满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.He always ___________ (brush) his tee...


1.He always ___________ (brush) his teeth in the evening.

2.He likes ______ (dance) in the morning.

3.School usually ______ (finish) at 4: 30 p.m.

4.He needs half an hour _____ (play) the guitar.

5.Is it easy ________ (make) dinner for you?

6.What about_______ (take) a bus to school today?

7.It takes him about half an hour ________ (drive) to school.

8.He has much time _______( speak) English.

9.We want three __________(music) for our school festival.

10.Mary _________( not do) homework on weekends.


1.brushes 2.to dance\dancing 3.finishes 4.to play 5.to make 6.taking 7.to drive 8.to speak 9.nusicians 10.doesn’t do 【解析】请在此填写整体分析! 1.He always ___________ (brush) his teeth in the evening.句意:他总是在晚上刷牙。主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词要变第三人称单数。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填 brushes。 2.He likes ______ (dance) in the morning.句意:他喜欢在早上跳舞。短语like to do或like doing sth.表示喜欢去做某事。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填to dance\dancing。 3.School usually ______ (finish) at 4: 30 p.m.句意:学校通常在下午4点半结束课程。主语是滴三人称单数,谓语动词要变第三人称单数。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填finishes 。 4.He needs half an hour _____ (play) the guitar.句意:他西药半个小时去弹吉他。短语need sth. to do sth.表示需要……去做……。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填to play。 5.Is it easy ________ (make) dinner for you?句意:对你来说做晚饭是容易的。It’s +形容词+to do sth.表示做某事是……。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填to make。 6.What about_______ (take) a bus to school today?句意:今天乘公共汽车去学校怎么样?What about+doing sth.表示做……怎么样?根据句意及所给单词提示,故填taking。 7.It takes him about half an hour ________ (drive) to school.句意:花费他大约半个小时的时间开车去学校。It takes sb. some time to do sth.表示花费某人多长时间去做某事。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填to drive 。 8.He has much time _______( speak) English.句意:他有太多说英语的时间。这里是动词不定式做后置定语。to speak English在这里是动词不定式做后置定语修饰time。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填to speak 。 9.We want three __________(music) for our school festival.句意:对于我们学校的艺术节我们想要三个音乐家。Three+名词的复数。Musician是音乐家,这里用复数形式。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填musicians。 10.Mary _________( not do) homework on weekends.句意:玛丽在周末不做家务。主语是第三人称单数,构成否定句要借助助动词does+not+动词的原形。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填doesn’t do。


1.There are some______________(村民) here.

2.There are twelve____________(月份) in a year.

3._____________/'fɪnɪʃ/ is the second month of a year.

4.This is his ___________ (12) birthday.

5.Bob has music on ______________/ˈwenzdɪ /.

6.Chinese and English are my favorite______________/ 'sʌbdʒekts/

7.They get _________/ drest / at 6:30.

8.There are sixty____________(分钟) in an hour.

9.He ________() English.

10.Can you tell me ________(故事)




1.When is Alice’s birthday?

2.I get up late.




1.He finishes his class.

2.Why does he like science?

3.I am afraid.



center  April  brush  people  third  boat

club  between  today  favorite  month  there

1./ eɪ /_______________________

2./ ʌ /_______________________

3./ ə/ _______________________


5./i:/ _________________________



Dear Li Chen,

How are you? Thanks for your letter. History and math are my favorite subjects, too. I think they are interesting. I know your school  finishes at 5:30 p.m. It’s too late. Our school finishes at 3:40.

On Monday and Tuesday afternoon, I have a drawing lesson from 4:00 to 5:00. I’m good at it. My dream is to be an artist. On Tuesday afternoon , I have a swimming lesson. I don’t like sports, but my mother thinks it can help me keep healthy. On Wednesday afternoon, I’m free. I usually go to the school library with my best friend.

I am free on weekends because I don’t have too much homework. I usually go shopping.

1.Li Chen’s favorite subjects are_________

A. history and math    B. art and math    C. art and PE

2.Alice has a drawing lesson for _______ on Monday afternoon.

A. half an hour    B. an hour    C. two hours

3.What does the underlined word “artist” mean in Chinese?

A. 音乐家    B. 艺术家    C. 作家

4.Alice _______ on Tuesday afternoon.

A. goes to the library    B. goes shopping    C. has a swimming lesson

5.Which is true?

A. Li Chen’s classes finish at 3:40 pm.

B. Alice likes playing sports .

C. Alice doesn’t have much homework to do on weekends.



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