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阅读理解. 1.You can choose Tour 1 to ______....


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1.You can choose Tour 1 to ______.

A.take a look at the kitchen

B.see a movie

C.visit the largest guest house

D.experience the Castle at night

2.If a father takes Tour 2 with his 3-year-old son, how much will they pay?

A.$40.               B.$30.

C.$25.              D.$20.

3.Which tour will you choose if you are interested in libraries?

A.Tour 1.           B.Tour 2.

C.Tour 3.            D.Tour 4.

4.What time can we book tickets by calling?

A.At 8 am on Monday in March.

B.At 9 pm on Tuesday in March.

C.At 7 am on Friday in September.

D.At 6 pm on Saturday in October.


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲的是参观公园不同组别不同票价,门票也可在规定期限内预定。 1.细节理解题 根据tour1介绍,可知B是对的。 2.细节理解题 大人是20,六岁一下免费。所以标价是20.故选D。 3.细节理解题 第四组可以挑选自己喜欢的图书馆。故选D。 4.细节理解题 根据表格月份和上下午时间,A是对的。故选A。 考点:广告布告类阅读

  One day Mrs. Smith was sitting in her doctors waiting room when a young boy and his mother entered the office. The young boy caught Mrs. Smiths attention 31 he wore a patch over one eye. She felt 32 at how natural he seemed to be even though he lost one of his eyes.

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The doctors office was very busy that day, so Mrs. Smith had an opportunity to have a chat with the boys mother while he played with his toy soldiers.

In the end, Mrs. Smith took the chance to ask the little boy what had happened to his eye. He 33 her question for a long moment, and then replied, lifting the patch, “Theres nothing wrong with my eye. Im a pirate (海盗)!” The n he returned to his 34 .

Mrs. Smith was there because she had lost her leg from the knee down in a car accident. Her 35 today was to check whether it had been OK enough to be fitted with a prosthetic (假肢). The loss had been 36 to her. Try as she would to be brave, she felt like a disabled fool. She knew that this loss should not have a bad effect on her life, but emotionally, she could not get out of the fear and sadness.

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The word “pirate” changed her life. Immediately, she saw herself dressed as Long John Silver, a famous pirate, standing aboard a pirate ship. She stood with her legs planted wide apart. The ship rocked under the storms force. 37 she stood firmly (稳固地). She smiled into a storm.

At that moment, the disabled image was replaced and her courage 38 .

She regarded the young boy with respect, who was just busy with his soldiers.

A few minutes later, the nurse called her. As she 39 on her crutches, the

boy noticed her leg. “Hey lady,” he called, “Whats wrong with your leg?” the young boys mother felt very sorry for her sons question.

Mrs. Smith looked down at her shortened leg for a moment. Then she replied with a smile, “Nothing. Im a 40 , too.”

1.A. however     B. because     C. so             D. although

2.A. bored       B. angry       C. surprised     D. tired

3.A. answered    B. described    C. explained     D. considered

4.A. game        B. choice      C. action         D. course

5.A. dream       B. direction    C. trip           D. prediction

6.A. terrible    B. lucky        C. normal         D. natural

7.A. Hardly      B. Still       C. Ever           D. Never

8.A. developed   B. broke       C. lost           D. returned

9.A. balanced    B. fell        C. fixed          D. knocked

10.A. solider    B. doctor       C. mother         D. pir ate



—Do you know ______ the map yesterday?

—In the bookstore on the corner.

A.where Mike bought               B.where did Mike buy

C.where will Mike buy             D.where Mike will buy



The 24th Winter Olympic Games ______ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022.

A.holds                 B.will hold

C.were held             D.will be held



My parents ______ some trees in front of the house since last spring.

A.plant                B.have planted

C.planted              D.were planting



She decided ______ some English clubs and practise her spoken English.

A.join              B.joined

C.joining           D.to join



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