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根据汉语意思完成句子 1.那是因为不同国家的人做法不同。 _________ _...



_________ _________  people do different things in different countries.


In Greece,  __________  is not at __________  polite to wave to say goodbye.


__________  us a __________  . We need to have a good rest.


His dance music __________ him __________  all over Europe.


His family __________  him around Europe and he gave __________  in many cities.


1.That’sbecause 2.itall 3.Givebreak 4.madefamous 5.tookconcerts 【解析】 1.本句是表语从句,根据句意需由because引导;结合句意和中英文提示,可知填(1). That’s (2). because。 2.完全/绝对at all;根据句意,动词不定式是真正主语,需用it做形式主语,故填(1). it (2). all。 3.give sb. a break给某人一个机会,固定搭配;根据句意和中英文提示,可知填(1). Give (2). break。 4.make sb.+形容词,意思是“让/使某人……”,固定结构。根据句意和中英文提示,可知填(1). made (2). famous。 5.举办音乐会give a concert/ concerts;根据句意和中英文提示,可知本句是一般过去时,故填(1). took (2). concerts。


Hello, everyone!1.(欢迎) to Thailand. It’s a beautiful and 2.(活泼的) country. Thousands of 3.(游客;观光者) visit it every year.

I’m your guide. Before going to Thailand, you need to know some customs there. First, you can’t 4.() others’ heads. That’s 5.(因为) it’s not 6. (礼貌的) at all. Second, don’t 7.指向) at others with your 8.(手指) when you talk to them. Third, men should wear shirts and shoes when visiting temples. Fourth, don’t point at monks with your finger and women can’t 9. (摇晃) hands with them.

Follow these customs, I 10.(相信) you’ll enjoy yourselves in Thailand.




November 21, 2016 was the 44th World Hello Day. It started on November 21, 1973. Taking part in(参加) this day couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is to greet(问候) 10 people. Do you know how people in different countries greet each other?

We Chinese usually say “nihao” when we meet someone. At school, we learn some ways to say hello in English. They are “How do you do?” and “How are you?” However, people from English-speaking countries seldom(很少) use them as greetings when they meet friends. Let’s have a look at some popular ones.

UK: “You all right?” “Yea, you?” “I’m good.” This is a usual conversation(交谈) among British friends. Girls like saying nice words when meeting each other, such as “Hey, lovely.” Sometimes, people also say “How’s it going?” But it’s not a question. You can say it when you meet someone.

US: Americans say, “What’s up?” or “What’s good?” And people usually answer with “Not much.” or “Nothing.” Children often say, “Sup?” A popular greeting is “Hey, man.” But it is only among boys. Girls may say “Hey, girl.”

Australia: If you meet an Australian, you may hear “G’day, mate.” It means “Good day.” But with a strong accent(口音), it sounds like “Good eye, mate.” Saying it!It’s an interesting accent. You can answer by the same way, “G’day.”

1.How many countries are mentioned(提及) in this passage?

A. Two.    B. Three.    C. Four.    D. Five.

2.What do the girls in the UK say when meeting each other?

A. Sup?    B. Hey, lovely.

C. Hey, girl.    D. G’day, mate.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Different countries have different greetings.

B. It’s not easy to take part in World Hello Day.

C. Children in the United States often say “Good day.”

D. You have to answer the question “How’s it going?”.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. People Enjoy Greeting

B. Make Friends with Others

C. English-speaking Countries

D. Say “Hello” to the World



WHAT power(力量) does music have? Band of Hope is a student band in the US. They play music for young patients(病人) at a children’s hospital.

Students at Hopewell Junior High School started the band about six months ago. The band’s 27 members meet once a week for a two-hour practice after school.

On May 27, they played their sixth concert(音乐会) for 20 children in hospital. The band members also told stories for the patients and brought small instruments(乐器) for them to play.

Liam Watters, 13, plays the baritone(男中音) in the band. During one concert, he learned that one of the patients liked to listen to the singing, so he and a few other band members went back to the patient’s room and sang to him.

That was really cool,” Liam said. “They had big smiles on their faces.”

“We’re hoping that it can become an even bigger part of our culture(文化) here,” said Kerry Wilson, the head of the band. “It helps them to feel happy, and enjoy being a part of our community(社区),” said Wilson.

1.Band of Hope plays music for          .

A. sick kids    B. tired kids

C. poor students    D. their friends

2.There are            members in Band of Hope.

A. 6    B. 13    C. 20    D. 27

3.What did the band do for the children on May 27?

a. They told stories for them.

b. They read books for them.

c. They played music for them.

d. They brought instruments for them.

A. a, b, c    B. a, b, d    C. a, c, d    D. b, c, d

4.What does the underlined word “That” mean?

A. Playing the baritone.

B. Going to the hospital.

C. Doing something for the patients.

D. Staying with other band members.



History is not just cold facts(事实) for students at Lincoln Middle School in the USA. The school opened a WWII(二战) museum on May 19. All the students showed videos, e-books, and songs to share(分享) a different idea of history.

Emma made an e-book about women workers in WWII. Emma said people didn’t talk about those women more.

“The women really worked hard while men were away from their homes to the war(战争),” she told the newspaper Park Ridge Herald.

Rachel made a computer game. Players could play their roles(扮演角色), like a soldier or a Jewish person. When the players were playing games, they were just like doing different things in the war.

Like Emma and Rachel’s work, most students’ exhibits(展品) were not about the war, but about ordinary(普通的) people in the war.

“We want kids to know well about the events(事件) through ordinary people’s stories,” said the head teacher, Tony Murray.

1.Lincoln Middle School is in           .

A. India    B. England    C. America    D. Thailand

2.If people read Emma’s e-book, they can know more about the           in the war.

A. men    B. women    C. kids    D. players

3.In Para. 4, Rachel           to help students to remember World War II.

A. made a computer game    B. told a story

C. sang a song    D. made an e-book

4.We can learn that the school opened the museum          .

A. to make students remember Chinese history

B. to help students know more about World War II

C. to ask students to read more books

D. to let students be more interested in computer games



My Dad

He comes home, has a shower

And eats dinner, every day

Now he’s sitting in his favourite chair

Too tired to laugh or play

He reads his book or newspaper

To learn what’s new today

Soon he’ll go to bed

He’s a boring man, my dad

Then I see him working

On the building site

He’s high up in the clouds

Higher than a kite

He’s walking bravely on a narrow piece of wood

Not worried about the height

Not afraid, not afraid like me

He’s a superman, my dad

1.Why does the writer write the poem(诗歌)?

A. To tell a story.

B. To make others laugh.

C. To express(表达) feelings.

D. To tell life or friendship.

2.Why doesn’t Dad laugh or play after coming home?

A. He likes reading.

B. He is really tired.

C. He is a boring man.

D. He likes sitting in his favourite chair.

3.Where does the writer see Dad working?

A. At school.    B. On a farm.

C. In an office.    D. On a building site.



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