Don't worry about us. We have enough time to look after ________.

A.themselves B.myself C.yourself D.ourselves


How will you ask your pen pal for help?

________ sending him an e-mail.

A.By B.In C.With D.Under







1、表达清楚,语法正确, 包括所有相关信息,可作适当发挥;



提示词语:self-discipline  n. 自律  self-disciplined  adj. 自律的


Self-discipline is very important for everyone._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Most people around the world are right-handed. This also seems to be true in history. In 1799, scientists studied works of art made at different times. Most of the people shown in these works were right-handed, so the scientists guessed that right-handedness had always been common through history. Today, only about 10% to 15% of the world's population are left-handed.

Why are there more right-handed people than left-handed ones? Scientists now know that a person's two hands each have their own jobs. This is because of the different work of the two sides of the brain. The right side of the brain, which makes a person's hands and eyes work together, controls the left hand. The left-side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is the centre for thinking and doing problems. These findings show that more artists should be left-handed, and studies have found that left-handedness is twice as common among artists as among people in other jobs.

No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed instead of left-handed. Scientists have found that almost 40% of the people become left-handed because their main brain is damaged when they are born. However, this doesn't happen to everyone, so scientists guess there must be another reason why people become left-handed. One idea is that people usually get right-handed from their parents. ①If a person does not receive the gene (基因) for right-handedness, he / she may become either right-handed or left-handed according to the chance and the people they work or live with.

Though right-handedness is more common than left-handedness, people no longer think left-handed people are strange or unusual. A long time ago, left-handed children were made to use their right hands like other children, but today ②they don't have to.






3.找出处划线单词they 所指代的内容。


4.根据文章内容回答问题。Why is the left-handedness more common among artists?



    A strange thing happens to nearly everybody. At night, people turn off the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. Six or seven sleeping hours later, they wake up again. Strange, isn't it?

Sleep ①puzzles science. Scientists and doctors would rather talk about why one can't fall asleep. They are not sure what causes sleep. The best conditions for sleep are good health and meal neither too big nor too small. No worries and a comfortable place are important, too.

Strange things happen during sleep. For example, you move often. You would feel tired if you didn't. You also dream. Part of your brain is still awake when you sleep. Dreaming happens when the memory and imagination in parts of your brain are still awake. Experiments have shown most of us dream in color. Bad dreams may be caused by stomachache. Don't worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were begun while their writers slept.


A.困惑 B.谜语 C.解释


good health  ___________  ___________  a comfortable place

3.回答问题。Why do people dream while they are sleeping?


4.从文章中找出与Stomachache may cause bad dreams.意思相同或相近的句子。





    For 72 years, Lisa Gumpel kept a secret. "For a long time, I decided not to tell anyone about it," said Gumpel, 85 years old, who finally settled (定居) in Minnesota 1. the war and now lives in the Twin Cities.

She told people that she and her two sisters were among the 669 Jewish children 2.(save) by a kind man to run away from the Nazi concentration Camp 3.1939. Their rescuer(营救者)was a British businessman named Nicholas Winton, who also kept the story to 4.(he) until his wife found a list of the 5.(children) names.

Gumpel was very surprised in 1988 when the truth about Winton's one-man rescue operation finally came out. "6.(someone) knew that he actually did all by himself," she said. "He 7.(work) so hard to save lives."

Winton still doesn't think he's a hero, saying that his life was never 8. danger and that he was doing what he feels every person should do.

A party was held for him and the people he had saved. Gumpel was 9.(excite) when she finally met him. "He still treats us all like we're his kids," she said with a 10.(warm) smile on the face.


    From Monday to Friday people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and ______ they are free and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others ______sports. This is decided by their own.

There are many different ways to spend times. It may be something from collecting stamps ______ making model planes. Some hobbies are very ______, but others don't cost anything at all. Some collections are worth ______ of money, others are valuable only to their owners.

I know a man who has a coin collection worth several ______ dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which ______ him $250! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. On ______ hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 kinds of them, but I wonder ______ they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are quite valuable. Nothing makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection. That's what a hobby means, I think. It is something we ______ to do in our free time just for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.

1.A.weekends B.mornings C.days

2.A.did C.doing B.and

4.A.exciting B.expensive C.interesting

5.A.a few B.a little C.a lot

6.A.thousands B.thousand C.thousands of

7.A.cost B.spent C.paid

8.A.other B.another C.the other

9.A.if B.what

10.A.need B.have


    It was a quiet village in which there was a camp. It was far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains around. Of course it was a good place for training the new soldiers. 1.. Mr. White, an officer of forty, was strict with them and he hardly let them leave the camp.

Once Mr. White was ill in bed. He couldn't work and a young officer, Mr. Hunt began to train the new soldiers instead of him.2.And let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday. But night fell and none came back to the camp. He was worried about it and stood at the gate. It was five to twelve when Mr. Hunt decided to go to the town and see what was happening with the young men.3.. At that moment the nine soldiers came back. It seemed they were all drunk. Of course they found the officer was angry.

"I'm sorry, sir." said the first soldier." I left the town on time.4.. I had to buy a horse and made it run fast. Bad luck! It died and I had to run back."

And the other seven soldiers said they were late for the same reasons. It was the last soldier's turn. He said, "I'm sorry sir, I got on a bus on time, but..."

Having heard this, the officer became even angrier and stopped him at once. He called out, "If you say something was wrong with your bus, I'll punish you at once!"

"No, no, Sir." said the young man." My bus was all right.5.."

A.He knew the young men well.

B.But something was wrong with my bus on my way here.

C.He was very strict, too.

D.But the dead horses were in the way.

E.He started the car quickly and set off.

F.But it was difficult for the young men to go outside.


    Louis Armstrong had two famous nicknames (绰号). Some people called him Bagamo. They said his mouth looked like a large bag. Musicians often called him Pops, as a sign of respect for his influence on the world of music.

Although born in 1901 in New Orleans, poor, he lived among great musicians. Jazz was invented in the city a few years before his birth. Armstrong often said, "Jazz and I grew up together."

Armstrong showed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the comet (短号) at a boys' home. In his late teens, Armstrong began to live the life of a musician. He played in parades, clubs, and on the steamboats that traveled on the Mississippi River. At that time, New Orleans was famous for the new music of jazz and was home to many great musicians. Armstrong learned from the older musicians and soon became as famous as them.

In 1922 he went to Chicago. There, the tale (传说) of Louis Armstrong begins. From then until the end of his life, Armstrong was celebrated and loved wherever he went.

His comet playing had deep humanity (仁爱) and warmth that caused many listeners to say, "Listening to Pops just makes you feel good all over." He was the father of the jazz style and also one of the best-known and most admired people in the world. His death, on July 6, 1971, was headline news around the world.

1.Armstrong was called Pops because ________.

A.his mouth looked like a big bag. B.people wanted to show their respect to him.

C.his family name is Pops. D.he lived in New Orleans.

2.The underlined word "parades" may be the name of ________.

A.a man animal C.a place

3.People liked Armstrong's music because________.

A.there was humanity and warmth in it. B.they liked Jazz.

C.Armstrong played the comet D.Armstrong was a great musician.

4.Which statement is true?

A.Armstrong was born in Chicago. B.Armstrong left for Chicago at the age of 20.

C.Armstrong lived to 70 years. D.Armstrong was the father of comet.

5.The passage is ________.

A.a letter B.a story C.a report D.a biography(人物传记)


    When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.

People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Everything else seems unclear. Many people who do a lot of work such as writing, reading and sewing become near- sighted.

However, people who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm's length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatisms (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people's eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

1.________ eye problem(problems)is(are)mentioned in the passage.

A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four

2.If you have the problem of astigmatisms, your eyes ________.

A.can only see close things B.can only see things far away

C.aren't exactly the right shape D.have cataracts

3.Long ago, some people became blind because ________.

A.they were near-sighted B.they were far-sighted

C.They had astigmatisms D.they had cataracts

4.Perhaps ________ can become near-sighted more easily.

A.the writers B.the farmers C.the workers D.the policemen

5.Glasses are useful for those who ________.

① are near-sighted  ② are far-sighted  ③ have astigmatisms  ④ have cataracts

A.①②④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③④


    Even if you are a good high jumper, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground. You cannot jump any higher because the earth pulls you hard. The pull of the earth is called gravity. You can easily find out the pull of the earth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.

Since there is gravity, water runs down hill. When you throw a ball into the air, it falls back down. Because of gravity, you do not fall off the earth as it whirls (旋转) around.

Then, can we get away from the earth and go far out into space? Now you can do it, because spaceships have been invented. Then spaceship will go so fast that it can escape the earth's gravity and carry you into space.

1.If you are a good high jumper, you can jump far higher than seven feet high.

2.You can know how much gravity is pulling you by weighing yourself.

3.Because of gravity, the water runs up hill and the balls back if you throw it into the air.

4.We can escape the earth's gravity by spaceship because it can travel very fast.

5.The Chinese meaning of "gravity" is "重力".


    今年年初, 新型冠状病毒肺炎肆虐, 全民同心, 共同抗"疫", 充分体现了做一合格公民至关重要。为此, 学校特举办主题为"助力社会发展 争做合格公民 (qualified citzen)"的主题班会。请根据表格内容提示及要求写一篇80~100词的英语发言稿, 谈谈你对于合格公民的看法。

Being a qualified citizen

Why should we be a qualified citizen?

our duty

What should we do?

for environment

①protect the trees and flowers;

②divide rubbish;


for wild animals

①be friendly to wild animals;

②no killing;


for ourselves


①love our country;

②care for others;




1、描述做好合格公民的措施, 并分别补充一条措施。

2、语言通顺, 要点齐全, 意思连贯, 条理清楚, 书写规范;


4、文章题目及开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

Being a qualified citizen

We all live in a big society and we are all part of it. We are not only students but also _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hope my suggestions will be helpful. Thanks for reading my letter!

Yours sincerely,

Wang Tao


    The biggest secret about inventing is that anybody can do it! Perhaps this sounds crazy, but it's true. Maybe you have the wrong idea about inventing, so read on to discover the truth.

Wrong idea No. 1: An invention has to be something completely new.

Inventing means creating something "new", but the idea could come from something that already exists(存在). The Wright Brothers, for example, got the idea for building a "flying machine" from watching birds.

Wrong idea No. 2: Inventors are born, not made.

There are a lot of factors(因素)that make invention possible. Take Mozart for an example. He was born with a (3)talent for musical composition. But other factors were also important for his creativity. His father was a music teacher, and Mozart practiced for hours every day, from the time he was four years old. Thomas Edison said that being an inventor was "99% hard work and 1% inspiration"!

Very successful creators don't give up when they get something wrong. As one inventor said, "A failure was the right answer to the wrong question."

Wrong idea No. 3: Inventors are always old people.

Don't believe that you can't invent something when you are young. Here are two examples of young inventorsLouis Braille went blind when he was a child. When he was fifteen, he invented a system of reading and writing for blind people that is still used in most countries today.

As a young man, George Nissen was watching some artists performing in a show. He watched how they fell into the safety net and then jumped back up again. This gave him an idea, and he invented the trampoline(蹦床).

1.How many wrong ideas about inventing are mentioned(提及)in the passage?


2.Who got the idea for building a "flying machine" from watching birds?


3.What does the underlined word "talent" mean in Chinese?


4.What did Louis Braille invent?


5.Give a best title to the passage.



    Internet is fun. And it's fine to chat. But you must be careful. Read our advice so you can be safe on the net!

Use a nickname in chartrooms. 1.. Don't give personal information about where you live, where you go to school, etc., as someone can use this to identify you. And don't give your phone number.

Use different passwords. And keep your passwords secret: this protects you from identity theft (偷盗). 2..

3.. When a person bullies (恐吓) you, don't respond—that is what they want you to do. Always tell a parent, trusted adult or a teacher. They can report the bully to the Internet Service Provider.4..

Many teenagers want to meet new online friends. This can be very dangerous. It's very easy to create false (假的) identities online. NEVER arrange a meeting on your own.5.. Arrange the meeting in a public place during the day and take a friend or your mom or dad.

A.Chat in public areas, not the private areas.

B.Make notes of names, times and contact details.

C.Don't tell your friends your passwords.

D.Don't give your name, home address, email address or phone number in social areas.

E.Online bullying is a big problem.

F.Don't agree to meet someone secretly.


The Notting Hill is only a small area in west London, but the Notting Hill Carnival (诺丁山狂欢节) attracts millions of people from all over the world to have fun. The carnival is at the end of August each year, and the main days are Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday.

The festival started as a local West Indian event, but from a small procession (游行) through the streets of Notting Hill, it's a huge multi-cultural arts festival now. In fact, it is the largest street carnival (嘉年华会; 狂欢节) in Europe. Only the Rio Carnival in Brazil is bigger.

At the heart of the festival is a spectacular (壮观的) parade (游行). The carnival route (路线) is three miles long and hundreds of groups move along it. There's music, decorated floats, elaborated costumes and dancing. There are also live stages where artists from all over the world perform, but there is a lot more to the festival than just music. There are 300 food stalls selling international food so you can't get hungry. There's theatre, arts and crafts, too.

You can sing and dance or you can just watch. But there's no need to be quiet.

You can buy whistles and blow them to make lots of noise! The Notting Hill Carnival welcomes visitors and tourists.

1.How often does the carnival take place?

A.Every August B.Every two years. C.Every month. D.Every three years.

2.What is the origin (起源) of the carnival?

A.It was from a small music festival. B.It was from a small Brazilian festival.

C.It was from a small West Indian event. D.It was from a small national holiday.

3.The underlined word "whistles" in the last paragraph means.

A.面具 B.水枪 C.口哨 D.荧光棒

4.What can you see in the carnival?

a small procession

300 food stalls

decorated floats

music and dancing

A.①②③ B.①②③④ C.①③④ D.②③④

5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.The festival attracts many people all over the world.

B.The Carnival is on Saturday and Sunday.

C.People may enjoy Chinese food during the festival.

D.You can use whistles to make noise.


The Chinese version of TikTok, called Douyin(抖音), has amassed(积累) 400 million daily active users, parent company ByteDance revealed in its annual report this week. This is an impressive growth for the addictive(上瘾的) video app, which had 250 million daily active users in January last year.

The report, which describes the user behavior and trends, illustrates(表明) the cultural difference between China and the U.S., said Katherine Wu, an investor at New York-based firm Notation Capital. "Things that trend in these two countries are quite different. For example: knowledge-based content is extremely popular in China, and less so in the U.S. Also, this was wild to me: those creators that did the most dance videos in China are users born in the 60s (!!), whereas in the US, it seems that it's mostly teenagers who are creating the dances," she wrote.

ByteDance claimed (宣称) that Douyin has established itself as the largest knowledge, culture and art platform in China. (Douyin is only available in mainland China.) Indeed, 14.89 million "knowledge-based content videos" were shared on the app last year, it claimed.

1.According to the annual report, how many active users can Douyin amass in one day?

A.14.89 million B.250 million C.400 million D.150 million

2.Knowledge-based content in the US is ________.

A.extremely popular B.more popular than that in China

C.less popular than that in China popular as that in China

3.According to paragraph 2, who would probably do the most dance videos on Douyin?

A.A Chinese woman who was born in the 60s.

B.An American woman who was born in the 60s.

C.A Chinese teenager who was born in the 90s.

D.An American teenager who was born in the 90s.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The Chinese version of TikTok is called ByteDance.

B.This app has become a knowledge, culture and art platform in China.

C.Teenagers in the U.S. are not active users on TikTok.

D.Douyin is available all over China.

5.What's the best title of this passage?

A.An annual report of Douyin. B.The Difference of Douyin in China and the U.S.

C.A Great App for people of 60s. D.An Addictive App—Douyin.


    Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced(跳跃) happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often." After he came back, he told his experience to others.

In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, also heard the place. He wanted to see if the place was really a magic one, so he decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled(咆哮) at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."

All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kinds of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?

1.What did the first dog do when he came to the House of 1000 Mirrors?

A.He slowly climbed the stairs. B.He smiled and wagged his tail happily.

C.He growled in the house. D.He saw many animals including 1000 dogs.

2.Why did the second dog want to visit the house?

A.Because he thought it was a good place.

B.Because he wanted to see the 1000 dogs.

C.Because he wondered if the place was a magic one.

D.Because the first dog told him his experience.

3.How did the second dog feel when he left the house?

A.Worried. B.Excited. C.Horrified. D.Happy.

4.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.The two dogs were in the same village.

B.The second dog would go to the house again.

C.The two dogs felt different after they visited the house.

D.If a happy girl visits the house, she will see 1000 happy girls in the mirror.

5.What does the story want to tell us?

A.The second dog would be happy one day.

B.We should smile when we see the mirrors.

C.The house is a magic place and people should visit it.

D.The reflections in the faces of the people you meet are also yours.


    Here is a menu for a fast food restaurant. The prices are in American money, called dollars and cents. There are 100 cents in a dollar.

Main meals









Coca cola



Hamburger with cheese



Orange juice



Chicken burger






Vegetable burger






Side dishes









Ice cream or chocolate






Apple pie (hot)



Chicken wings



Donuts or jam






1.How much does a small hamburger cost according to the menu?

A.One hundred and eighty dollars. B.Eighty cents.

C.One dollar and eighty cents. D.One hundred and eight cents.

2.What can you buy if you have only three dollars?

A.A large salad and a large ice cream. B.A large chicken burger and a small cup of tea.

C.An apple pie and a large hamburger with cheese. D.A large vegetable burger and small fries.

3.Jam is a kind of ________.

A.side dishes B.sweets C.drinks D.vegetables

4.Which is not sold in this restaurant?

A.Coffee. B.Fries. C.Pie. D.Wine.

5.A thirsty boy will probably ask for ________.

A.coca cola B.a chicken burger C.donuts D.salad







regret后悔, regretful 后悔的,  alive活着的, tears眼泪,brave勇敢的, grave坟墓, bury, avoid 避免



    Once there was a woman. She had a faithful(忠实的) dog. The dog was so faithful that she could leave her baby with the dog when she went out. And after she returned, she would always find her baby safe.

One day, the woman left the baby with the dog and went shopping. When she returned home, she found something unusual happened in her house. There were bloodstains(血迹) all over the bedroom. The woman then thought of her baby. She cried and started looking for him. Then she saw her faithful dog. It was licking() its mouth at that time. It looked like the dog just finished a delicious meal. The woman was angry and thought that it killed her baby. (A)________             thinking too much, she killed the dog.

But when she went on looking for her child, she saw something else. Close to the bed, there was her baby and she found her baby sleeping peacefully there. And under the bed, there was a dead jackal(豺狼). The woman now understood what happened. The dog tried to protect her baby from the jackal, but just now she killed the dog.

1.What made the woman think the dog killed her baby?(根据文章内容回答问题)


2.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (请将文中划线句子翻译成汉语)


3.Fill in the blank with a proper word . ((A)处填入一个恰当的介词,使句意完整)


4.What did the woman realize when she saw her sleeping baby and the dead jackal?(根据文章内容回答问题)


5.Please give the best title for the passage. (给文章拟一个恰当的标题)



在任何地方,他都再也找不到他的文件了。(no longer



为了保护环境, 我们最好骑自行车去上班而不是开车。(instead of



他仍然是勇气和成功的象征, 并且我们继续以他为骄傲。(be proud






Drawing might help you think

When you're sitting in class, have you ever drawn pictures in the margins of your notebooks? If so, your teacher might have told you1.(stop). Many people think of doodling(涂)as a distraction(精神涣散)from more important things. But it might be just the opposite.

One study shows that doodling may help you remember things you hear. In 2009, researchers asked two groups of people to listen to a phone message. One group2. (encourage) to doodle, but the other was not. Neither group knew that it would be asked to remember information from the message. But the group that doodled remembered 29 percent more.

Other people3.(suggest) other uses for drawing. Jesse Prinz, a professor who studies doodling, says it can help you think creatively. 4.(walk) away from a problem to draw might actually help you solve it. When you come back, you5.(have) a fresh perspective and figure out an answer more quickly.

Two years ago, an author named Sunni Brown6.(write) a book on doodling. She argues that doodling is a tool that can help people think. She admits that people see doodling as doing nothing, but she wants to change that. In fact, she runs a business that helps companies improve organization and planning doodling. Brown7.(believe) doodling is helpful because it incorporates(整合)many ways of learning. You learn in four ways: seeing, hearing, reading or writing, and through movement. The more ways you use, the8.(well) you learn. And when you doodle while you9.(listen) to a lecture, you use all four.

You might think that being good at10.(draw) is important for doodling. But if the point of doodling you think, then it doesn't matter what the picture looks like. Even if you're not an artist, doodling can help you. So next time you need help focusing, pick up a pen and doodle away!


    There are purple clothes, purple handbags, purple bicycles, purple furniture, and even purple computers! So purple is one of the most popular colors today. But in the past, purple was a very expensive and unusual color. Let's take a look at the rich_________of the color purple.

Some scientists believe that the first plants to appear on Earth over 500 million years ago_________looked purple, not green plants. Today are green because they use chlorophyll(叶绿素)to produce energy. _________these early plants probably used something called retinal, which is a dark purple color.

During the time of the Roman Empire(27 BC-476AD), it was very difficult to make purple dye (染料). The dye came from sea snails(海螺). But 10,000 dead sea snails _________you just one gram of purple dye... as well as a very bad smell! This_______purple dye was called Tyrian purple, and it was the preferred _________of emperors.

In 16th-century England, purple was_______for the king's family members. Queen Elizabeth I's clothes were purple, but ordinary people were not allowed to___________the clothes in this color.

In 1856, William Perkin, an 18-year-old science student noticed something strange while doing an experiment.

The chemicals(化学药品)he used to clean his instruments mixed with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a bright purple color. This_________led Perkin to start a company using this chemical mixture to make purple dye. The dye was much__________than sea-snail dye. Thanks to Perkin, now anyone can afford to wear purple clothes.

1.A.history C.research   D.product

2.A.hardly B.especially C.exactly D.probably

3.A.And B.So C.But D.Until B.passed C.wasted    D.cost

5.A.basic B.harmful C.special D.perfect

6.A.color B.smell C.plant D.animal

7.A.even B.never C.seldom D.only

8.A.wear B.sell C.change D.make

9.A.survey B.discovery C.suggestion D.exam

10.A.healthier B.thicker C.cheaper D.darker


    Have you ever tried to hide your emotions(情感)from someone during a conversation? 1..

Scientists from the Ohio State University have found that people are able to tell other people's emotions according to changes in the color of their faces.

Scientists studied pictures of people's facial expressions. 2.. For example, happiness makes our faces red around the cheeks and a little blue around the chin. Disgust(厌恶)creates not only a blue-yellow color around the lips, but also a red-green color around the nose and forehead.

"We believe these color patterns are the result of small changes in blood flow triggered(触发)by the central nervous(神经)system. "Lead researcher Alex Martinez said. 3.. Does the color alone or also facial expressions help people tell other's emotions?

To figure this out, scientists added color patterns to pictures of faces that showed no facial expressions. 4. They were able to tell the emotions 75 percent of the time without any difficulty.

This is why there are some Chinese sayings that connect emotions to the color of one's face. For example, when two people are heatedly arguing over something, we say they are red in the face. When a person is very angry, we'll say he or she is blue in the face.


A.Then, volunteers were asked to tell what emotions the faces were showing

B.They found that every facial expression is connected to a certain color

C.But this raises a question

D.It's not always easy, because the color on your face may tell the truth

E.It is shown that human emotions are influenced by colors on the face


A 12-year-old girl from Virginia, US, never thought that a simple message she put online could bring her big problems. She posted the words, “Killing. Meet me in the library Tuesday”, with three emojis(表情符号) of a gun, a knife and a bomb(炸弹) on Instagram, a social media(社交媒体). She was told that she broke the law because of threatening(威胁) her school.

This problem is not far away from us. Not long ago, Ni Hanxiang, a Chinese student at a university in the US, was sent back to China after expressing on social media that he would kill his teachers if he failed to pass his exams.

In China, posting threatening words online is also against the law. In 2013, Wu Hongfei, a singer, got into trouble for saying on weibo that she wanted to blow up a building.

“Threatening happens not only face to face but also through the Internet, social media and the telephone,” said Mr. Cao, a lawyer from Chongqing. “Although the law of China protects people’s right of free speech, it doesn’t include words that threaten others’ lives and national safety.”

“Some people may not mean to threaten. They may just be trying to say “I’m strong”, said Fred Pratt, a lawyer from the US.

The girl’s mother said her daughter was a good kid who had never been in trouble before. Ni Hanxiang also said he didn’t realize that what he put online was so serious.

“But not knowing the law doesn’t mean the law will treat you any differently if you break it,” says David Allen Green, a lawyer from the UK. So, do you think we’d better spend a minute or two thinking about the words or emojis we use on social media before we press “send”?

1.The 12-year-old girl from Virginia put the words “Killing. Meet me in the library Tuesday”, with three emojis ________. her own diary a letter to her friend

C.on a social media D.on the wall of the library

2.Ni Hanxiang was sent back to China ________.

A.because he broke the US law B.because he wasn’t honest

C.after he killed his teachers D.after he blew up a building

3.From this passage, we can infer(推断) that ________.

A.Fred Pratt thinks some people may not mean to threaten

B.the girl’s mother didn’t think her daughter was a bad child

C.Cheating in an examination at school may get you into trouble

D.Putting threatening words on QQ may bring you problems

4.This passage mainly wants to tell us that _______.

A.we shouldn’t break the US law if we study at a university in the US

B.students and singers shouldn’t post words or emojis on social media

C.students should study hard at school and not use the Internet too much

D.we should be careful when we send words or emojis on social media


    The spring season brings warm weather, flowers and other changes for people to enjoy. For some restaurant cooks, the most exciting spring arrival is ramps.

Ramps are a wild plant in the eastern mountains of North America. They are one of the first plants that grow in the spring. Usually between April and May. They are recognized (识别) by their red stem (), and two long and wide green leaves. They are also famous for their strong taste, similar to onions(洋葱).

Ramps are not as well-known as other vegetables, but they have a long history in the United States. In the Appalachian Mountains, ramps have been an important food for a long time. During spring it is common for small towns in the Appalachian area to hold large ramp dinners for the community.

However, over the last 30 years, ramps popularity has grown quickly. They are now a highly-desired vegetable for many nice restaurants in cities like New York and Washington D. C.

One reason the plant is popular is that it grows in the wild. It is difficult to grow them on farms. Most restaurants get them from foragers, who collect ramps by searching forests for some small pieces of land where they grow. Ramps have a short season. Within a few weeks of full growth, the plant is done for the year. This short life is some reason for their popularity.

And that popularity could lead to their disappearance from Earth. In 1995, the local government in Quebec, Canada stopped people selling the plant to businesses in order to protect the plant against being over-dug.

The season is short, but it has not ended yet. If you are in the right place, You still have time to try a taste of ramps yourself.

1.Why are ramps so popular in North America?

A.Because they grow in spring. B.Because they are hard to get.

C.Because they have a good taste. D.Because they have a long history.

2.Which of the following is the picture of a ramp?

A. B. C. D.

3.What does the word "they" refer to(指的是) ?

A.foragers. B.restaurants. C.customers. D.ramps.

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Ramps were once popular in North America.

B.Americans have discovered a new vegetable.

C.Americans go crazy for ramps in spring.

D.Ramps will soon be enjoyed all over the world.


    In students' daily talks, celebrities(名人)are usually a hot topic, including their dress, behavior, families and other personal things. Then, is it a celebrity's job to be a good role model? Please read the following students' debate:

Is it a celebrity's job to be a good role model?


It's a celebrity's job to be a good role model because people usually look up to stars. If a celebrity drinks and smokes, his fans will follow him because they look up to the celebrity so much. If a celebrity's lifestyle is inappropriate for kids, then their parents should be more careful about what they let their kids see.

I think everyone should try to be a good role model, even if you are not a celebrity! You can still be a role model to your sisters and brothers, a younger neighbor, or anyone. But I think celebrities should be very good, because they are role models for so many people!




A celebrity doesn't have to try to be a good role model. They are famous because they worked hard at what they love for a living. They should, however, try to make good choices for themselves, not their fans. Lots of stars have to post apology(道歉)letters after being caught doing bad things. It's good, but if the only reason they do is to win back their fans, it's not good.  

Although it is a wonderful thing to be a good role model, that's not what the celebrities must do. They are famous because they love what they do and are good at it. Being a role model is never in the job. If the celebrity knows they are affecting the young people, they should try hard to set a good example.




1.Which of the following reasons is NOT from the pros?

A.People look up to the celebrities.

B.Everyone should try to be a good role model.

C.Celebrities should be very good.

D.Celebrities get much love and support from fans.

2.What does the underlined word "inappropriate" mean?

A.难以言说的 B.非同寻常的 C.不适当的 D.不合情理的

3.What conclusion(结论) can we draw from their opinions?

A.Whether a celebrity is a role model or not, he should care about his behavior .

B.Even though a celebrity makes mistakes, young people should follow him.

C.When you become a celebrity, you have been a good role model, too.

D.Family members should encourage kids to be fans.


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