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假定你是李华,你的好友印度留学生Ajay来信, 邀请你在本周末与他一起去本地的博...

假定你是李华,你的好友印度留学生Ajay来信, 邀请你在本周末与他一起去本地的博物馆看印度文化展。请用英语回信,内容包括:








Dear Ajay, Thank you so much for your kind invitation to the exhibition,“Ancient India’’,which is now on at the local museum. I’d love to join you. I’d be particularly happy to watch this exhibition because the brilliant Indian culture has always been mysterious and attractive to me. India is an old civilization just like China. It would be exciting to see all the exhibits that have traveled such a long way to China! With you as a companion, it’s a good chance to have a better understanding of Indian people’s life. Let’s meet at the entrance to the museum at 9:30 am on Thursday, July 23. Best wishes! 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于提纲类作文。 第1步:根据提示可知,假定你是李华,你的好友印度留学生Ajay来信, 邀请你在本周末与他一起去本地的博物馆看印度文化展。请用英语回信,内容包括:1.感谢邀请; 2.表示对展览的兴趣;3.确定会面时间和地点。通过审题,确定文章需要使用第一人称,主要使用一般现在时进行写作。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:invitation to, be happy to, mysterious, see all the exhibit, a long way, a good chance, have a better understanding of, at the entrance to等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。







The reasons why I expect to studying in your university are as follows. The first thing that occur to me is its excellence in finance, which I am interested in it as my major. Varieties of strengths allow me the courage apply for admission. Firstly, good social skills and strong organizing ability are that I have acquired in high school thanks for the experience of serving as monitor. I have learned to keep the good balance between work and study. I also get the award of Outstanding Student Leader last year. Besides. I have several hobbysuch as dancing, playing erhu , and playing badminton.

I will feel great honored if I can be admitted.




Around 200 more warriors from ancient China’s Terracotta Army (兵马俑)have been unearthed at the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The discovery was made during the 1. (late) round of excavations}(挖掘)of No. 1 Pit in an area covering 400 square meters.

Shen Maosheng, who led the dig, said most of the newly found warriors can be divided into two groups. One group is carrying poles, while 2. other carries bows.

The Terracotta Army, 3. (build) around 2,200 years ago, was intended to protect Emperor Qin Shi Huang in his afterlife. The army, 4. consists of about 130 chariots over 500 horses8000 soldierswas gathered in three main pits near to the emperor ‘s tomb.

It was first discovered in 1974 by farmers 5. (dig) in northwest China. The tomb is believed6.(cover) around 38 square miles and, along7. the Terracotta Army, contains a large grave of laborers and craftsmen. The8.(construct) is believed to have taken around 30 years to complete.

Archaeologists started a new excavation at No. 1 Pit in 2009. The 200 new warriors 9. (find) as a result of this effort. 10. (scientist) are still working to understand how this vast army was created.



A parent’s hopes for 2030

When 2010 arrived, my son was only a year old—tiny._______the master of a few basic words, but still mostly the baby we'd _______into the world.

Now my baby has grown into an _______—tall, strong,stout, and smart, a(n) _______ of Akira Kurosawa samurai movies.

A _______from now, in 2030, he will be an adult. I expect the next 10 years to fly by, and be filled with _______. As 2020 begins. I am thinking about the kind of world my son will_______ and experience. I _______ for him, and for all the young people of his age. So I have several  _______for the world my son and his generation will live in

I hope we finally get__________about climate change. Polar ice is melting. The oceans are __________ . The question is __________whether we can stop climate changebut whether we ‘re willing and able to do anything to __________ it.

I’m not sure what a warming planet will__________ for my son's life. I suspect it means he  will live in a world where nations and groups __________  limited resources like clean water and food, which means that the danger of climate change won't come just from rising oceans, but from other humans competing for control over what’s __________

The world is always going to be full of __________about how to solve the challenges we face. I hopetoothat my son’s generation learns to __________justice—but to do so with big heart and humilityrecognizing our common humanity(人性)even with people who __________ us.

The world of 2030 won’t __________ itself. We are creating it now, so my final wish is that we build the kind of world we actually want our children to live in.

1.A.special B.generous C.intelligent D.dependent

2.A.welcomed B.raised C.grown D.congratulated

3.A.athlete B.adolescent C.artist D.engineer

4.A.director B.author C.lover D.reader

5.A.month B.century C.year D.decade

6.A.questions B.experience C.danger D.change

7.A.create B.notice C.face D.shake

8.A.worry B.sacrifice C.provide D.arrange

9.A.plans B.methods C.hopes D.choices

10.A.particular B.serious C.optimistic D.enthusiastic

11.A.drying B.rising C.growing D.cooling

12.A.for sure B.as usual C.no longer D.till now

13.A.slow B.record C.complete D.oppose

14.A.mean B.obtain C.share D.seek

15.A.pick up B.fight     over C.turn    down D.take part

16.A.finished B.continued C.started D.left

17.A.aims B.examples C.disagreements D.results

18.A.escape B.express C.seek D.affect

19.A.differ from B.agree with C.refer to D.call for

20.A.blame B.admire C.prove D.build



    Sales motivation is about being able to get yourself or your sales team to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. It’s the ability to get yourself to take action whether you feel like it or not. In sales, one of the toughest aspects is having to deal with constant rejection. 1.

2. Guess what the lowest paid profession in the world is? That’s rightalso sales. Anyone can get a  jobs that pays on salary or by the hour and make a certain secure amount of money every month but it takes a certain type of person to be able to control the amount he or she earns each year. The profession of sales is not for the weak minded person.

Mental toughness in sales is about the ability to have 99 people say “No” to you and still be fully confident that the 100th person will say “Yes”. How many people do you think can go in and talk to the 100th potential client with the same enthusiasm and excitement that he or she had with their prospect? 3.

Sales is truly one of the few professions where a person with no educational background, with no talent or skilIs, can become one of the highest paidmost respected people around. What it really take isn't brains, or a nice expensive suit, or even knowing the right people to begin with. 4. It's that sales person who will not stop making cold calls until he/she gets the amount of appointments necessary to achieve his/her goal.

5. If you are in sales, then you can literally change your entire life around, from poverty and broke, to wealthy and fulfilled. If you are in a leadership position, realize that you have the opportunity to help change people’s lives. Learn everything you can about motivation and there will be no limits to what you can achieve.

A.Not many at all.

B.Sales can be a life changing profession.

C.This is why most people fail to be a success in the field of sales.

D.The ability to inspire confidence in your team will make you a true leader.

E.Sales happens to be the number one highest paid profession in the world.

F.Here are some videos that may help take your sales career to the next level.

G.What it takes to be successful in sales is a burning desire to be the best at it.



    Giant, krill-eating whales could grow even bigger if the size and availability of their prey (猎物)could keep upa new study finds.

Whales are the heaviest animals to have ever lived on our planet. These marine giants evolved from dog-sized four-legged land creatures and grew nearly 10,000 times bigger in the past 50 million years or so, according to Nicholas Pyenson, head of fossil marine mammals at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.

Creatures benefit from having a bigger size in a number of different ways, whether it’s not getting eaten by smaller creatures or having the ability to keep warm and travel great distances more efficiently. Still, some whale species are bigger than others, and they do have some limits to their size.

To find out what these limits are researcher attached multisensor equipment to many types of whales. The researcher also assessed prey type and quantity using different methods. For baleen whale preythey used acoustic(声学的) equipment to test the density (密度)of krill patches. For toothed whales, they looked at the size and quantity of squid(鱿鱼)beaks and otoliths (parts of the inner ear) found in the stomachs of beached whales.

Putting all the data together, they could determine how much energy the whales were likely to get back from the food. For toothed whales, the limiting factor seems to be the size of their prey. Sperm whales were found to feed mostly on medium-sized squid—possibly because there aren’t as many giant squid in the ocean. Baleen whales, like blue whales swallow massive mouthfuls of krill or other small creature. But these small creatures only appear in large concentrations for a few months per year in some areas ,which may be the limiting factor for the growth of the largest whales.

A researcher said that it ‘s not completely clear that baleen whales have finished growing. “Perhaps several million years into the future we’ ll see something even larger than a blue whale.”

1.What can we infer from the second paragraph?

A.Whales kept growing during evolution.

B.Whales evolved from dogs on the land.

C.Whales used to be four-legged fish.

D.The number of krill-eating whales would keep up.

2.How do whales benefit from their size?

A.They are more expert at traveling.

B.They can produce energy more easily.

C.They have better chances to survive.

D.They can be eaten by smaller creatures.

3.How did the researchers carry out the study?

A.Testing the density of whales with acoustic equipment.

B.Using different methods for different types of whales.

C.Calculating the amount of food in baleen whales’ stomachs.

D.Assessing the type and quantity of different whales.

4.What may stop whales from growing even bigger?

A.The amount of food.

B.The availability of equipment.

C.The size of their stomachs.

D.The concentrations of the whales.



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