满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


时间对每个人来说都是宝贵的,那么怎样才能更好地利用时间呢?请用英语写一篇题目为“How to save time”的作文。

内容包括:1. 时间的意义和重要性; 2. 人们浪费时间的现象(至少3种);3. 节省时间的方法(至少3个);4. 号召大家节约时间。

作文要求:1. 语句连贯,条理清楚,不得抄袭原文,书写工整;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 词数80左右。

How to save time





How to save time We have ever heard of “Time is money. Time is life”. Time is very important to everyone. But we can see people waste their time everywhere. They spend much time playing computer games, drinking, sleeping late in the morning and so on. It’s necessary for us to save our valuable time. We have to listen to our teachers carefully in class so that we can save more time to learn others after class. We should make a plan to study at home so that we can learn more with less time. We should spend more time reading instead of playing games. If we can make good use of time, we are sure to get more. To save time is to save life. Let’s save time from now on. 【解析】这是一篇命题作文,。取材于现实生活,是有关节约时间的话题,写一篇题为“How to save time”的英语作文。主要考查写作能力,也是对英语综合知识运用的考查,这就要求仔细分析所给提示,发表对这一问题的个人观点与看法,写作内容要包含4个方面的内容,根据材料内容可知本文主要是一般现在时态,主语是第一人称,注意时态、搭配及主谓一致问题。写作中适当使用连接词,注意上下文联系紧密,可适当发挥,写出语言流畅,意思连贯的文章。To save time is to save life. Let’s save time from now on. 具有很强的号召力。  




     I’ve become _______ _______ at speaking English.


     I received a parcel _______ _______ some flowers.


     The little boy is _______ _______ a toy car.


     I’m coming to _______ you _______ winning the speech competition.


    You must be _______ _______ your own decisions.




1.Mr. Brown guided me to do a lot better in science. (对划线部分提问)

   _______ _______ Mr. Brown guide you to do?

2.She said, “I like swimming.” (改为间接引语)

   She said _______ she _______ swimming.

3.I can work it out however difficult it is. (改为同义句)

   I can work it out _______ _______ how difficult it is.

4.They are going to visit the village next week. (改为否定句)

   They _______ _______ to visit the village next week.

5.His father stopped smoking three months ago. (改为同义句)

    His father _______ _______ smoking three months ago.





Last week I went to an art show. A painting caught my eyes. To my amazement, it was painted by Steven, one of my1..Then many things about him came into my mind.

Steven was from a poor family. His parents2.not afford to buy him some basic things that he needed. Once our school provided gloves for poor children. I put Steven’s name on the list. He was so3.when he received a pair .He loved to wear them and they were always4.than anybody else’s.

Steven had a talent for painting and he could5.understand what I described in class .But he didn’t have money to buy the paper for painting. So sometimes I6.him some. He practiced hard and I often show his paintings to the class. He was greatly7..

One day just before the summer vacation ,he came to8.some art books. When the new term began, he showed some of9.paintings to me. I felt shocked. They were good. Then we talked a lot. He said he would keep on.

Later he was admitted to a famous art university. After graduation, he had many difficulties, but he never gave up. He was always10.his best to improve himself.




When two people meet, there are a lot    A     ways of greeting. But the ways of greeting are not always the   B    in different countries.

Two people usually greet each other with a handshake in America. ①the, a, person, to, way, respect, it, to, other, show, is. Players from opposite teams shake hands before a game for the same reason. However, most Americans don’t shake hands when they meet people they have already known well. When American friends meet each other, they might only wave(挥手), or maybe just nod their heads.

There is a special way of greeting called “Hongi(鼻触礼)” in New Zealand. In the greeting, two people press their noses and foreheads(前额) together and close their eyes. This is an old tradition that comes from the Maori(毛利人), who were the first people to live in New Zealand. Even today, many New Zealanders still press their foreheads when they meet.

People bow to each other every time when they meet in Japan. Even family members bow to each other. People decide how low to bow depending on how respected the other person is.

Today, new ways of greeting are created all the time. People can do this with a quick “hi”, a handshake, or even a simple smile. The important thing is that the people they are greeting understand them.

1.任务一: 请在文中A、B 两处的横线上填入适当的单词。(每空一词)



2.任务二: 请将文中①处后面的斜体单词连成句子。


3.任务三: 请将文中②处划线句子翻译成汉语。


4.任务四: 请回答问题:How many countries are mentioned in this passage?    


5.任务五: 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。(10词以内)





A: Hello, Lucy. Long time no see. How are you?

B: Fine, thank you. 1.

A: I’m very well. What are you busy with these days?

B: 2.

A: The Voice of China? This program is very popular in China.

B: Yes. More and more foreigners take part in it. 3.

A: Great. Which song will you sing?

B: My heart will go on. 4. I like it very much.

A: Then when is your show time?

B: Next Friday. At 10:00 p.m.

A: Come on and wish you good luck!

B: 5.



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