满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A few summers ago my daughter and I were...

A few summers ago my daughter and I were swimming in our pool. This day had been like most others,______ I had no way of knowing that this one would _____in our family history as a memory we ______and still talk about from time to time.

The sun was setting and the night was_______approaching. Fro the shallow end of our pool, my daughter ______it first. Right about eye level, a spider was spinning her______by the pool. It _____me that my daughter noticed this, and it surprised me even _______that she wasn’t afraid of the spider.

Instead, she delightfully ______ as the spider busied herself in the cycle of life. as we both gazed at this______of nature, a very simple thought_______me. I had lost track of time. I honestly didn’t know ______we had been just standing there and staring at that spider _______her web. But, regardless of what ever amount of time had past, the  ______was that we were simply having fun. We were having fun_______ really doing anything really BIG or special. I thought. However, in contrast, I believe that by sharing this _______of the spider building her web we were______ just as fulfilled as if we had done something very important.

Remember that the _______things are the best things in life. spend time together appreciating the simple things in   ______ , and even more importantly, ______time together talking about life. Do this and you’ll have special moments and special memories that will last a life time.

1.A. or    B. and    C. but    D. so

2.A. go down    B. get up    C. take off    D. lead to

3.A. deserve    B. remind    C. treasure    D. exhibit

4.A. eventually    B. frequently    C. carefully    D. quickly

5.A. invented    B. noticed    C. informed    D. ruined

6.A. cloth    B. craft    C. pot    D. web

7.A. surprised    B. interested    C. frightened    D. excited

8.A. farther    B. more    C. longer    D. better

9.A. noted    B. watched    C. followed    D. changed

10.A. sight    B. signal    C. wonder    D. advertisement

11.A. caught    B. occurred    C. knocked    D. hit

12.A. how soon    B. how often    C. how long    D. how far

13.A. removing    B. building    C. painting    D. sending

14.A. truth    B. message    C. advice    D. information

15.A. for    B. without    C. by    D. in

16.A. ability    B. knowledge    C. happiness    D. experience

17.A. all    B. both    C. either    D. neither

18.A. simple    B. expensive    C. bright    D. flexible

19.A. office    B. earth    C. life    D. hope

20.A. kill    B. waste    C. cost    D. spend


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文属于哲理性文章。作者通过和女儿一起观察蜘蛛结网的经历,告诉我们简单的事情是生活中最好的东西。花时间一起欣赏生活中简单的事情,更重要的是,花时间一起谈论生活。这样做,你会有特别的时刻和特殊的记忆,将持续一生。 1.D 考查连词。句意:几个夏天以前,我和女儿在游泳池游泳。这一天和大多数人一样,所以我无法知道,这一次是会成为我们家族历史中的一个珍贵的回忆,并不时地谈论它。根据句意可知这一天与平时一样,所以我无法知道…,so表因果关系。故选D 2.A 考查固定搭配。句意:这一次是会成为我们家族历史中的一个珍贵的回忆(即记载在冢族史上)go down in history,为固定搭配,“载入历史”。 get up起床,起身; take off 起飞,脱下; lead to导致。分析句意可知选A。 3.C 考查动词辨析。 Deserve值得,应得;remind提醒; treasure重视,珍惜,珍视;exhibit陈列,展览,呈现。句意:作为一个我们珍惜的记忆,,并不时谈论。根据空后一句“and still talk about from time to time.”可知是C。 4.D 考查形容语辨析。Eventually最终; frequently经常,频繁地; carefully小心地; quickly快速地。句意:太阳落山了,夜晚很快就要来临了。根据常识可知太阳落山了夜晚就快来临,故选D。 5.B 考查动词辨析。 invent发明;. notice注意;inform通知; ruin毁灭。句意:在游泳池的浅水区,我女儿首先注意到了。根据后面的内容可知是注意到了只蜘蛛要结网,且第7小题后有提示“my daughter noticed this,”故选B。 6.D 考查名词辨析。cloth B. craft C. pot D. web。句意:约与眼睛的同一水平,一只蜘蛛在池塘边织着她的网。根据常识可知蜘蛛是结网的。13小题后“her web”有提示。 7.A 考查动词辨析。 surprise惊讶; interest感兴趣;frighten恐惧;excite激动。句意:令我吃惊的是,我女儿注意到了这一点,且下句有提示“and it surprised me” ,故选A。 8.B 考查固定搭配。farther更远的; more 更多的; longer更长的; better更好的。句意:更让我吃惊的是她不怕蜘蛛。分析句意可知是与前面的她注意到了织网的蜘蛛不害怕相比。even more 更加,甚至,为固定搭配。故选B。 9.B 考查动词辨析。note注意,记录;watch观察;follow跟着,理解;change改变,变化。句意:她兴高采烈地看着蜘蛛忙着织网。从句意分析应该是观察。故选B。 10.C 考查名词辨析。 sight视力,看见,视野;signal信号,暗号,预兆;wonder奇迹,奇观; advertisement广告。句意:我们都盯着这美妙的大自然奇观。分析句意可知是奇观 ,故选C。 11.D 考查动词辨析。caught 抓住;occurred发生;knocked 敲打,与某物相撞, 撞到。hit打,打击,碰撞。.[口语],被…想起。句意:我突然有一个非常简单的想法。根据句意可知是被…..想起。可能有同学误选knock,但knock没有被想起的意思。故选hit。 【名师点睛】hit和knock的区别。 1.hit 1).表示“有目标地打”,着重“打击”某一点。 He hit him on the face.他打了他的脸。 One of the stones hit the window. 有一块石头打中了窗户。 2).也有(风暴、疾病等)“袭击”之意 An earthquake hit the district. 这个地区受到了地震的袭击 3).[口语]被…想起 Looking at the keys and an ID card named Paul Kinkaid, something seemed to hit him. 看着那些钥匙和一张写有保罗金凯德的身份证,他好像想起了什么。 2.knock 1).指敲打并伴有响声,常与at/on连用。 Someone is knocking at the door. 有人敲门。 2).它还有“打倒、打翻”的意思。 He knocked the girl down. 他把那个女孩撞倒了。 12.C 考查短语辨析。how soon多快, 多久以后;how often多久,多常,表频率;how long多长时间;how far多远。句意:我真的不知道我们站在那里多久了。根据句意可知是不知站在那儿的动作持续多少时间,故用how long。, 【名师点睛】how soon、how often 、how long和how far的区别 how long,how soon和how often都含有how,并且都和“多长时间、多久”有关,但它们的用法不相同。 1.how long意为“多久、多长时间”,主要指动作在时间上所持续的长度,是对一段时间进行提问,答语通常是(for)three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种时态 How long do you stay in Beijing every year? 每年你在北京住多久? How long have they lived here? 他们住在这里有多久了? —How long were you not at school last year? 去年你多久没上学? —About two weeks. 约两周。 2.how soon意为“还要多久”,是对从某个基本时间到将来某动作结束或某动作发生这段时间提问,常用在一般将来时态的句子中,其答语通常是“in + 一段时间”。 —How soon can you finish the work? 还要多久你能完成这项工作? —In half an hour. 半小时后。 3.how often意为“多久……次、是否经常”,用来提问在某一特定的时间进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是always,usually,often,sometimes,once/twice a day/month等。 —How often do you see a film? 你多久看一次电影? —Once a month. 每月一次。 4. how far多远,用于问距离有多远 How far is your house? 你的家有多远? 13.B 考查动词辨析。 Remove去除; build建立,建造,构筑;;paint绘画;send发送,使作出(某种反应),派遣。句意:盯着那只蜘蛛造她的网。根据文章可知是蜘蛛结网也就是构筑网,故选B。 14.A 考查名词辨析。 truth 事实;message口信;advice建议;information信息。句意:但是,不管多少时间过去了,事实上我们只是觉得好玩。故选A。 15.B 考查介词。句意:我认为我们玩得很开心,而没有做什么大的或特别的事情。 without 没有,故选B。 16.D 考查ability能力; knowledge 知识;happiness幸福,快乐; experience经历,体验。句意:我相信通过一起观察蜘蛛织网的经历。故用D. 17.B 考查代词辨析。三者及以上,“都”用all,两者都both。两者中任何一个“either” 两者都不,neither。句意:然而,与此相反,我相信通过一起观察蜘蛛织网的经历,我们就像完成了一些非常重要的事情一样。根据句意是我们和蜘蛛,是双方,是二者都,用both. 18.A 考查形容词辨析。simple简单的; expensive昂贵的; bright明亮的,聪明的;flexible灵活的。句意:简单的事情是生活中最好的东西。下句有提示“appreciating the simple things”,故选A。 19.C 考查名词。office 办公室;earth地球;life 生活,生命; hope希望。句意:花时间一起欣赏生活中简单的事情。前面有提示“the simple things are the best things in life”故选C。 20.D 考查动词辨析。 Kill杀死; waste浪费;cost花费;spend花费。句意:更重要的是,花点时间一起谈论生活。 cost的主语是物(可能有人会误选cost),spend的主语是人,故选D.

Tips To Boost Your Confidence

1.Here are some solutions to boost your confidence in the long run.

Always think positively

We all have negative voices inside our head. 2.Start out slowly and push yourself to think of three good things about yourself every morning.


Take the time to look within yourself and asses what is possible to change and what is out of reach. It is important to focus on changing the things you have control over, because this is where you will see the most self-improvement. Make a list of three things that you would like to improve on and then under each item write a few bullet pints on how you will go about making this change.

Focus on the small steps for signs of improvement.

Make sure to focus on smaller victories. It is often harder for individuals to see their own self improvement when they are looking at the long term, but it is easier to pinpoint changes when you are focusing on daily accomplishments.4.Whatever it is makes sure you follow through and then acknowledge your achievements by making a list and posting it somewhere easily in view, because small steps always add up in the end.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

One of the most common pitfalls(陷阱)that humans are guilty of is comparing themselves with each other. It is important to remember that what appears on the surface is not always what is reality. If you feel like you are constantly overwhelmed by trying to keep up with others, make a marked effort to limit your usage of social media.   5. .

A. Be realistic with what you can change.

B. Try to understand body languages of others.

C. Building confidence takes time and patience.

D. Practice being award of how you hold yourself during the day.

E. The good news is that we can change these voice to only say positive things instead

F. Start small and have a daily goal of one instance where you practice defending yourself.

G. You will be surprised with all the free time you have to do other things and best of all you will have a clear, more condiment self.



If you want to slow aging, you might want to eat less. This finding is good news---if you were a mouse. The researchers studied mice, not people.

John Price and other researchers studied two groups of mice. One group was able to eat as much as it wanted. The researchers limited what the mice in the other group ate. Their diet had 35 percent fewer calories than the first group of mice.

Price says the mice with the diet restrictions were “more energetic and suffered fewer disease.” They were not just living longer but seemed to stay younger for a longer period of time.

The researchers found that fewer calories slow down a natural mechanism in cells called ribosomes. Price explains that ribosomes are responsible for making important proteins in the cells. But with fewer calories, they slow down. This gives the cells more time to repair themselves.

The researchers say ribosomes use from 10 to 20 percent of the cell’s energy to make those proteins. Price wrote that “because of this, it is impractical to destroy an entire ribosome” when it starts to break down. However, “repairing individual parts of the ribosome on a regular basis enables ribosomes to continue producing high quality proteins for longer than they would otherwise. This top quality production, in turn, keeps cells and the entire body functioning well.”

Price said, “ribosome is a very complex machine, like a car.” They need “maintenance to replace the parts that wear out the fastest. When tires wear out,” he explained, “you don’t throw the whole car away and buy a new one. It costs less to replace the old tires.”

“Food,” he said, “isn’t just material to be burned---it’s a signal that tells our body and cells how to respond.” Price said the findings help to explain how exactly our bodies age. And this may “help us make more educated decisions about what we eat.”

1.What can we know about the mice with limited calories from the study?

A. They can keep healthy easily

B. They need more energy to be active

C. They can look younger than they are

D. They will live a longer life like humans

2.What will happen to ribosomes if there are fewer calories?

A. They will completely break down

B. They make proteins in the cells slowly

C. They will produce high quality proteins more

D. They may need more time to repair themselves

3.Price explained the ribosomes’ role of repairing themselves by _________.

A. telling a story

B. listing basic data

C. making comparisons

D. experimenting on mice

4.What does the text mainly deal with?

A. Food decides how long you live

B. Can you slow down your aging process?

C. Eating less may help you live longer

D. Should your diet be reduced for your health?



He was there every morning, sitting motionless on the front steps of his house. In the morning light, I could see the shadows that were etched(蚀刻)deep within the lines surrounding his eyes.

Each morning I walked this route with my daughter to her kindergarten class. We were new to the neighborhood so that I didn’t know many of my neighbors. On one beautiful autumn morning, as we passed his house, my daughter called out to him, “Hi, Mr. Man!” Always the outgoing child, I wasn’t surprised at her enthusiasm. But her cheerfulness soon faded when the man didn’t look at her and say “Hi” back.

As we continued on our walk to school, my daughter asked why the man didn’t want to say hi to her. Because I didn’t have an answer, I said simply, “Maybe he is having a bad day.” later I knew that Bob lost his wife in a car accident.

A few days later, as we approached Bob’s house on our way to school, my daughter called out “Hi Mr. Man!” and as usual, he didn’t respond. But then she ran onto his front lawn and picked up a beautiful red autumn leaf. She continued up one step and handed it to him. I held my breath.

As she skipped back to me, she said, “See you tomorrow, Mr. Man!” This time, he acknowledged her. In a soft gentle voice, he tanked her and said, “See you tomorrow.”

From then on, Bob and my daughter exchanged greeting each morning. Our friendship with Bob continued for many years. But, the sweetest day is when Bob attended my daughter’s high school graduation. Bob gave my daughter a gift---a book on identifying various plants and trees. There, tucked in the pages that described an oak tree, was the leaf my daughter had given to Mr. Man when they first met. He had dried and pressed it and kept it all those years.

1.What puzzled the girl?

A. The cause of the man’s sadness

B. The shadows in the man’s eyes

C. The man’s sitting still on the steps

D. The man’s not answering her greeting

2.How did the author feel when his daughter gave the red leaf to the man?

A. Proud    B. Nervous

C. Embarrassed    D. Comfortable

3.Why did Bob keep that little red leaf?

A. It was a care from a girl

B. It was a symbol of enthusiasm

C. It was a reminder of his painful days

D. It represented the knowledge of trees

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. A Simple Red Leaf    B. A Strange Neighbor

C. An Unusual Friend    D. A Greeting From A girl



Human brains begin growing and developing at a very young age. They learn from the simplest experiences ,which enable your children to be aware of the world. There’s no denying that outdoor play helps a lot!

Times when children have to wait for their turns on playground equipment and following the playground rules by sharing, all these form components of healthy social-emotional development. Young children develop their social-emotional skills through practice and small steps over time.

As parents or caregivers, it is fairly simple to support your child’s social-emotional skills. Acts like holding him, touching him, and speaking to him and giving him loving care and attention are all helping factors. When you allow them freedom to play, it is important to follow their interests in helping build their social-emotional skills.

Difficulties in social-emotional skills can often lead to children having trouble when playing with other children. Becoming easily angry or not empathizing(理解)with other children are all signs that may point in this direction. This can in turn lead to them not empathizing with the needs of other children.

As for the development of cognitive(认知的)skills, these develop through practice and opportunity over time. And while some cognitive skills may be genetic, most are learned through real life situations. In other words, learning and thinking skills can be improved through experiences.

To enable them to learn, it is important that we are mindful of what our children are interested in. And this realization is only set in place once the child is given enough and time to grow and explore.

Depriving children of such experiences can mean that they might struggle with higher-level thinking skills. And while it is normal to keep them safe, we forget that by rushing them and cutting down on play time, we’re actually causing more harm than good.

1.What can playing with other children greatly help children do?

A. Learn from other children

B. Develop their social emotion

C. Promote their personal hobbies

D. Help them to control their emotion

2.What usually brings trouble to a child while playing with other children?

A. Not understanding others

B. Caring too much about others

C. Lacking social emotional skills

D. Being more selfish than selfless

3.What does the underlined word “depriving” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Taking away    B. Providing for

C. Referring to    D. Focusing on

4.What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To call on us to promotes children’s interest

B. To show us the importance of social emotions

C. To tell us how to improve children’s social emotions

D. To persuade parents to allow their children to play outdoors



Here are some of the best museums in America that parents can choose from for an educational trip.

Boston Children’s Museum

Location: Massachusetts

The exhibits here are of health, art, science, culture and environmental awareness. In this museum, children also learn about Japanese culture and house of silk merchant. Activities like Play Lab, New Balance Climb and The Recycle Shop bring out the creativity in children.

Children’s Museum of Houston

Termed as the best playground for mind, this museum offers scores of activities for kids of every age. It even offers free family adventure events where families with their toddlers or kids are encouraged to work on math activities and games. Children also learn about broadcasting activities and preserving ecosystems.

Minnesota Children’s Museum

Location: Minnesota

This museum is located at St. Paul’s and kids find themselves immersed in a world of smart play. Here activities like exploring natural habitats of animals are undertaken. Kids also paint their faces, play with finger puppets and at the same time, appreciate learning forms.

These museums have surely taken us down to the memory lane where we once went and explored, laughed and enjoyed our trip. These creative institutions are a best way to instill learning ideas, crate experiences and develop little curious minds. Active learning takes place when the minds are engaged. These children centered institutions rightly cater to the needs of the young ones.

1.Where is Boston Children’s Museum located?

A. In Texas    B. In Alaska

C. In Massachusetts    D. In Minnesota

2.Where should you to go let your kids explore natural habitats of animals?

A. Boston Children’s Museum

B. Minnesota Children’s Museum

C. Museum for American Children

D. Children’s Museum of Houston

3.Who is the text mainly written for?

A. School children

B. Sports lovers

C. School teachers

D. Parents with small kids



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