满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

William Green, aged 82, was making his b...

William Green, aged 82, was making his breakfast when he heard somebody in his garden. “I went out of back door and suddenly I saw his man running towards me. He________me out of the way and took my ________from the garden shed(棚屋).” Mr. Green did not ________, as he knew he would be no match in a fight with the man. The burglar tried to cycle away, but the _______on the bike were flat so it was difficult to ride. “He kept ________the bicycle,” said Mr. Green, “at least three or four times.” ________the man had fled, Mr. Green called the police.

When they arrived, officers asked him to ________ the man, but instead he _________ to draw them a picture. “When Mr. Green started drawing,” said one of the police officers, “I knew who the ________was.” In fact, Mr. Green had worked for more than 20 years in daily newspapers, doing caricatures (漫画) of Australian footballers. “I had no _______in remembering the man’s face because he was so _______to me.” he said.

Police searched in the neighborhood with the sketch(素描) of the burglar and found him ________half an hour. The cartoon was a perfect _______of the burglar. The 34-year-old man was to be _______with theft, burglary and assault(袭击). And the _______bike was later found in a road nearby.

Police believed that this was the first time they have ________caught a suspect with a _________sketch. A senior police officer said that in the past some ________had used their mobile phones to take ________at crime scenes, but they had not been as ________.

1.A. warned    B. pushed    C. led    D. caught

2.A. mobile phone    B. wallet    C. picture    D. bicycle

3.A. resist    B. refuse    C. withdraw    D. obey

4.A. wires    B. wheels    C. tyres    D. parts

5.A. falling off    B. moving away    C. dropping on    D. putting aside

6.A. Since    B. Before    C. After    D. While

7.A. identify    B. name    C. draw    D. describe

8.A. offered    B. promised    C. stopped    D. continued

9.A. owner    B. burglar    C. rider    D. footballer

10.A. reason    B. point    C. difficulty    D. interest

11.A. dangerous    B. friendly    C. close    D. strange

12.A. among    B. within    C. beyond    D. over

13.A. partner    B. likeness    C. pair    D. model

14.A. charged    B. met    C. punished    D. supplied

15.A. missing    B. broken    C. new    D. flat

16.A. even    B. never    C. ever    D. still

17.A. beautiful    B. professional    C. pencil    D. cartoon

18.A. criminals    B. officers    C. painters    D. victims

19.A. actions    B. photographs    C. messages    D. emails

20.A. exact    B. smooth    C. skillful    D. effective


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.D 【解析】82岁的老人William Green在遭遇抢劫犯的时候,没有试图反抗,因为他知道不是抢劫犯的对手。但是在抢劫犯离开之后,他立刻报警并画出了罪犯的肖像。警察拿着肖像很快找到了罪犯。 1.考查动词辨析。warn警告;push推;lead引导;catch抓。根据前文suddenly I saw this man running towards me可知,William Green看到一个人突然向他冲过去,结合后文可知那个人抢走了他的自行车,所以推测出这里抢劫犯是将William Green推开。故选B。 2.考查名词辨析。mobile phone手机;wallet钱包;picture照片;bicycle自行车。根据后文the burglar tried to cycle away可知,窃贼抢走的是自行车。故选D。 3.考查动词辨析。resist抵抗;refuse拒绝;withdraw撤退;obey服从,遵守。根据后文as he knew he would be no match in a fight with the man可知,William Green知道自己不是抢劫犯的对手,所以推测出他没有反抗。故选A。 4.考查名词辨析。wire电线;金属丝;wheel轮子;tyre轮胎;part零件。根据后文中的flat(平坦的)可知,此处是指自行车的轮胎没气,所以骑起来比较困难。故选C。 5.考查动词短语辨析。fall off跌落;减少;move away搬走;drop on训斥;偶然发现;突然访问;put aside撇开,储备。根据前文中的so it was difficult to ride可知,自行车骑起来比较困难,所以窃贼从车上掉下来好几次。故选A。 6.考查连词辨析。since自从;因为;before在……之前;after在……之后; while在……时。句意:窃贼离开之后,Mr. Green立刻打电话报警。故选C。 7.考查动词辨析。identify确认,识别;name取名;draw画;describe描述。句意:警察到来之后,他们要求Mr. Green描述一下窃贼的样子。根据常识可知,这里是警察要求Mr. Green“描述”窃贼的样子。故选D。 8.考查动词辨析。offer提供;promise承诺;stop停止;continue持续。句意:警察要求Mr. Green描述一下窃贼的样子,但他没有描述,提出给他们画一下窃贼的肖像。offer to do sth.“提出做某事;主动提议做某事”,故选A。 9.考查名词辨析。owner主人;burglar窃贼;rider骑车的人;footballer足球运动员。句意:一个警察说:Mr. Green一开始画,我立刻就知道窃贼是谁了。因为前文中Mr. Green提出画窃贼的肖像,所以这里是指警察知道Mr. Green画的窃贼是谁。故选B。 10.考查名词辨析。reason原因;point要点;得分;difficulty困难;interest兴趣。句意:我很轻易地记住窃贼的模样。固定结构have no difficulty in doing sth.“做某事没有困难”,故选C。 11.考查形容词辨析。dangerous危险的;friendly友好的;close亲密的;近的;strange奇怪的。句意:我很轻易地记住窃贼的脸,因为它离我那么近。根据前文中suddenly I saw this man running towards me窃贼冲向Mr. Green并将他推开,说明Mr. Green近距离地看到了窃贼的样子。故选C。 12.考查介词辨析。among在……中;within在……中;beyond超过;越过;over越过;(部份或全部覆盖)在……上面。句意:警察拿着窃贼的肖像在周围搜寻,结果在半个小时内就找到了他。故选B。 13.考查名词辨析。partner同伴;likeness相似;肖像;pair一副;model模型;模特儿。句意:这个漫画是窃贼完美的肖像。故选B。 14.考查动词辨析。charge收费;控诉;meet遇到;punish惩罚;supply供给;补充。句意:这个34岁的男人被指控偷窃,抢劫以及袭击。固定短语be charged with sth.“因某事被指控”,故选A。 15.考查形容词辨析。missing错过的;失去的;broken破碎的;new新的;flat平坦的。句意:丢失的自行车稍后在附近一条路的路边被找到。自行车被偷走,当然是“丢失的”。故选A。 16.考查副词辨析。even甚至;never从不;ever曾经;still仍然。句意:警察们认为这是他们第一次根据一幅漫画抓住嫌疑人。 固定短语sb. ever do sth.“某人曾做过某事”。根据语境,故选C。 17.考查形容词辨析。beautiful美丽的;professional专业的;pencil铅笔;cartoon漫画。句意:警察们认为这是他们第一次根据一幅漫画抓住嫌疑人。根据第二段中的draw them a picture可知,Mr. Green画了一幅窃贼的漫画。故选D。 18.考查名词辨析。criminal罪犯;officer官员;painter画家;victim受害者。句意:一个高级警察官员说以前有受害者在犯罪现场用手机拍照片。根据常识可知,在犯罪现场向警察求助的一般都是受害者,故选D。 19.考查名词辨析。action行动;photograph照片;message信息;email邮件。句意:一个高级警察官员说以前有受害者在犯罪现场用手机拍照片。这里是将用手机拍照片和Mr. Green画窃贼的肖像两种方式进行对比,故选B。 20.考查形容词辨析。exact确切的;smooth顺畅的;skillful熟练的;effective有效的。句意:一个高级警察官员说以前有受害者在犯罪现场用手机拍照片,但那些做法没有画漫画那样有效。根据语境故选D。

A lot of people wonder why so many Chinese children are maths geniuses and musical prodigies(神童). Amy Chua explains why in her Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. 1. Born in the United States to Chinese immigrant parents, Chua married a man who she met at Harvard University, and when their two daughters were born she was determined that they would be as successful as she was.

Her system had strict rules. Her two daughters were expected to be number one in every subject. Playing with friends and TV was forbidden. Music was compulsory. 2.From a very early age her daughters Sophia and Lulu were outstanding pupils and musical prodigies. Chua chose maths and music for her daughters, but it seems that they could have excelled in anything. “There’s no musical talent in my family”, she says, “it’s just hard work.”

Eventually Chua realized that she was pushing her daughters too hard. 3.After a series of violent arguments, Chua decided to give her daughters a little more freedom, and Lulu immediately gave up violin lessons and took up tennis. Later Sophia was even allowed to go to a rap concert.

Many people have been shocked by the book. Chua spent much of her daughters’ childhood shouting at them and criticizing every mistake they made. 4.Sophia said that she herself chose to accept the system, and after the book was published she wrote an article defending her mother. Lulu says that although she no longer wants to be a violinist, she still loves playing the violin. 5.Sophia is now studying law at Harvard, and Lulu is doing well at high school and winning tennis trophies.

A. “They are a mystery to me.” Chua says.

B. The system seemed at first to be working.

C. In fact, she is glad her mother made her learn.

D. However, the girls do not seem to be upset about their mother.

E. At 13 Sophia played a piano solo at the Carnegie Hall in New York.

F. It is a book which caused controversy among parents when it was published.

G. Lulu had always rebelled the most, and when she was 13 she refused to co-operate at all.



In 1917 Orville Wright predicted that "the aeroplane will help peace in many ways –in particular I think it will have a tendency to make war impossible.” Earlier in 1904, American journalist John Walker declared, “As a peace machine, the value of the aeroplane to the world will be beyond computation.” This wasn’t the first grand promise of technology. In that same year Jules Verne announced, “The submarine(潜艇)may be the cause of bringing battle to a stoppage.”

Alfred Nobel, sincerely believe his dynamite(火药) would be a war obstacle: “My dynamite will sooner lead to peace than a thousand world conventions(公约).” Similarly, when Hiran Maxim, inventor of the machine gun, was asked in 1893, “Will this gun not make war more terrible?” he answered, “No, it will make war impossible.” Gugliemo Mareconi, inventor of the radio, told the world in 1912. “The coming of the wireless time will make war impossible, because it will make war ridiculous.” General James Harbord, chairman of the board of RCA in 1925, believed, “Radio will serve to make the concept of Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men a reality.”

David Nye, a historian of technology, adds to the list of inventions imagined as abolishing war forever and leading to universal peace the hot-air balloon, poison gas, land mines and laser guns.

It is not that all these inventions are without benefits—even benefits toward democracy. Rather, it’s the case that each new technology creates more problems than it solves. “Problems are the answers to solutions,” says Brian Arthur.

Most of the new problems in the world are problems created by previous technology. These problems are nearly invisible to us. Every year 1.2 million people die in automobile accidents. The technological transportation system kills more people than cancer. Global warming, environmental poisons, nuclear terrorism, and species loss, are only a few of the many other serious problems troubling people.

If we embrace(拥抱) technology we need to face its costs.

1.What will new inventions do according to the first two paragraphs?

A. They will increase wars.

B. They will lead to peace.

C. They will serve people.

D. They will break conventions.

2.What does the author list so many inventions?

A. To show people’s creativity.

B. To appreciate their benefits.

C. To contradict the original ideas.

D. To prove grand promises.

3.What does the author hope to tell us about new technology through the text?

A. It will experience many tests.

B. It will bring about huge costs in the world.

C. It provides answers to many problems.

D. It presents more problems than it solves.



Finding your feet in a new town can be hard, especially if you’re covered in fur and don’t speak the language. But for pets new to Marlborough, help is at hand.

Marlborough SPCA and the Railway Café, in Blenheim, have joined forces to help welcome pets and their people to the region with a fortnightly morning tea. They hope the morning teas will get tails and tongues wagging as well as giving advice on how to make the move smoother.

Railway Café owner Leanne Harris came up with the innovative plan as a way to help welcome people to the area. Leanne moved to Marlborough from Auckland two years ago and said she initially struggled to find friends and feel part of the community. “Coming from Auckland I thought people would open their doors and that there would be neighbours calling round with cake. I expected people to come to me and, of course, it wasn’t like that. I did get lonely. “I hope to save newcomers having to wait as long as I did to feel part of it all. I would like to welcome them to the town.”

Free platters of sandwiches, cakes and other goodies will be on offer, for the people, while there will be special handmade yoghurt and banana treats for the dogs. The morning teas will take place in the covered area at the back of the popular café beside the railway station off Grove Rd.

Leanne said she was happy to devote both her time and effort into giving back to the community and felt the venture was a great fit with the SPCA.

“Volunteering is such an amazing thing to do and it changed things for me completely, and I met some amazing people with similar interests.”

SPCA Op Shop manager Karina Greenall, originally from the United Kingdom, said she also wanted to help. “I can give advice on how to resettle pets, the best parks to go to , where the best walks are and where the vet centers are in town.” There will be volunteering opportunities too for people where they can help out and hopefully make friends too.”

1.How will Marlborough SPCA and the Railway Café help new pets?

A. By offering morning teas.

B. By giving advice to them.

C. By communication with them.

D. By providing accommodation to them.

2.What was Leanne’s plan originally intended for?

A. Saving animals.

B. Helping newcomers.

C. Making more friends.

D. Expanding her business.

3.What had Leanne expected when she first came to Marlborough?

A. To be left alone.

B. To struggle for a living.

C. To be invited to dinner.

D. To feel part of the community.

4.What can be learnt about SPCA Op Shop manager Karina Greenall?

A. She often misses the United Kingdom.

B. She takes interest in the Railway Café.

C. She is enthusiastic about resettling pets.

D. She has organized the voluntary events.



Toddler World Nursery was delighted to employ a trainee---twenty-two-old Jonathan Brown—as their first male nursery schoolteacher. He was also the only man who applied for the job, but, insists Margery Bowman, head teacher of Toddler World, by far the best applicant. “Both boys and girls will benefit from the experience of having a male role model in the nursery.” Says mother of two, Margery.

Jonathan has always been interested in childcare. His own mother is a childminder and his father is a teacher. “I’ve always helped Mum with looking after all the children.” he says. “I’m used to changing nappies, feeding babies, reading stories and playing with Lego.”

But Jonathan is a rare male in a female world. Only 2% of nursery teachers are men and this hasn’t changed for ten years. Roger Olsen of the National Nursery Trust said, “Men are often viewed with anxiety and suspicion(怀疑)in a children’s environment. Or they are expected to do things the way women would do them. But men bring different things into childcare and this has to be recoginsed.” Jonathan agrees. He is a qualified under-7s football coach, and plants to introduce football lessons to the nursery for boys and girls.

What do Jonathan’s friends think of his choice of career?

“Actually, most of them are pretty cool about it now.” he says, “though they do make jokes about nappies. And I’ve found that girls are actually quite impressed – so that’s good!”

1.Why was Jonathan employed by Toddler World Nursery?

A. He was the best among all the applicants.

B. He was the only man who applied for the job.

C. He would be able to teach kids to play football.

D. He would do things the way women would do them.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “childminder” (Para.2)?

A. Instructor.

B. Superior.

C. Baby-sitter.

D. Coach.

3.What did Roger Olsen say about the job of childcare?

A. It has been women-specific.

B. It requires people’s understanding.

C. It takes time to make some changes.

D. It needs men teachers to bring something different.



Four Wild Animal Species Were Endangered

Maybe you can still see them at the zoo. But that doesn’t mean they’re doing alright in the wild.


All six tiger species are endangered, with Sumatran tigers and South Chin tigers at a seriously endangered status. The main reasons for their population decline are illegal hunting and destroyed habitats(栖息地), as humans clear forests to gather timber(木材)and build roadways. Only about 3890 tigers presently live in the wild.

Ground squirrels

That’s right, even squirrels are endangered, specifically the San Joaquin ground squirrel. Native to California, USA, these guys have been disappearing since 1979 on account of the construction and human developments going through their habitat. Their total population is unknown , but it could be anywhere between 124000 and 413000.


The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently put giraffes at a vulnerable status, the level just before endangered. The giraffe population has declined 40 percent in the last 30 years, primarily due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting. Some giraffes are killed just for their tails, which are considered status symbols in Africa.

Asian elephants

The main threat to Asian elephants, one of the most intelligent animals, is their shrinking habitat. As the human population grows, people invade their land to build roads and railway tracks. Elephants in Myanmar are at an especially high risk for being captured and traded or used illegally in the tourist industry. Fewer than 50000 are left on the entire continent.

1.What is the total population of tigers living in the wild?

A. Around 3890.

B. 50000.

C. 124000.

D. 413000.

2.Which of the following is considered one of the most intelligent animals?

A. Tigers.

B. Giraffes.

C. Ground squirrels.

D. Asian elephants.

3.What is the common threat to the four wild animals?

A. Illegal hunting.

B. Disturbed habitat.

C. Developing tourism.

D. Unnecessary construction.

4.Which word can best describe the present situation for protecting wild animals?

A. Satisfactory.

B. Optimistic.

C. Urgent.

D. Stable.



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