满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







This passage tells us that Monty Roberts, who had such strong belief that he didn't give up his dream all the time, eventually succeeded in owning a horse ranch. For a person, belief always plays an important role in his/her life. As a saying goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way." Anyone who has strong belief can enjoy a colorful life. Otherwise, he will lose himself in his own way of life. Belief is so important that it can change one's fate. As a deaf man, Beethoven went on working with his strong belief in the last year of his life, though he was not able to hear his own fine music. Marie Curie, a famous scientist, also has set a good example. In 1898, Marie found a new element in the pitchblende. In order to improve her discovery, Marie and her husband worked hard. At last they saw the dim blue light of new element -radium, which made her dream come true. From my personal point of view, it can be seen that one with firmly-held belief is likely to get successful and master his own life. 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于读写任务写作,动笔前,一定要认真阅读原文,并理解内容。认真看清题目要求,这篇书面表达给了一段材料:先要求以约30个词概括上文的主要内容,要求有很高的概括提炼的能力,要抓住文章的主题,再以约120个词写一篇短文,按照要点去表达,不能有遗漏,写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。写作时尽量使用自己会的单词、词组和句型,同时也要注意使用一些高级语法和句型,使自己的文章更有文采。 【亮点说明】This passage tells us that Monty Roberts, who had such strong belief that he didn't give up his dream all the time, eventually succeeded in owning a horse ranch.这句话用了定语从句, For a person, belief always plays an important role in his/her life. As a saying goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way." 这句话用了非限制性定语从句,Anyone who has strong belief can enjoy a colorful life.这句话有定语从句, Belief is so important that it can change one's fate. 这句话用了so…that…句型,As a deaf man, Beethoven went on working with his strong belief in the last year of his life, though he was not able to hear his own fine music. 这句话用了让步状语从句, In order to improve her discovery, Marie and her husband worked hard.这句话用了不定式做目的状语, At last they saw the dim blue light of new element -radium, which made her dream come true.这句话用了非限制性定语从句, it can be seen that one with firmly-held belief is likely toget successful and master his own life. 这句话用了it做形式主语的句型,还有文章还使用了From my personal point of view,  Otherwise,这样的关联词,使文章更加连贯。 考点:考查读写类写作

假设你是学校太阳能汽车研究小组成员, 请用英语写一篇短文, 对比介绍太阳能汽车和普通汽车。主要信息如下:











能量少, 速度慢,夜间不能行使

能量足, 使用方便












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1.The Delighted Eye -- by Prof. John Nash -- The 1994 Nobel Prize Winner for Economics, whose ideas have influenced a generation of the world’s greatest economic minds, tells his life story: growing up in a small town in America, becoming one of America’s most influential mathematicians and his battles with mental illness.

2.Mother Tongue: The English Language -- by Bill Bryson -- Bryson’s book is a journey through the history and different aspects of the English language , one that is both informative and hugely entertaining. As with most of Bryson’s books, fun comes before facts and readers will be left with a smile on their faces.

3.Into Thin Air -- by John Krakauer -- is a riveting first-hand account of a disastrous race to the top of Mount Everest. In March 1996, `Outside’ magazine sent veteran journalist and experienced climber John Krakauer to join the team led by the famous Everest guide Rob Hall. Despite the expertise of Hall and the other leaders, by the end of the race eight people were dead.

4.ReadyMade: How to Make (Almost) Everything -- by Shoshana Berger -- beautifully  written with great factual information. The theme behind this book is re-use, re-claim, re-cycle and there are many detailed easy-to-do projects for the reader to try such as making a photo frame(相框) from a book cover or a pot for your plants from plastic shopping bags.

5.The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron -- by Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind - As the title suggests the authors cover the rise of the American electricity company to become one of the 10 richest companies in the world and its spectacular fall into dishonour and bankruptcy(破产). A perfect guide on what not to do in business.




An elderly carpenter (木匠)was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely(休闲的) life with his wife and children. His employer(老板)was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but it was obvious that his heart was already not in his work . He built it impatiently and used poor materials. It was unfortunate for a wonderful career to end like that.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to insect the house. Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said, ”This is your house. It’s my gift to you.”

The carpenter was shocked! What a shame! If he had known he was building his own house, he would done it all so differently.

So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into   building . Then with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. Therefore build it wisely( 明智)!


1 请你以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2请你以约120词以“Build your life wisely ”为题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:











参考词汇:    1州冠军.the state championship   2.哈佛Harvard   3.赛场 court

姓名 林书豪 Jeremy Lin        出生年月 1988年8月23 日

出生地      美国加州(California)       身高 19 1厘米

体重 91公斤

主要事迹 上高中时,带领校队获得州冠军;


影响 2012年2月,他在NBA赛场上的神奇表现引起全世界的关注,现被认为是世界上最受欢迎的球星之一。





Mary: I never used to like stamp collecting. I read almost everything I can: books, magazines,newspapers. I go to the public library abut twice a week. If you’d like to send me something,maybe books are my favorite.


Tom: My wife says I should take up gardening. We have a big garden and she loves working in it.  But the truth is, it bores me. My friends and my wife think I’m really boring, because I’m always  listening to music. I go to concerts all the time. I love Mozart and all that classical staff.


Mike: I don’t really like video games and that sort of things. I prefer being outdoors, hiking or playing sports. I always go out with my family playing baseball and stuff all the time. I think most   sports are pretty interesting.


Lisa: I’m a free writer, and a lot of people think my job is easier because I don’t have to go to the office every day. And I don’t have to deal with office politics. But, you know, my job is very hard.I have to be very organized and much disciplined. And pretty self-motivated. And when I have a problem, there is no one around to help me.


Victor: My life is very stressful. In my working place, everyone is in a hurry and under tremendous pressure. The doctors are demanding, and there is always too much to do to save a dying patient.

A.The person works in a hospital emergency room. His/her job is to assist doctors to rescue patients    who are seriously ill.

B.The person likes sports activities the most. For him/her, having sports activities is very   interesting.

C.The person works for himself/herself at home. He/She writes for others.

D.The person doesn’t like other things such as gardening. But he/she really likes music, especially classical music.

E.The person likes collecting all kinds of things, such as baseball cards and stamps.

F.Many people may like collecting things, such as collecting cards or stamps. But he/she likes reading very much.



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