满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He was there every morning, sitting moti...

He was there every morning, sitting motionless on the front steps of his house. In the morning light, I could see the shadows that were etched(蚀刻)deep within the lines surrounding his eyes.

Each morning I walked this route with my daughter to her kindergarten class. We were new to the neighborhood so that I didn’t know many of my neighbors. On one beautiful autumn morning, as we passed his house, my daughter called out to him, “Hi, Mr. Man!” Always the outgoing child, I wasn’t surprised at her enthusiasm. But her cheerfulness soon faded when the man didn’t look at her and say “Hi” back.

As we continued on our walk to school, my daughter asked why the man didn’t want to say hi to her. Because I didn’t have an answer, I said simply, “Maybe he is having a bad day.” later I knew that Bob lost his wife in a car accident.

A few days later, as we approached Bob’s house on our way to school, my daughter called out “Hi Mr. Man!” and as usual, he didn’t respond. But then she ran onto his front lawn and picked up a beautiful red autumn leaf. She continued up one step and handed it to him. I held my breath.

As she skipped back to me, she said, “See you tomorrow, Mr. Man!” This time, he acknowledged her. In a soft gentle voice, he tanked her and said, “See you tomorrow.”

From then on, Bob and my daughter exchanged greeting each morning. Our friendship with Bob continued for many years. But, the sweetest day is when Bob attended my daughter’s high school graduation. Bob gave my daughter a gift---a book on identifying various plants and trees. There, tucked in the pages that described an oak tree, was the leaf my daughter had given to Mr. Man when they first met. He had dried and pressed it and kept it all those years.

1.What puzzled the girl?

A. The cause of the man’s sadness

B. The shadows in the man’s eyes

C. The man’s sitting still on the steps

D. The man’s not answering her greeting

2.How did the author feel when his daughter gave the red leaf to the man?

A. Proud    B. Nervous

C. Embarrassed    D. Comfortable

3.Why did Bob keep that little red leaf?

A. It was a care from a girl

B. It was a symbol of enthusiasm

C. It was a reminder of his painful days

D. It represented the knowledge of trees

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. A Simple Red Leaf    B. A Strange Neighbor

C. An Unusual Friend    D. A Greeting From A girl


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 【解析】 本文属于故事类文章。作者的女儿是一个活泼外向的女孩子,看到了悲伤的Bob,主动打招呼,却没有得到回应。后来知道了这个男人的悲伤,于是送给他一片红秋叶,温暖了他,从此开始了他们之间的友谊。这告诉我们人在悲伤时一个小小的善意的举动能变一个人的痛苦。 1.D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“…my daughter asked why the man didn’t want to say hi to her.” 我女儿问为什么那个男人不想跟她打招呼。分析此句可知女孩对于那个男人不和她打招呼很困惑。故选D。 2.B 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句可见那个男子眼底的深深的阴影。第四段最后一句“But…picked up a beautiful red autumn leaf. She continued up one step and handed it to him. I held my breath.”但当作者的女儿摘下一片红色的秋叶给那个男人时,我屏住呼吸。根据前文可知这个男人在车祸中失去了妻子,女儿多次与之打招呼都置之不理,所以作者是紧张的心理。故选B。 3.A 推理判断题。根据文中所述可知Bob在车祸中失去妻子之后,心情极度低落,而作者的女儿却与他打招呼,即使他没有反应,甚至于送给他一片红色的秋叶,这一切都表达了小姑娘对他的关心,故选A。 4.A 主旨大意题。根据文章的叙述是作者的女儿送给Bob一片红色的秋叶才打破了僵局,也温暖了Bob的心。所以最好的标题是A。

Human brains begin growing and developing at a very young age. They learn from the simplest experiences ,which enable your children to be aware of the world. There’s no denying that outdoor play helps a lot!

Times when children have to wait for their turns on playground equipment and following the playground rules by sharing, all these form components of healthy social-emotional development. Young children develop their social-emotional skills through practice and small steps over time.

As parents or caregivers, it is fairly simple to support your child’s social-emotional skills. Acts like holding him, touching him, and speaking to him and giving him loving care and attention are all helping factors. When you allow them freedom to play, it is important to follow their interests in helping build their social-emotional skills.

Difficulties in social-emotional skills can often lead to children having trouble when playing with other children. Becoming easily angry or not empathizing(理解)with other children are all signs that may point in this direction. This can in turn lead to them not empathizing with the needs of other children.

As for the development of cognitive(认知的)skills, these develop through practice and opportunity over time. And while some cognitive skills may be genetic, most are learned through real life situations. In other words, learning and thinking skills can be improved through experiences.

To enable them to learn, it is important that we are mindful of what our children are interested in. And this realization is only set in place once the child is given enough and time to grow and explore.

Depriving children of such experiences can mean that they might struggle with higher-level thinking skills. And while it is normal to keep them safe, we forget that by rushing them and cutting down on play time, we’re actually causing more harm than good.

1.What can playing with other children greatly help children do?

A. Learn from other children

B. Develop their social emotion

C. Promote their personal hobbies

D. Help them to control their emotion

2.What usually brings trouble to a child while playing with other children?

A. Not understanding others

B. Caring too much about others

C. Lacking social emotional skills

D. Being more selfish than selfless

3.What does the underlined word “depriving” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Taking away    B. Providing for

C. Referring to    D. Focusing on

4.What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To call on us to promotes children’s interest

B. To show us the importance of social emotions

C. To tell us how to improve children’s social emotions

D. To persuade parents to allow their children to play outdoors



Here are some of the best museums in America that parents can choose from for an educational trip.

Boston Children’s Museum

Location: Massachusetts

The exhibits here are of health, art, science, culture and environmental awareness. In this museum, children also learn about Japanese culture and house of silk merchant. Activities like Play Lab, New Balance Climb and The Recycle Shop bring out the creativity in children.

Children’s Museum of Houston

Termed as the best playground for mind, this museum offers scores of activities for kids of every age. It even offers free family adventure events where families with their toddlers or kids are encouraged to work on math activities and games. Children also learn about broadcasting activities and preserving ecosystems.

Minnesota Children’s Museum

Location: Minnesota

This museum is located at St. Paul’s and kids find themselves immersed in a world of smart play. Here activities like exploring natural habitats of animals are undertaken. Kids also paint their faces, play with finger puppets and at the same time, appreciate learning forms.

These museums have surely taken us down to the memory lane where we once went and explored, laughed and enjoyed our trip. These creative institutions are a best way to instill learning ideas, crate experiences and develop little curious minds. Active learning takes place when the minds are engaged. These children centered institutions rightly cater to the needs of the young ones.

1.Where is Boston Children’s Museum located?

A. In Texas    B. In Alaska

C. In Massachusetts    D. In Minnesota

2.Where should you to go let your kids explore natural habitats of animals?

A. Boston Children’s Museum

B. Minnesota Children’s Museum

C. Museum for American Children

D. Children’s Museum of Houston

3.Who is the text mainly written for?

A. School children

B. Sports lovers

C. School teachers

D. Parents with small kids





2. 自行车是学生常用交通工具;

3. 骑自行车的一些好处;


注意:1. 词数100左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear Nancy,

I’m very pleased to hear from you and you’re welcome to study in China.











Li Hua









This morning, I was jogging in the park while I caught sight of a wallet on a bench. Clear, someone had left it there in accident. I picked up and checked the contents. Inside it, I found some money or a card with a phone number. Believing that the owner would be worried, I immediately try the number. A man answered it in an anxious voice. Hearing that I had his wallet, he sighed with relief and told me he would come right away. Ten minutes late, the man arrived. After confirm he was the owner, I returned the wallet back to him. With his thumb up, he expressed his thank to me repeatedly. Seeing the smile on his face, I felt happy that I was able to help.



Over the past years Starbucks coffee 1. (become) a coffee chain store. The cafes don’t sell coffee; they sell 2.very atmosphere. They offer customers the perfect atmosphere 3. which to take time out and relax. Every single store throughout the world is furnished in a romantic style and 4.(special) meant to be cozy, private and quiet: earth-toned (褐色调) space, fancy wall paper, lovely paintings, 5. (amaze) background and irresistible coffee smell……The most fantastic decoration style about Starbucks 6. (design) with oversized chairs and tables outside the store. When 7. comes to a sunny afternoon, I love to take a seat outside, 8. (bath) in the afternoon sunshine, and listening to the lovely music 9. tasting the most terrific Cappuccino. This is exactly what I love in here ----the Starbucks ! This is the café I love not merely because of the café itself, but also because of the 10. (feel) it brings me.



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