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假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 1...

假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Our class organized an activity on September 26th. It turned out to be memorable and rewarding experience.

On September 25th we had a class meeting to discuss what we would do, at that we communicated openly and talked about our own thoughts. After a heatedly discussion, we made up our minds to go to a nursing home for the old to do something for them. On September 26th, we set out early in the morning. As soon as we got there, and we began to do some cleaning. An hour later, the rooms in the home take on a new look.

Then dividing into two groups, we got down for other tasks. One group amused the elderly by present an impressive performance. The other group taught those who were interested in English a few daily English express. In the course of learning, we were inspired by their longing for knowledge. Time passed unconsciously. When lunch time came, we had to say good-bye to him.


1.memorable前面添加a 2.that→which 3.heatedly→heated 4.去掉and 5.take→took 6.dividing→divided 7.for→to 8.present→presenting 9.express→expressions 10.him→them 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了作者班上一次去养老院为老人做事情的班级活动。 1.考查冠词。experience为可数名词,此处表示泛指,应用不定冠词,且memorable为辅音音素开头的单词,应使用不定冠词a。故memorable前面添加a 2.考查定语从句。句意:9月25日,我们开了一次班会,讨论该做什么,公开交流,畅谈自己的想法。本句为“介词+关系代词”结构定语从句修饰先行词class meeting,且做介词at的宾语,并指“班会”应用which。故that改为which。 3.考查形容词。修饰名词discussion应用形容词,表示“激烈的讨论”。故heatedly改为heated。 4.考查连词。句意:我们一到那里就开始打扫卫生。本句为as soon as引导的时间状语从句,we began to do some cleaning.为主句,不需要连词。故去掉and。 5.考查动词时态。根据上文时间状语On September 26th可知,此处应用一般过去时。故take改为took。 6.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知divide在句中做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语we构成被动关系,故用过去分词。故dividing改为divided。 7.考查介词。根据固定短语get down to表示“着手处理,开始做某事”。故for改为to。 8.考查非谓语动词。by为介词,后跟动名词做宾语,故present改为presenting。 9.考查名词的数。根据上文daily English可知为形容词修饰名词,表示“日常英语表达”应用expression,且expression为可数名词,前面没有冠词,故用复数形式。故express改为expressions。 10.考查代词。句意:午饭时间到了,我们不得不和他们告别。此处指代上文中提到的老人和学生们,做介词to的宾语,故应用人称代词them。故him改为them。


Last week, an activity called "Beijing opera entering Campus'' was held in our school.

In the morning, two artists , 1. acting skills were wonderful, came to our school as planned. When  2. (reach) the room, they were given a warm welcome. After a casual chat, the artists 3. (invite) to the hall to give us a detailed introduction to Beijing opera.

With great  4.  (expect), we listened 5. (attentive) and learned that there are five main roles in Beijing opera, and the facial mask on each of them tells the characteristics of the role. To help us better understand Beijing opera, the artist also showed us several classic6. (example) of singing and acting.

After the lecture, we couldn't wait to start the following training sessions. One artist showed us how to paint the facial mask on our face, and the other taught us the typical moves step7.step. Under the8.(patience) guidance of the artists, we learned the basic skills and developed a strong interest. After several rehearsals, we were ready to stage a scene from "Journey to the West" On the performing day, with excitement and nervousness, I played Sun Wukong with the lady artist. To our great delight, our performance won the applause of our schoolmates.

Through this activity, I've found Beijing opera appealing9. learned it must take a long and hard training 10. (become) a good performer. I am expecting to spread Beijing opera to more audiences.



    A TV series called Fresh Off the Boat is quite popular. Many of my Asian friends _______it and say that they feel like they can _________ the show. I feel the same.

The show is based on the autobiography (自传) of American food personality (美食界名人)Eddie Huang. The story is told_______through the eyes of its_______character-11-year- old Eddie. The show's title, Fresh off the Boat, which is used to describe new_______, suggests what the show wants to_______: as an Asian-American family_______to live the American Dream, the Huangs are too often seen as "The _________ "or "foreign" by people from the different _________ around them.

The show has been very __________________. Without using stereotypes (老套故事), it has ________________  to build well-rounded, dramatic characters that are ________________ enough to be from an Asian family. For example, Eddie’s mom always pushes her children to be________________ at school. The Huangs don't speak Chinese very well, but______________ it is a quality portrayal (描绘) of an Asian family.

______________the show is not perfect and this Asian family is in fact very Americanized, the show is easy to ______________. It shows that Asian families are being well described so that they can be known by a larger  ______________. This might help more Asian Americans to find their true ______________.

As the show is becoming more and more popular, I am getting to______________it with more and more of my friends and laugh at the jokes. I hope there are more TV shows like this in the US that really________________ all the cultures together.

1.A.permit B.design C.direct D.appreciate

2.A.appeal to B.relate to C.apply to D.point to

3.A.potentially B.negatively C.largely D.cautiously

4.A.key B.fair C.anxious D.legal

5.A.immigrants B.employees C.managers D.athletes

6.A.blame B.expand C.stress D.occupy

7.A.pretending B.trying C.failing D.refusing

8.A.other B.aged C.deaf D.rich

9.A.positions B.destinations C.cultures D.aspects

10.A.complex B.informal C.serious D.successful

11.A.afforded B.forgotten C.managed D.remembered

12.A.discouraging B.embarrassing C.frightening D.convincing

13.A.generous B.excellent C.cheerful D.independent

14.A.in general B.in advance C.in secret D.in order

15.A.If B.Until C.Because D.Though

16.A.love B.host C.exhibit D.organize

17.A.nation B.committee C.audience D.company

18.A.identity B.standard C.theory D.power

19.A.produce B.share C.adapt D.obtain

20.A.evaluate B.mix C.envy D.distinguish



    Music is an art form which deals with the representation of emotion through the medium of sound. It can have a physical effect on us because it is closely linked with emotion, perhaps even more than the abstract nature of words. The number one reason why people listen to music is to adjust their emotional state. 1.

Numerous studies leave us in no doubt that music can affect our mood state and stress level.2.For example, they have found that background music shuts out distractions. It calms them before a large task and then they can stay focused for longer. Also it can help their creativity and make studying more enjoyable.

3.Firstly, it depends on what the task it. The more difficult the challenge is, the more likely background music will interrupt the learning process. For less challenging learning tasks, music can greatly assist in providing a positive learning state. Secondly, it depends on the characteristics of the music we'll come to in a moment. And thirdly, extroverts (性格外向者) enjoy and often require more external stimulation (刺激) and are likely to handle background noise better than those who are quiet and shy.

Actually, it's not about the genre (类型) of music, but the natural musical characteristics which aid or disrupt study. One of these characteristics is the tempo (拍子). The recommended tempo for background music is in the range 70-110 beats per minute, slightly faster than the heartbeat at rest.4.And very slow music lowers the heartbeat, creating a state that might be too relaxed for study purposes.

In addition, lyrics (歌词) are the most distracting aspect of background musical listening.

5.More particularly, studies have found that the most distracting background is fast and familiar vocal music, chosen and liked by the listener.

A.Music is part of every culture in the world.

B.In a very real sense, music connects us with our inner selves.

C.Music, like language, is a unique human form of communication.

D.They compete with the same brain regions that process language.

E.Fast music raises the heartbeat , making one unable to focus on study.

F. Moreover, those who like studying with background music have found a lot of benefits.

G.There are a few factors that determine the effects of music on studying.



    COPENHAGEN -Greenland on Friday dismissed the idea that it might be up for sale after reports that US President Donald Trump had privately discussed with his advisers the idea of buying the world's biggest island. "We are open for business, but we're not for sale, Greenland's foreign minister Ane Lone Bagger told Reuters.

Trump is due to visit Copenhagen in September and the Arctic will be on the agenda (议程) during meetings with the prime ministers of Denmark and Greenland.

Talk of a Greenland purchase was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. Two sources familiar with the situation told Reuters that the idea had been laughed off by some advisers as a joke but was taken more seriously by others in the White House. Danish politicians on Friday poured scorn on the idea. "It has to be an April Fool's joke. Totally out of season," former prime minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said on Twitter.

Greenland, a self-ruling part of Denmark located between the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans, is dependent on Danish economic support. It handles its own domestic affairs while Copenhagen looks after defense and foreign policy.

"I am sure a majority in Greenland believes it is better to have a relation to Denmark than the United States, in the long term," Aaja Chemnitz Larsen, Danish MP (国会议员) from Greenland’s second-largest party Inuit Ataqatigiit (IA) , told Reuters. “My immediate thought is ' No, thank you'," she said.

Greenland is gaining attention from global super powers including China, Russia and the United States due to its strategic location and its mineral resources.

Martin Lidegaard, senior lawmaker of the Danish Social Liberal Party and a former foreign minister, called the idea "a grotesque (怪诞的) proposal" which had no basis in reality. “We are talking about real people and you can't just sell Greenland like an old colonial power," he told Reuters. "But what we can take seriously is that the US stakes (利害关系) and interest in the Arctic is significantly on the rise and they want a much bigger influence," he added.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about Greenland?

A.It is short of natural resources.

B.It is an autonomous Danish territory.

C.It is dependant on American economic support.

D.It possesses its own defense and foreign policy.

2.What is the possible meaning of the underlined word "scorn" in Para. 3?

A.Words that show approval of or admiration for something.

B.A situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do.

C.The feeling that something is stupid or does not deserve respect.

D.The quality making someone continue doing sth. even when this is difficult.

3.What does Martin Lidegaard mainly want to express in the last paragraph?

A.The profit of selling Greenland to America.

B.The difficulty in selling Greenland to America.

C.The proper process of the Greenland purchase.

D.The real motivation of the Greenland purchase.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the news report?

A.Greenland tells Trump it is not for sale

B.Trump favours the idea of buying Greenland

C.Greenland is gaining attention from global super powers

D.Trump to meet prime ministers of Denmark and Greenland



    One way to prevent anxiety from getting out of control is to recognize its benefits. It is a mistake to think that we'd make better decisions if only we keep our feelings under control. Instead, a mix of feelings like anxiety and logical(合逻辑的) thinking leads to sound decision- making. It's true that there is plenty of research showing that higher levels of anxiety can make us more likely to avoid risks in our decision-making. There is also evidence that anxiety can increase the attention you pay to relevant information.

Recent studies have shown that people who are anxious about their relationship (for example, they fear to be abandoned) tend to be better at recognizing people who tell lies and are more likely to raise the alarm when danger is present.

In the real world though, it's worth realizing that feeling anxious once in a while is extremely common. It communicates to others that you care, and what's more, it's probably a sign that you are intelligent. At least two published studies have identified that people who score higher on measures of anxiety also tend to perform better on intelligence tests. This seems reasonable: if you're a thinker, you are sure to be always thinking about the future and imagine possible plots, including bad ones.

The important thing, if you are a worrywart (杞人忧天者) , is not to let your fear destroy your dreams. And don't bury your head in the sand. Instead, act on your fears — do the research as well as preparation, so rather than walking blindly into that which you fear, you meet the challenge in full readiness.

When anxiety beats you, or casts a shadow over your life, this is a serious problem. No one is denying that. But like everyday anxiety of this kind that you feel before a presentation or interview, you needn't see it as your enemy. Anxiety is an important feeling, developed through evolution. As for people who are fairly anxious by nature, there is reason for cheer, too. Your nerves (神经紧张) are a sign of your watchfulness. Listen to them and act on them. Then you can turn your nervousness into your advantage.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph about anxiety?

A.It can enable us to be more focused.

B.It can stop us from thinking logically.

C.It can make us more willing to take risks.

D.It can be the only reason for all bad decisions.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Anxious people are less sensitive to danger.

B.Anxious people have difficulty discovering liars.

C.Feeling anxious is more likely to put people at risk.

D.Feeling anxious occasionally is a sign of intelligence.

3.How should we deal with anxiety in the author's opinion?

A.Regard it as our enemy. B.Take action to control it.

C.Avoid being defeated by it. D.Treat it as a minor feeling.

4.What is the theme of the passage?

A.Effective ways to prevent anxiety. B.Unexpected benefits of anxiety.

C.Tips on how to keep a good mood. D.Common misunderstandings about anxiety.



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