满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



This is a true story which happened in the States.   1. man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his three-year-old son was   2. (happy) hammering dents(凹痕) into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy's hands into pulp(果浆汁) as   3. (punish). When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital.

Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to cut the fingers from both the boy's hands. When the boy   4. (wake) up from the operation and saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, “Daddy, I'm sorry about your truck,   5.   when are my fingers going to grow back?”

The father went home and committed suicide.

Think about this story the next time someone steps on your   6.   (foot) or you wish to take revenge(报复). Think first   7.  you lose your patience with someone you love. Trucks can be repaired, but   8.  (break) bones and hurt feelings often can't. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is   9. (great) than revenge.

People make mistakes. We   10.  (allow) to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will impress us forever.


1.A \ 2.happily 3.punishment 4.woke 5.but 6.feet 7.before 8.broken 9.greater 10.are allowed 【解析】 1.A 考察冠词。句意:一位男士走出他发房屋去欣赏他的新卡车。这里可数名词man泛指一位男士,要加不定冠词,故A。 2.happily考查副词,句意:令他迷惑的是,他三岁的儿子正快乐地把卡车的闪亮涂层锤出凹痕。这里用副词修饰动词hammer,故happily。 3.punishment句意:这位男士跑向他的儿子,把他推倒在地,并把他的手锤成果酱汁作为惩罚。这里名词punishment。 4.woke考查动词。句意:当男孩手术完成醒来的时候。根据语境这里在讲故事,用一般过去时。故woke。 5.but考查连词。句意:爸爸,对于您的卡车我感到很抱歉,但是我的手指什么时候能长回来呢?根据句意这里是转折,故but。 6.feet考查冠词。句意:下一次有人踩到你脚或者你想报复的时候,想一想这个故事。step on your feet踩在你的脚上,这里用复数形式,故feet。 7.before考查连词。句意:在你对爱的人失去脾气前,先想一想。这里根据句意用连词before。 8.broken考查形容词。句意:卡车能被修理,但是受伤的骨头和受伤的情感通常不能修。此题考查形容词作定语,故用broken。 9.greater句意:我们忘记了原谅比报复更伟大。根据空后的 than可知这里用比较级,故greater。 10.are allowed本题考查被动语态。句意:人会犯错。我们被允许犯错。根据语境这里需要用被动语态,故are allowed。 考点:考查词汇和语法运用能力


My brother, Mark, died in a traffic accident four years ago. He was my big brother and   looked after me. I am   today for all of the special times we had as running partners, and times driving to different races, where we had so many   about life in general. I    these talks terribly at this time of the year.

      , I am so happy he shared with me the   of his faith. He was always so    to people, and I had been with him many times    we pulled over to help someone in need,     a smile and helping them get back on the road. So I was not     when he told me of the time when he was   in college. It was the end of the month. To make matters worse, it was Friday and he had no      in his pocket for the weekend. Pay day was Monday and he had no gas money to get home to      my dad and no money to buy food but he had faith that helping others helping yourself.

On his way home from classes that day, as he was driving along, he noticed a guy ahead of him      his lumber (木材) all over the road as he turned the corner. Mark     right over and helped him load the lumber back into his truck. The guy was so thankful and     his hand to Mark, and in it was one hundred dollars. Mark couldnt believe his     . He told him that was unnecessary but the man    and off he drove.

  I still think of Mark sitting there telling me that story, with tears in his eyes, and how faithful he was.

1.A. sometimes  B. never     C. always          D. hardly

2.A. successful  B. hopeful   C. cheerful    D. thankful

3.A. spared      B. spent     C. wasted    D. saved

4.A. questions   B. arguments    C. differences   D. conversations

5.A. remember  B. keep     C. miss     D. fear

6.A. So      B. However          C. Then      D. If

7.A. story    B. record    C. belief     D. secret

8. A. grateful     B. careful    C. helpful       D. powerful

9.A. because   B. while    C. when    D. until

10.A. sharing  B. understanding   C. recognizing     D. forcing

11.A. pleased   B. worried   C. surprised    D. excited

12. A. never    B. yet          C. even    D. still

13.A. food      B. money    C. paper     D. key

14. A. attend     B. see     C. change    D. persuade

15.A. follows   B. agrees    C. means    D. explains

16.A. carry   B. arrange    C. place     D. lose

17.A. pulled   B. pushed    C. moved    D. walked

18.A. held    B. offered        C. raised    D. shook

19.A. ears   B. mind    C. eyes     D. feeling

20.A. complained    B. apologized   C. regretted    D. insisted




How do actors and actresses memorize hundreds of lines? Memorizing lines takes practice and constant repetition. However, there are a few ways to make the memorization process run smoothly and quickly.


For most performers, there is no quicker way of memorizing lines. To learn lines, an actor must recite the play loud over and over again. Most rehearsals(彩排) encourage this by running through the lines or having a "read through". By the time opening night arrives, most actors have spoken their lines hundreds of times.

Listen to your cast members.

Sometimes inexperienced actors spend rehearsals looking at fellow performers, waiting patiently to say their next line.    2.   This will help the actor learn his lines better because the context of the dialogue is absorbed.


Because there is often not enough rehearsal time, many performers find ways to listen to the play’s dialogue during everyday activities. They use a tape recorder or an MP3 player to listen to the lines from each relevant scene. Some actors prefer to record the lines of all the characters, including their own.    4.  Others like recording the lines of fellow cast members, and they leave a blank space so that they can insert their dialogue while listening to the recording.

Think positively and don’t panic.

Most actors will experience stage fright before the opening night. Actors forget lines now and then. When it happens, however, most of the time the audience never notice. If you forget a line in the middle of your performance, don’t freeze. Stay in character. Keep the scene going to the best of your ability. If unfortunately you forget a line once, you will probably never forget that line ever again.   5.

A. Record your lines.

B. Practice makes perfect.

C. Read lines loud and repeat them.

D. Read lines loud and remember them in a short time.

E. Sometimes embarrassment is the toughest method of memorization.

F. Then, they not only listen carefully, but they also speak all of the lines.

G. Instead, they should be listening carefully, responding in character at all times.



When it's five o'clock,people leave their office.The length of the workday,for many workers,is defined by time. They leave when the clock tells them they're done.

These days,the time is everywhere: not just on clocks or watches,but on cell-phones and computers.That may be a bad thing,particularly at work.New research shows on that clock-based work schedules hinder morale and creativity.

Clock-timers organize their day by blocks of minutes and hours.For example: a meeting from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., research from 10 a.m.to noon,etc.On the other hand,task-timers have a list of things they want to accomplish.They work down the list,each task starts when the previous task is completed.It is said that all of us employ a mix of both these types of planning.

What,then,are the effects of thinking about time in these different ways? Does one make us more productive? Better at the tasks at hand? Happier? In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier,they had participints organize different activities-from project planning,holiday shopping,to yoga-by time or to-do list to measure how they performed under "clock time" vs "task time".They found clock timers to be more efficient but less happy because they felt little control over their lives.Task timers are happier and more creative,but less productive. They tend to enjoy the moment when something good is happening,and seize opportunities that come up.

The researchers argue that task-based organizing tends to be undervalued and under-supported in the business culture.Smart companies,they believe,will try to bake more task-based planning into their strategies.

This might be a small change to the way we view work and the office,but the researchers argue that it challenges a widespread characteristic of the economy: work organized by clock time.While most people will still probably need,and be,to some extent,clock-timers,task-based timing should be used when performing a job that requires more creativity.It'll make those tasks easier,and the task-doers will be happier.

1.What does the author think of time displayed everywhere?

A. It makes everybody aware of time.

B. It is a convenience for work and life.

C. It may have a negative effect on creative work.

D. It clearly indicates the fast pace of modern life.

2.What did Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier find in their experiments about clock-timers ?

A. They seize opportunities as they come up.

B. They always get their work done in time.

C. They have more control over their lives.

D. They tend to be more productive.

3.What do the researchers say about today's business culture?

A. It does not support the strategies adopted by smart companies.

B. It does not attach enough importance to task-based practice.

C. It places more emphasis on work efficiency than on workers’ lives.

D. It aims to bring employees' potential and creativity into full play.

4.What do the researchers suggest?

A. Task-based timing is preferred for doing creative work.

B. It is important to keep a balance between work and life.

C. Performing creative jobs tends to make workers happier.

D. A scientific standard should be adopted in job evaluation.



New Orleans, Louisiana, was established as part of the French Empire in 1718.

  Its location on the east bank of the Mississippi River gave it control of the American hinerland and it became strategically important to many nations. It was transferred from France to Spain, returned to France, and finally sold by Napoleon to the United States in 1803. The city was the site of a famous battle fought in 1815 between the British, who hoped to control it, and the Americans under General Andrew Jackson.

  The riverbed of the Mississippi is constantly silting(淤积)and the river is now actually higher than the city. Levees hold back the river and giant pumps are used to move water from the city into the river.

  Although New Orleans has been a part of the United States for almost two centuries, its population takes great pride in its French heritage. Louisiana still retains parts of the Code Napoleon which, for many years, was its only law.

  New Orleans is carefree city and it boasts its hot, spicy Creole seafood and its native Dixieland Jazz. The Jackson Square neighborhood maintains its French colonial homes and in other sections are pre-Civil War mansions. Visitors are surprised to find that behind this interesting surface of yesteryear is a busy industrial and port city. Grain and coal come from the Midwest and foreign goods are unloaded here. New Orleans is no longer a sleepy Southern town----but it's still fun to visit.

1. The battle of New Orleans was fought by Jackson against______.

A. France    B. Britain    C. Spain   D. The North

2.According to the passage, the Code Napoleon was _______.

A. an agreement to sell Louisiana  

B. a body of laws

C. a city plan

D. a military code for the army

3.Which of the following elements does not apply to the attitude of the citizens of New Orleans?

A. Pride in their French heritage.

B. A desire to retain colonial buildings.

C. A refusal to engage in trade and commerce

D. A praising of Dixieland Jazz.

4. Tourists visiting New Orleans are surprised to encounter _____.

A. Creole food            B. Dixieland jazz 

C. a busy city           D. authentic colonial homes



When someone is happy, can you smell it?

You can usually tell when someone is happy based on seeing them smile, hearing them laugh or perhaps from receiving a big hug. But can you also smell their happiness? Surprising new research suggests that happiness does indeed have a scent, and that the experience of happiness can be transmitted through smell, reports Phys.org.

For the study, 12 young men were shown videos meant to bring about a variety of emotions while researchers gathered sweat samples from them. All of the men were healthy and none of them were drug users or smokers, and all were asked to abstain from drinking or eating smelly foods during the study period. 

Those sweat samples were then given to 36 equally healthy young women to smell, while researchers monitored their reactions. Only women were selected to smell the samples, apparently because previous research has shown that women have a better sense of smell than men and are also more sensitive to emotional signaling—though it's unclear why only men were chosen to produce the scents. 

Researchers found that the behavior of the women after smelling the scents—particularly their facial expressions—indicated a relationship between the emotional states of the men who produced the sweat and the women who sniffed them. 

“Human sweat produced when a person is happy brings about a state similar to happiness in somebody who breathes this smell,” said study co-author Gun Semin, a professor at Koc University in Turkey.

This is a fascinating finding because it not only means that happiness does have a scent, but that the scent is capable of transmitting the emotion to others. The study also found that other emotions, such as fear, seem to carry a scent too. This ensures previous research suggesting that some negative emotions have a smell, but it is the first time this has proved to be true of positive feelings.

Researchers have yet to isolate(分离) exactly what the chemical compound for the happiness smell is, but you might imagine what the potential applications for such a finding could be. Happiness perfumes, for instance, could be invented. Scent therapies(香味疗法)could also be developed to help people through depression or anxiety.

Perhaps the most surprising result of the study, however, is our broadened understanding of how emotions get communicated, and also how our own emotions are potentially managed through our social context and the emotional states of those around us. 

1.What is the main finding of the new research?

A. Pleasant feelings can be smelt out.

B. Negative emotions have a smell.

C. Men produce more sweats.

D. Women have a better sense of smell.

2.The underlined part “abstain from” in Paragraph 3 probably means _________.

A. continue           B. practice       C. avoid       D. try

3.What is the application value of the new research?

A. Perfumes could help people understand each other.

B. Some smells could be created to improve our appearance.

C. Perfumes could be produced to cure physical diseases.

D. Some smells could be developed to better our mood.

4. We can learn from the last paragraph that        .

A. happiness comes from a scent of sweat

B. social surroundings can influence our emotions

C. people need more emotional communication

D. positive energy can deepen understanding   



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