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Nowadays we feel that we have become dep...

Nowadays we feel that we have become dependent on our computers, mobile phones and other media, and that we need these things to think and act creatively. But a recent study seems to indicate that the best thing we might be able to do for our creativity is leave all of these high-tech (高科技) toys at home and just take a walk in the woods.

In the study, David L. Strayer and his fellow researchers worked with 30 men and 26 women who were about to go on a four-day hike, during which they would be taken away from all of the creative toys mentioned above. Before the hike began, Strayer gave the participants (参与者) a standardized Remote Associates Test, which is often used to test creativity and creative problem-solving abilities. After the hike, they were given the test again. The result showed that there was a 50% improvement in the participants’ creative problem-solving abilities. As Strayer says, “This is a great effect.”

This study is the first to document systematic changes in higher-level cognitive (认知的) function connected with entering nature. The researchers suggest that the effect nature seems to have on improving creative thinking is due to the lack of distractions (分心的事) in the natural environment — there are no ringing phones, noisy computers, etc. Other studies have shown that the colour green — the colour of much of nature — is felt by the brain as relaxing, and that increased relaxation may be one of the factors that improve creativity.

None of this is exactly news. The benefits of nature for the mind have been known for centuries. The philosopher and author Henry David Thoreau spoke eloquently (富于表现力地) about the two years he spent in the countryside. The experience certainly seemed to develop his creativity — he went on to write almost 50 books. Given this recent study, it looks as if his advice in Walden to “simplify, simplify, simplify” is good — if you want to relax your mind and make it become more creative, take a walk in the woods, and leave your cellphone behind.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A. High-tech toys are useless for creativity.

B. There is much news about nature’s effect on human mind.

C. Participants were asked not to take their cellphones during the hike.

D. Strayer’s study is the first to deal with nature’s effect on creativity.

2.Which of the following can encourage creativity according to the study led by Strayer?

A. The colour green.

B. Feeling relaxed in nature.

C. The silence in the natural environment.

D. Learning more knowledge about nature.

3.Henry David Thoreau suggested that people ________.

A. live a simple life

B. throw away their high-tech toys

C. take a walk in the woods every day

D. live in the countryside rather than the city


1.C 2.C 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。现代人们越来越依赖于手机、网络或其它媒介来实现创造力,一项研究发现:为了激发创造力,大家应该摈弃高科技产品而漫步于树林之中。 1.推理判断题。根据第二段In the study, David L. Strayer and his fellow researchers worked with 30 men and 26 women who were about to go on a four-day hike, during which they would be taken away from all of the creative toys mentioned above..得知,实验要求在远足中,参加者不准带手机。故选C。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段This study is the first to document systematic changes in higher-level cognitive (认知的) function connected with entering nature. The researchers suggest that the effect nature seems to have on improving creative thinking is due to the lack of distractions (分心的事) in the natural environment得知,Strayer的研究表明走进寂静的大自然有助于激发创造力。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段Given this recent study, it looks as if his advice in Walden to “simplify, simplify, simplify” is good — if you want to relax your mind and make it become more creative, take a walk in the woods, and leave your cellphone behind.得知,Henry David Thoreau建议大家过简单的生活。故选A。

Unwind Your Mind

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1.What can we learn about Unwind Your Mind?

A. It teaches how to create artwork.

B. It was designed by famous artists.

C. It is made up of easy games.

D. It is sold mainly to adults.

2.Where does this passage probably come from?

A. A news report.    B. A book review.

C. A lesson plan.    D. An advertisement.



At what age should children be given the choice as to whether their parents should use their names and images on Facebook? I asked my 15-year-old daughter about her _______ on the way to school just as she took a really _______ photo of me driving. “You don’t want me to _______ it on Instagram (a photo-sharing app), right Mom? You can have _______ until I’m old enough to have my own account (账号), but I know you’re not putting anything out there which would _______ me.” I explained I didn’t use her real _______, but referred to her on social media as “Bean”. She rolled her eyes and informed me that her life was over and she could never _______ her friends again.

Although I love seeing my friends’ pictures of their _______ on Facebook, I know children become old enough to take control of their _______ as they become young adults. Given the right ________, they can manage their social media accounts properly. When this ________, I am sure my daughter will give me some guidelines — and I’ll respect them.

If my daughter asked me not to post a photo of her, I’d ________ her requirement whatever age she was. She goes on Facebook using my account. The most ________ thing she’d be exposed to (接触到) on my Facebook would be a hard-to-swallow news article, like the bodies of refugee (难民) children washing up on beaches. ________, we’d talk about it. I know my daughter ________ me to protect her from embarrassment and danger. I know I’m setting a(n) ________ of how to behave online and I take that role ________. My daughter and I ________. We talk about online safety and how to use blocks and parental control ________ to ensure her safety and enjoyment.

Bean cut out that horrible (可怕的) photo and didn’t post it ________ I asked her not to. We respect each other’s boundaries.

1.A. experiences    B. thoughts    C. scores    D. hobbies

2.A. terrible    B. useless    C. clear    D. amazing

3.A. spend    B. learn    C. spread    D. search

4.A. fortune    B. patience    C. fancy    D. control

5.A. embarrass    B. puzzle    C. prevent    D. shock

6.A. email    B. image    C. address    D. name

7.A. make    B. lose    C. face    D. respect

8.A. conditions    B. children    C. achievements    D. pets

9.A. desire    B. sharing    C. behaviour    D. money

10.A. guidance    B. information    C. answer    D. explanation

11.A. appears    B. counts    C. happens    D. changes

12.A. ignore    B. exchange    C. meet    D. reserve

13.A. unfair    B. impossible    C. common    D. inappropriate

14.A. However    B. In addition    C. Therefore    D. In turn

15.A. allow    B. inspire    C. warn    D. trust

16.A. goal    B. example    C. record    D. limit

17.A. softly    B. differently    C. shortly    D. seriously

18.A. continue    B. concentrate    C. compete    D. communicate

19.A. power    B. software    C. choice    D. affection

20.A. until    B. although    C. if    D. because



—You have done a good job in the English speech competition.

—Thanks, but I wasn’t as calm as I _____.

A. should do    B. should have done

C. should be    D. should have been



—Has Linda finished her homework?

—Sorry, I don’t know. I just saw that she _____ it yesterday afternoon.

A. has been doing    B. had done

C. was doing    D. has done



You have to go to bed before ten o’clock. This rule _____ all the students living in the school, without exception.

A. applies to    B. appeals to

C. hands on to    D. gets down to



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