满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It’s usually a common _______ that journ...

It’s usually a common _______ that journal websites offer readers their free online editions of articles and other information.

A. sense    B. interest

C. phrase    D. practice


D 【解析】考查名词。句意:期刊网站提供给读者免费在线版本的文章和其他信息通常是一个惯例。固定词组:comnon sense(常识);而common practice(惯例),故选D. 英语单选题解题技巧可分为:1.找准关键词语;2.分析句子结构;3.适当转换句式;4.利用对称结构;5.注意标点符号;6.熟记固定搭配;7.排除思维定式。 根据技巧7.排除思维定式,有些试题的题干,看上去好像就是固定搭配,我们完成后自以为十分有把握,结果却做错了。所以当我们越是遇到十分熟悉的所谓固定搭配时,越要从句子结构上或者句子意义上仔细分析,以免步入命题人设计的陷阱。本题中固定词组:comnon sense(常识),很多同学很熟悉这个词组,所以一下子就选A;而根据句意:期刊网站提供给读者免费在线版本的文章和其他信息通常是一个惯例。common practice(惯例)才应该是正解答案,故选D.  

近年来,微信(Wechat)成为了人们日常生活中必不可少的通讯工具,尤其在春节期间,“微信抢红包热”(Red envelop fever)风靡全国。请对这一现象写一篇100词左右的短文,内容包括以下几点:



In recent years,Wechat is becoming increasingly popular.__________________________________________

















Dear Mr.Zhang,

We have held a discussion whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student.Some are for the idea.It is well known that everyone had strengths as well as weaknesses.Although slower students are not good at lessons,they might do good in another fields.In addition,top students can help slower ones with their lessons, which benefit them too.However,others don't hold the same view.They think some slower ones are always making the trouble,such as break school rules.Besides,slower students often ask top students question,which affects our studies.

In my opinion,I support the idea so we can make progress together.


Li Hua




1.Mother always tells me not to_________ _________ _________(瞧不起)anyone,even if he is not well educated.

2.I hope Tom will_________ _________(表现得规矩点)at the party to be held next Sunday.

3.Every morning my grandfather spends 45 minutes doing physical exercises to_________ _________(增强)his health.

4.The magician performed many magic tricks to_________ _________ _________(娱乐观众).

5.In the past,they were too_________ _________(太穷了)to afford a holiday.




1.Could you ten me whether there is a c_________between smoking and lung cancer?

2.The condition prevents the blood from_________(循环)freely.

3._________(因此),we must treasure the time.

4.I would always keep my distance from drinkers on social_________(场合).

5.Liu Wei,the famous armless piano player,has succeeded in having a(n)_________(杰出的)career.



Thousands of people were attracted to a 2-meter-wide lane in Tongcheng, Anhui province this spring festival. Although1.was impossible to count the exact number, at least 5,000 people visited it each day.

This narrow lane, 2.(call)Liuchi Lane in Chinese, won greater popularity after the story behind it was broadcast on a CCTV show. At first glance it may seem unimportant, but to those3.know its history, Liuchi Lane means much more than its4. (appear). In the early Qing Dynasty it served5.the boundary between Zhang family and Wu family. They quarreled6.(fierce)over which family had the right to build a wall on the dividing line. After 7.(fail) to make a compromise, the Zhangs turned to Zhang Ying, a family member of Zhangs and also a top official in the emperor’s court. To 8.(they)surprise, Zhang Ying did not provide the support they needed. He called for his family to step back I meter from the boundary. Seeing that, the Wus 9. (agree)to move back another meter, thus Liuchi lane was born.

In reality, the story of Liuchi Lane is not only about how to get along with others, 10.also a guideline for all the officials in China.



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