满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 An elderly...


An elderly carpenter (木匠)was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely(休闲的) life with his wife and children. His employer(老板)was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but it was obvious that his heart was already not in his work . He built it impatiently and used poor materials. It was unfortunate for a wonderful career to end like that.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to insect the house. Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said, ”This is your house. It’s my gift to you.”

The carpenter was shocked! What a shame! If he had known he was building his own house, he would done it all so differently.

So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into   building . Then with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. Therefore build it wisely( 明智)!


1 请你以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2请你以约120词以“Build your life wisely ”为题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:







One possible version: A carpenter felt regretful when he knew the last house he had built impatiently was a gift for his retirement, which reminds us that we should build our life wisely. It is absolutely unwise of the carpenter to end up his career in this way. Treating his last job carelessly made him lose not only a good house but also his fame as an outstanding house builder. There is no doubt that we shouldn’t treat our life as the carpenter did. As a saying goes, “ How you treat life, and how life treats you!” If we are unwilling to face or deal with our life correctly, it will reward us nothing. Then how can we build our life wisely ? It’s fairly simple. The only answer is to be serious .Only when you treat all the matters happening in your life seriously , can you learn and gain a lot , which is beneficial as well as wise. 【解析】 试题分析:此篇是材料作文,在写作时首先要概括材料内容,然后根据内容发表自己的观点看法以及由此带给我们的启示。本篇材料是大家都很熟悉的一个故事,在写作时要挖掘出作者通过故事想要表达的真实意图,不能在理解上出现偏差。此文给我们的启示应该是:要认真对待生活,否则生活就会愚弄你。此外在故事内容的叙述上应该使用一般过去时,在表达自己态度时使用一般现在时态。 【亮点说明】文中大量复合句的使用显示了作者很高的遣词造句能力,比如文章开头用来表述故事内容的复合句,还有正文部分出现的同位语从句There is no doubt that we shouldn’t treat our life as the carpenter did.,条件状语从句If we are unwilling to face or deal with our life correctly, 非限制性定语从句which is beneficial as well as wise等。此外倒装句Only when you treat all the matters happening in your life seriously , can you learn and gain a lot,和俗语As a saying goes, “ How you treat life, and how life treats you!” 以及非谓语Treating his last job carelessly等多变的句式不仅使文章结构紧凑,内容衔接自然,而且也成了文章一大亮点。 考点:读写任务。




参考词汇:    1州冠军.the state championship   2.哈佛Harvard   3.赛场 court

姓名 林书豪 Jeremy Lin        出生年月 1988年8月23 日

出生地      美国加州(California)       身高 19 1厘米

体重 91公斤

主要事迹 上高中时,带领校队获得州冠军;


影响 2012年2月,他在NBA赛场上的神奇表现引起全世界的关注,现被认为是世界上最受欢迎的球星之一。





Mary: I never used to like stamp collecting. I read almost everything I can: books, magazines,newspapers. I go to the public library abut twice a week. If you’d like to send me something,maybe books are my favorite.


Tom: My wife says I should take up gardening. We have a big garden and she loves working in it.  But the truth is, it bores me. My friends and my wife think I’m really boring, because I’m always  listening to music. I go to concerts all the time. I love Mozart and all that classical staff.


Mike: I don’t really like video games and that sort of things. I prefer being outdoors, hiking or playing sports. I always go out with my family playing baseball and stuff all the time. I think most   sports are pretty interesting.


Lisa: I’m a free writer, and a lot of people think my job is easier because I don’t have to go to the office every day. And I don’t have to deal with office politics. But, you know, my job is very hard.I have to be very organized and much disciplined. And pretty self-motivated. And when I have a problem, there is no one around to help me.


Victor: My life is very stressful. In my working place, everyone is in a hurry and under tremendous pressure. The doctors are demanding, and there is always too much to do to save a dying patient.

A.The person works in a hospital emergency room. His/her job is to assist doctors to rescue patients    who are seriously ill.

B.The person likes sports activities the most. For him/her, having sports activities is very   interesting.

C.The person works for himself/herself at home. He/She writes for others.

D.The person doesn’t like other things such as gardening. But he/she really likes music, especially classical music.

E.The person likes collecting all kinds of things, such as baseball cards and stamps.

F.Many people may like collecting things, such as collecting cards or stamps. But he/she likes reading very much.



Sometime early in the next century, human beings will move to Mars. They will live there for about a year, and then will be replaced with another group of pioneers. Building the base on Mars will advance our knowledge of the solar system and aid in our understanding of the earth.

We already know that Mars resembles the earth in many aspects: general size, presence of water, length of day, range of temperatures. These resemblances have caused many people to consider a centuries-long project: to terraform Mars. Terraforming means altering a planet’s surface so that Earth’s life forms can survive there. This concept, previously found only in science fiction is now being seriously considered by scientists.

Terraforming Mars is theoretically simple: add nitrogen and oxygen to the atmosphere; pump water to the surface; and add the earth’s plants and animals in the order in which they developed on Earth. But it will take at least 300 years.

Some people think that such a project is too huge for humans to undertake, but there are very good reasons to make the attempt. The earth now contains some 6 billion people, and no one has any idea of how many humans the earth can support. Our very existence and numbers are threatening many other species. We also have had some experience with terraforming our own planet: altering the landscape, the atmosphere and the climate. Currently terraforming earth has become a wiser activity as we try to control global warming, air and water pollution, and preserve some natural living places.

While the possibility of such a project is small, it is not impossible .Even if earth –bound societies come and go in the next 300 years, the project can continue through the work of the Mars settlers without the need for constant backing from the earth.

 The future existence of all the people in our world may very well depend upon our ability to terraform Mars.

1.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Terraforming Mars.               B.Saving the Earth

C.Travelling to Mars.                 D.A Newly-found Place

2.What does the underlined word “altering” mean in the second paragraph?

A.Warming.    B.Changing.    C.Planting.      D.Building

3.According to the passage the main purpose of terraforming Mars is to ________.

A.do some scientific research work

B.find out its similarity to earth

C.avoid the dying away of many other species

D.find on Mars living place for the increasing human beings

4.The main reason for causing many people to consider terraforming Mars is that _______.

A.there are some resemblances between Earth and Mars.

B.terraforming Mars is theoretically simple

C.we have had some experience with terraforming our own planet: Earth

D.the development of science and technology is very rapid

5.What’s the author’s attitude towards the project?

A.Optimistic.  B.Negative

C.Sceptical(怀疑的)  D.Objective.



Education has an important effect on the mind or physical ability of an individual. It is the process by which society passes its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.

Various non-traditional education options are now available and continue to flourish(繁荣). One of the most important uses in education is the use of technology. Teachers are encouraged to use new technological devices in order to strengthen learning among students and meet the needs of various types of learners.

The right to education has been created and recognized by jurisdiction(司法). Education is the most important concern of the government of India. Recently India has gained world recognition because many students from foreign countries come here to gain higher qualifications.

One has to be educated in order to speed up the growth process in order to influence the economy. Education is indeed a powerful weapon to stop the cut- throat competition that man faces at every period of life. The importance of education in India is progressing with time. Although India has been a great foundation of learning for many years, it still needs to improve not just on the quality of education but also on the number of people being educated.

Education is not just for academic success but also to make a person become a better human being and a better performer in life. Education makes the students able enough, so that they can compete nationally and internationally. To make a student a successful survivor in life, the responsibility lies equally with the schools and the parents too. Selecting a good school is as important as choosing a suitable career option for a child. The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth, it is education that gives us all the power and necessities of making a difference in any field.

People who are not educated have few opportunities to do what they want to do. Educated people become more responsible and informed citizens, and have a voice in politics and society. It allows people to be more productive by encouraging them to play responsible roles in terms of contributing to society.

1.Nowadays teachers are encouraged to ______.

A. study modern science and technology

B. pass all knowledge to their students

C. use non-traditional devices in class

D. meet the needs of intelligent student first

2.The author uses the example of Indian education to show that____.

A. Indian education is among the best in the world now

B. Indian is becoming more and more powerful now

C. the right to education should be valued all over the world

D. a lot of students in India are from other countries

3.The underlined word “dissemination” in Paragraph 5 probably means “______”.

A. spread         B. ignorance    C. argument      D. question

4.What do we know about education from the passage?

A. It has nothing to do with society

B. It helps people to achieve what they want

C. It has little effect on people’s physical ability

D. It makes a poor man become rich

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The importance of education           B. The responsibility of education

C. The development of education          D. The purpose of education



You are given many opportunities in life to choose to be a victim or a creator. When you choose to be a victim, the world is a cold and difficult place. “They” did things to you which caused all of your pain and suffering. “They” are wrong and bad, and life is terrible as long as “they” are around. Or you may blame yourself for all your problems, thus internalizing(内化) your victimization. The truth is, your life is likely to stay that way as long as you feel a need to blame yourself or others.

         Those who choose to be creators look at life quite differently. They know there are individuals who might like to control their lives, but they don’t let this get in the way. They know they have their weaknesses, yet they don’t blame themselves when they fail. Whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. They believe their dance with each sacred(神圣的) moment of life is a gift and that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth.

         Victims and creators live in the same physical world and deal with many of the same physical realities, yet their experience of life is worlds apart. Victims relish (沉溺) in anger, guilt, and other emotions that cause others—and even themselves—to feel like victims, too. Creators consciously choose love, inspiration, and other qualities which inspire not only themselves, but all around them. Both victims and creators always have choice to determine the direction of their lives.

         In reality, all of us play the victim or the creator at various points in our lives. One person, on losing a job or a special relationship, may feel as if it is the end of the world and sink into terrible suffering for months, years, or even a lifetime. Another with the same experience may choose to first experience the grief, then accept the loss and soon move on to be a powerful creative force in his life.    In every moment and every circumstance, you can choose to have a fuller, richer life by setting a clear intention to transform the victim within, and by inviting into your life the powerful creator that you are.

1.What does the word “they” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to?

A. People and things around you.

B. Opportunities and problems.

C. Creators and their choices.

D. Victims and their sufferings.

2.According to Paragraph 2, creators __________.

A. seem willing to experience failures in life

B. possess the ability to predict future life

C. handle ups and downs of life wisely

D. have potential to create something new

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Creators and victims face quite different things in life.

B. Creators and victims are masters of their lives.

C. Victims can influence more people than creators.

D. Compared with victims, creators are more emotional.

4.The examples mentioned in Paragraph 4 show that __________.

A. strong attachment to (沉浸在)sufferings in life pulls people into victims

B. people need family support to deal with challengers in life

C. it takes creators quite a long time to get rid of their pains

D. one’s experiences determine his attitude toward life

5.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To define victims and creators.

B. To evaluate victims against creators.

C. To explain the relationship between victims and creators.

D. To suggest the transformation from victims to creators.



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