满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An old Grandfather said to his grandson,...

An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice, “Let me tell you a(n)_______

“I too, at times, have felt great______for those who have taken so much, with no_______for what they do. But hate______you out, and does not hurt your enemy. It’s like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have______these feelings many times.”

“It is as if there are two______inside me; one is good and does no harm. He lives _____all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only______when it is right to do so, and in the right way.”

“But…the other wolf…ah! The littlest thing will send him into a fit of________He fights everyone, all of the time, for no_______ He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is______anger, for his anger will change nothing.”

“Sometimes it is______to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to ____my spirit.”

With great______, the boy looked intently(专注地)into his Grandfather’s eyes asked, “Which one wins, Grandfather?”

The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, “The one I________

You have two sets of feelings; positive feelings and negative feelings. And you know the ____ between the two because one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel had. You should always remember that it is _____to feel good while having_______thoughts.

When you are feeling good, you must be thinking something good. So you are sending out a powerful frequency that is______back to you more good things that will make you feel good.______those moments when you are feeling good, and milk them. Be aware that as you are feeling good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you.

1.A. adventure    B. story    C. joke    D. challenge

2.A. hate    B. regret    C. envy    D. tiredness

3.A. delight    B. expectation    C. appreciation    D. sorrow

4.A. beats    B. puts    C. wears    D. breaks

5.A. given out    B. struggled with    C. gone over    D. thought about

6.A. devils    B. pets    C. wolves    D. partners

7.A. in harmony with    B. in company with    C. in partnership with    D. in agreement with

8.A. devote    B. deliver    C. fight    D. offend

9.A. excitement    B. temper    C. happiness    D. laughter

10.A. argument    B. purpose    C. judgement    D. reason

11.A. helpless    B. desperate    C. effortless    D. temporary

12.A. dangerous    B. necessary    C. tough    D. funny

13.A. lift    B. control    C. weaken    D. frighten

14.A. intention    B. courage    C. enthusiasm    D. interest

15.A. feed    B. arrest    C. design    D. resist

16.A. relation    B. difference    C. similarity    D. distance

17.A. immoral    B. impolite    C. impatient    D. impossible

18.A. anxious    B. blank    C. bad    D. narrow

19.A. attracting    B. dragging    C. pushing    D. expecting

20.A. Target    B. Seize    C. Interrupt    D. Experience


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.B 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了男孩在朋友那里受到了不公平的待遇而向爷爷抱怨的故事,爷爷通过讲故事的方式告诉孙子人生的哲理。爷爷把积极的感情和消极的情绪比作两头狼,最后代表积极情绪的狼取得了胜利,以此来启发孙子,无论遇到任何事,都要怀有积极的情绪,持有乐观的态度,这样才会收获更多积极的事情。 1.考查名词。A. adventure 冒险;B. story 故事;C. joke 笑话;D. challenge 挑战。根据下文爷爷所叙述的事情““I too, at times, have felt great___2___for those who have taken so much”以及文中孙子问到“Which one wins, Grandfather?”可知,爷爷是在给孙子讲故事。故选B。 2.考查名词。 A. hate 憎恨; B. regret 遗憾、后悔;C. envy 嫉妒; D. tiredness 疲劳。根据前文“An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice”孙子因为朋友对自己做了不公平的事而生气,结合后文“I too, at times”可知爷爷以前也经历过这样的事,“have felt great___2___for those who have taken so much”也感觉到生气和愤恨。故选A。 3.考查名词。 A. delight 高兴; B. expectation 期望; C. appreciation 欣赏; D. sorrow 伤心。根据“I too, at times, have felt great hate for those who have taken so much”爷爷过去也对那些伤害过自己的人很生气、憎恨,再结合后文的But 表示转折,可知前文应该都是在表示消极意义,所以爷爷因为很愤恨,“with no___3___for what they do”而忘记了去为他们所做的事伤心。故选D。 4.考查动词。A. beats 打败; B. puts 放;C. wears 穿;D. breaks 破坏。根据“and does not hurt your enemy”并没有伤害你的敌人,由and可知此句与前句表示意义上的并列关系,因此“hate___4___you out”这种厌恶的情绪只会让你自己精疲力尽。故选C。 5.考查动词短语。 A. given out 分发;B. struggled with 与…作斗争;C. gone over 过去;D. thought about 思考。根据“I have___5___these feelings many times”,由many times可知爷爷也有过许多次这种消极的情绪,所以推知,爷爷也和这种情绪斗争过很多次。根据语境,故选B。 6.考查名词。A. devils 魔鬼; B. pets 宠物;C. wolves 狼; D. partners 合作伙伴。根据下文“But…the other wolf…ah”以及“live with these two wolves inside me”,可知爷爷在此处将情绪比作狼。故选C。 7.考查介词词组。 A. in harmony with 与…和谐相处; B. in company with 与…相伴; C. in partnership with 与…是合作伙伴关系; D. in agreement with 与…达成共识。根据前文“one is good and does no harm”一只狼很好,不伤害别人,在结合后文“and does not take offense ”不采取进攻行为,可知这一只狼与周围相处融洽,不会主动去伤害、挑衅别人。故选A。 8.考查动词。A. devote 致力于; B. deliver 发送;C. fight 斗争;D. offend 冒犯。根据前文“does not take offense when no offense was intended”当他没有感觉到冒犯性的行为时,他不会采取攻击行为,“He will only___8___when it is right to do so, and in the right way”因此,他只在正确的时间用正确的方法去战斗。故选C。 9.考查名词。A. excitement 激动;B. temper 脾气; C. happiness 快乐;D. laughter 笑声。根据“But…the other wolf…ah”可知,作者是将这只狼与上面提到的另一只狼进行对比,由上一只狼没有攻击性,可推知“The littlest thing will send him into a fit of____9____He fights everyone”即使因为一点小事,也会使得他攻击别人的脾气。故选B。 10.考查名词。A. argument 论点;B. purpose 目的;C. judgement判断;D. reason 原因。根据“ because his anger and hate are so great”因为他生气和愤恨的情绪总是如此大,因此“all of the time, for no___10___ He cannot think”在所有的时间,他没有缘由的就会不能思考。故选D。 11.考查形容词。A. helpless 无用的;B. desperate 沮丧的; C. effortless 不费力的;D. temporary 暂时的。根据“for his anger will change nothing”因为生气不能改变任何事,所以“It is___11___anger”生气是没用的。故选A。 12.考查形容词。A. dangerous 危险的;B. necessary 必需的; C. tough 艰难的;D. funny 有趣的。根据“ one is good and does no harm”一只是好的,不会伤害别人,“his anger and hate are so great”他总是很生气、很愤怒,因此可知“Sometimes it is___12___to live with these two wolves inside me”当这两只狼存在于身体内时,很难和这两只狼在一起生活。故选C。 13.考查动词。A. lift 举起;B. control 控制;C. weaken 削弱;D. frighten 惊吓。根据前文“Sometimes it is tough to live with these two wolves inside me”有时很难和这两只狼在一起生活,因为“for both of them try to ___13___my spirit”他们俩都想要控制我的情绪。故选B。 14.考查名词。A. intention 意图; B. courage 勇气;C. enthusiasm 热情;D. interest 兴趣。根据后文“the boy looked intently(专注地)into his Grandfather’s eyes ”这个男孩专注地看着爷爷的眼睛,可推知,“With great___14___,”这个男孩对这个故事很有兴趣,故选D。 15.考查动词。A. feed 喂养;B. arrest 逮捕;C. design 设计;D. resist 抵抗。根据上文“Which one wins, Grandfather”男孩问哪只狼赢了,“The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, “The one I____15____”爷爷笑着平静地回答道,自己( )的那只赢了。根据语境分析,故选A。 16.考查名词。A. relation 关系;B. difference 不同;C. similarity 相似性; D. distance 距离。“And you know the ___16___ between the two because one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel bad”,根据横线后的 one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel bad,所以这两只狼之间存在不同。故选B。 17.考查形容词。A. immoral 不道德的;B. impolite 不礼貌的;C. impatient 没有耐心的;D. impossible 不可能的。根据后文“When you are feeling good, you must be thinking something good”当你感觉心情好的时候,你必须想一些好的事情,再分析“it is ___17___to feel good while having___18___thoughts”由while可知前后应该表示的是两种相反的意义,由good可知后文应是与之相反的意义,根据常识,当你有一些不好的情绪时,不可能快乐。故选D。 18.考查形容词。A. anxious 焦虑的;B. blank 空白的;C. bad 坏的;D. narrow 狭窄的。根据“it is impossible to feel good ”你不可能感觉快乐,因为“having___18___thoughts”你有一些糟糕的情绪。故选C。 19.考查动词。A. attracting 吸引;B. dragging 拖动; C. pushing 推;D. expecting 期望。根据后文“Be aware that as you are feeling good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you”当你感觉心情较好时,会吸引更多的好事到来。故选A。 20.考查动词。A. Target 瞄准;B. Seize抓住;C. Interrupt打断 ; D. Experience经历。根据后文的“and milk them.”趁机获取好处,由连词and可知,两句为并列结构,因此“___20___those moments when you are feeling good”当你感觉情绪状态比较好时,牢牢地抓住那些时刻。故选B。 【名师点睛】完形填空题旨在考察学生综合运用语言知识的能力。做此题时必须通篇考虑,先掌握大意,再综合运用所学词汇、语法及常识进行推理判断。通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索。先通读了全文,了解了文章讲述的是一个男孩在朋友那里受到了不公平的待遇而向爷爷抱怨的故事,爷爷通过讲故事的方式告诉孙子人生的哲理。爷爷把积极的感情和消极的情绪比作两头狼,最后代表积极情绪的狼取得了胜利,以此来启发孙子,无论遇到任何事,都要怀有积极的情绪,持有乐观的态度,这样才会收获更多积极的事情。然后在做题的过程中,便可利用这些信息。通读全文,了解文章大致的结构与框架对于考生来说很重要。例如,第9题,“But…the other wolf…ah! The littlest thing will send him into a fit of____9____He fights everyone”。根据but可知此句是与上文的句子之间表示转折关系。根据上文“one is good and does no harm. He lives harmony all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended”可知,将两者进行对比的话,前一只狼没有攻击性行为,那么这只狼则具有攻击性行为,很容易伤害别人,故选B。 由于两句之间跨度较大,考生可能不太容易发现,因此,通读全文,了解大意是很重要的。

If you are a motivated person, it is easy to put your personal goals ahead of those of the people around you. It is natural and not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is crucial t learn to be a team player. Acting as a part of a team builds character, teacher empathy (共鸣), and eventually achieves goals.1.Here’s why:

Group Effort Is More Effective than Individual Effort. You can run a small business pretty independently, but if you ever plan on being employed or running a business that employs others, you’ll have to learn how to work with other people.2.

Improving Others Equals Improving Yourself. If you’re on a team, your personal success helps make you a good team player. This is because most people are at least a little bit competitive, whether they admit it or not. When you do well, you set a standard that others will want to meet. By pushing yourself, you help push the people on your team.3.When you see someone you’re working with do something better than you, more often than not, you’ll push yourself to meet that standard.

Your Attitude Matters4. People respect the ability to work well with others more than anything. Your individual actions have an impact, but if you’re reluctant to do something to help your team, it’ll be evident and your contribution will be less appreciated. Having a genuine interest in your team helps you as well as those you’re working with.

5.As much as your work is important and necessary to the success of your team, the success of your team is important and necessary to your success.

A. Of course, this works both ways

B. These is a mutual(相互的)effect between personal success and team achievement

C. People with team spirit try hard to make their team the best of all

D. You should be the kind of person who wants to be a team player

E. Those who show respect for others will be respected in turn

F. All of these things, in turn, contribute to your personal success

G. The most impressive achievements are accomplished by groups of people, not individuals



Finding time to red is an important part of developing literacy skills for all kids. And there are many easy and convenient ways to make reading a part of each day-even when it’s tough to find time to sit down with a book.

Reading opportunities are everywhere you go. While riding in the car, for example, encourage kids to spot words and letters (on billboards, store signs, etc.), turning it into a game (“Who’ll be the first to find a letter B?”). While shopping, ask your preschooler to “read” pictures on boxes and tell you about them. Point out the difference between the words and the pictures on the boxes. Encourage older kids to tell you what’s on the shopping list.

Even daily tasks like cooking can provide reading moments. You can read recipes aloud to younger kids, and older kids can assist you as your cook by telling you how much flour to measure. Give your child a catalog to read while you sort through the mail. Ask relatives to send your child letters, e-mails, or text messages, and read them together. Help your child create letters or messages to send back to the relatives. These types of activities help kids see the purpose of reading and of print.

Even when you’re trying to get things done, you can encourage reading. While cleaning, for instance, you might ask your child to read a favorite book to you while you work. Younger kids can talk to you about the pictures in the favorite books.

Make sure kids get some time to spend quietly with books, even if it means cutting back on other activities, like watching TV or playing video games.

Most importantly, be a reader yourself. Kids who see their parents reading are likely to resemble them and become readers, too!

1.What is the best title for the text?

A. The Importance of Reading

B. Finding the Reading Moments

C. Improving the Kid’s Reading Skills

D. Sitting down with a Book

2.According to the passage, encouraging the children to write letters is to ______.

A. show the function of reading

B. examine their writing skills

C. improve the kids’ reading ability

D. keep in touch with the relatives

3.To encourage older children to read, you can ask them to______.

A. make the shopping list

B. measure the flour for you

C. describe the pictures on boxes

D. read a favorite book to you

4.What does the underlined word “resemble” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Enjoy.    B. Read.

C. Imitate.    D. Like.



A report says older adults who test their minds with increasingly difficult projects have better mental ability than those who do less demanding activities.

To keep our brains sharp as we age, we are often told to keep our minds active. As the old saying goes, “Use it or lose it.” But, there is very little scientific evidence to support than.

Denise Park is head of the university’s Center for ? Vital Longevity. She designed a study in which she and her tern placed 221 healthy aging and older adults into one of three groups.

“We asked people to learn new things, like quilting or photography. We asked other people to just do fun things like being in a social group function but were not likely to have a very large effect.”

The subjects took part in their assigned activities for 15 hours a week over three months. At the end of that time, the researchers found that the adults who learned new skills, such as digital photography, showed the greatest improvements on memory tests.

No improvements were seen in the results of those in the social group that did activities together like going on field trips. There were also no improvements among the third group that listened to classical music or did crossword puzzles.

Denise Park believes one reason for improved memory in the active learning group is that its members were being pushed to learn new skills. The other groups took part in what she call receptive activities. Learning new skills may not cure age-related mental decline. But, Ms. Park thinks being mentally active slows down the process.

Denise Park says the latest information shows that the improvements lasted for at least a year. She and her team plan to do longer follow-up studies with all three groups. She also is interested in learning whether taking part in demanding mental activities delays the development of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

1.What may the social group be asked to do?

A. Learn to take photos.

B. Listen to music at home.

C. Go hiking together.

D. Do the dishes.

2.What did Denise Park and her team find?

A. Doing more exercise can help slow down our age-related mental decline.

B. Having a relaxing life is beneficial to keeping our minds sharp.

C. Keeping our minds active is associated with our health.

D. Learning new skills may help to keep our minds active.

3.If you want to keep your brain sharp you could_______.

A. go swimming with your friends.

B. play chess with your family.

C. learn how to repair the computer.

D. do crossword puzzles online

4.The text is likely to be selected from a book of______.

A. medicine    B. education

C. aging    D. science



Trapped under six stories of ruins after the Haiti earthquake leveled his hotel, Dan Woolley believed he was going to die. But rather than give in to despair, the film-maker spent 65 hours beneath the earth looking up ways t treat his injuries on his iPhone. He also wrote a moving diary for his family, thinking they would only read his last message of love and comfort after his death. Instead, he was pulled from the disaster after a week-and will soon be reunited with his family.

Mr. Woolley had travelled from America to Haiti with his colleague David Hames. Both had been working for charity. He was in the entrance-hall when the earthquake struck and just had time to dive into a comer before the building fell. Buried under tons of ruins, the film-maker downloaded a first aid application to his iPhone. He used the light from the iPhone to show him his injuries and diagnosed it properly as a broken leg. Then, he used the instructions from the app to treat the serious bleeding. The app advised him not to go to sleep if he felt he was going into shock. The resourceful Mr. Woolley set his phone alarm to go off every 20 minutes to keep him awake. New technology has played a huge part.

Mr. Woolley used a small black notebook to write messages to his family. He had thought his relatives would read them after he was dead. “I was in a big accident. Don’t be upset at God,” he wrote, “I’m still praying that God will get me out, but He may not. But He will always take care of you.”

Mr. Woolley was eventually located by a French rescue team and removed to the U.S. where he was reunited with his wife. Speaking after being flown to Miami for surgery, he said, “Boy, I cried. I wanted to use that time to do everything I could for my family. If it could be just to leave some notes that would help them in life, I would do that.”

He is now looking forward to seeing his family.

1.In the diary, Mr. Woolley noted his family.

A. he was looking for ways to survive

B. his iPhone was more than useful

C. he wanted to do something for his family

D. this might be his last messages of love

2.Which of the following statements is not wrong?

A. Woolley was confident that he would survive.

B. Woolley was making a film when the earthquake broke out.

C. Woolley is now reconvening in a Haiti hospital.

D. Woolley tried to stay conscious under the ruins.

3.What is the most important factor in Woolley’s survival?

A. His beloved family.    B. The high technology.

C. His strong will.    D. The French rescue team.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. A Large Earthquake Hit Haiti

B. Strong Will Saved Woolley

C. A Man Used an iPhone to Survive

D. Nothing Is More Important than Family





To: Members of all departments

From: Annette Derringer

Subject: Year-end party

Date: November 26

This is just a quick note to let you all know the arrangements for next month’s year-end party. As you know, the party will be held at the Green Vale Country Club, which we have reserved between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm on the evening of December 21st. 1 have received replies from almost all of you confirming attendance, but if you have not let me know yet, please do so in the next day or two. Tickets for all employees have been covered by the company.

The manager of Green Vale has asked me to explain one or two things to those of you who have not been there before. Basically, there is enough parking space for only 100 vehicles, so he would like to ask those of you planning to drive to try car pool(拼车)as much as possible. Also, the number of lockers available is small, so guests should try to keep belongings to a ,minimum.

Thanks in advance,


To: Annette Derringer aderringer@belway.com

From: Kype Berwick

Subject: Year-end party

Date: November 28


I will be able to attend the year-end party at the Green Vale Country Club on December 21st although I do not think I will be able to arrive before 7:30. I was wondering if it would also be possible to bring a couple of guests. I know it is a bit of a last-minute request, but my brother and his wife are planning to visit us at that time, and they would love to see the Green Vale. If it is not a problem, then could you let me know how much I should pay for their tickets? Also, assuming this is OK, we are planning to drive down in a single car to reduce the need for paring and also to allow us to keep our belongings in the ear. I will have a couple of days off before the party, and I will not be in my office December 17th, so could you get back to me before then?

Thanks a lot,




1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the memorandum?

A. Payments for extra guests.

B. Time of the year-end party

C. Parking restrictions.

D. Storage of personal items.

2.Kyle Berwick writes to Annette Derringer mainly to____.

A. ask the price of movie tickets

B. explain why he cannot to the party

C. confirm the route to the hotel.

D. ask if he can bring guests to the party.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The manager of the Green Vale doesn’t want the members to go there by car.

B. Annette is in charge of making arrangements for the year-end party.

C. The members can take as many belongings as they can with them.

D. Kype Berwick won’t bring guests to the party if he as to pay for the tickets.



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