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The structure of houses have changed a lot since the first hut was building in ancient times. I often imagine what houses in the future will like. I am sure it will be greatly different from that they are today. First, houses in the future can adjust the room temperature with the changes of season. Second, they prevent waste by producing energy through their solar panels, that can be used to provide hot water in winder and cool air in summer. Beside, they can change their colors at any time to satisfy with their owners.

In short, living in a future house will be amazed.


1. have→has 2. building→built 3. will后面加be 4. it→they 5. that→what 6. season→seasons 7. that→which 8. Beside→Besides 9. with去掉 10. amazed→amazing 【解析】1.主语是the structure of houses,中心词是the structure,是单数,谓语应该用单数。故把have改为has. 2.主语the first hut与build之间是被动关系,句子谓语用被动语态。故把building改为built. 3.该句中will后面加动词原形,like在句中是介词,表示“像…一样”。故在will后加be. 4.此处的主语代指the houses,是可数名词复数,用they代替。故把it改为they. 5.from之后是宾语从句,引导词在从句中作are的表语,应该用what引导,that只起引导作用,在宾语从句中不做成分。故把that改为what. 6.此处表示“随着季节的变化”,季节应该用复数。故把season改为seasons. 7.逗号之后是非限制性定语从句,引导词在从句中作主语,指代事物,应该用which,非限制性定语从句中不用that引导。故把that改为which. 8.此处表示“另外”,besides是副词,表示“另外”,beside是介词,译为“在…一边”。故把beside改为besides. 9.satisfy是及物动词,译为“使满意”。故去掉with. 10.amazing修饰事物,amazed修饰人。此处主语是动名词短语,应该用amazing.故把amazed改为amazing.  

Teenagers are famous for being on the cutting edge of current fads(时尚)and trends. They are working on their identity. They want to identify with something that makes them feel good about 1.(them). When something new comes out, all the teens and their peers check it out. If it sticks for a little while, it’s a fad. If it sticks around a   2.(long)time, it becomes a trend.

Many fads are3.(harm). Back in my day, people cut the sleeves and collars of sweat shirts off and 4.(wear)them inside out. No big deal.

This fad did not become a trend. Today, everyone owns 5.iPod and texts friends on their cell phones. These fads will either fade with new technology 6.become a trend and stay around a while. We’ll have to wait and see.

While keeping up with teen fads can sometimes be exhausting for parents, 7.(especial) for parents of preteens who are just getting 8.(start), it is a worthwhile effort. 9.you can’t pick and choose which fads or trends your teens will pick up, it doesn’t mean you don’t get to add your opinion and use the fad10.a teachable moment.



Draper, the owner of a secondhand bookstore, was sorting through a pile of old books when an envelop fell from one. Inside was an undated ______and a faded photo of a woman holding a little girl on her lap. The letter said if Bethany was ______it, it meant the author had died.

Tears were welling up in Draper’s eyes. These were a_______woman’s last words to her child. He had to_____ Bethany. “Whoever it is will _______this,” he thought. “You wouldn’t ______a letter like that.”

He supposed if the_______ended up in his shop then Bethany was likely from around Bishop Auckland. And he thought he_______recognized the little girl’s face. Even if she’d since left the area, there might be someone in town who would recognize the______.

He started with the local newspaper. The Northern Echo ran the story of the_______letter.

______, Bethany Gash, now 21 and a(n)______herself, was on Facebook about 10 miles away when a close friend messaged her to check out the ______. As she read her mother’s ______, words she thought had been lost forever, she said she thought she must be_____ .

Gash was only 4 when her mother ______. Five years later, her family moved to a new home and the letter, put away in the pages of a book for safe keeping, was unintentionally ______ .

She remembers unpacking and looking for the letter, and then_______searching through everything in hopes that it was there. “That’s when I realized it was _____gone by now and I’d never see it again,” she said.

Draper_______the letter in person. He also brought her a children’s book for her son. Gash was greatly moved to have the letter back, and also touched by the stranger’s kindness.

1.A. message    B. email    C. postcard    D. letter

2.A. reading    B. destroying    C. forgetting    D. copying

3.A. determined    B. kind    C. selfish    D. dying

4.A. find    B. introduce    C. phone    D. comfort

5.A. understand    B. avoid    C. want    D. like

6.A. tear open    B. cut up    C. throw away    D. pull out

7.A. girl    B. book    C. reporter    D. news

8.A. hardly    B. actually    C. unfortunately    D. accidentally

9.A. author    B. teacher    C. picture    D. stranger

10.A. lost    B. valuable    C. wet    D. broken

11.A. Meanwhile    B. Therefore    C. However    D. Eventually

12.A. editor    B. mother    C. daughter    D. assistant

13.A. ticket    B. magazine    C. article    D. homework

14.A. vocabularies    B. terms    C. languages    D. words

15.A. writing    B. joking    C. playing    D. dreaming

16.A. came back    B. passed away    C. died out    D. calmed down

17.A. donated    B. burned    C. dirtied    D. robbed

18.A. secretly    B. suddenly    C. madly    D. regularly

19.A. almost    B. never    C. still    D. long

20.A. kept    B. delivered    C. composed    D. published



Many of us are hardwired NOT to ask for help. We think it makes us appear weak. We think people will say no. we think we have to do everything ourselves.1.. We have to get over that, and there’s how:

Get over yourself

No one—and I mean NO ONE----got anywhere alone. You cannot and should not do everything yourself. You are not, in fact, always the best person for the job, or the “only” person who can do it. asking for help is sign of strength, not weakness. Asking for help clears space for you and frees your time and energy. 2..

Rebuild your thinking

Rebuild what it means to ask for help from “I am a weak, incompetent loser” to “I am strategically allocating my time to focus on what matters most.” Don’t focus on the fact that you can’t do something or don’t have the time.  3.. It’s a chance to connect, a chance to value a colleague, a chance to get something done faster or better, a chance to optimize your own time and talents.


Asking for help is about tapping valuable resources to get the best outcome the most quickly with the fewest resources expended. That’s a fancy way of saying “get the right people for the job.” 5.. And the best way to do that is to know your colleagues, and proactively build relationships.

A. Know your colleagues.

B. Think about your colleagues.

C. Your energy can’t be wasted.

D. It’s a smart strategy.

E. It’s all about building the right team.

F. Instead, think about what you will gain from the ask.

G. Whatever the reason, we don’t ask for the help we need.



Growing up can sometimes seem like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs and unexpected turns. Abuse or neglect by can adult can make the ride even rougher. But being bullied(欺凌) by another child can leave especially lasting scars. That's the finding of a new study.

Bullied kids face a high risk of mental health problems as teens and as young adults. Indeed bullied kids might  be worse off than those who had suffered physical abuse or neglect, the study found.

Dieter Wolke works at the University of Warwick in England. Until recently, most studies of child victims focused not on bullying but on maltreatment, this psychologist says. Maltreatment includes physical or emotional abuse, neglect or other behaviors that can harm a child.

Wolke's team wanted to better understand how bullying's long-term effects compare to those due to maltreatment. They focused on 4,026children in the United Kingdom and 1,420 more in the United States. Information about bullying and maltreatment was collected for American children to age 13.They collected the same information for British youth up to age 16. The researchers also gathered data on each individual's mental health as a young adult.

Among the Americans, 36 percent of bullied kids had mental problems later. Those problems included anxiety, which is a state of excessive worry. They also included depression. That is a feeling of hopelessness that can last a long time. Among kids who had been maltreated by adults, 17 percent later suffered mental health problems. That was less than half the rate seen in people who had been bullied as school kids.

In the U. K. group, the difference was less spectacular. Roughly 25 percent of the bullied kids reported mental health problems later, compared with about 17 percent who had been maltreated.

But however you look at it, the finding are disturbing, Wolke says. They show that bullied children have similar or worse mental health problems later in life. And that’s why he says schools, health services and other agencies must work together to end bullying.

1.According to the passage, which of the statements is TRUE?

A. Kids treated cruelly recover soon after they grow up

B. All bullied kids have mental health problems.

C. Most kids with maltreatment experience tend to become violent adults

D. Most studies didn’t pay much attention to bullying until recently

2.How does the author support the theme of the text?

A. By providing research results    B. By stating arguments

C. By explaining statistical data    D. By giving examples

3.The underlined word “spectacular” in paragraph 6 could be best replaced by _______.

A. slight    B. dramatic

C. specific    D. similar

4.According to the text, what does Wolke suggest doing?

A. Taking good care of children    B. Joining hands to stop bullying

C. Keeping psychologically healthy    D. Comparing different types of abuse



Our family loves the snow and cheers at the first good storm of the season. While others may think of Florida, we dream of a cabin vacation in New York’s Allegany State Park.

One particular trip, I recall, was jus a bit more memorable than the rest. What we now refer to as the snow pants incident began accidentally enough. My husband, Bernie, and our 2-year-old daughter, Faith, were building a snow fort while I sledded down a nearby slope.

On the way back up from one trip, I saw a small stone tumbling down the track I had just made. I was puzzled, since all the other rocks were buried under several feet of snow, as I stood and wondered about the stone---it jumped! This was no stone. This was a mouse.

Now, I love nature, but that doesn’t include mice. I loudly protested the invader, and Bernie, coming to my rescue, assured me that this was not a mouse but a mole, as if that mattered. A mouse or a mole I still didn’t like it.

Bernie and I stood for a few minutes watching the creature disappear from the path into the furry white and come back out again. But soon it disappeared and I headed up the hill again.

Shortly after I left, my husband screamed out, saying that the mole had gone up the leg of his snow pants. You have to understand Bernie can be quite a joker, and I smelled a rat. Not wanting to be a sucker and fall for another one of his jokes, I laughed it off. When he started running for the cabin, though, I stopped laughing and decided maybe this was for real.

“Don’t you dare take that thing into the house!” I yelled. But like a flash, Bernie was already dashing through the cabin’s front door, with his snow pants, the mole and all. If it were me, I’d have been down to my long underwear right there in the snow without a second thought.

A few minutes later Bernie appeared. We relished the rest of our winter vacation, drinking lots of hot chocolate, sitting beside the fireplace and admiring nature---from a safe distance.

1.Why did the author’s husband come to her rescue?

A. Because the “mouse” frightened her

B. Because she hardly controlled the sled

C. Because the snow fort she built was damaged

D. Because she stepped on the stone and fell down

2.When her husband said that the mole had gone up the leg of his snow pants, the author was ________.

A. curious    B. puzzled

C. excited    D. doubtful

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. They enjoyed the rest of their holiday

B. They were fond of hot chocolate

C. Her husband had freedom at last

D. Nature can be dangerous at times

4.What could be the best title of the text?

A. A Memorable Experience with a Joker

B. The Painful Incident in Allegany State Park

C. Family’s Funny Vacation in the Snow

D. My Strong Love for Nature



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