满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







参考词汇:chairman 主席 Students’ Union学生会

Good morning, boys and girls,


Good morning, boys and girls, As we know,nowadays a lot of students prefer to spend much time in watching TV and they are crazy about the Internet. So most of them don’t have enough time to read books. And what’s worse, they don’t like reading. However, reading is necessary. I firmly think that by reading not only can we enrich our life and broaden our horizons but also we can learn to perfect our personality. Now that reading is good for us, let’s develop a good habit of reading. I strongly suggest that every one of us should read at least one or two good books every term. 【解析】倡议书是发言稿的一种,在写法上也有相对固定的技巧和方法。它一般由称呼语、正文和结束语三部分组成。开头和结尾一般有固定的格式。例如: Dear friends, I am very glad to……That’s all .Thank you. Dear friends, It is a great honour for me to speak here to……That’s all .Thank you. Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of……That’s all .Thank you for listening。 如果面对的是熟悉的听众,开头和结尾也可以活泼些、灵活些。例如: Good morning /Good afternoon, everyone…...That’s all .Thank you. Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen……That’s all .Thank you. Hi, everyone, It is so nice to see all of you here……That’s all .Thank you for listening. 就本题而言,开头已经给出,这也是常见的出题方式,其考察的侧重点在于正文部分的写法。正文分为三部分: 第一部分:开门见山地提出本人要谈的问题及对问题的看法。如本题就可以列举一下常见的社会现象,比如沉迷电视、网络,不喜欢读书等。然后提出自己的观点,要热爱读书。 第二部分:说明要热爱读书的理由,即读书带给人们的好处。为了使文章连贯,可以使用一些表示上下文连贯的词或短语,常用到的连接成分有:first of all, secondly, finally等等。 第三部分:照应开头,对全文作简明扼要的总结,发出自己的倡导和建议。常用到的句式有:In short…,In a word, I think, I expect等。 本文亮点:1、开头开门见山,列举社会现象,提出问题。2、正文部分分析问题,层次清楚。用however作转折,提出观点reading is necessary,言简意赅。然后列举读书的好处。not only… but also…, now that等关联词的使用,连接紧凑自然。3、措辞准确,句式多变。简单句和复合句穿插使用,使文章简洁生动又准确易懂。 【名师点睛】 倡议书是生活中一种常见的应用文体,在写作时,因为高考试题在命题形式上通常给出开头和结尾,因此侧重考查正文的写法。写正文时要注意以下四点: (1) 观点要鲜明。对问题持有什看法,要明确表态,不要含糊其辞。要中心明确,重点突出,但不必面面俱到。 (2) 条理要清晰。通常要谈几方面的问题,每一方面有那些要点要进行阐述,都要安排得有条有理,让人听起来容易抓住重点。 (3) 适当增加关联词和细节。在根据要点组织正文内容时,可以适当增加关联词和细节,以使短文连贯、完整。 (4) 语言要简洁明快,发言时因为要直接面对听众,所以这种特定形式决定了其语言的口语性强,因此应少用复杂句,多用简单句。话说的要准确、易懂,最好运用大众语言。所以在组织句子时要注意“三多一少”:即简单句式多,祈使句多、情态动词多,修饰性词语少。但文中的句型也要善于变化,不要过于单一。  





Good afternoon, everyone, I feel honor to stand here to share my ideas about the topic of communicate with our parents.

Parents are the people which love us most, so it is necessary to keep a good relationship with them. Here are my suggestions with how to make it easier to communicate with parents.

First, we should respect and trust our parents. Don’t be rude to them even if they had done something wrong. They have been experienced more and always try their best to protect us from dangers. Second, whether we often talk with them about our life and experience, we will know each other better. Third, if sometimes we don’t agree with our parents decisions, we should try to put themselves in their shoes and we will soon understand them. Remember they really want is only the best for us.

Thank you for listening.



A Lion 1. (lie) asleep in the forest. A timid little Mouse came upon him unexpectedly, and in her fright to get away, ran across the Lion’s nose. Awaken from his nap, the Lion laid his huge paw 2. (angry) on the tiny creature to kill her.

“Spare me!’’ begged 3. poor Mouse. “Please let me go and some day I 4. ( repay) you.” The Lion was much 5. (amuse) to think that a Mouse could ever help him. 6. he was generous and let the Mouse go.

Some days later, while hunting in the forest, the Lion was caught in a hunter’ s net. Unable to free 7., he filled the forest 8. his angry roaring(咆哮).

The Mouse knew the voice and quickly found the Lion 9. ( struggle) in the net. She gnawed (咬) the ropes until it parted, and soon the Lion was free.

“You laughed 10. I said I would repay you,” said the Mouse. “Now you see that even a Mouse can help a Lion.”



When I was asked to think about someone who changed our life by my teacher, I thought of my friend Anna immediately.

Anna was a top student when she was at school. She was ______, so she often told me, “Study hard, and your efforts will finally ______. In the future, you will have a good job and certainly be ______ in life.” After her graduation, she was admitted to a university. ______, she left there after studying for appropriately a year, because she didn’t have enough ______ for the next year. But a year later,she ______. This time she was not only a college student, but also a(n) ______. She had to work in her ______ time and do homework during school hours. It must have been the most difficult period of time in her life, but she didn’t ______ at all. Instead, she told me how to become ______ and responsible.

I ______ her and often tell myself that I should work hard to ______ it once I set my mind to something like Anna. Her ways are changing my ways. Now I don’t do the things I ______ to do. Ever since I started high school, I have been more ______. I am not lazy any more. Instead, I try to come to school every day. I have ______ everything aside and just have been focused on school. I am really ______ that she has changed me a lot.

As our teacher was ______, already had something to write, because I ______ thought of my friend. I am actually proud to say that she is my ______, because I wouldn’t be here at this point of time without her help. I firmly believe that I will be someone who ______ someone else one day.

1.A. confident    B. hard – working    C. responsible    D. reliable

2.A. pay for    B. pay back    C. pay off    D. pay

3.A. somebody    B. nobody    C. everybody    D. anybody

4.A. But    B. And    C. However    D. Therefore

5.A. time    B. benefit    C. energy    D. money

6.A. gave in    B. went back    C. went away    D. gave up

7.A. worker    B. employer    C. student    D. teacher

8.A. busy    B. full    C. empty    D. spare

9.A. solve    B. complain    C. realize    D. mean to

10.A. honest    B. kind    C. strong    D. healthy

11.A. praise    B. appreciate    C. amaze    D. dislike

12.A. get    B. recognize    C. achieve    D. accept

13.A. desired    B. designed    C. hated    D. used

14.A. connected    B. concentrated    C. frightened    D. delighted

15.A. pushed    B. arranged    C. pulled    D. saved

16.A. grateful    B. helpful    C. faithful    D. powerful

17.A. wondering    B. asking    C. commanding    D. laughing

18.A. scarcely    B. usually    C. surely    D. fortunately

19.A. friend    B. goal    C. hero    D. competitor

20.A. protects    B. helps    C. influences    D. encourages



With time going by, people have come to understand the importance of protecting the environment. But they can’t deal with everything by themselves. Take small steps, and you can make a difference.

• Think Green. Think about the environment as you live your life. If you turn off lights and TV when leaving the room, you’ll save energy. 1..

• Shop Green. Shopping is fun, but buying things you don’t need is wasteful and even bad for the earth. 2.. And whenever possible, buy things locally made instead of those shipped from far away.

• Dress Green. What really matters is not the colour. 3.. So look for products made from environmentally friendly (环保的) materials.

4.. What’s better than learning about the environment? 5.. It can be as simple as using both sides of a piece of paper before you recycle it

A. Before you buy something, ask yourself how much you will use it.

B. Study Green.

C. It’s how the clothes were made.

D. You may care more about the qualities of the clothes.

E. Save it while you learn.

F. If you take shorter showers, you will save water.

G. Recycle more.



A scanner is recently created by a group of professors. It is believed to predict the perfect job for anyone simply by reading their fingerprints. The group says that in the future, fingerprints could help tell a person’s key personalities.

To use the scanner, people place their fingers upon the fingerprint reader and computer technology connected with sensors (传感器) reads back what sort of job could suit the individual. The machine bases its results on a collection of a large amount of information in the computer about how fingerprint shapes connect with job selection.

Local companies help researchers from the city’s Kuban University of Physical Education and Sport to test the technology.

Twenty - one - year - old Oscar Galkin, a mathematics graduate, said: “I got the result from the scanner that I would suit a job in IT, which is exactly what I want to do. I don’t know if it is luck or if it can really read a person’s talents, but it worked for me.”

And Zara Tokareva, aged 20, who feels uncomfortable at the sight of blood, said: “I want to be a house designer but the machine said I should be a nurse. So, no, I don’t think it is as clever as expected.”

Though fingerprint identification has been widely used in crime discovering, it is still a science that has a lot of possibility of being used, say experts, from discovering drug misuse to personality analysis - exactly as hand readers have been saying to do for centuries.

“The basic idea is that although everybody’s fingerprints are completely different, there are obvious features that are common on the fingers of certain professionals working in certain jobs,” said researcher Ravil Yudin.

It’s not really a new idea because hand readers have been saying for hundreds of years that you can tell a person’s future by reading their hands. We want to match that by looking at fingerprints and trying to tell what career path people would choose.

1.From the text we know that the fingerprint scanner       .

A. matches fingerprints with jobs    B. tells people’s personality

C. helps collect job information    D. reads individual’s mind

2.What can we learn from what Ravil Yudin said?

A. The fingerprint scanner is based on a new idea.

B. Cerain people’s fingers actually have something in common.

C. Telling one’s future by reading his hands started a few years ago.

D. The technology of fingerprint identification can be used in many fields.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Hand readers are widely used in life.

B. A fingerprint scanner could tell a person’s personality.

C. A fingerprint scanner could predict a person’s job.

D. A fingerprint scanner could be used in crime discovering.



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