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Andy Pope,a police community support off...

Andy Pope,a police community support officer for West Midlands Police,in the UK,has come to be known as a memory policeman for his surprising memory,which has helped him successfully recognize over 850 suspects(嫌疑犯)in the last four years.

Every day,Pope arrives at work half an hour early,opens his computer,and scans the pictures of suspects in his computer.He has been doing it even since he joined the West Midlands Police in 2013,and as his brain stores more faces,hrs record of recognizing bad guys keeps getting better.His skill has made him special,and when policemen use up all other possible ways trying to put a name to a suspect's face,they tum to him.

"If you look at a picture enough times,there is usually something that sticks in the mind.Maybe I can't remember what it is at the time,but when I see the person in the flesh,it causes that recognition,"Pope says.He once recognized a robber whose photo he had looked at a year before,and another from a CCTV video,by a tiny mole(痣)on his face.

Andy Pope first attracted the attention of the media in 2017 after recognizing about 250 suspects.But according to a recent ITV report,Pope's record has improved in the last four years.

"I thought I was just normal until inspector Morris told me I was recognizing more people than anyone else," Pope told The Telegraph in 2017."I don't know whether I have a photographic memory.My wife has to deal with things like birthdays.When it comes to remembering dates,I'm useless."

1.If work starts at 8:30,Pope will always reach the West Midlands Police at     .

A. 7:00    B. 7:30

C. 8:00    D. 8:30

2.What is Pope's special skill?

A. Good memory for faces.    B. Good communication ability.

C. Playing with computers    D. Being good at taking photos.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. Pope can remember anything he has seen.

B. Pope has recognized 250 suspects in total in the past four years.

C. Pope's wife isn't satisfied with him because he is always useless.

D. The suspect with a tiny mole on his face never escaped from Pope's recognition.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. A Policeman with Super Memory    B. Policemen and Robbers

C. Policemen in the UK    D. A Happy Life of a Policeman


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了警员Andy Pope 对人脸有着非凡的记忆能力,在过去四年中凭借此种记忆力成功辨认出850余名嫌疑犯,并因此成名。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句话“Every day, Pope arrives at work half an hour early”“每天,Pope提前半小时工作”可知,若8:30开始工作,则Pope会在8点到达办公室。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第一段中“has come to be known as a memory policeman for his surprising memory,which has helped him successfully recognize over 850 suspects(嫌疑犯)in the last four years.”“因他令人惊奇的记忆力而被称为记忆警察,这帮助他在过去四年中成功地辨认出850余名嫌疑犯”可知,Pope的特长是善于记忆人脸。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“another from a CCTV video,by a tiny mole(痣)on his face.”“通过嫌疑犯脸上的一颗小痣便辨认出CCTV视频中的嫌疑犯”可知脸上有痣的嫌疑犯并未逃脱Pope的法眼,D正确。根据最后一段可知Pope并不擅长记忆日期,所以A“Pope能记住他看到的任何东西”说法错误。根据第一段“Pope在过去四年中辨认出850余名嫌疑犯”可知,B“Pope在过去四年中总共辨认出250名嫌疑犯”说法错误。C选项文中并未说明。故选D。 4.主旨大意题。根据全文对Pope的介绍可知,他是一名拥有超强人脸记忆的警察,所以本文主要讲述的是Pope的记忆力。故选A。 【名师点睛】细节理解题:细节题的发问具体,涉及内容五花八门,通常采用以疑问词开头的特殊疑问句或不完全句的形式,有时即便不是以what,which,how等疑问词引导的问句,也是以变相的问句对这类事实或细节进行提问。如:本文的第2题,是以what疑问词引导的问句,根据第一段中“has come to be known as a memory policeman for his surprising memory,which has helped him successfully recognize over 850 suspects(嫌疑犯)in the last four years.”“因他令人惊奇的记忆力而被称为记忆警察,这帮助他在过去四年中成功地辨认出850余名嫌疑犯”可知,Pope的特长是善于记忆人脸。故选A。




Dear Mr. Harris,










Li Hua









Dear Mr. Yang,

I am writing to let you know that I needed your help with my English writhing. Which is known to all, grammar plays a very vital part in the writing. But I feel that I have some problems of my grammar. I am afraid that I am not able to identify my specifically errors. I would be grateful if you could point out and correct your mistakes. What is more, I used to the Chinese way of thinking, which stops me organize my writing in a proper way. I am wondering that you could also help me improve the structures of my writing.

I am looking forward to making great progresses under your instruction. Thanks are extended to you in advance!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Dragon Boat Festival, also called Duanwu Festival, is a traditional holiday, which 1. (observe) each year over 2,000 years in China to honor Qu Yuan, an ancient Chinese patriotic(爱国的)poet. Originating from south China, Dragon Boat Festival enjoys higher2.popular) in southern areas, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Guangdong Provinces. With a history over 2,000 years, it used to be a day3.people would use herbs(药草)to drive away diseases. However, the most popular origin is closely related4.the great poet Qu Yuan in the Warring States Period. Composing masterpieces like Li Sao, he was regarded as one of the greatest5.poem) in Chinese history. After he was exiled(流放)by the king, he had no alternative but to choose to drown6.(he) in the river rather than seeing his country conquered by the State of Qin. He died on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which is7.people decided to commemorate(纪念)him on that day8.annual).9.(remember) his death on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people celebrate the festival in10.(vary)ways.



An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice, “Let me tell you a(n)_______

“I too, at times, have felt great______for those who have taken so much, with no_______for what they do. But hate______you out, and does not hurt your enemy. It’s like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have______these feelings many times.”

“It is as if there are two______inside me; one is good and does no harm. He lives _____all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only______when it is right to do so, and in the right way.”

“But…the other wolf…ah! The littlest thing will send him into a fit of________He fights everyone, all of the time, for no_______ He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is______anger, for his anger will change nothing.”

“Sometimes it is______to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to ____my spirit.”

With great______, the boy looked intently(专注地)into his Grandfather’s eyes asked, “Which one wins, Grandfather?”

The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, “The one I________

You have two sets of feelings; positive feelings and negative feelings. And you know the ____ between the two because one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel had. You should always remember that it is _____to feel good while having_______thoughts.

When you are feeling good, you must be thinking something good. So you are sending out a powerful frequency that is______back to you more good things that will make you feel good.______those moments when you are feeling good, and milk them. Be aware that as you are feeling good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you.

1.A. adventure    B. story    C. joke    D. challenge

2.A. hate    B. regret    C. envy    D. tiredness

3.A. delight    B. expectation    C. appreciation    D. sorrow

4.A. beats    B. puts    C. wears    D. breaks

5.A. given out    B. struggled with    C. gone over    D. thought about

6.A. devils    B. pets    C. wolves    D. partners

7.A. in harmony with    B. in company with    C. in partnership with    D. in agreement with

8.A. devote    B. deliver    C. fight    D. offend

9.A. excitement    B. temper    C. happiness    D. laughter

10.A. argument    B. purpose    C. judgement    D. reason

11.A. helpless    B. desperate    C. effortless    D. temporary

12.A. dangerous    B. necessary    C. tough    D. funny

13.A. lift    B. control    C. weaken    D. frighten

14.A. intention    B. courage    C. enthusiasm    D. interest

15.A. feed    B. arrest    C. design    D. resist

16.A. relation    B. difference    C. similarity    D. distance

17.A. immoral    B. impolite    C. impatient    D. impossible

18.A. anxious    B. blank    C. bad    D. narrow

19.A. attracting    B. dragging    C. pushing    D. expecting

20.A. Target    B. Seize    C. Interrupt    D. Experience



If you are a motivated person, it is easy to put your personal goals ahead of those of the people around you. It is natural and not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is crucial t learn to be a team player. Acting as a part of a team builds character, teacher empathy (共鸣), and eventually achieves goals.1.Here’s why:

Group Effort Is More Effective than Individual Effort. You can run a small business pretty independently, but if you ever plan on being employed or running a business that employs others, you’ll have to learn how to work with other people.2.

Improving Others Equals Improving Yourself. If you’re on a team, your personal success helps make you a good team player. This is because most people are at least a little bit competitive, whether they admit it or not. When you do well, you set a standard that others will want to meet. By pushing yourself, you help push the people on your team.3.When you see someone you’re working with do something better than you, more often than not, you’ll push yourself to meet that standard.

Your Attitude Matters4. People respect the ability to work well with others more than anything. Your individual actions have an impact, but if you’re reluctant to do something to help your team, it’ll be evident and your contribution will be less appreciated. Having a genuine interest in your team helps you as well as those you’re working with.

5.As much as your work is important and necessary to the success of your team, the success of your team is important and necessary to your success.

A. Of course, this works both ways

B. These is a mutual(相互的)effect between personal success and team achievement

C. People with team spirit try hard to make their team the best of all

D. You should be the kind of person who wants to be a team player

E. Those who show respect for others will be respected in turn

F. All of these things, in turn, contribute to your personal success

G. The most impressive achievements are accomplished by groups of people, not individuals



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