We're keeping you here for your own _________ (safe).


    Dark clouds appear over the River Mersey and a cold wind is blowing. A few raindrops are beginning to fall. We’re in the famous city of Liverpool and we’re going to spend this rainy day in the Williamson Tunnels, which were built by a man named Joseph Williamson.

Joseph Williamson was born into a poor family in 1769. At the age of 11, he left home and went to work for a tobacco company. He began at the bottom and worked his way up to become head of the business.   

Williamson spent 30 years building these tunnels. From his death to this very day, these tunnels have remained a puzzle to researchers. Nobody knows why Williamson dug tunnels under most of Liverpool, but many think it was to create jobs. It is believed that about half of Liverpool’s population worked for him.   

I go on a guided tour starting close to where his empire (集团) began in Edge Hill. In the tunnels, the steps leading from rooms below ground to those buildings, which no longer exist, seem particularly ghostly (幽灵似的).

We go into the Double Tunnel. It’s just been discovered that it’s actually a triple tunnel – but nobody knows why the three tunnels were built on top of each other.

We finish the tour and decide we’ll have coffee in the Williamson Tunnels Cafe Bar. There, I notice lots of flyers (宣传单) for bands and theater groups that are coming to play there.   

Apart from the obvious attractions like the football clubs, or anything to do with the Beatles, Liverpool has a lot to offer. You should definitely visit Liverpool.

1.How was the weather in Liverpool when the writer arrived there?


2.Who was Joseph Williamson?


3.According to some people, why did Williamson dig tunnels under Liverpool?


4.What are Paragraphs 4 and 5 mainly about?      


5.What’s the purpose of writing this passage?           



    1 Ring, ring, ring, the alarm bell sounds. It’s school time again! After a long, relaxing and comfortable winter holiday, are you ready for the new semester? Whether you feel excited to see your classmates or maybe a little nervous about the coming schoolwork, heading back to school is a time of transition (过渡). How can we adjust to (适应) the new semester? Here are some ways to make the transition from holiday to school a little easier.

2 It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous on the first day of school. Getting back to the school routine (常规) and adjusting to new workloads  (工作量) takes some time after a long winter break. So how can we deal with being nervous? Just think about your first day in previous (以前的) years. Everything will go well once you get into the routine. Just relax and be patient.

3 If you went to bed and got up late during the holiday, you will have to change your body clock back to normal. Go to bed earlier the week before classes start. This way, you won’t be tired after the first few days of school. Also, having some warm-ups before school time is helpful. Doing exercise or making plans for the following week are some other good ideas.

4 It makes you feel organized (有条理的) if you are prepared and have all the supplies you need. It is better to pack your schoolbag the night before school starts.

5 What about wearing something you like? Maybe you got a new schoolbag during the holiday, or new sneakers (橡皮底帆布鞋) that can put a spring in your step. If you wear a school uniform, you can wear your favorite watch or a new hair band to show your personal style.

A. Start your school-year schedule

B. Back to school fashion

C. Deal with your nerves

D. Prepare your school supplies

E. Say goodbye to last year and adjust to the new semester.







    Thousands of years ago, Shennong, who had an ox (公牛) head and a human body, lived in south China. Seeing that local people were suffering from disease, he built ladders and houses on a high mountain to store hundreds of medicinal plants. 1.This legend (传说) has made Shennongjia in Hubei an inviting place for tourists.

You can see natural scenery from all four seasons at different altitudes. “When the bottom of the mountain is summer, the top is spring and while the foothill is autumn, the top is covered with ice,” local people say of the special climate (气候) of Shennongjia.

Shennongjia is also home to 5,000 species of animals and plants. 2. For example, the golden monkey, the clouded leopard (云豹) and the Asian black bear live in this area.

One interesting and mysterious thing about Shennongjia is its “Bigfoot” legends. Some people have claimed that they have seen huge footprints or large man-like beasts. 3. Some say they are just bears.

4. On July 17, 2016, the Shennongjia Forestry District was added to the United Nations World Heritage list as a natural site. It was China’s 50th world heritage sites   (遗址).

A.But scientists haven’t proven that they exist.

B.To remember him, people named the place Shennongjia.

C.This beautiful place recently earned a new title.

D.Many rare animals live there.

E.Traveling there is a special experience.


    Why do many Chinese people refuse to cut their hair during the first month of the lunar year?

This is because people believe that getting a haircut during the first lunar month is not a good idea. Tradition says that doing so will cause your mother's brothers to die. Although it's not true, some people still believe it.

So, after a month's wait, people usually flock to cut their hair on Dragon Head-Raising Day —the second day of the second lunar month. It was once tradition to line up outside of barber shops on this day.

Dragon Head-Raising Day falls on Feb 24 this year. It is an important traditional Chinese holiday. Ancient people believed that after this day, rainfall would increase because the rain-bringing Dragon King would wake up from his winter sleep. So that day is the start of spring and farming.

A well-known phrase (俗语) goes, “On the second day of the second month, the dragon lifts his head.” Besides cutting their hair, there are also other ways to celebrate this holiday. For example, people eat food with “dragon names". People call noodles dragon's beard . Dumplings are dragon's ears and spring rolls (春卷) are dragon's scales (龙鳞).

1.In ancient times, people believed cutting their hair during the first lunar month ____.

A.would make the Dragon King angry

B.would cause their mothers' brothers to die

C.would bring them bad luck

D.would cost them more than usual

2.The underlined word "flock" probably means ________.

A.gather B.refuse C.forget D.disagree

3.Paragraph 3 and 4 mainly tell us _________.

A.people’s expectations for rainfall in ancient China

B.that dragons stand for good luck in Chinese culture

C.about the relationship between Dragon Head-raising Day and hair cutting

D.the traditional meaning of Dragon Head-raising Day holiday.

4.What do we know about Dragon Head-raising Day from the story?

A.People eat dragons to celebrate the holiday.

B.Young people don't celebrate the holiday

C.People visit their uncles during the holiday.

D.It is seen as the start of spring.


    “Please don’t travel to Wuhan unless it’s absolutely necessary,” Zhong Nanshan, a famous respiratory (呼吸科的) expert, reminded the public when the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) first hit Wuhan. But despite the danger, he, 84, rushed on an overnight train to Wuhan to fight the disease.

Known as the hero who defeated SARS in 2003, Zhong’s image and messages are flooding (遍布) social media. Many people say they “trust every word of Zhong”. He has given Chinese people confidence in winning the battle.

A great doctor and honest scholar (学者)

Growing up in a family of doctors, Zhong lives by a simple motto (信条): save lives and always be honest. In 2003, when SARS hit China, he volunteered to treat patients and asked his colleagues (同事) to send their most serious cases to him. After months of work, his treatment plan for SARS was adopted (采纳) by China and then the whole world, saving thousands of lives.

Zhong is also known for being an honest scholar. In 2003, when authorities (官方) said that the SARS virus was under control, he publicly refuted their claim. “I couldn’t help myself. I said it’s not all under control,” Zhong said in a later interview. His honesty won widespread praise from the Chinese public.

Back to the frontlines

Seventeen years later, Zhong is once again leading an expert team to study the novel coronavirus. Although this new virus is known to be more dangerous to the elderly, Zhong doesn’t seem worried about his own safety.

On Jan 18, he took a high-speed train from Guangzhou to Wuhan. Two days later, he became the first expert to make certain that the new virus can be spread between humans. On January 29, he and his colleagues spent over four hours online checking five patients who were in serious condition. The next day, he chose the treatment for those patients. Under his guidance, his team developed a rapid test kit (快速检测试剂盒) for the disease that can show results within 15 minutes.

As People’s Daily wrote, “the 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan shows his professionalism as a scholar, courage as a soldier, and a sense of duty as the backbone (脊梁) of our nation.”

1.Which one would NOT be used to describe Zhong Nanshan?

A.He is an expert. B.He is confident.

C.He is dishonest. D.He is brave.

2.What achievements did Zhong make in the fight against SARS?

A.He was the first doctor to start treating SARS patients.

B.He treated the most serious patients online.

C.His treatment plan saved lots of people.

D.He stated that SARS was under control.

3.What does the underlined word “refute” mean?

A.To support other’s opinions.

B.To say that a statement was false.

C.To mock or laugh at authorities.

D.To be in the fight against the epidemic.

4.What has Zhong done to fight the disease?

A.He said that the virus could spread between humans.

B.He treated five severe patients in one day.

C.He chose some special patients to receive treatment.

D.The test kit from his team can show results in 51 seconds.


    Sometimes, I doubt whether there is any love between my parents. Every day they are busy trying to make money. They don’t act romantically the way couples do in books and on TV. They never say: “I love you.” It’s not their style.

One day, my mother was sewing () a quilt (被子). I sat down beside her.

“Mom, I have a question to ask you,” I said after a while.

“What?” she asked while still working.

“Is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her.

She didn’t answer right away.

I thought I had hurt her.

“Susan, look at this thread (线),” she said finally. “Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. It makes the quilt strong. If life was a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere, but it’s still important.”

The next spring, my father suddenly got very sick. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.

After they got back, she helped my father walk slowly down the road every day. My father had never been so fragile (脆弱的).

“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.

“Susan, don’t worry about me,” he said. “I just like walking with your mom.”

Once, I thought love meant flowers and gifts. Now, I know that love is the thread that holds a family together.

1.How did the writer’s parents appear to act at first?

A.They often argued with each other.

B.They usually acted romantically.

C.They were busy making money.

D.They always said “I love you”.

2.The writer thought there may be no love between her parents because _____.

A.they never said “I love you” to each other

B.they didn’t take care of each other

C.they didn’t often read books together

D.they didn’t like to watch TV together

3.The writer wrote the story mainly to tell us ______.

A.how to sew a quilt

B.how to express love

C.what true love is

D.what makes a happy family


    Is it good to be in the middle? Sometimes, no, like when you’re in the middle _______on a long car ride. But sometimes, yes, like when you’re in the middle of a great movie. What will happen next? Middle school is a little bit like that.

For a kid, going to middle school is a big _______: First, it often means ______  to a new building. You have to take some time to adjust (适应). Second, it may mean taking a _____  bus, with different students. Third, the friends you made in primary school may _____ going to different middle schools.

All of this can make you feel a bit______ on the first day of school. Here is some ______ to help you on your first day. Get to bed on time the night before. Before bed, put all your things into your schoolbag so you don’t forget ______.

On the big day, eat breakfast ______ be brave. On your way out the door, take everything you need and try to say “hi” to everyone you meet.

In class, listen to the teachers ______ and take notes. Try to write down the most important things and then you can look them over when you get home and be prepared for the next day.

1.A.street B.seat C.room D.bed

2.A.change B.idea C.chance D.plan

3.A.turning B.pointing C.traveling D.moving

4.A.terrible B.same C.different D.cheap

5.A.run away B.end up C.come out D.think about

6.A.happy B.relaxed C.scared D.angry

7.A.advice B.news C.excuse D.culture

8.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

9.A.and B.or C.but D.so

10.A.easily B.quickly C.slowly D.carefully


    英国某中学邀请你学校学生代表团于寒假期间去访问交流, 假如你是李华, 请你作为学生代表, 写一份英文答谢辞。


1. 感谢邀请;

2. 交流过程中重点介绍中国的传统节日春节和中国传统民间艺术剪纸;

3. 近年来家乡日照发生了很多新变化, 邀请英国朋友明年寒假来日照过春节。


1. 根据提示内容, 不要逐字翻译, 可适当增加细节;

2. 文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;

3. 词数90左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm very glad to speak here. First, thanks for _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua


    The best part about the Internet is its ability to give the platform to generous(慷慨的)and kind people who want to change the world for the better. So when one such man named Narayana Reddy started his YouTube videos, people could share the health he spread. Over just two years, Reddy, best known as Grandpa Kitchen, has had over 6 million followers who enjoy watching him cook big meals to feed orphans(孤儿).

Reddy's success on YouTube was not surprising. We all know how much people love cooking videos and Grandpa's was exactly what people needed—simple, easy and as healthy as they can possibly get. The meals he prepared in each video weren't just a trick to catch the attention of his audience. In fact, the meals were big, so that every orphan in Reddy's community would get a bite to eat. The dishes all looked amazing and mouth-watering.

Fans probably know Grandpa's Kitchen intro by heart. Grandpa begins each video saying "Loving, caring, sharing: this is my family. " And it's clear that these words aren't just some catchphrase(流行语), but rather something Reddy truly lived by.

He strongly believed in helping the less lucky and supporting his community. That's why the money he received from his videos was given to charities, so people in need would be provided with basic necessities.

1.What was Narayana Reddy best known as?


2.Why was Reddy's video on YouTube successful?


3.How did Reddy help the orphans in his community?


4.What did Reddy say when he started each of his video?


5.What do you think of Reddy?



    In her Facebook post, Alesha Nemecbek writes how her 85-year-old Papa Joe still remembers to show love, affection, and attention to his wife by doing little things for her. 1.his memory not being as 2.(good) as in his younger years, Joe still remembers all of his wife's favorite things and  3. (try) to surprise her with them.

Nemechek concludes her post by 4. (encourage) people to take this story as a lesson on how it is important 5. (keep) "intentional(有意的)".

6. (move) by their long-lasting relationship, Nemechek often shares little things about her 7.(grandparent) relationship. Recently, she wrote about asking Papa Joe"What's the one thing you've done in your life that you're most proud 8.? " And he responded by saying"Marrying your grandmother! "

The elderly often teach us important life lessons. All of the 9.(wise) they collected through life can help us see things that are truly important in life, such as showing affection to our loved ones. Some of the younger people often take  10. closest ones, including their significant others for granted, and they have a lot to learn from some of those who have managed to keep their relationship strong and fulfilling for decades.


The little boy has good manners and is p___________ to people.


The lake is 11 meters d___________ and 48 meters wide.


To be a scientist, you are supposed to have a creative b________.


To his parents' great s____________, Robert got good grades in the final exam.


Man can't live w__________ water or air.


A big smile can bring warmth to people, which ___________ (花费)nothing.


The rainforest will _____________ (消失) one day if humans continue to do harm to the environment.


A____________(世纪)is one hundred years.


Lucy looked through her test paper ________(仔细)in order not to make mistakes.


The new couple like the house very much but they can't ________(负担得起)it.


    More than 100 people have now died from the new coronavirus (冠状病毒)-COVID-19. The number of people infected in mainland China increased sharply in one day-from 2, 700 Monday to more than 4,500 Tuesday. The increase comes even as China takes strong measures to stop the spread of the disease.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause disease in mammals (哺乳动物)  and birds. Coronaviruses can cause illnesses from the common cold to much more serious illnesses like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Experts still do not have a clear picture of the severity of the new coronavirus.

Officials are calling the disease a "novel" or new coronavirus because it has not been found before in humans. The new virus is thought to have spread to humans from wild animals sold at a market in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei Province. But it is now spreading between people. Chinese officials say the disease is able to spread from one person to another even before any actual signs appear. This makes it especially hard to stop.

Signs of the disease among infected patients have included fever, cough, shortness of breath and general breathing difficulties. In more serious cases, the virus can cause pneumonia(肺炎). Some people report few or no signs, while others have gotten very sick or even died. Experts say that signs of the virus may appear between two and fourteen days after being near someone who is infected.

There is no special treatment for the new coronavirus. However, many of its effects are treatable, as long as a patient is in fair health. Because the virus is so new among humans, there is no available vaccine(疫苗) to protect against the disease. But the World Health Organization advises people to avoid close contact with anyone showing signs of a breathing sickness, such as coughing or sneezing. It also says people should wash their hands often and use safe food practices.

(Written on 29th January,2020)

1.Which is not caused by viruses according to the passage?

A.Colds. B.Headaches. C.MERS. D.SARS.

2.Experts call COVID-19 a new coronavirus because ________·

A.it hasn't been found before by doctors

B.it has never been found in humans before

C.it has never spread to humans before

D.it hasn't been known well by humans

3.What does the fourth paragraph tell us?

A.The great danger of the new coronavirus.

B.The cause for the spreading of the new coronavirus.

C.The reason why the new coronavirus is difficult to stop.

D.The signs of people who infected with the new coronavirus.

4.We can infer(推断)from the passage that ________.

A.the patients infected with the new coronavirus can be treated well if they have no other diseases

B.because the virus is so new among humans, there is no available vaccine to protect against the disease

C.there is no way to avoid the new coronavirus because it is difficult to identify

D.the new coronavirus causes fever, cough, shortness of breath and general breathing difficulties in every patient infected

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A.The discovery of a new coronavirus

B.How to avoid the new coronavirus

C.A new coronavirus-COVID-19

D.The big coronavirus family.


    New research shows the number of suicide(自杀)is increasing among young people. Between 2007 and 2015, the number of U. S. teenagers who visited hospitals because of suicidal thoughts or ideas doubled. In 2007, the number of visits was 580,000; by 2015, that number had increased to 1.12 million, reports CNN.

The fact that so many young people fight with depression (沮丧) and suicidal thoughts every day is shocking. But new research may allow us to look into the differences between the development of depression in boys and girls.

Researchers found that there are big differences between the development of depression for boys and girls. Girls seemed to develop depression at a faster speed and hit the highest levels of depression at an earlier age. For boys, the most rapid increase of depression happened at age 16. 4, while girls' biggest increase came at 13. 5 years.

There's no exact answer for these differences. But expert Arash Emamzadeh says that a general increase in depression during teenage time is possibly "because teenagers face many changes during this period such as puberty(青春期) , school transition(过渡) and forming friendships. "

As for girls experiencing depression at an earlier age, Emamzadeh writes, "One possible explanation for this difference is the earlier puberty in girls compared with boys. "

Finding a solution is not easy. However, if schools, parents and teenagers make efforts at the same time, things will certainly be better. Students in schools need to be helped to deal with problems both in their daily lives and study. Less stress is supposed to be put on teenagers' shoulders by parents. Proper communication between teenagers and parents is necessary. Teenagers should keep optimistic and look on the bright side of life.

1.How many teenagers with suicidal thoughts are there in the U. S. by 2015?

A.1.120,000. B.1, 700,000. C.580,000. D.540,000.

2.What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "optimistic" in the last paragraph?

A.健康的 B.沮丧的 C.乐观的 D.理性的

3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.There are big differences in the development of depression in boys and girls.

B.Boys reach the highest level of depression 2. 9 years earlier than girls.

C.Teenagers' depression increases probably because they face many challenges.

D.The reasons why there are differences in depression between boys and girls are not clear.

4.The writer's opinion to deal with teenage depression is that ____________.

A.nothing should be done because the problem will disappear itself

B.more subjects need to be there in school so that students have no time to think about their lives and friendships

C.teenagers should try to solve the problems by themselves in order to improve themselves

D.schools and families should work together to make things better and better

5.The purpose of the passage is ________________.

A.to tell people the teenage suicide and the possible solutions

B.to tell people the difference of the depression in boys and girls

C.to tell people why girls develop depression earlier and faster than boys

D.to tell people the suicide in teenagers is not that serious


    Family members, friends and fans are mourning the death of the great basketball player Kobe Bryant who was killed in a helicopter crash on January 27th, 2020 in Calabasas, California. "I can't believe it,” one Kobe fan said. Calabasas is about 30 miles west of Los Angeles where Bryant spent his professional career helping the L. A. Lakers(湖人队)win five championships.

Kobe Bryant was born on August 23, 1978, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the USA. He first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school. His talents dominated(掌控)the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow up. The almost six-foot tall seventh grader definitely had the genes for the game, as his dad was former NBA forward, Joe Bryant. Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eyes of his father. He worked daily on his games, watching videos, playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father.

He went on to finish his high school career as the all-time leading point scorer in Pennsylvania history with a total of 2, 883 points. And this made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets(黄蜂队)in the 1996 NBA draft(选秀). But he was traded to the L. A. Lakers at once, where his NBA career started and ended. Between 1996 and 2016, Kobe scored 33, 643 points in his career. That puts him fourth in NBA history according to ESPN. Kobe Bryant is one of the NBA's best scorers. Breakthrough, shooting, free throws, three-pointers all of these he can do well, almost no offensive blind area; single-game 81 points of personal record will forcefully prove this point. On April 14, 2016, Kobe Bryant has officially announced the ending of his professional career in NBA.

During his career, Kobe was always the symbol of being hard-working. He once said he knew what Los Angeles was like at 400 a. m. because his training started at that time every day. "I can accept failure but I can't accept not trying." Basketball fan, all over the world named this spirit as Black Mamba Spirit.

1.How did basketball fans feel about Kobe Bryant's death?

A.Shocked. B.Excited. C.Different. D.Believable.

2.Who helped Kobe develop his basketball skills in middle school?

A.His teachers. B.His father.

C.His friends. D.His teammates.

3.How old was Kobe when he ended his career as an NBA basketball player?

A.24. B.42. C.38. D.20.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Kobe's father was strict because he kept an eye on Kobe when he did everything.

B.Kobe played for the Charlotte Hornets and then for the L. A. Lakers.

C.Kobe scored 33,643 points in his NBA career and this made him the fourth in NBA history.

D.Kobe was the best player in NBA with the highest record of 81 points in one game.

5.What is the meaning of "Black Mamba Spirit"?

A.To be successful. B.To be professional.

C.To accept failure. D.To keep on trying.


    "Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?"

The usual laughter followed, and people stirred(喧闹)to go.

Papaderos held up his hand and ______ the room and looked at me for a long time, asking with his eyes if I was ______ and seeing from my eyes that I was.

"I will answer your question."

Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket, he ______out a very small round mirror, about the size of a quarter.

And what he said went like this:

"When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and we lived in a ________ village. One day, on the road, I found the broken pieces of a ______. A German motorcycle had been wrecked in that place.

I tried to ______ all the pieces and put them together, but it was not possible, so I kept only the largest piece. This one, and, by scratching it on a stone, I made it round. I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated by the fact that I could ______ light into dark places where the sun would never ______-in deep holes and crevices (裂缝) and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into the most inaccessible places I could find.

I kept the little mirror, and, as I went about my growing up, I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of the game. As I became a man, I grew to understand that this was not just a child's game but a metaphor(暗喻) for ______ I might do with my life. I came to understand that I am not the light or the source of light. But light-truth, ______, knowledge-is there, and it will shine in many dark places ______ if I reflect it.

I am a fragment (碎片) of a mirror whose whole design and ______ I do not know. ______, with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this world-into the black places in the hearts of men-and change some things in some people. Perhaps ______ may see and do likewise. This is what I am about. This is the ______ of my life."

1.A.walked B.stilled C.smiled D.surprised

2.A.kidding B.popular C.serious D.angry

3.A.sent B.put C.noticed D.brought

4.A.alive B.busy C.lonely D.comfortable

5.A.mirror B.motorcycle C.plane D.machine

6.A.examine B.hide C.leave D.find

7.A.behave B.reflect C.create D.stick

8.A.shine B.pull C.manage D.direct

9.A.what B.how C.where D.when

10.A.information B.preparation C.understanding D.practice

11.A.just B.only C.possibly D.usually

12.A.heart B.activity C.mistake D.shape

13.A.But B.However C.Until D.Unless

14.A.others B.another C.other D.the other

15.A.rule B.truth C.meaning D.idea


Can you tell me ________

Oh. You can just use your ID card.

A.what the high—speed train ticket is

B.what is the high—speed train ticket

C.how I can get my high—speed train ticket

D.how can I get my high-speed train ticket


Paul, can I borrow this book from you?

Yes, of course. But I ________reading it. What about this Saturday?

A.don't finish B.wouldn't finish

C.hadn't finished D.haven't finished


The student ________ to his teacher very much because he is knowledgeable.

A.looks after B.looks up C.looks for D.looks down


Hi, Jack. How do you feel about the speech?

So boring that I ________fell asleep.

A.clearly B.hardly C.closely D.nearly


The lovely girl buys a birthday gift for her mother and wonders _________ she likes it or not.

A.until B.if C.whether D.unless


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