The first was helping to weed the four_2___ we had.” 首先是为我们家的四个花园除草。根据题意,故选D。 5.考查名词辨析。staff 职员; holiday节日,假日;winter冬天;accommodation住处。句意:第二项工作是为冬天堆柴火。根据“Standing by the wood stove on a snowy December day was a wonderful way to ___12___.”在下雪的十二月站在燃烧着柴火的火炉旁,是多么美好的一件事。可知堆积木柴是为冬天做准备。根据题意,故选C。 6.考查动词辨析。distributing 分发;dragging 拖,拽; carrying 携带; conducting传导,传输。句意:第三项工作就是将山泉水运送到家里,因为水井里的水含有太多的铁不能喝。根据题意,故选C。 7.考查连词辨析。because因为; unless除非; otherwise否则;but但是。句意:第三项工作就是将山泉水运送到家里,因为水井里的水含有太多的铁不能喝。后句表示原因,根据题意,故选A。 8.考查动词辨析。boil沸腾; obtain 获得; undertake 承诺,保证; drink喝。句意:第三项工作就是将山泉水运送到家里,因为水井里的水含有太多的铁不能喝。喝水drink water。根据题意,故选D。 9.考查名词辨析。regulations 条例,规则。 attention注意力; rewards 报酬,回报; superiors上司,优胜者。句意:多年来,我得到了我父亲让我做的所有事情的回报。根据下文“Having fresh vegetables for dinner was a delight. ___10___a cold glass of iced tea made from the mountain spring water was a pure ___11___. Standing by the wood stove on a snowy December day was a wonderful way to ___12___.”晚餐吃新鲜的蔬菜是一种喜悦,喝一杯山泉水冲的冰茶,在下雪的十二月站在燃烧着柴火的火炉旁,是多么美好的一件事。可知作者做的所有事都得到了回报。根据题意,故选C。 10.考查动词辨析。Seizing抓住;Enjoying喜欢; Performing 表演; Reforming提醒。句意:享受一杯由山泉水冲的冰茶是一种纯粹的快乐。根据题意,故选B。 11.考查名词辨析。desire 渴望; challenge 挑战; significance 意义,重要性; pleasure愉快。句意:享受一杯由山泉水冲的冰茶是一种纯粹的快乐。根据文中“delight”以及“a wonderful way”“made me a better”可知所有这些都让作者感觉快乐。根据题意,故选D。 12.考查动词短语辨析。dry up 干涸,枯竭;warm up变热; stay up 熬夜; keep up保持。句意:在下雪的十二月天,柴炉是一种取暖的好方法。根据“on a snowy December day”在下雪的十二月天,柴炉让人感觉温暖。根据题意,故选B。 13.考查副词辨析。merely 只是,仅仅; immediately 立刻,马上; gradually 逐渐地;temporarily临时地。句意:慢慢的我体会到我父亲让我做的工作让我变得更好、更强、更体贴的男人。根据“Over the years”多年以来,可知这是一个长时间慢慢形成的过程。根据题意,故选C。 14.考查动词辨析。remembered 记住;recommended 推荐,建议; regretted后悔的; realized意识到。句意:最重要的是,我意识到,当我怀着快乐的心情做事情的时候完全不像在工作。根据题意,故选D。 15.考查形容词辨析。ambitious 有雄心的;happy 快乐的; brae山区; modest谦虚的;句意:最重要的是,我意识到,当我怀着快乐的心情做事情的时候完全不像在工作。根据“make our hearts happier, and bring our souls closer to Heaven.”使我的心更快乐,灵魂更接近天堂。根据题意,故选B。 16.考查形容词辨析。loving爱的; competing 对抗的,竞争的;outgoing开朗的,外向的;punishing严厉的,艰难的。句意:当我们怀着爱的精神为上帝工作的时候。根据“more importantly they showed me the pricelessness of love.” 更重要的是他们给了我无价的爱。根据题意,故选A。 17.考查名词辨析。witness 目击,目睹;curiosity好奇心; kindness 仁慈; sympathy同情。句意:每一个善意的行为,鼓励的话语,和我们所分享的爱的礼物,都只会使我们的生活更美好,使我们的心更快乐,使我们的灵魂更接近天堂。根据题意,故选C。 18.考查形容词辨析。richer更富有; better更好; worse更糟; poorer更贫穷。句意:每一个善意的行为,鼓励的话语,和我们所分享的爱的礼物,都只会使我们的生活更美好,使我们的心更快乐,使我们的灵魂更接近天堂。根据“make our hearts happier”使我们的心更快乐。可知会使我们的生活更美好。根据题意,故选B。 19.考查形容词辨析。kind 友善的,好心的;lucky 幸运的;grateful感激的; vivid生动的。句意:我很感激我的父亲。根据上下文,作者的父亲让作者学会了很多,作者的生活更美好,心情更快乐,可知作者对他的父亲充满感激之情。根据题意,故选C。 20.考查名词辨析。key关键; way方式,方法; aim志向; value价值。句意:他们让我知道了工作的价值,更重要的是他们给了我无价的爱。根据题意,故选D。 【名师点睛】 1. 首先要做的肯定是通读全文,了解大意,不要急于把我们能想到的单词填上去,先大致浏览一遍掌握文章中心思想,一篇短文中有许多空格,使文章不完整。所以,必须先通读全文1-2遍,尽力做到基本了解文章的主题句。注意文章提到的人物(who)、事物(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(why)、及过程(how)。切记不要看一句,做一句。 2. 还要学会逐句分析,前后一致,所谓着眼于篇,着手于句,我们通读完全文过后我们还是得将单词放入句子当中一句一句地浏览细读,这样才能找到我们之前填写文章发生的错误。选择每句空格中应选的正确答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,有时要考虑时态、语态、非谓语形式、习惯用语、介词、连词、关系词以及句子的结构等。前后一致指一句句子与全文,与上下文要保持时态一致、主谓一致、单复数一致、逻辑上一致,也就是要考虑上下文,使前后意思上连贯,符合逻辑与语法要求。 3. 在遇到我们不会的小题时,将给出的四个答案一个一个代入文章当中,看语句是否通顺,排除错误,确定答案,答题时应考虑一下命题人的意图,四种供选择的答案有何区别?每一小题考什么?明显错误的答案或不可能的首先剔除,这样可能一下子就化难为易了。有时也可能有两个答案一时难确定,如果近义词就要注意细微的区别,推敲琢磨一下,注意词的搭配和习惯用法。 4. 在我们确定好所有答案后我们再次通读全文,仔细比对答案是否合理,语句是否通顺,最后可用铅笔把选的词写在空格处,把短文从头到尾细读一遍,这时凭自己的语言知识和语感可感知全文是否流畅通顺。

Often during a conversation I’ll get the question. “Where have you traveled?” I’m always a little hesitant to answer because travel is typically viewed as going somewhere abroad and my travels haven’t exactly consisted of going abroad. 1. Travel is experienced when you ...

1. Step out of your comfort zone.

Have you ever heard of the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”? The same goes for travel. You cannot travel unless you get planning! But the act of stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t just stop once you’ve finished planning. 2. You have to let yourself be involved in whatever experience may come your way to really experience the beauty of travel.

2. Open your mind.

Wherever your destination may be, you need to arrive with an open mind. You’re going to be experiencing new sights, cultures, foods, maybe even languages. 3. Be open to trying new things, be open to understanding and be open to accepting. More importantly, open your mind to learning. You will learn so much more than you’ve ever dreamed of learning in a classroom.

3. 4.

Through experience, travel can really help you reflect on who you are as a person, what sights your heart responds to and what cultures have powerful influences on you. You begin to realize through the different experiences you find just how capable you really are. Traveling is not about the journey to the destination; it’s about the journey you take into yourself. 5.

A. Discover yourself.

B. Experience something new.

C. It continues throughout your travels.

D. Travel can be experienced in the next city, state or country.

E. You become equipped with a new pair of eyes and a more accurate sense of self.

F. What I want to share with you is that travel is not experienced by your destination.

G. You can’t learn to see the beauty within them unless you view them with an open mind.



Most parents and teachers want children to be happy. To that end, parents find themselves doing things for kids to make them happy, like buying gifts, taking them for ice cream, playing games together, or helping with homework.

Teachers are constantly doing things for children, too, like bringing treats to class, planning fun trips, and supporting students in other immeasurable ways.

Do acts of kindness toward children make us happier parents and teachers? Of course they do.

Unfortunately, we don’t make children happy by simply enabling them to be receivers of kindness. We increase their feelings of happiness and well-being by teaching them to be givers of kindness.

The truth is that children are born to be altruistic. But somewhere between birth and 4th grade, they are socialized to think more about themselves than others.

How do we change this and improve children’s well-being?

A recent study, Kindness Counts, conducted by researchers from the University of British Columbia and the University of California, broke new ground by showing the benefits gained by teens when they were taught happiness-increasing skills.

For a month, several hundred 9-11-year-olds performed and recorded three acts of kindness each week for anyone they wished. Another several hundred kept track of three pleasant places they visited during the week.

Not surprisingly, the results were consistent with adult studies. When kids performed acts of kindness or took notice of the pleasant places they visited during the week, they significantly increased feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

But hose who performed acts of kindness received an additional benefit. Measuring how well children were liked or accepted by their peers(同伴), the study showed those who performed acts of kindness gained an average of 1.5 friends during the four-week period ---- good support for the idea that “nice guys finish first.”

1.What do most parents and teachers do to make children happy?

A. Do good deeds for them.

B. Take them to see funny things.

C. Teach them the secret of happiness.

D. Develop their happiness-increasing skills.

2.The underlined word “altruistic” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “        ”.

A. optimistic    B. energetic

C. curious    D. generous

3.What can be concluded from the study?

A. Children can change their attitude easily.

B. Happy people are likely to do good deeds.

C. Acts of kindness are the key to happiness.

D. Visits to places lead to much more happiness.

4.What does the underlined part “additional benefit” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Winning support from teachers.

B. Broadening their social circle.

C. Showing respect for others.

D. Getting higher test scores.



All American dollar bills(纸币)weigh the same, they’re the same size, and they’re made of the same material. “There are no physical marks for those with vision(视力)loss, who need an effective means of knowing how much it is, a $1 or a $100?” explains Vencer Cotton, director of technology and training at the Columbia Lighthouse for the Bind in Washington D.C.

NOW there is something that comes pretty close. Meet the iBill, a piece of plastic about the size of a large cigarette lighter. Equipped with one AAA battery, a couple of buttons and a speaker, the iBill is designed to be simple. A narrow opening allows for a U..S. Bill to be placed inside and upon scanning, it will say the amount the bill is worth. However, even though the iBill can do that job for you, it doesn’t mean it’ll tell you if a bill is real or even how much you have.

Created by Orbit Research, it will be the first money reader distributed by the U.S.Bureau of engraving and Printing (BEP). THE BUREAU WILL SOON BE SHIPPING iBills, free of charge, across the country. “It is my No. 1 choice,” Cotton says of the iBill, especially when it comes to sorting money as fast as possible.”

There are actually a bunch of apps(应用程序)that can do what the iBill ca, made convenient by the iPhone’s voiceover functions. In particular, EyeNote was also developed by the U.S. BEP to help distinguish bills. Another app, called LookTel, offers recognition for a large number of countries’ bills and VisionHunt distinguishes different kinds of bills and offers many tools to the blind. “But a lot of blind people can’t afford an iPhone,” says Shawn Callaway, president of the National Federation of the Blind of Washington D.C.

1.The iBill was invented to         .

A. pay for things at certain shops

B. help children sort out their money

C. help the blind recognize their money

D. tell whether a dollar bill is real or not

2.What can we learn about the iBill?

A. It is unbreakable.

B. It can’t calculate.

C. It can light a cigarette.

D. It costs a lot of money.

3.Compared with other apps, the iBill         .

A. is much easier for poor people to accept

B. offers more useful functions to the blind

C. is the only one developed by the U.S. BEP

D. can tell the differences between many foreign bills

4.What is the purpose of this text?

A. To encourage people to help the blind.

B. To talk about American dollar bills.

C. To ask people to buy the iBill.

D. To introduce a hi-tech tool.



While I was teaching in China, I became interested in acupuncture(针灸). It was after returning from China and witnessing how successful it had been that I reached the decision to become an acupuncturist myself. I was lucky to discover that the town where I lived had a famous college of traditional acupuncture.

Alternative medicine such as acupuncture is particularly important for me because I firmly believe that it works on the level of body, mind and spirit. This is very different from Western medicine which is supposed to work only on the body. When a person is ill, it is believed that there’s something in their life that is putting their energy levels out of balance. What alternative therapies(疗法)try do to is kelp to gradually push that energy back into balance. The result is that any disease present might naturally disappear as it cannot survive when energies are balanced.

I’ve treated a wide range of people for various conditions, for example people suffering from stress and anxiety. To acquire a qualification in acupuncture, I took a course that lasted three years. I had to go to the college about one weekend in three. I also had a large amount of homework and practical work to do, which I did two or three evenings a week. This involved locating pints on different people. As you can imagine, this isn’t straightforward as people are of different sizes and have differently shaped bodies.

In the future I hope to set up an alternative health clinic which will involve myself as an acupuncturist but perhaps other people as well. I’d like to work with people who provide treatments such as rubbing(按摩)and pressing people’s feet in a special way to help them relax and feel well. I’d like to set it up somewhere in the countryside, where people could feel free from the stress of life.

1.The author decides to learn acupuncture         .

A. when he was teaching in China

B. when he was studying in college

C. after he came back to his mother country

D. after he discovered an acupuncture school

2.What does the author think of acupuncture?

A. It prevents disease.

B. It treats people as a whole.

C. It has an immediate effect.

D. It helps improve people’s lives.

3.The acupuncture course the author took was         .

A. time-consuming and challenging

B. learner-centered and effective

C. difficult but interesting

D. painful but helpful

4.What do the underlined words “other people” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Other acupuncturists.

B. Other alternative therapists.

C. Other doctors who use Western medicine.

D. Other people who want to escape fro stress.



Things to Do in London

For things to see and do, visitors to London have endless options. Whether you’re visiting for several days or just wanting a taste of this great city, here’s how to make the most of your time.

The London’s Eye

The London’s Eye is a 135-metre-high observation wheel. Opened in 2000, it immediately became one of the city’s most recognisable landmarks(地标). Thirty-two capsules, each holding up to 25 people, take a gentle half-hour round trip. On a clear day, the Eye affords a unique 40-kilometre view, which sweeps over the capital in all directions.

Location: South Bank of the River Thames

The British Museum

The British Museum was established in 1753 to house the collections of the physician Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753), who also helped create the Chelsea Physic Garden. Sloane’s collections have been added to by gifts and purchases from all over the world. Robert Smirke designed the main part of the building, but the architectural highlight(亮点)is Norman Foster’s Great Court, with the world-famous Reading Room at its centre.

Location: Great Russel Street

Houses of Parliament(国会)

For over 500 years the Palace of Westminster has been the seat of the two Houses of Parliament. The building was designed by architect Sir Charles Barry. Westminster Hall is the only surviving part of the original Palace of Westminster, dating back to 1097.

Location: Westminster

The national Gallery

In 1824 the British government was persuaded to buy 38 major paintings, and these became the start of a national collection. Today, it has a collection of some 2,300 Western European paintings. The mian gallery building was designed by William Wilkins and finally opened in 1838.

Location: Trafalgar Square

1.We know from the text that Sir Hans Sloane         .

A. designed the Chelsea Physic Garden

B. loved to read in the British Museum’s Great Court

C. contributed to the foundation of the British Museum

D. bought many collections after the British Museum opened

2.If you want to enjoy an overall view of London, you may go to         .

A. South Bank of the River Thames

B. Great Russell Street

C. Trafalgar Square

D. Westminster

3.Which of the following has the longest history?

A. The London Eye.

B. The British Museum.

C. The National Gallery.

D. Houses of parliament.



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