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阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词) In...


Indians always shake their heads when they talk to others. It does not have the same meaning as our   1.  . If someone wants to visit India, he should know this or it will give him some   2.  .

One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired (雇用)a car and an Indian driver. When he told his driver to take him to his office, the driver shook his head at once. The officer   3.  his order and the driver shook his head again. At last, the officer, of course, got   4. 

How dare(敢)you refuse my order? he   5. , Drive me to the office at once!

The driver answered in a very loud voice too. Yes, sir. But to the officers surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.

The car started and the officer was now so surprised that he   6.  say a word. He thought about it for a while and nodded with a smile, No means Yes here!


1.No 2.trouble 3.repeated 4.angry 5.shouted 6.couldn’t 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一个外国官员在印度雇车时,发生在他与司机之间的有趣故事。印度人讲话时喜欢摇头,官员叫一位印度司机送他去办公室,司机马上摇头;官员多次重复自己的命令时,司机都是摇头。当官员大声叫喊着叫司机马上送他到办公室时,司机同意地回答着,也同时摇头。这时这位官员才明白,印度的摇头不是在说不。 1.No 句意:这和我们的“不”不是同样的意思。我们用摇头表示不,而印度的摇头与我们表拒绝、否定的“不”不是同一个意思。故填:No。 2.2】trouble句意:如果有人想要参观印度,他应该知道这点,否则会给他带来一些麻烦。由于肢体语言所表达的实际含义相反,不明白这点就会招惹麻烦,故填:trouble。 3.3】repeated句意:官员重复着自己的命令,而司机再次摇头。官员已经叫过印度人送他去办公室,这是再次命令,重复地说,故填:repeated. 4.4】angry句意:官员最后当然生气了。官员的命令被多次摇头“拒绝”了,因此生气了,故填:angry。 5.5】shouted句意:“你怎么敢拒绝我的命令?”他嚷道,“马上开车送我去办公室!”前面命令时,该官员已经生气,再次被摇头“拒绝”。可以推测出他会咆哮了,故填:shouted。 6.6】couldn’t句意:小车出发了,官员现在是如此的诧异,以致于他一个字也说不出来。根据本段的描述,官员明白了是怎么一回事了。因此对自己的失态不知说什么好,不能说出一个字。故填:couldn’t。 【考点定位】 考查短文填词。


metre      be        build         until        nervous

The sun was going down when we arrived at the ground floor of the building. I was afraid of going to the top of tall buildings, so I was a little   1.  when I walked into a lift. The lift climbed faster and faster 2.  we reached the 88th floor. It   3.  high up there, but I was not afraid when I stood at the top.

The Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai is 420.5 4. high. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world. It   5. in 1999, and it has a fantastic view of Pudong District and the centre of Shanghai. I really like t he tower and I am sure I will visit it again.




friend       warn         your         three        snow

1. Excuse me, wheres the nearest bookshop?

--Go along the road and its just on the _______ street.

2.Lingling, if you dont warm up before taking exercise, you may hurt ________.

3.In winter theres a lot of ______ in New York.

4.Were going to collect litter in the park next to my _______ house this afternoon.

5.Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so its difficult _____ people about them.




Shop worker: What can I do for you?

Betty:   1.

Shop worker: What colour do you like?

Betty: Purple.

Shop worker: All right.    2.

Betty: Small.

Shop worker: What about this one?

Betty:    3.

Shop worker: Certainly.

Betty: Oh, I like it.     4.

Shop worker: Its 198 yuan.

Betty:     5.

Shop worker: But wait a minute! There is a sale on today. Everything is half price.

Betty: OK! Ill take it.

A. Thats too expensive.

B. May I try it on?

C. Id like to buy a T-shirt.

D. Im afraid I dont like it.

E. How much is it?

F. What else would you like?

G. What size do you take?




Car pool(拼车)

Beep, Beep, goes the car horn(喇叭). Youve got dressed, but youve not had time to eat breakfast. You run out of the front door with your schoolbag, and jump into the waiting car. Inside, your friends say hey as one of their parents drives you to school.     1.

Car pools are a common way of transport for many students in the US. You, along with many of your friends, can sit in one car. 2. And your parents many take turns to drive you all to school.

3.  If youre late, you can eat that breakfast you dont have time for at home. If youre behind on your homework, this is your last chance to finish it before class. Some simply add to their sleep time before classes begin.

Besides walking or cycling to class, car pools are green if you cant take the school bus. Instead of four cars taking four students to school each day, they can all squeeze into one.   4.

More importantly, car pooling teaches students valuable life lessons not taught in class. It can teach students about being on time. It can also teach them the bad influence of being late. If youre late, then all of your friends will be late too.

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A. What do friends do in the car?

B. This is the daily car pool to school.

C. Of course, its better to take the school bus.

D. Why is car pool so popular in the USA?

E. Think of how much oil that can save!

F. You share the journey to school each day.




If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers?

To remember 11 numbers is not difficult. However, because of the smartphone, many of us are losing this ability. Whats more, smartphones weaken(削弱)our skills at giving directions, as well as killing face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, its common for most to check their phones.

According to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, an American company, Chinese people spend about 170 minutes on their smartphones daily.

Many students are addicted to using smartphones. It does no good to their study. Research by Japans Education Ministry showed children who spend more than four hours a day on their phones perform much worse in school test than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes.

Its true that the smartphone has made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study or work. People are trying to change that.

A new app(应用软件)called Forest was introduced this month. It lets users plant a seed that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During the half hour, users cannot use their phones, or the tree will die.

A restaurant in Los Angeles, US, gives people a 5% discount (折扣) if they dont check their phones during a meal. Owner Mark Gold said he hopes it gives people a way to enjoy their meal and actually talk with friends and family in person.

1.Many people cant remember their parentss phone numbers because _______.

A. they dont care about their parents

B. they depend too much on smartphones

C. they find it difficult to remember numbers

D. they dont know how to remember numbers

2.What does the word addicted probably mean in Chinese?

A. 沉迷             B. 喜爱                  C. 习惯               D. 擅长

3.The app Forest is used to _________.

A. encourage people to plant more trees

B. get people to change their smartphones

C. help people better control smartphone using

D. offer people a new game to enjoy themselves

4.By giving people a 5% discount, Owner Mark Gold wants his customers to ___________.

A. enjoy a cheaper meal

B. say no to smartphones

C. check phones after the meal

D. improve face-to-face communication

5.Whats the best title of the passage?

A. Smart or harmful?

B. Stop using smartphones?

C. Why not try smartphones?

D. How to make your phones smart?



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