满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入...



Today I went to my daughter’s school and spoke about kindness to 60 kids plus teachers and assistant teachers. _________ a small talk about the meaning of kindness, I gave a challenge to the_________ ——I told them to write a small _________  about an act of kindness that they had done and how that made them feel. Or if they had  _________  an act of kindness, how did that make them feel? In what way had that ____________ changed them? Then the vice head and the head-teacher and I would choose the ones, the best ones that will _________  for their feeling of compassion and love _________ others.

When I was waiting for my daughter I _________ some teachers that were at the meeting passing by and I was _________ that they would tell me whether they liked the talk or not, but they didn’t _________ anything.

Then a little _________  came to me and said, “You know, I enjoyed the meeting.” “Okay, then are you going to  _________ a lovely story?” I asked. “I’m not _________ at writing,” the boy responded. So I explained that I would be _________ if he could just write a phrase or two about an act of kindness.

I didn’t have_________ to talk to him because he was in a hurry to _________ his friends who were waiting for him, but in my_________, that was a beautiful act of kindness. The fact that he was able to _________ to talk to me for two minutes, to let me know that he had _________ the meeting was worth all the effort I had _________ into preparing the talk for them.

1.A.Until          B. After         C. Since      D. Before

2.A. teachers     B. fellows      C. children    D. parents

3.A. story         B. step          C. scene        D. description

4.A. desired      B. passed       C. received     D. envied

5.A. affair         B. event        C. incident    D. act

6.A. get out       B. stand out    C. watch out    D. work out

7.A. against        B. off        C. in          D. towards

8.A. observed       B. noticed     C. witnessed    D. realized

9.A. supposing      B. wondering     C. expecting   D. imagining

10.A. say           B. speak         C. talk        D. repeat

11.A. hero        B. passer-by    C. boy          D. girl

12.A. tell         B. write        C. record       D. describe

13.A. ambitious   B. positive    C. excellent   D. special

14.A. concerned   B. delighted     C. amused       D. amazed

15.A. time        B. patience      C. energy     D. courage

16.A. join        B. company       C. treat       D. follow

17.A. depth        B. heart         C. bottom      D. life

18.A. refuse        B. encourage    C. stop         D. hesitate

19.A. attended   B. had          C. achieved    D. appreciated

20.A. put into      B. looked into   C. brought into D. turned into


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是作者到女儿的学校,与师生讨论什么是善举,他们的感受又是什么,通过与一个小男孩的交谈,告诉我们任何的善举都值得我们投入努力; 1.B考查连词辨析A.Until直到;B. After 之后;C. Since自从;D. Before之前;句意:在关于善良这个话题的交谈后,我给孩子一个挑战,我告诉他们写一个关于所做过的善事的感受,故选B项。 2.2】C考查名词辨析A. teachers老师;B. fellows 同事;C. children儿子;D. parents父母;句意:在关于善良这个话题的交谈后,我给孩子一个挑战,我告诉他们写一个关于所做过的善事的感受,故选C项。 3.3】A考查名词辨析A. story故事;B. step脚步;C. scene场景;D. description 描述;句意:在关于善良这个话题的交谈后,我给孩子一个挑战,我告诉他们写一个关于所做过的善事的感受,故选A项。 4.4】C考查动词辨析A. desired 渴望;B. passed通过;C. received收到;D. envied羡慕;句意:或者如果他们收到过善举,他们的感受是怎样的,故选C项。 5.5】D考查名词辨析A. affair事务;B. event 事件;C. incident事故;D. act行为;句意:用什么的方式,这个行为改变了他们,根据Or if they had an act of kindness可知选D项。 6.6】B考查动词短语辨析A. get out出去;B. stand out 突出;C. watch out小心;D. work out算出;句意:校长,和我都将选择一些,最好的善举, 7.7】D考查介词辨析及语境理解A. against B. off C. in D. towards 8.8】B考查动词辨析A. observed观察;B. noticed 注意;C. witnessed目击;D. realized意识到;句意:当我等待女儿时,我注意一些教师在经过,我期望他们能告诉我是否喜欢交谈,但他们什么也没有说,故选B项。 9.9】C考查动词辨析A. supposing假定;B. wondering想知道;C. expecting期望;D. imagining想象;句意:当我等待女儿时,我注意一些教师在经过,我期望他们能告诉我是否喜欢交谈,但他们什么也没有说,故选C项。 10.0】A考查动词辨析A. say说;B. speak说;C. talk 谈论;D. repeat重复;句意:当我等待女儿时,我注意一些教师在经过,我期望他们能告诉我是否喜欢交谈,但他们什么也没有说,故选A项。 11.1】C考查名词辨析A. hero英语;B. passer-by路人;C. boy男孩;D. girl女孩;句意:一个小男孩过来说,你知道,我喜欢开始,故选C项。 12.2】B考查动词辨析A. tell告诉;B. write 写;C. record 记录;D. describe描述;句意:你打算写个可爱的故事吗,我问,故选B项。 13.3】C考查形容词辨析A. ambitious有理想的;B. positive 积极的;C. excellent优秀的;D. special特殊的;句意:我写的不好,根据语境可知选C项。 14.4】B考查形容词辨析A. concerned关心的;B. delighted 高兴的;C. amused娱乐的;D. amazed吃惊的;句意:因此我解释到,如果他能写关于善举的一两个描述,我会很重视的,故选B项。 15.5】A考查名词辨析A. time时间; B. patience 耐心;C. energy精力;D. courage勇气;根据because he was in a hurry我很忙可知没有时间,故选A项。 16.6】A考查动词辨析A. join加入;B. company 公司;C. treat 对待;D. follow 跟随;句意:因为他着急地与等待着同学走,故选A项。 17.7】B考查名词辨析A. depth 深度;B. heart心;C. bottom底部;D. life生活;句意:但在我心里,这就是个善举,故选B项。 18.8】C考查动词辨析A. refuse 拒绝;B. encourage鼓励;C. stop阻止;D. hesitate犹豫;句意:事实上,他能停下来跟我说两分钟,让我知道他喜欢开会,这值得我投入努力与他进行交谈,故选C项。 19.9】D考查动词辨析A. attended参加;B. had有;C. achieved 实现;D. appreciated欣赏;句意:事实上,他能停下来跟我说两分钟,让我知道他喜欢开会,这值得我投入努力与他进行交谈,故选D项。 20.20】A考查动词短语辨析A. put into投入;B. looked into调查;C. brought into使开始;D. turned into 变成;句意:事实上,他能停下来跟我说两分钟,让我知道他喜欢开会,这值得我投入努力与他进行交谈,故选A项。 考点 :日常生活类短文。


Cell Phones: Hang Up or Keep Talking?

Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places it is actually considered unusual not to use one. __1.__They find that the phones are more than a means of communication----having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.

The explosions around the world in mobile phone use make some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. ___2.___

On the other hand, why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones? Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning(扫描)equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. ___3.__He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer's doctor didn't agree.

____4.__ The answer is radiation. High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use mobile phones less often.___ 5.__Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it's wise not to use your mobile phone too often.

A. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time.

B. They will possibly affect their benefits.

C. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people.

D. He couldn’t remember even simple tasks.

E. What do the doctors worry about?

F. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

G. What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful?



Welcome. You have just entered the largest online museum on the Internet. A work in progress, steadily expanding with thousands of high quality images of the greatest paintings and sculpture in history, the Art Renewal Center is building an encyclopedic collection of essays, biographies and articles by top scholars in the field.

ARC is the Eye of the Storm, at the core, hub and center of a major cultural shift in the art world. With a growing body of experts, we are setting standards to become ARC Approved for artists, art schools, systems of training, museum exhibitions and historical scholarship, to bring guidance, direction, goals and reality to an art establishment that has been sailing rudderless(无领导者的) for nearly a hundred years.

Additionally, the Art Renewal Center is a non-profit educational organization committed to refreshing standards of craftsmanship and excellence. Only by gaining a full command of the skills of the past masters can we create the masters of tomorrow. This is a step forward for our culture. Experimentation and creativity can only succeed and prosper(使……繁荣) when built on a solid foundation of past accomplishments, with the tools which can make artists realize their visions.

Nothing has been more restricting(有限制的) and weakening than the theories of modernism, which got rid of these tools, along with the skills to employ them. We are providing a forum for artists, scholars, collectors and the public to appreciate great art, and to recognize that they’re not alone in their doubts about the emptiness of modern and postmodern art. These doubts are fully justified by the overwhelming(压倒的) body of evidence and historical facts.

1.Where does this passage come from?

A newspaper of art      B. A textbook

C. A magazine           D. A website

2.What can we infer from the 2nd paragraph?

A. ARC has brought guidance, direction for art schools, systems of training.

B. ARC is the Eye of the Storm of the art and museum.

C. Some arts establishment have been aimless for nearly a century.

D. ARC has employed many experts for their exhibition.

3. How shall we do to produce tomorrow experts?

A. To lay a solid foundation for the tomorrow masters.

B. To make refreshing standards of craftsmanship and excellence.

C. To obtain a good knowledge of the past experts’ skills.

D. To accept the non-profit educational organization.

4.What’s the purpose of the forum for artists, scholars, collectors and the public?

A. To get the information of great arts all over the world.

B. To help evaluate great arts and encourage to develop modern arts.

C. To show the doubts of the public and resist the exhibition.

D. To offer enough room to complain about what they are dissatisfied with.



Chinese female scientist Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine on October 5 for her discoveries concerning a novel treatment against Malaria(疟疾). This is the first Nobel Prize given to a Chinese scientist for work carried out within China.

Tu shared the prize with Irish-born William Campbell and Satoshi Omura of Japan, who were honored for their revolutionary anti-roundworm treatment. 84-year-old Tu is awarded this prize for her contribution to cutting the death rate of malaria, reducing patients’ suffering and promoting mankind’s health. Although she received several medical awards in the past, the 2015 Nobel Prize is definitely the most privilege reward that recognizes Tu’s dedication and perseverance in discovering artemisinin(青蒿素),the key drug that battles malaria-friendly parasites(寄生虫).

However, her route to the honor has been anything but traditional. She won the Nobel Prize for medicine, but she doesn’t have a medical degree or a PhD. In China, she is even being called the “three-noes” winner: no medical degree, no doctorate, and she’s never worked overseas. No wonder her success has stirred China’s national pride and helped promote confidence of native Chinese scientists.

The fact that Tu has none of these three backgrounds reminds us that science should be more accessible to all. One can become a scientist no matter what kind of background he or she comes from, as long as one dives into scientific research. There have been discussions on people who really love science but are never able to achieve much during their whole life. Their contributions can never be ignored. They work so hard to prove the wrong way so that the future researchers will be closer to the right one.

As the first Chinese mainland Nobel Prize Winner of natural science award, Tu’s record-breaking winning also serves as a reminder to those who are too eager for instant success. Science is never about instant success. Tu spent decades on scientific research before its value is officially acknowledged. There is no way to measure how much one devotes to science and compare it with how much reward he or she may get.

1. The author seems to agree that a person who is more likely to become a scientist is the one with__________.

A. a sense of national pride

B. enthusiasm for scientific research

C. a desire to achieve success

D. rich academic knowledge

2.It can be concluded from the text that __________.

A. Tu worked homeland and abroad to conduct her research

B. Tu got the Nobel Prize for her anti-roundworm treatment

C. Her discovery of artemisinin has helped to cut Malaria death rate

D. The Nobel Prize is the first award to recognize her work

3.In writing the passage, the author intends to ___________.

A. praise the award winner and encourage scientific research

B. discourage the pursuit of instant success in science

C. remind readers of the principles of scientific research

D. inform readers of the news and make comments



Kate Hashimoto was picking up a few groceries at the Upper West Side Food Emporium when she ran into a friend. “Hey Kate, do you like wraps? Here’s a chicken wrap,’’ her pal said. “But be careful, it’s kind of wet.” They weren’t in the food store. They were in front of the store, digging through three overflowing trash bins.

Hashimoto Dumpster-dives(拾荒) for all her food, doesn’t use toilet paper or do laundry, and hasn’t bought makeups in 10 years. She doesn’t have to live this way she’s an employed CPA(注册会计师). “I’ve always been money-saving, but it was when I was fired that I became extreme,” Hashimoto explained.“No job is guaranteed, so I live as if I could be fired at any time.”

Manhattan, she said, is a gold mine for dumpster divers.“Consumers in wealthy areas expect their products to be perfect, so upscale stores throw out a lot of items that are still good.“New York can be the most expensive place to live, but it can also be the least expensive if you know how to work the system.”

Hashimoto let the reporter of a newspaper spend a day with her learning how to work the system. She lives in Harlem, where she bought a studio in 2010 and paid it off in nine months, but walks down to the Upper West Side three times a week for good, free food. Her other money-saving methods include using soap to wash herself after using the toilet, taking surveys online to earn gift cards, participating in medical trials, testing products for free samples, cutting her own hair, washing her clothes while she showers, and running to work to avoid using subway. “I was very angry about the latest round of subway fare rises,” she said.

Hashimoto does have her limits. Her furniture is a collection of found free gifts— but she won’t take an old mattress for fear of bedbugs, and sleeps instead on used yoga mats. And she won’t stay in a relationship with a boyfriend for free meals.“I’ve been in a relationship where I stayed because I was getting free gifts, but I got out of it,” she says. “It’s better to be single and dumpster-diving than to be with someone you can’t stand.”

1.The author mentions Kate’s friend at the beginning to ______.

A. show there are too many dumpster divers

B. introduce the topic of the text

C. show they have the same lifestyle

D. show the close relationship between them

2.The underlined word “upscale”(in Para.3) is closest in meaning to_______.

A. large     B. high-class     C. faraway   D. comfortable

3.How does the author develop the fourth paragraph?

A. Offering the sufferings of Kate.

B. Making comparisons.

B. Discussing the high living cost in New York.

D. Providing details of Kate’s daily life.





内容:1. 坚持运动,锻炼身体;       2. 多读好书;

3. 旅游观光;    4.当一名志愿者;  5.帮父母做家务。



3.参考词汇: 志愿者  volunteer

Dear Peter,

How is it going? Thank you for your last e-mail.







Best wishes!


Li Hua



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