满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.Bob什么时候过生日?十一月三日。。 2.Lucy 最喜欢什么学科?她最喜...



2.Lucy 最喜欢什么学科?她最喜欢地理。





1.When is Bob’s birthday? His birthday is on November 3rd. 2.What’s Lucy’s favorite subject? Her subject is geography. 3.t takes her an hour to do homework every day. 4.Can you make friends with me ? 5.How far is it from his home to the train station? 【解析】请在此填写整体分析! 1.Bob’s birthday表示鲍勃的生日;提问时间用when;on November 3rd 表示在在11月3日。根据汉语提示,故填When is Bob’s birthday? His birthday is on November 3rd. 2.Lucy’s favorite subject表示露西最喜欢的科目;Her subject她的科目,根据汉语提示,故填What’s Lucy’s favorite subject? Her subject is geography. 3.It takes sb. some time to do sth.表示花费某人多长时间去做某事。根据汉语提示,故填It takes her an hour to do homework every day. 4.make friends with sb.表示同某人交朋友;Can you +动词的原形,表示你能做……。根据汉语提示,故填Can you make friends with me ? 5.How far提问距离;from...to...表示从……到……;根据汉语提示,故填How far is it from his home to the train station?

A.really healthy  B.takes the bus   C.in a school

D.from Monday to Friday  E.a PE teacher .

Bill is 30 years old. He works 1.. He is a teacher. He goes to work 2.. He gets up at six. After breakfast he 3.to work. He is 4.. So he often plays basketball.He likes his students. He plays sports , so he is 5.. On weekends, he goes to the movies.




1.He always ___________ (brush) his teeth in the evening.

2.He likes ______ (dance) in the morning.

3.School usually ______ (finish) at 4: 30 p.m.

4.He needs half an hour _____ (play) the guitar.

5.Is it easy ________ (make) dinner for you?

6.What about_______ (take) a bus to school today?

7.It takes him about half an hour ________ (drive) to school.

8.He has much time _______( speak) English.

9.We want three __________(music) for our school festival.

10.Mary _________( not do) homework on weekends.




1.There are some______________(村民) here.

2.There are twelve____________(月份) in a year.

3._____________/'fɪnɪʃ/ is the second month of a year.

4.This is his ___________ (12) birthday.

5.Bob has music on ______________/ˈwenzdɪ /.

6.Chinese and English are my favorite______________/ 'sʌbdʒekts/

7.They get _________/ drest / at 6:30.

8.There are sixty____________(分钟) in an hour.

9.He ________() English.

10.Can you tell me ________(故事)




1.When is Alice’s birthday?

2.I get up late.




1.He finishes his class.

2.Why does he like science?

3.I am afraid.



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