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Four Wild Animal Species Were Endangered...

Four Wild Animal Species Were Endangered

Maybe you can still see them at the zoo. But that doesn’t mean they’re doing alright in the wild.


All six tiger species are endangered, with Sumatran tigers and South Chin tigers at a seriously endangered status. The main reasons for their population decline are illegal hunting and destroyed habitats(栖息地), as humans clear forests to gather timber(木材)and build roadways. Only about 3890 tigers presently live in the wild.

Ground squirrels

That’s right, even squirrels are endangered, specifically the San Joaquin ground squirrel. Native to California, USA, these guys have been disappearing since 1979 on account of the construction and human developments going through their habitat. Their total population is unknown , but it could be anywhere between 124000 and 413000.


The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently put giraffes at a vulnerable status, the level just before endangered. The giraffe population has declined 40 percent in the last 30 years, primarily due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting. Some giraffes are killed just for their tails, which are considered status symbols in Africa.

Asian elephants

The main threat to Asian elephants, one of the most intelligent animals, is their shrinking habitat. As the human population grows, people invade their land to build roads and railway tracks. Elephants in Myanmar are at an especially high risk for being captured and traded or used illegally in the tourist industry. Fewer than 50000 are left on the entire continent.

1.What is the total population of tigers living in the wild?

A. Around 3890.

B. 50000.

C. 124000.

D. 413000.

2.Which of the following is considered one of the most intelligent animals?

A. Tigers.

B. Giraffes.

C. Ground squirrels.

D. Asian elephants.

3.What is the common threat to the four wild animals?

A. Illegal hunting.

B. Disturbed habitat.

C. Developing tourism.

D. Unnecessary construction.

4.Which word can best describe the present situation for protecting wild animals?

A. Satisfactory.

B. Optimistic.

C. Urgent.

D. Stable.


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】本文主要介绍了四种濒危的野生动物,分别是老虎,地鼠,长颈鹿和亚洲象。人们依然可以在动物园中看到它们的身影,但在野外,它们生活的并不是那么好。 1.细节题。根据文章第二段中的Only about 3890 tigers presently live in the wild.可知,目前野外大约只有3890只老虎存活,故选A。 2.细节题。根据小标题Asian elephants后的段落中The main threat to Asian elephants, one of the most intelligent animals, is their shrinking habitat.可知,亚洲象被认为是最聪明的动物之一。故选D。 3.细节题。根据第二段The main reasons for their population decline are illegal hunting and destroyed habitats可知,老虎濒危的主要原因是人类非法猎杀以及栖息地被破坏。根据第三段中的Native to California, USA, these guys have been disappearing since 1979 on account of the construction and human developments going through their habitat.可知,地鼠濒危的主要原因是人类的发展影响到了它们的栖息地。根据第四段中的The giraffe population has declined 40 percent in the last 30 years, primarily due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting可知,长颈鹿数量减少主要是因为栖息地减少和非法猎杀。根据第五段中的The main threat to Asian elephants, one of the most intelligent animals, is their shrinking habitat.可知,亚洲象数量减少也是因为正在减少的栖息地。综合这些细节信息可知,本文介绍的四种动物都面临的威胁是栖息地问题。故选B。 4.推理判断题。通读全文可知本文主要介绍了四种濒危动物以及它们数量减少的原因。satisfactory令人满意的;optimistic乐观的,积极的;urgent急迫的;stable稳定的。分析可知,既然是濒危动物,那么它们的生活状况肯定是不容乐观的,所以保护野生动物的现状是急迫的。故选C。



1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:中国结:Chinese knot

Dear Jack,



Li Hua









Dear Jack,

I’m sorry to hear that you feel lonely in the new school, because you find hard to make friends. Now, I’d like to offer you any advice.

Firstly, it’s normal for you to feel lonely because you were living in a new environment. Secondly, you should greet your classmates when met them on campus. Thirdly, it will be a good idea if you take an actively part in class activities, what can help them learn more about you. I believe you will be able to make new friends soon unless you’re friendly to the others.

I hope the suggestion above will be helpful to you and everything will be fine with you for the future.


Li Hua



Google is one of the world’s biggest data storage companies, 1. (store) people’s work, photos, emails and everything else. It has a popular Internet search engine(引擎), which scans the Web pages that are relevant 2. the words you have typed in the search box.

As we know, Google’s headquarters is big, and much of 3. (it) campus is green. There is so much grass 4. it would need a number of lawnmowers (割草机), but Google has a creative way about that. Instead of gas-powered 5. (machine), Google hires a great many goats 6. (clear) the lawns. They visit for about a week at 7. time, and about 200 of them come to work. The goats don’t use gas, pollute the air 8. make as much noise. And they have the advantage of being “a lot 9. (attractive) to watch than lawnmowers”, as Google’s employees have put it.

And there are a load of dogs at Google, too. Google’s office is very dog-friendly. It says that letting people bring in their dogs 10. (make) everyone much happier.



Recently, my friend, who is a physician, told me she wasn’t doing a "good enough" job being a parent and was missing out on her children’s lives.

I’ve learned that other physicians also believe the ________ of their profession will somehow adversely(不利地)affect their children’s _________.

I tell my colleagues not to ________, and that one day their child will appreciate them for their life as a ________ child.

I can say this ________ my mother was a palliative-care physician. Being the daughter of a palliative care physician wasn’t ________: I came to understand mother’s absence, having to ________ her with others, and being ________ to human suffering and death were just ________ of my life. ________, being the child of a physician had a ________ effect on my life. I learned love was sacrifice and you would get love and appreciation in return. If I could have my ________ over again, I wouldn’t change much.

Sure, there were times when I wanted to ________ my mother’s pager(传呼机)out of the window, or ________ that she could have attended school events. But even as a child I knew what I was ________, and what she was sacrificing, were ________ worth it for the life that I got to lead. My mother’s work as a palliative-care physician provided me with experiences that enriched my life, teaching me ________ lessons, skills and the knowledge of kindness, sympathy and generosity.

So, to anyone who is concerned about ________ a career with raising children, I offer you my reassurance. While there will be tough times, one day your child will ________ you for the experiences and the life they’ve had as a result of your ________.

1.A. demands    B. standards    C. challenges    D. opportunities

2.A. intelligence    B. schooling    C. future    D. growth

3.A. quit    B. mention    C. worry    D. hurry

4.A. doctor’s    B. teacher’s    C. mother’s    D. colleague’s

5.A. though    B. when    C. if    D. because

6.A. tough    B. correct    C. easy    D. normal

7.A. assist    B. share    C. compare    D. substitute

8.A. familiar    B. related    C. devoted    D. exposed

9.A. motivation    B. meaning    C. part    D. aim

10.A. However    B. Besides    C. Somehow    D. Therefore

11.A. negative    B. passive    C. side    D. positive

12.A. occupation    B. childhood    C. adult    D. education

13.A. keep    B. make    C. throw    D. take

14.A. wished    B. hoped    C. requested    D. demanded

15.A. expecting    B. imagining    C. doing    D. sacrificing

16.A. less than    B. more than    C. other than    D. rather than

17.A. special    B. unforgettable    C. tough    D. valuable

18.A. balancing    B. combining    C. offering    D. swapping

19.A. prepare    B. thank    C. forgive    D. praise

20.A. contribution    B. devotion    C. career    D. care



Stressful situations are sometimes unavoidable. Each of us perceives (理解) challenges in our own way and reaction to them also varies. How stressful our life is depends not only on us. 1. And this is something we cannot change.

What if we do not try to change others, but rather try and change our attitude to stress and tension that we often experience at work?

Stretching and doing a short workout

Stretching releases muscle tension that accumulates in your back, shoulders, and neck during the day. Even when your day is extremely busy, do your best and set aside at least 5-10 minutes to do some exercise. There are plenty of exercises you can practise that do not require any special equipment: .yoga, or simple squats (蹲起) - you can pick any kind of workout to your liking. 2. Working out is beneficial for both your body and mind.

Drink a cup of herbal tea

3. Some of them, such as chamomile (甘菊) and peppermint (薄荷) , are a powerful tool helping to fight stress and anxiety. NASA scientists have recently carried out research into the effect of herbs and found out that peppermint scent decreases tiredness by 20% and reduces frustration by 25%, Make a smarter choice and, while at work,drink herbal tea instead of coffee.

Take a stroll (漫步)

Once you find yourself in a different surroundings you will feel much better. 4. Order your favorite drink and distract yourself by watching people go by. If your office is located in an environmentally clean place, for example, near a city park. You can then refresh yourself and relax a bit before you dive back into your working routine.


Call someone who you know can understand and support you when you feel stressed. A study shows that communication with close people, such as your friends or parents, produces oxytocin in your body—the hormone that is needed to successfully fight tension and stress.

A. Drinking herbal tea can effectively relieve tension.

B. Have a chat

C. Physical activity will boost your energy level and help you calm down.

D. Herbs work miracles.

E. Other people influence it as well.

F. If your office is situated in a busy city center, then you can spend your lunch break in a sidewalk café.

G. Find help



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