满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

At what age should children be given the...

At what age should children be given the choice as to whether their parents should use their names and images on Facebook? I asked my 15-year-old daughter about her _______ on the way to school just as she took a really _______ photo of me driving. “You don’t want me to _______ it on Instagram (a photo-sharing app), right Mom? You can have _______ until I’m old enough to have my own account (账号), but I know you’re not putting anything out there which would _______ me.” I explained I didn’t use her real _______, but referred to her on social media as “Bean”. She rolled her eyes and informed me that her life was over and she could never _______ her friends again.

Although I love seeing my friends’ pictures of their _______ on Facebook, I know children become old enough to take control of their _______ as they become young adults. Given the right ________, they can manage their social media accounts properly. When this ________, I am sure my daughter will give me some guidelines — and I’ll respect them.

If my daughter asked me not to post a photo of her, I’d ________ her requirement whatever age she was. She goes on Facebook using my account. The most ________ thing she’d be exposed to (接触到) on my Facebook would be a hard-to-swallow news article, like the bodies of refugee (难民) children washing up on beaches. ________, we’d talk about it. I know my daughter ________ me to protect her from embarrassment and danger. I know I’m setting a(n) ________ of how to behave online and I take that role ________. My daughter and I ________. We talk about online safety and how to use blocks and parental control ________ to ensure her safety and enjoyment.

Bean cut out that horrible (可怕的) photo and didn’t post it ________ I asked her not to. We respect each other’s boundaries.

1.A. experiences    B. thoughts    C. scores    D. hobbies

2.A. terrible    B. useless    C. clear    D. amazing

3.A. spend    B. learn    C. spread    D. search

4.A. fortune    B. patience    C. fancy    D. control

5.A. embarrass    B. puzzle    C. prevent    D. shock

6.A. email    B. image    C. address    D. name

7.A. make    B. lose    C. face    D. respect

8.A. conditions    B. children    C. achievements    D. pets

9.A. desire    B. sharing    C. behaviour    D. money

10.A. guidance    B. information    C. answer    D. explanation

11.A. appears    B. counts    C. happens    D. changes

12.A. ignore    B. exchange    C. meet    D. reserve

13.A. unfair    B. impossible    C. common    D. inappropriate

14.A. However    B. In addition    C. Therefore    D. In turn

15.A. allow    B. inspire    C. warn    D. trust

16.A. goal    B. example    C. record    D. limit

17.A. softly    B. differently    C. shortly    D. seriously

18.A. continue    B. concentrate    C. compete    D. communicate

19.A. power    B. software    C. choice    D. affection

20.A. until    B. although    C. if    D. because


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。本文作者就作为父母是否应该在脸书上使用孩子的名字和图片展开叙述,为了孩子享受到网上冲浪带来的快乐同时注意网络安全,作为母亲要给孩子树立榜样,进行引导、沟通交流。 1.考查名词。A. experiences经历;B. thoughts想法;C. scores分数;D. hobbies爱好。根据前面的提问:什么年龄家长可以在脸谱上使用孩子的名字或头像,推知我询问孩子的想法。故选B。 2.考查形容词。A. terrible可怕的,难看的;B. useless无用的;C. clear清楚的;D. amazing很棒的。根据下文的Bean cut out that horrible (可怕的) photo以及on the way to school just as she took a really ___2___ photo of me driving得知,在送孩子上学的路上,孩子照了我一张开车的难看的照片。故选A。 3.考查动词。A. spend花费;B. learn学习;C. spread扩展;D. search研究。孩子问妈妈是不是不想把这张照片放到Instagram上扩散。故选C。 4.考查名词。A. fortune财富;B. patience耐心;C. fancy幻想;D. control控制。孩子说家长可以一直控制自己直到自己长大开自己的社交账户。故选D。 5.考查动词。A. embarrass尴尬;B. puzzle困惑;C. prevent阻止;D. shock惊讶。孩子对妈妈说,她知道妈妈不会使用让孩子感到尴尬的图片。故选A。 6.考查名词。A. email邮件;B. image形象;C. address地址;D. name名字。whether their parents should use their names and images on Facebook(我给孩子解释我在FB上没有用她的真实名字和照片)。故选D。 7.考查动词。A. make制作;B. lose失去;C. face面对;D. respect尊重。She rolled her eyes and informed me that her life was over得知,作者的孩子认为妈妈在网上给自己起名豆豆让她感到丢人,无法面对自己朋友。故选C。 8.考查名词。A. conditions条件;B. children孩子;C. achievements成就;D. pets宠物。I know children become old enough to take control of their ___9___ as they become young adults得知,我愿意看到朋友孩子的照片。故选B。 9.考查名词。A. desire渴望;B. sharing分享;C. behaviour行为;D. money金钱。根据You don’t want me to ___3___ it on Instagram (a photo-sharing app)得知,孩子们长大成人后,可以自己决定分享自己的照片。故选B。 10.考查名词。A. guidance指导,引导;B. information信息;C. answer回答;D. explanation解释。根据they can manage their social media accounts properly以及 my daughter will give me some guidelines得知,给予孩子合适的指导,孩子们就能自己管理好媒体账户。故选A。 11.考查动词。A. appears出现;B. counts重要;C. happens发生;D. changes改变。但这些发生时,作者肯定女儿会给自己一些指导,而且我会尊重他们。故选C。 12.考查动词。A. ignore忽略;B. exchange交换;C. meet遇见,满足;D. reserve保留。根据If my daughter asked me not to post a photo of her, I’d ___12___ her requirement whatever age she was.得知,作者会满足女儿要求不上传她的照片的要求。故选C。 13.考查形容词。A. unfair不公平的;B. impossible不可能的;C. common普通的;D. inappropriate 不合适的。根据举例like the bodies of refugee (难民) children washing up on beaches.得知,这些网上信息不适合孩子看。故选D。 14.考查关系词。A. However然而;B. In addition另外;C. Therefore因此;D. In turn轮流。但是我们会讨论到这些话题。故选A。 15.考查动词。A. allow允许;B. inspire激励;C. warn警告;D. trust信任。我知道女儿相信我会保护她远离尴尬和危险。故选D。 16.考查名词。A. goal目标;B. example例子;C. record记录;D. limit限制。根据how to behave online以及I take that role得知,作者给孩子树立榜样,如何正确地利用网络。故选B。 17.考查副词。A. softly轻柔地;B. differently不同地;C. shortly马上;D. seriously认真地。我作为母亲对引导这一角色非常认真。take…seriously认真对待。故选D。 18.考查动词。A. continue继续;B. concentrate关注;C. compete竞争;D. communicate沟通。根据We talk about online safety and how to use blocks and parental control得知,我和女儿沟通讨论。故选D。 19.考查名词。A. power权利;B. software软件;C. choice选择;D. affection喜爱。how to use blocks and parental control为了确保孩子的安全也享受到快乐,作者会设定一些防护和家长监控软件。故选B。 20.考查关系词。A. until直到;B. although尽管;C. if如果;D. because因为。根据Bean cut out that horrible (可怕的) photo and didn’t post it得知,因为作者要求孩子删掉那张可怕的照片,所有孩子没有传到网上。故选D。

—You have done a good job in the English speech competition.

—Thanks, but I wasn’t as calm as I _____.

A. should do    B. should have done

C. should be    D. should have been



—Has Linda finished her homework?

—Sorry, I don’t know. I just saw that she _____ it yesterday afternoon.

A. has been doing    B. had done

C. was doing    D. has done



You have to go to bed before ten o’clock. This rule _____ all the students living in the school, without exception.

A. applies to    B. appeals to

C. hands on to    D. gets down to



—I think I’m too young to be a good manager.

—_____ you can be mainly depends on your ability, not your age.

A. Whether    B. That

C. When    D. How



A(n) _____ visitor to the house is unwelcome, because the host doesn’t like to be disturbed.

A. expected    B. frequent

C. precious    D. official



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