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阅读理解。 Traditionally, business people wou...


Traditionally, business people would get to know each other over a round of golf. But road cycling is fast catching up as the preferred way of networking recently.

“When you play golf with somebody you have to decide if youre going to beat them, or let them beat you,” says Peter Murray, a chairman of the NLA centre. “If theyre your customers and you dont want to beat them, sometimes you might have to make some kind of cheating in order to lose. That seems to me  not a good way of doing things.”

Group cycling, and especially long-distance riding, is a shared experience, Mr Murray says. Riders often work together and help each other out, taking turns to be at the front so that the riders in their group can save almost a third of the effort needed to travel at the same speed.

How someone rides a bike can give you a real insight into what a person is like, says Jean-Jacques Lorraine, founding director of Morrow Lorraine, a team member of Cycle to Cannes. “Some riders are very single-minded, others more collaborative; some are skillful, others an open book.” “If I walk into a meeting and somebody says „Ive done Cycle to Cannes , its a done deal really,” says Mr Lorraine.

Mr Mottram, CEO of Rapha, believes it is easier to get to know people by cycling than in other situations. “T here is an easy environment about conversations on a bike.” Mr Lorraine makes the point more directly: “I feel open and honest to others. I often find Im saying things on a bike which I wouldnt normally say, and equally Ive been confided (吐露秘密) in when I wasnt expecting it.”

Why do cycle rides lend riders so well to networking? “Getting a quick lunch or drink after work doesnt give you long enough to get to know someone,” Mr. Murray says. He believes long rides get people together. “A younger rider can be cycling along with a boss and help him in some way and you get a reversal of the relationship.  This changes the relationship when they are off the ride too.”

Perhaps the main reason why cycling is a good way to network is that its a passion (激情) and a way of life. “Getting out on the bike is what were all dreaming of doing while were sitting at our computers,” says  Mr Mottram. And a shared passion is a fantastic way to start any relationship.

1.We can infer from Paragraph 2 that ______.

A.golf is a sport full of cheating

B.cycling is less popular than golf

C.deciding on winners in golf is hard

D.golf might also have disadvantages

2.In Paragraph 4, Mr Lorraine thinks that ______.

A.getting a quick lunch after work helps get people together

B.telling what a person is really like by cycling is a way of life

C.riders need to volunteer to be at the front to save their energy

D.its much easier for people to make a deal if they are all riders

3.Which of the following is TRUE about cycling?

A.Businessmen used to prefer cycling to golf.

B.Cycling is a good way to get to know people.

C.Group cycling is always a long-distance riding.

D.Its not acceptable for the riders to talk on the bike.

4.What could be the best title of the passage?

A.Advantages and Disadvantages of Cycling.

B.Two Good Ways of Networking.

C.Cycling Is the New Golf.

D.Cycling Develops Fast.


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲的是高尔夫球的交际方式不能正确的去了解一个人,而骑自行车是可以的,所以骑自行车可以算作新的高尔夫。 1.细节理解题 第二段说的是打高尔夫球,如果不想赢可用欺骗的手段丢球。所以高尔夫球是有缺陷的。故选D . 2.细节理解题 根据这句话 I‟ve done Cycle to Cannes‟ , it‟s a done deal really,” says Mr Lorraine. 可推测答案是D。 3.细节理解题 根据这句话How someone rides a bike can give you a real insight into what a person is like,可推测答案是B。 4.细节理解题 根据第一段But road cycling is fast catching up as the preferred way of networking recently. 这句话可知道答案是C。 考点:社会现象类阅读


Artificial intelligence: Google’s AlphaGo beats Go master Lee Se-dol

A computer program has beaten a master Go player 3-0 in a best-of-five competition, in what is seen as a landmark moment for artificial intelligence (人工智能).

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Googles AlphaGo program was playing against Lee Se-dol in Seoul, in South Korea.

Mr Lee had been confident he would win before the competition started.

“AlphaGo played consistently (稳定地) from beginning to the end while Lee, as he is only human, showed some mental weakness,” one of Lees coaches, Kwon Kap-Yong, told the AFP news agency.

Mr Lee is considered as a successful Go player, having won many competitions in his career.

Go is a game of two players who take turns putting black or white stones on a 19-by-19 grid (棋格). Players win by surrounding their competitors pieces with their own.

In the first game of the series (系列赛), AlphaGo won by a very small chance Mr Lee had led for most of the match, but AlphaGo managed to build up a strong lead in its closing stages.

After losing the second match to DeepMind, Lee Se-dol said he was “speechless” adding that the AlphaGo machine played a “nearly perfect game”.

Experts said that Lee Se-dol had brought his “top game” but that AlphaGo had won “in great style”.

The AlphaGo system was developed by British computer company DeepMind which was bought by Google in 2014. It has built up its special skills by studying older games and teasing out so many kinds of ways of play. And, according to DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis, it has also spent a lot of time just playing the game.

“It played itself, millions and millions of times and each time got a little better it learns from its mistakes,” he told the BBC before the matches started.

This good circle of continuous improvement meant the super computer went into the five-match series stronger than when it beat the European player late last year.

Does this mean artificial intelligence is now smarter than us and will kill us humans? Certainly not. AlphaGo doesnt care if it wins or loses. Does it mean that artificial intelligence will soon take your job? Possibly you should be more worried about that.

1.What had Lee Se-dol thought about the competition before it started?

A.He would beat AlphaGo.

B.AlphaGo would lead the match.

C.It was hard to tell who would win.

D.AlphaGo would have some weakness.

2.What happened in the first game of the series?

A.Mr Lee won by a very small chance.

B.AlphaGo had led for most of the match.

C.Mr Lee was beaten by AlphaGo finally.

D.AlphaGo built up a strong lead at the beginning.

3.What does the underlined phrase “teasing out” probably mean?

A.Giving out.               B.Working out.

C.Running out.              D.Pointing out.

4.The writer may agree that ______ in the future.

A.human will be killed by artificial intelligence

B.artificial intelligence will do everyt hing for human

C.people might lose jobs because of artificial intelligence

D.artificial intelligence will be much smarter than human




When I began to move to Auckland to study the law, my mother was a little worried about the uncertainty of living in a place that was so different from India, where we lived. She worried about the shortage of jobs and the cultural differences that I would face.

I came to New Zealand in July 2013. I found the people were very nice and supportive. Soon after I arrived, I realized the importance of getting a part time job to make a living.

Deciding to do this on my own, I spent a whole day going from door to door for a job. However, I received a little or no reply. This became my daily activity after college for a few weeks.

One afternoon, I walked into a building to ask if there were any job chances. The people there were very surprised, and advised me not to continue my job search in that way. As I was about to leave, a secretary in the building came up to me and encouraged me to stay confident. He then offered to take me to the Royal Oak area to search for a job.

Along the way, I realized I had run out of copies of my resume (简历). The man stopped at his friends office to make me 15 extra copies. He also gave me tips on dressing and speaking. I handed out my resume and went home. The following day, I received a call from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.

It seemed that the world always gives back to you when you need it. And this time, it was a complete stranger who turned out to  be a real blessing (祝福).

1.The writer moved to Auckland to ______.

A.avoid the job shortage

B.face the cultural differences

C.start his life in a new place

D.study the law in college

2.After staying in New Zealand for a short time, the writer realized ______.

A.he needed to find a job to make a living.

B.people there were not very friendly.

C.he should always stay confident.

D.it was easy to get a new job.

3.What is the story mainly about?

A.How a secretary offered the writer a job.

B.How a secretary turned out to be a real hero.

C.How a stranger helped the writer to get a job.

D.How the writer made a living in a new country.




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1.You can choose Tour 1 to ______.

A.take a look at the kitchen

B.see a movie

C.visit the largest guest house

D.experience the Castle at night

2.If a father takes Tour 2 with his 3-year-old son, how much will they pay?

A.$40.               B.$30.

C.$25.              D.$20.

3.Which tour will you choose if you are interested in libraries?

A.Tour 1.           B.Tour 2.

C.Tour 3.            D.Tour 4.

4.What time can we book tickets by calling?

A.At 8 am on Monday in March.

B.At 9 pm on Tuesday in March.

C.At 7 am on Friday in September.

D.At 6 pm on Saturday in October.



  One day Mrs. Smith was sitting in her doctors waiting room when a young boy and his mother entered the office. The young boy caught Mrs. Smiths attention 31 he wore a patch over one eye. She felt 32 at how natural he seemed to be even though he lost one of his eyes.

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The doctors office was very busy that day, so Mrs. Smith had an opportunity to have a chat with the boys mother while he played with his toy soldiers.

In the end, Mrs. Smith took the chance to ask the little boy what had happened to his eye. He 33 her question for a long moment, and then replied, lifting the patch, “Theres nothing wrong with my eye. Im a pirate (海盗)!” The n he returned to his 34 .

Mrs. Smith was there because she had lost her leg from the knee down in a car accident. Her 35 today was to check whether it had been OK enough to be fitted with a prosthetic (假肢). The loss had been 36 to her. Try as she would to be brave, she felt like a disabled fool. She knew that this loss should not have a bad effect on her life, but emotionally, she could not get out of the fear and sadness.

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The word “pirate” changed her life. Immediately, she saw herself dressed as Long John Silver, a famous pirate, standing aboard a pirate ship. She stood with her legs planted wide apart. The ship rocked under the storms force. 37 she stood firmly (稳固地). She smiled into a storm.

At that moment, the disabled image was replaced and her courage 38 .

She regarded the young boy with respect, who was just busy with his soldiers.

A few minutes later, the nurse called her. As she 39 on her crutches, the

boy noticed her leg. “Hey lady,” he called, “Whats wrong with your leg?” the young boys mother felt very sorry for her sons question.

Mrs. Smith looked down at her shortened leg for a moment. Then she replied with a smile, “Nothing. Im a 40 , too.”

1.A. however     B. because     C. so             D. although

2.A. bored       B. angry       C. surprised     D. tired

3.A. answered    B. described    C. explained     D. considered

4.A. game        B. choice      C. action         D. course

5.A. dream       B. direction    C. trip           D. prediction

6.A. terrible    B. lucky        C. normal         D. natural

7.A. Hardly      B. Still       C. Ever           D. Never

8.A. developed   B. broke       C. lost           D. returned

9.A. balanced    B. fell        C. fixed          D. knocked

10.A. solider    B. doctor       C. mother         D. pir ate



—Do you know ______ the map yesterday?

—In the bookstore on the corner.

A.where Mike bought               B.where did Mike buy

C.where will Mike buy             D.where Mike will buy



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