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The USA's Best Drive-in Movie Theatres G...

The USA's Best Drive-in Movie Theatres

Gather your friends, pile into the car, and enjoy an evening of America at these classic theatres.

Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop-Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop holds the title for the world's largest drive-in theatre. The drive-in theatre opened on 22 November 1963 with one screen. Now, the theatre has 13 new screens and nearly 12 million people visit it annually. The original screen is still up in running, although it's now called screen nine. Thanks to Florida's amazing weather, the theatre is open 365 days a year.

Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In-Gibson City, Illinois

Built in 1954, this two-screen drive-in is making a name for itself thanks to a decision to switch to wind power. The owners at Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In started using wind power as a way of keeping the costs of running the theatre down. By doing so, the drive-in is able to keep their prices consistent and if you want to catch a film at this green theatre, it's open from March until October.

Coyote Drive-In-Fort Worth, Texas

Opened in 2013, Coyote Drive-In was built with the goal of bringing back the drive-in magic to the community (社区). One ticket will give you access to nightly double features-two movies back to back- available on four different screens. A unique feature of the theatre is that pets of all shapes and sizes are welcome, including horses.

Field of Dreams-Liberty Center, Ohio

Paying honour to the film Field of Dreams, Rod and Donna Saunders built the Field of Dreams drive-in theatre on their farmland in Liberty Center, Ohio in 1989. The Saunders' project provides cost-effective family entertainment for the locals of their countryside community.

1.What is special about Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In?

A.It has the most screens. B.Its ticket price is steady.

C.It has a quiet environment. D.It has newly imported equipment.

2.What inspired the Saunders to build the Field of Dreams?

A.A wonderful film of the same name. B.Their famous farmland in the countryside.

C.The locals'demands for entertainment. D.The cultural promotion of their community.

3.Which drive-in theatre has the shortest history?

A.Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop. B.Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In.

C.Coyote Drive-In. D.Field of Dreams.


1.B 2.A 3.C 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了美国几家最好的汽车影院。 1. 细节理解题。根据Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In-Gibson City, Illinois中“By doing so, the drive-in is able to keep their prices consistent(这样一来,免下车影院的票价就能保持始终如一。)”可知,此汽车影院的票价很稳定。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据Field of Dreams-Liberty Center, Ohio中“Paying honour to the film Field of Dreams, Rod and Donna Saunders built the Field of Dreams drive-in theatre on their farmland in Liberty Center, Ohio in 1989. (为了向电影《梦想之地》致敬,罗德和唐娜·桑德斯于1989年在俄亥俄州自由中心的农田里建造了“梦想之地”汽车影院。)”可知,桑德斯夫妇建造“梦想之地”汽车影院是受到电影《梦想之地》的启发。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop-Fort Lauderdale, Florida中“The drive-in theatre opened on 22 November 1963 with one screen. (这家汽车影院于1963年11月22日开业,当时只有一个屏幕。)”;Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In-Gibson City, Illinois中“Built in 1954, this two-screen drive-in is making a name for itself thanks to a decision to switch to wind power. (这座建于1954年的双屏幕汽车影院由于决定改用风力发电而声名鹊起。)”;Coyote Drive-In-Fort Worth, Texas中“Opened in 2013, Coyote Drive-In was built with the goal of bringing back the drive-in magic to the community (社区). (Coyote汽车影院于2013年开业,旨在将汽车影院的魔力带回社区。)”和Field of Dreams-Liberty Center, Ohio中“Paying honour to the film Field of Dreams, Rod and Donna Saunders built the Field of Dreams drive-in theatre on their farmland in Liberty Center, Ohio in 1989. (为了向电影《梦想之地》致敬,罗德和唐娜·桑德斯于1989年在俄亥俄州自由中心的农田里建造了“梦想之地”汽车影院。)”对比四个汽车影院可知,Coyote汽车影院建立的历史最短。故选C。

假定你是李华,为了提高你们的英语水平,学校决定每周定期举办英语角(English corner),并于近期开始其首场。请你给你校的英语外教Johnson写一封信,邀请他参加指导,要点如下:1.时间:916日晚上6:308:302.地点:教学楼二楼礼堂;3.内容:表演英语戏剧、朗诵英文诗歌、演唱英语歌曲等;

注意:1.词数 100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。










Throughout my high school year there was an area calling the outdoor classroom. When I graduated, the teacher took care of the area had to have back surgery. Not thinking twice I told him that I would take care of the area for that summer. She insists on paying me, but I needn't take her money. I have been taking well care of that area for 3 years now for her.

Every year she asks me why I do this for her but I tell her it is the least I can do to for a teacher and a school I love. May all the students come to loving the outdoor classroom as I do.



    The past 6 months have been one great challenge.A close friend of mine,Joanne,_______the end of her life.She knew it,and instead of regretting and crying,she _______it and as she died last week I thought of how a shooting star _______so brightly as it trails the universe, right before it _______.

It was a great _______to have her company these past months.One of the last things she asked me was to find an organization _______women coming out of prison,to_______her business clothing to them for job interviews.We found such a _______here in Raleigh,NC where I live.I didn't know the _______for it,but this is called a"Reentry"service or program and many countries and ________have them all over the world.

I ________her donation before she died,and somehow thought about doing a clothing drive ________Joanne's life and inviting others to gift clothing to ________more people at the program. Well,I'm so________to share that it went really well.We had a lot of ________filling the joyful business clothes for men and women.

It didn't________anything but gas,time and love.A few phone calls,social media posts, texts,and the beautiful thing is ________she is gone,I felt like we did it ________.My dear mother helped me too,and it felt so good to ________ something inspired by Joanne's life for ________blessing a population of people that most often is overlooked.

1.A.escaped B.approached C.forgot D.lost

2.A.hated B.admired C.refused D.accepted

3.A.shines B.disappears C.fades D.occurs

4.A.sets out B.comes out C.goes out D.turns out

5.A.fortune B.pity C.opportunity D.success

6.A.attracting B.forcing C.protecting D.supporting

7.A.destroy B.throw C.provide D.collect

8.A.method B.program C.challenge D.behaviour

9.A.period B.change C.term D.meaning

10.A.partners B.members C.committees D.cities

11.A.researched B.discovered C.inspired D.sent

12.A.on behalf of B.in honor of C.instead of D.in spite of

13.A.help B.educate C.persuade D.guide

14.A.expressed B.tired C.excited D.expected

15.A.pleasures B.treasures C.donations D.belongings

16.A.save B.cost C.breath D.waste

17.A.even though B.as if C.in case D.now that

18.A.together B.forever C.perfectly D.immediately

19.A.remember B.value C.notice D.organize

20.A.kindness B.encouragement C.concern D.ignorance



    They came into the bakery with their father.A little brother and sister both were very respectful and receptive to the man who held the door open for them.1.

When I received my change,I gave each of them l and explained that I was so impressed with their good manners.2.He thanked me again and again for my reward.He allowed them to take the money.

I left the bakery and as I was coming out of another shop I ran into them again,each carefully carrying their little treat in a little bakery bag so that it did not get damaged.3.As I smiled back and walked to my car I thought of their eagerness to relay this event to Mum.A simple act of kindness started with the man who held the bakery door open. 4.We are here to love and serve each other.5.

Let the kindness spread!

A.Who knows where the waves will lead.

B.Their dad was not buying pastries,only bread.

C.They waved to me and smiled;we were now friends.

D.Their upbeat"thank you"really made an impression on me.

E.Though they were poorly dressed they were kind to all the customers around.

F.They carried all the goods carefully and walked joyfully with all happy smiles.

G.We surely will allow this positive effect to move through us into the lives of others.



    For the first time, a causal link has been established between climate(气候) change and the timing of a natural event-the appearance of the common brown butterfly.

Although there have been strong connections between global warming and changes in the timing of events such as animal migration and flowering, it has been hard to show a cause-and-effect link. This is what Michael Kearney and Natalie Briscoe of the University of Melbourne, Australia, have now done.

The researchers compared temperature changes in Melbourne-where the butterfly is common-with recorded observations of the first brown butterfly to be seen in the spring since the 1940s.With each of the past ten years, the butterflies appeared 1.6 days earlier and Melbourne heated by 0.14℃. Overall, the butterfly now appears on average 10.4 days before it did in the 1940s.

The pair are confident in the relationship for two reasons. First, they placed eggs of the butterfly, in special boxes where temperature could be controlled and found that each larval stage had a different response to warmer-than-normal conditions. The egg, which is laid in late summer, and the first larval stage do well at high temperatures, says Kearney. The second to the fifth stages occur in winter and can't survive high temperatures. The knock- on effect is that the larval pupates earlier and the butterfly appears sooner. Second, they made a mathematical model combining these physiological effects of temperature on development with climate data. The model precisely matched the observed changes in butterfly emergence date.

The researchers used several climate models to find out what is likely to have caused the rise in Melbourne's temperature, and ruled out the possibility that natural weather events could account for the warming.

1.What is the relationship between the rise in temperature and the butterfly appearance?

A.They are linked in a difficult way.

B.They are related in a cause-and-effect way.

C.They have a direct relationship with each other.

D.They have no connection with each other.

2.Why were the researchers confident about their finding?

A.They had used the most advanced equipment in the world.

B.Their finding got support from the textbooks.

C.The results of their study is based on expert judgement.

D.Their experiment proved their previous guessing.

3.What does the underlined part "The knock-on effect" in paragraph 4 mean?

A.The effect caused by the thing that happened before.

B.The effect of things that happened at the same time.

C.The effect of one thing causing the other long after.

D.The effect of one thing causing the other quickly.

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The exact reason for Melbourne's temperature rise is very clear.

B.Climate models cannot exactly show climate change in history.

C.The timing of the butterfly appearance will be earlier with increased warming.

D.The rise in temperature decides the possibility of natural weather events.



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