满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A.really healthy B.takes the bus C.in a ...

A.really healthy  B.takes the bus   C.in a school

D.from Monday to Friday  E.a PE teacher .

Bill is 30 years old. He works 1.. He is a teacher. He goes to work 2.. He gets up at six. After breakfast he 3.to work. He is 4.. So he often plays basketball.He likes his students. He plays sports , so he is 5.. On weekends, he goes to the movies.


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.E 5.A 【解析】这篇短文主要是介绍了比尔的日常生活。 1.句意:他在学校工作。in a school表示在学校。根据句意及所给短语提示,故选C。 2.句意他从周一到周五去上班。from Monday to Friday表示从周一到周五。根据句意及所给短语提示, 故选D。 3.句意:吃过早饭他乘公共汽车去上班。.takes the bus 表示乘公共汽车。根据句意及所给短语提示,故选B。 4.句意:他是一名体育老师。a PE teacher 表示一名体育老师。根据句意及所给短语提示,故选E。 5.句意:因此他真的很健康。really healthy 表示真地很健康。根据句意及所给单词提示,故选A。


1.He always ___________ (brush) his teeth in the evening.

2.He likes ______ (dance) in the morning.

3.School usually ______ (finish) at 4: 30 p.m.

4.He needs half an hour _____ (play) the guitar.

5.Is it easy ________ (make) dinner for you?

6.What about_______ (take) a bus to school today?

7.It takes him about half an hour ________ (drive) to school.

8.He has much time _______( speak) English.

9.We want three __________(music) for our school festival.

10.Mary _________( not do) homework on weekends.




1.There are some______________(村民) here.

2.There are twelve____________(月份) in a year.

3._____________/'fɪnɪʃ/ is the second month of a year.

4.This is his ___________ (12) birthday.

5.Bob has music on ______________/ˈwenzdɪ /.

6.Chinese and English are my favorite______________/ 'sʌbdʒekts/

7.They get _________/ drest / at 6:30.

8.There are sixty____________(分钟) in an hour.

9.He ________() English.

10.Can you tell me ________(故事)




1.When is Alice’s birthday?

2.I get up late.




1.He finishes his class.

2.Why does he like science?

3.I am afraid.



center  April  brush  people  third  boat

club  between  today  favorite  month  there

1./ eɪ /_______________________

2./ ʌ /_______________________

3./ ə/ _______________________


5./i:/ _________________________



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