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书面表达(共20分) 朋友情深,友谊无价。在与朋友交往的过程中,你认为什么是最重...



内容提示:(1)What is the most important about friendship?

(2)Share your experience.





As we all know, friends are important for us in our daily life. And everyone needs friends. Friend means a person who gets on well with you and helps you. I think the most important about friendship is helpful. My best friend is Jack. We are classmates since we went to school about 9 years ago. Either of us is wrong. We tell him. Either of us has trouble We help him. When I am happy, Jack is happy. When Jack is sad, I also feel down. We are good friends and we think our friendship will last long. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Let’s help others and have more friends. 【解析】 试题分析:本题要求谈谈在与朋友交往的过程中最重要的方面,并以此为话题给校刊写一篇征文。要求从“朋友交往最重要的是什么”、“自己的经历”两个方面进行写作。短文要中心突出,思想积极向上,语义连贯,层次清晰。短文用第一人称,一般现在时及一般过去时两种时态形式。 写作亮点:短文第一段由朋友着笔,提出自己的观点:友情中最重要的是帮助;主题自然引出,观点明确。第二段讲自己与好朋友之间的故事,指出错误,帮助解决烦恼,同喜同忧,字里行间都突出了“帮助”的主题。第三段再次揭示短文主旨:患难朋友才是真朋友,我们帮助别人,交更多的朋友吧。层次清楚,结构明晰。中心突出,主题鲜明。 【考点定位】 考查话题类作文。  



I have sent the email to you. ____________________________________


Tom cant play basketball with us. ______________________________________


_____________________________,and then your spoken English will improve.


The summer camp is coming. ________________________________


___________________________________. Dont push your way onto the bus.




①Getting recognition(认可)from National Geographic, a famous US magazine, is the dream for many  photographers. A Chinese teenage photographer has made this dream come true.

②With his work Weed(野草)on the Wall, Gong Zijie, a 14-year-old boy from Changsha, Hunan, won the 2014 International Photography Competition for Kids in China. It was hosted by National Geographic Kids. Gong got the first place for the subject Wild Vacation. His photo shows the shadow of a weed on the Forbidden Citys red walls. In photographer Li Shaobais words, The picture is silent but powerful.

③Gong learned photography from his father, a professional photographer working for Hunan TV. Since the age of 4, he has been following his father to take pictures of nature and society.

Gong is a patient photographer. When he finds something amazing, he can spend hours waiting for the perfect time to catch the moment. In his first work, Gong took the beautiful view of the sunset near his hometown. It looked simple, but Gong worked for four days to take the best photo.

⑤Now, the young photographer cares more about social (社会的)problems. In Gongs pictures of Liuyang River, hundreds of dead fish show us the deadly results of pollution. He has made up his mind to document polluted rivers at least once every year to make people pay more attention to environmental protection.

Now photography is not only a hobby, but also a duty(责任)for me. said Gong.

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1.Whats the name of the photo that helped Gong Zijie get the first place?

2.What does photographer Li Shaobai think of Gongs work?

3.Did Gong learn photography by himself?

4.What does the writer want to tell us about Gong in Paragraph 4?

5.What can you learn from Gong?




Indians always shake their heads when they talk to others. It does not have the same meaning as our   1.  . If someone wants to visit India, he should know this or it will give him some   2.  .

One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired (雇用)a car and an Indian driver. When he told his driver to take him to his office, the driver shook his head at once. The officer   3.  his order and the driver shook his head again. At last, the officer, of course, got   4. 

How dare(敢)you refuse my order? he   5. , Drive me to the office at once!

The driver answered in a very loud voice too. Yes, sir. But to the officers surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.

The car started and the officer was now so surprised that he   6.  say a word. He thought about it for a while and nodded with a smile, No means Yes here!




metre      be        build         until        nervous

The sun was going down when we arrived at the ground floor of the building. I was afraid of going to the top of tall buildings, so I was a little   1.  when I walked into a lift. The lift climbed faster and faster 2.  we reached the 88th floor. It   3.  high up there, but I was not afraid when I stood at the top.

The Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai is 420.5 4. high. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world. It   5. in 1999, and it has a fantastic view of Pudong District and the centre of Shanghai. I really like t he tower and I am sure I will visit it again.




friend       warn         your         three        snow

1. Excuse me, wheres the nearest bookshop?

--Go along the road and its just on the _______ street.

2.Lingling, if you dont warm up before taking exercise, you may hurt ________.

3.In winter theres a lot of ______ in New York.

4.Were going to collect litter in the park next to my _______ house this afternoon.

5.Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so its difficult _____ people about them.



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