满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




1. 年龄大于15岁,身体健康;  2. 英语口语好,乐于助人; 3. 能参加培训,寒假期间能连续服务两周以上。


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a senior one student, applying to be a volunteer for ZZICEC in the winter of 2016.



   Li Ming


Dear Sir or Madam, I am a senior one student, applying to be a volunteer for ZZICEC in the winter of 2016. I’m 16 years old. I think I’m old enough to have some social service so that I can gain more experience. English is my favorite at school and I can express myself well in English. Being healthy and active, I’m glad to help others. I hope to improve myself by volunteering and giving help to people. Next winter I will have a two-month holiday. I prefer a different holiday then. I hope I can join in the training activities and work for ZZICEC. I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Ming 【解析】 试题分析:假设你叫李鸣,得知郑州国际会展中心(ZZICEC)正在招募志愿者的消息,你想在2016年寒假当志愿者,现在你需要根据志愿者的报名条件写一封英文申请信。志愿者报名条件:1. 年龄大于15岁,身体健康; 2. 英语口语好,乐于助人; 3. 能参加培训,寒假期间能连续服务两周以上。注意:词数100左右,信的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 【亮点说明】本文是一篇申请信,内容齐全,格式正确,句子衔接紧密,使用高级句子。I am a senior one student, applying to be a volunteer for ZZICEC in the winter of 2016.现在分词做伴随状态;I think I’m old enough to have some social service so that I can gain more experience.宾语从句和so that引导的目的状语从句完美结合;Being healthy and active, I’m glad to help others.现在分词做原因状语。 考点:考查书信式话题作文  





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Today I visited the Smiths--my first time visit to a American family. They live in a small town. It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. They offered me coffee and another drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing together. They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year.




I like taking photos very much. Once I travelled by ship 1. a cloudy morning. It was in the afternoon 2. the weather turned fine. Therefore, I wanted to take some 3.  (photo). I was looking around and I saw next to me a lovely little girl sitting on her father’s shoulders. 4.  was lucky for me 5.  (meet) such a perfect moment—the girl was smiling and the surrounding view was beautiful. Without 6. (think), I took a picture of 7. little girl at that moment.

Her mother was 8. (surprise) that a stranger was photographing her daughter. I explained that I was moved by that sight and showed them the photo on my digital(数字的) camera. They loved it very much. I said I could email it to them when I got home. 9.  (Final), they gave me their email address. The next day, I 10. (send) them their daughter’s photo as I had promised.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Mr.Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals.    first he had no enough money, and then he was married.His wife had not wanted him to    her.At last his wife     to the trip if he allowed her to go, too.

“But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr.Jones    her, It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it    be dangerous.”“I don’t care,” said his wife, “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds, a refrigerator(电冰箱)which did not need     and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the    of Africa.

  The first morning,    Mr.Jones took his gun and left the tent, he    his wife a bell and explained to her , “If you fall in    and you need me ,    this bell and I’ll come at once.”

After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned     to the tent.“What’s the matter?” he asked.“    said his wife, “I was only    the bell.” Mr.Jones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang   

Mr.Jones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “I’m    .I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake.” Mr.Jones returned to his    , but soon he heard the    once more.This time, when he got back to his    , the tent was burning and Mrs.Jones was lying on the ground, with    running from a big cut on her shoulder.“That’s better!” said Mrs.Jones.“This time the bell had been used correctly!”

1.A.And B.But  C.ForD.So

2.A.leave   B.miss   C.marry   D.care

3.A.allowed  B.permittedC.satisfied   D.agreed

4.A.told   B.advised   C.persuaded D.warned

5.A.may  B.ought C.can’t D.shall

6.A.money   B.electricity C.force D.power

7.A.south   B.middleC.east D.west

8.A.while   B.until   C.before   D.after

9.A.gave B.sentC.lentD.bought

10.A.hurry   B.surprise   C.safetyD.danger

11.A.hit   B.knock  C.beat   D.ring

12.A.again   B.back C.quickly   D.home

13.A.Something   B.Nothing  C.No   D.None

14.A.ringingB.tryingC.using  D.testing

15.A.again  B.onceC.acrossD.away

16.A.happyB.sorry C.tired  D.all right

17.A.wife   B.tent C.trip  D.hunting

18.A.cry B.shot C.bellD.shout

19.A.garden B.houseC.camp   D.office

20.A.water B.tears C.bloodD.sweat



Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days, but living and dealing with parents can be even tougher.

If I have learned anything in my 16 years, it is that communication is very important, both when you disagree and when you get along. With any relationship, you need to let other person know how you are feeling. If you are not able to communicate, you drift apart. When you are mad at your parents, or anyone else, not talking to them doesn’t solve anything.

Communication begins with the concerns of another. It means that you can’t just come home from school, go up to your room and ignore everyone. Even if you just say “Hi”, and see how their day was for five minutes, it is better than nothing.

If you looked up the word “communication” in a dictionary, it would say “the exchange of ideas, the conveyance (表达)of information, correspondence (通信), means of communication: a letter or a message”. To maintain (保持) a good relationship, you must keep communication strong. Let people know how you feel, even if it’s just by writing a note.

When dealing with parents, you always have to make them feel good about how they are doing as a parent. If you are trying to make them see something as you see it, tell them that you’ll listen to what they have to say, but ask them politely to listen to you. Yelling or walking away only makes the situation worse.

This is an example: one night, Sophie went to a street party with her friends. She knew she had to be home by midnight after the fireworks, but she didn’t feel she could just ask to go home. That would be rude. After all, they had been nice enough to take her along with them. Needless to say, she was late getting home. Her parents were mad at first, not when Sophie explained why she was late, they weren’t as mad and let the incident go. Communication is the key factor here. If Sophie’s parents had not been willing to listen, Sophie would have been in a lot of trouble.

Communication isn’t a one-way deal: it goes both ways. Just remember: if you get into a situation like Sophie’s, telling the other person how you feel-listening is the key factor to communication.

1.In the writer’s view, dealing with parents is __________ than with children.

A. more difficult

B. easier

C. more uninteresting

D. more interesting

2.The main idea of the second paragraph is __________.

A. the importance of friendship

B. to make your feeling known to others

C. the importance of communication

D. the disagreement between generations

3.When parents and children are in communication, the key to a happy relationship is that __________.

A. children should always obey their parents

B. they should be equal

C. parents play the leading part 

D. both make the opposite know their feelings

4.The example in this passage proves that ___________.

A. Sophie’s parents are willing to listen to her

B. Sophie is very polite to her parents

C. Sophie did well in explaining her being late

D. communication is the solution(解决办法) to misunderstanding

5.All the following statements are correct except “_______”.

A. If you don’t agree with others, you’d better let them know

B. It is better to say “Hi” to others than say nothing

C. If you are not able to communicate, walk away

D. Communication is a two-way deal



Teaching materials for learning Chinese are provided here. There are sites where you may find interesting instructions suitable for you. Here are some sites to begin your surfing.

You may start with these pages from this website — just to get a little taste of it without working too hard.

A Is For Love

Flash cards for learning a few Chinese words

Listening to the sound of Chinese

Play a few words of Chinese on your computer.

A few Chinese words

Each word is enlarged for easy study.

If you are studying Chinese, these tools can help.

Zhongwen site

More than a dictionary!

Clavis Sinica

Excellent program by Professor David Porter. It displays a whole document in Chinese [GB] or [BIG5], and gives individual word’s definition, pronunciation as well as much more information when you click on that word. If you are studying Chinese, this is a very useful tool.

Chinese Character Visual Dictionary

If you like to know more, go to the following sites on the Internet.

The Chinese Outpost

Pronunciation, Character and Grammar By Mark Andrew Baker. The best. A must-visit site.

Learn Cantonese / Mandarin Online

Internet Based Chinese Teaching and Learning

Rainland Kids discover Chinese Site is in Germany

If you want to have a better understanding of China, go to this one.

Wanfang Data

As an affiliate (分支) of Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology, Wanfang Data has been the leading information provider in China since 1950s. With a wide range of database resources and value-added services, Wanfang Data has become a gateway to understanding Chinese culture, medicine, business, science, etc.

1.The underlined(画线的) lines are probably some ______.

A. books

B. websites

C. tips for learning Chinese

D. dictionaries for learning Chinese

2.This passage is most probably from ______.

A. a TV programme         B. a teacher’s lecture

C. a newspaper            D. the Internet

3.If you want to know each Chinese character’s definition, pronunciation and much more information, you’d better surf ______.

A. Zhongwen site        B. A Is For Love

C. Clavis Sinica         D. A few Chinese words

4.If you want to know China about its culture, medicine, business, science, you’d better surf _____.

A. Learn Mandarin online

B. Wanfang Data

C. Rainland kids discover Chinese

D. The Chinese Outpost

5.The underlined word “gateway” in the last paragraph probably refers to ______.

A. an opening in a wall that can be closed by a gate

B. a place through which you can go to another place  

C. the space when a door is open

D. a means of getting or achieving something



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