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江苏省牛津译林版高一英语必修四单元测试:Unit2 Sporting events
1. 难度:中等

—Would you mind turning your radio down a little please? I’m doing my homework.

—_____. I’ll do it right away.

A. Of course not    B. You’d better not

C. It doesn’t matter    D. It’s up to you


2. 难度:困难

Liu Xiang, who is recognized as one of the world’s best athletes, was the first person of Asian _____ to win the Olympic gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.

A. origin    B. circle

C. tradition    D. style


3. 难度:中等

_____ all the players want to win the match, sometimes winning doesn’t mean everything.

A. Since    B. Unless

C. While    D. Once


4. 难度:中等

—What do you think our chairman will do in the meeting?

—He _____ give a speech, but I’m not sure. You know his decisions often take us by surprise.

A. must    B. shall

C. can    D. may


5. 难度:中等

Any car which isn’t parked in the proper place, according to the traffic rules, will be _____ and the owner will be punished.

A. replaced    B. removed

C. powered    D. purchased


6. 难度:中等

—What are you going to do this weekend?

—I’m going to an exhibition of photographs which _____ these days.

A. will be held    B. is holding

C. will hold    D. is being held


7. 难度:中等

Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. _____, history has a way of repeating itself.

A. Therefore    B. Otherwise

C. Meanwhile    D. Anyhow


8. 难度:困难

—What do you think of your new job?

—I find it challenging. It is a job _____ you can put what you have learned into practice.

A. where    B. which

C. when    D. that


9. 难度:困难

—I’ll tidy the kitchen if you don’t want to do it. But you must clean the car.

—OK, it’s a(n) _____.

A. honour    B. routine

C. bargain    D. target


10. 难度:中等

With Mike _____ as our group leader, we had no trouble finishing the task ahead of time.

A. act    B. to act

C. acted    D. acting


11. 难度:中等

A(n) _____ visitor to the house is unwelcome, because the host doesn’t like to be disturbed.

A. expected    B. frequent

C. precious    D. official


12. 难度:中等

—I think I’m too young to be a good manager.

—_____ you can be mainly depends on your ability, not your age.

A. Whether    B. That

C. When    D. How


13. 难度:中等

You have to go to bed before ten o’clock. This rule _____ all the students living in the school, without exception.

A. applies to    B. appeals to

C. hands on to    D. gets down to


14. 难度:中等

—Has Linda finished her homework?

—Sorry, I don’t know. I just saw that she _____ it yesterday afternoon.

A. has been doing    B. had done

C. was doing    D. has done


15. 难度:中等

—You have done a good job in the English speech competition.

—Thanks, but I wasn’t as calm as I _____.

A. should do    B. should have done

C. should be    D. should have been


16. 难度:困难

At what age should children be given the choice as to whether their parents should use their names and images on Facebook? I asked my 15-year-old daughter about her _______ on the way to school just as she took a really _______ photo of me driving. “You don’t want me to _______ it on Instagram (a photo-sharing app), right Mom? You can have _______ until I’m old enough to have my own account (账号), but I know you’re not putting anything out there which would _______ me.” I explained I didn’t use her real _______, but referred to her on social media as “Bean”. She rolled her eyes and informed me that her life was over and she could never _______ her friends again.

Although I love seeing my friends’ pictures of their _______ on Facebook, I know children become old enough to take control of their _______ as they become young adults. Given the right ________, they can manage their social media accounts properly. When this ________, I am sure my daughter will give me some guidelines — and I’ll respect them.

If my daughter asked me not to post a photo of her, I’d ________ her requirement whatever age she was. She goes on Facebook using my account. The most ________ thing she’d be exposed to (接触到) on my Facebook would be a hard-to-swallow news article, like the bodies of refugee (难民) children washing up on beaches. ________, we’d talk about it. I know my daughter ________ me to protect her from embarrassment and danger. I know I’m setting a(n) ________ of how to behave online and I take that role ________. My daughter and I ________. We talk about online safety and how to use blocks and parental control ________ to ensure her safety and enjoyment.

Bean cut out that horrible (可怕的) photo and didn’t post it ________ I asked her not to. We respect each other’s boundaries.

1.A. experiences    B. thoughts    C. scores    D. hobbies

2.A. terrible    B. useless    C. clear    D. amazing

3.A. spend    B. learn    C. spread    D. search

4.A. fortune    B. patience    C. fancy    D. control

5.A. embarrass    B. puzzle    C. prevent    D. shock

6.A. email    B. image    C. address    D. name

7.A. make    B. lose    C. face    D. respect

8.A. conditions    B. children    C. achievements    D. pets

9.A. desire    B. sharing    C. behaviour    D. money

10.A. guidance    B. information    C. answer    D. explanation

11.A. appears    B. counts    C. happens    D. changes

12.A. ignore    B. exchange    C. meet    D. reserve

13.A. unfair    B. impossible    C. common    D. inappropriate

14.A. However    B. In addition    C. Therefore    D. In turn

15.A. allow    B. inspire    C. warn    D. trust

16.A. goal    B. example    C. record    D. limit

17.A. softly    B. differently    C. shortly    D. seriously

18.A. continue    B. concentrate    C. compete    D. communicate

19.A. power    B. software    C. choice    D. affection

20.A. until    B. although    C. if    D. because


17. 难度:中等

Unwind Your Mind

Discover Hours of Entertainment in Every Kit (组合)!

This is an all-in-one relaxation kit of coloring, crossword puzzles (纵横字谜游戏) & more. Each kit is packed with Mind Stretchers booklets (小册子), a coloring book and more. Order today and get a new kit sent every 3 months for fun! Order your relaxation kit today at rdstore.com/unwind or call 1-800-392-7435.

Brighten Up Your Day

Your kit includes an impressive set of 12 artist-quality pencils in different colors. These ready-to-use pencils help you turn your colorings into artwork worth displaying.

Color Away Stress

Create your own artwork with our Unwind Your Mind grown-up coloring books. Each kit brings you a new coloring book you can use to create and color away the stresses of your day anytime, anywhere. Coloring books designs range from simple to heavily detailed works of art. It's the perfect way to relax and let go of the day! Coloring is a proven method to reduce stress and encourage creativity while allowing your mind to rest. Besides, who doesn't love to color? Take your colored pencils and have fun!

Stretch Your Brain

Regarded as “yoga for the brain,” our Mind Stretchers series from Reader's Digest includes three books — puzzles, crosswords and word searches — that provide hours of entertainment while traveling, relaxing or even waiting in line! There are seventy-five of the Reader's Digest's puzzles, perfect for solvers of all skill levels. They were created by the biggest name in crosswords, Will Shortz.

1.What can we learn about Unwind Your Mind?

A. It teaches how to create artwork.

B. It was designed by famous artists.

C. It is made up of easy games.

D. It is sold mainly to adults.

2.Where does this passage probably come from?

A. A news report.    B. A book review.

C. A lesson plan.    D. An advertisement.


18. 难度:困难

Nowadays we feel that we have become dependent on our computers, mobile phones and other media, and that we need these things to think and act creatively. But a recent study seems to indicate that the best thing we might be able to do for our creativity is leave all of these high-tech (高科技) toys at home and just take a walk in the woods.

In the study, David L. Strayer and his fellow researchers worked with 30 men and 26 women who were about to go on a four-day hike, during which they would be taken away from all of the creative toys mentioned above. Before the hike began, Strayer gave the participants (参与者) a standardized Remote Associates Test, which is often used to test creativity and creative problem-solving abilities. After the hike, they were given the test again. The result showed that there was a 50% improvement in the participants’ creative problem-solving abilities. As Strayer says, “This is a great effect.”

This study is the first to document systematic changes in higher-level cognitive (认知的) function connected with entering nature. The researchers suggest that the effect nature seems to have on improving creative thinking is due to the lack of distractions (分心的事) in the natural environment — there are no ringing phones, noisy computers, etc. Other studies have shown that the colour green — the colour of much of nature — is felt by the brain as relaxing, and that increased relaxation may be one of the factors that improve creativity.

None of this is exactly news. The benefits of nature for the mind have been known for centuries. The philosopher and author Henry David Thoreau spoke eloquently (富于表现力地) about the two years he spent in the countryside. The experience certainly seemed to develop his creativity — he went on to write almost 50 books. Given this recent study, it looks as if his advice in Walden to “simplify, simplify, simplify” is good — if you want to relax your mind and make it become more creative, take a walk in the woods, and leave your cellphone behind.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A. High-tech toys are useless for creativity.

B. There is much news about nature’s effect on human mind.

C. Participants were asked not to take their cellphones during the hike.

D. Strayer’s study is the first to deal with nature’s effect on creativity.

2.Which of the following can encourage creativity according to the study led by Strayer?

A. The colour green.

B. Feeling relaxed in nature.

C. The silence in the natural environment.

D. Learning more knowledge about nature.

3.Henry David Thoreau suggested that people ________.

A. live a simple life

B. throw away their high-tech toys

C. take a walk in the woods every day

D. live in the countryside rather than the city


19. 难度:困难

Karate (空手道) is thought to have appeared in the Ryukyu Kingdom firstly as a form of self-defence at a time when weapons (武器) were banned. It began as a fighting style used by the natives of the Ryukyu Islands and was later influenced by Kenpo (quan fa) after business relationships between China and the islands were developed. Very little is known of the origins of karate before it appeared in the Ryukyu Islands, but one popular theory states that it came from India over a thousand years ago and developed from a style of temple boxing based on exercises designed to strengthen the mind and body. However, the truthfulness of this story is questioned.

Now karate has become a popular and beloved sport. The World Karate Federation (WFK) has developed a system of common rules and regulations. In 1994 karate became an official event for the first time in the 12th Asian games in Hiroshima in Japan. On September 28, 2015, karate was featured on a shortlist along with baseball and softball, skateboarding, surfing, and rock climbing to be considered for inclusion in the 2020 Summer Olympics. On June 1, 2016, the International Olympic Committee announced they were supporting the inclusion of all five sports in the 2020 Games.

Karate was developed for the purpose of protecting oneself with one’s bare hands. Therefore, practitioners of karate use their whole body to block the attacker’s strike. The basic philosophy of karate is that “karate is ultimately (最终) for self-defence”. This is reflected in karate’s unique teaching of “never strike first”, with which practitioners guide themselves.

Karate World Championships are held under a weight class system including five divisions for both men and women. Competitors choose which kata (招数) they will show from about 75 types. They are required to show a different kata for each match, including the final. Competitors are judged on the speed and power, and are also required to show their understanding of the meaning or principle carried by the kata they demonstrate (展示).

Under conventional competition rules, one competitor is assigned (指定) a blue belt and the other a red belt and each takes turns showing his or her kata. The outcome of the competition is determined under a flag system, where five judges, who each has a blue flag and a red flag, raise either to signal which competitor, they believe, wins: the one with more flags is declared the winner. However, to provide more clarity (透明) regarding the judges’ views, discussions on applying a scoring system where victory or defeat is determined by adding up the points that each judge gives each competitor are being held for the Tokyo 2020 Games.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. The origins of karate have been made clear.

B. Karate was used to strengthen the mind and body at first.

C. It is believed karate dates back over one thousand years.

D. Chinese Kung fu played a role in the development of karate.

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A. Modern karate.

B. Karate’s popularity.

C. Common rules of karate.

D. Karate as an Olympic event.

3.In Karate World Championships, competitors should ________.

A. select a different kata in each match

B. keep the spirit of self-defence in mind

C. show 75 kinds of katas to judges at first

D. choose the hardest level of karate in the final

4.According to the last paragraph, in the Tokyo 2020 Games ________.

A. the flag system will continue playing an important role

B. competition results will become much fairer

C. judges’ views will become less important

D. a scoring system may be used


20. 难度:困难

A few days before Christmas, I shared online a picture of my daughter, Michele, dressed up as Ruth Bader Ginsburg for her school’s superhero day. The picture went viral.

I shared the picture because I knew my friends and family would get a kick out of it. They know Michele well and this picture is the essence (本质) of her. I had no expectation that it would be as appealing to strangers as it was to her grandfather. But it was, and the image began to fly through the channels of social media.

As I looked through all the shares and comments, the reason for the picture’s popularity became clear — people were inspired by the idea of a strong little girl with a mind of her own. I read dozens, if not hundreds, of comments that ran along these lines: “Your daughter gives me hope for the future. I wish all little girls were like her.”

There is no doubt that my daughter is a strong little girl with a mind of her own. I bought her the book I Dissent because the title summarizes (概括) what she has been doing in her entire life: dissenting disagreeing, and making her voice heard. I believe she will grow up to be someone who fights for what she believes in.

And if one little girl like her gives people hope, then I have good news for the world: She is not the only one out there. Michele is surrounded by little girls who are ready to grab (抓住) the world with both hands and shape it to fit their vision of how things should be. For example, she has a cousin who, for both her last birthday and Christmas, asked people to give her gifts to less fortunate children. And when her little sister was 4, she told me that she “was put on the earth to make people laugh” — because when people laugh they are happy and she was “born to make people happy.”

The problem isn’t that there aren’t more tough little girls who think for themselves and stand up for what they believe in. The problem is that there are millions of girls who go unnoticed because we don’t expect girls to be that way.

When I first found out I was having a daughter, I had this thought in the back of my mind that, if I wanted her to go as far as her potential (潜力) could take her, I would have to teach her to think for herself and to use her voice to get where she wanted to go. I would have to teach her to be a strong woman.

What I didn’t realize was that she came to me pre-programmed. She, her sister and every other little girl I know have that strong woman in their DNA. It’s taken me years to understand this, but my job isn’t to teach my daughters to be something they already are — my job is to make sure they never listen to the message that they shouldn’t be that way.

If our goal is to raise strong women, the best thing we, as parents, can do is to understand that little girls come to us strong. That they are born mighty (强大), with voices they are ready to use.

1.The underlined words “went viral” in Paragraph 1 mean “________”.

A. went mad    B. spread quickly

C. caused disagreement    D. disappeared soon

2.On seeing so many shares and comments, the author felt ________.

A. embarrassed    B. worried

C. excited    D. surprised

3.Which word can best describe Michele?

A. Optimistic.    B. Imaginative.

C. Strong-minded.    D. Self-centred.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. I Dissent is a book about Michele.

B. There are many little girls like Michele.

C. Michele’s picture inspired many little girls.

D. Michele was taught to be strong by the author.

5.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Little girls have a big voice

B. Little girls with big dreams

C. Little girls become popular online

D. Little girls as hope for the future

6.The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to ________.

A. persuade    B. inform

C. educate    D. entertain


21. 难度:困难



Someone has probably told you to “look on the bright side” or to “see the cup as half full.” Chances are that people who make these comments are positive thinkers. More and more research has proved the benefits of positive thinking. It suggests that not only are positive thinkers healthier and less stressed, but they also have greater overall well-being.

For example, when faced with stressful situations, positive thinkers handle them more effectively. Researchers have found that when optimists meet with a disappointment, they tend to focus on things they can do to solve the problem. Rather than throwing themselves into disappointment or things that they cannot change, they will make a plan of action and ask others for help and advice. Pessimists, on the other hand, simply think that the situation is out of their control and there is nothing they can do to change it.

In recent years, researchers have found that your mind can have a powerful effect on your body. Immunity (免役力) is one area where your thoughts and attitudes can have a particularly powerful influence. In one study, researchers found that people who were optimistic about a specific and important part of their lives, such as how well they were doing in school, showed a stronger immunity than those who had a negative view of the situation. It is reported that there are a number of health benefits linked with optimism, including a reduced risk of death from heart problems, less depression and a longer life. While researchers are not entirely clear on why positive thinking benefits human health, some suggest that positive people might lead a healthier life.

Before you put on those rose-colored glasses, it is important to note that positive thinking is not about taking a “Pollyanna (过分乐观的)” approach to life. In fact, researchers have found that sometimes optimism might not serve you well. For example, people who are blindly optimistic might overestimate (高估) their own abilities and take on more than they can handle, ultimately leading to more stress and anxiety. Bad things will happen. Sometimes you will be disappointed or hurt by the actions of others. This does not mean that the world is out to get you or that all people will let you down. Instead of ignoring reality in favor of the silver lining, psychologists suggest that we centre on taking a realistic view about our abilities, looking for a positive approach to challenges and trying to make the most of bad situations.

Positive thinking

General introduction

● There is 1. for the benefits of positive thinking.

● Positive thinking makes people live a healthy, relaxed and 2. life.


Positive thinkers deal with 3. better.

● In terrible situations, positive thinkers tend to try their best to solve problems.

● Rather than giving up hope, positive thinkers choose to make a plan of action and 4. to someone else.

Positive thinking improves people’s  immunity.

● Positive thinkers are less 5. to suffer from illnesses.

● Positive thinking helps reduce the risk of death from heart problems and depression as well as 6. one’s lifespan.

● Positive thinking’s effect on human health may lie in positive thinkers’ 7..

Final thoughts

● Positive thinking is not always beneficial and 8. optimism may finally make people feel more stressed and 9..

● When something bad happens, we should be 10. about our abilities and search for ways of improving that situation.




22. 难度:中等


1. 起源:由海泽尔(M. Heiser)于1917年发明。

2. 发展:(1) 1920年制定了手球竞赛规则;

(2) 1925年举行了首次国际手球赛;

(3) 男子手球与女子手球分别于1972年和1976年被列为奥运会比赛项目。

3. 队员情况:最初每队有11名运动员,1965年改为每队7人。

4. 比赛规则:队员用手传递球,投进对方球门。

注意: 1. 词数150左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。










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