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The problem with students using Google i...

The problem with students using Google is not that the search leader is unable to offer useful educational content. It's that finding that content using simple search terms is a difficult art to master. But some educational companies and organizations aim to make it easier to find useful educational content among the Web. They are forming a working group to come up with more detailed criteria(标准)that could eventually be added into the search lines for Google, Bing, and Yahoo !

The project was encouraged by a joint move by those major search engines to help users do more effective Web­searches. The idea behind the new education corporation is to determine a common “framework” for narrowing search results for education content—by subject area,or source type,or content type, or any number of possible criteria. The goal is also to persuade publishers of educational content to use a matching set of tags(分类)to help the search engines sort out their content more easily.

Search engines are used by college students, but they were not designed for them. This has been a subject of much  handwringing (绝望) among professors, who worry that students are not finding the most reliable content on the Internet even if more and more content providers of good fame—textbook publishers, scholars, universities and many others—have been putting useful academic resources on the open Web.

Michael Johnson, a member who will be serving on a working group devoted to developing the framework over the next six months or so, said “The project is aimed at benefiting the  publishers  of  educational  content  as  much  as students. ”

1.What may annoy students using Google to help them?

A. They can't search useful educational content at home.

B. Google doesn't provide valuable educational content.

C. It's hard to find educational content in simple and effective ways.

D. There are so many students searching the same using Google now.

2.To improve Web searches for students the working group will ________.

A. demand the major search engines offer more content

B. train more students to surf safely on the Internet

C. ask students to use more kinds of search engines

D. link better standards to the major search engines

3.What may publishers of educational content help in the joint move?

A. They should produce less educational content with better quality.

B. They can set standard tags to match with searched contents.

C. They may develop better searching software.

D. They will provide more educational content.

4.From the third paragraph we can see ________.

A. not all content providers of good fame offer reliable content

B. textbook  publishers  shouldn't put resources on the open Web

C. college professors don't believe in content on the Internet

D. college students don't know how to use search engines


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 【解析】谷歌带给人类的益处是毋庸置疑的,但是对于学生而言,想要精准地搜到相关的知识性的内容却非易事,现在,有人愿意为这项事业做出相关的努力了。 1.C细节理解题。第一段第一句中的“not that the search leader is unable to offer useful educational content”说明A项是错误的。第一段第二句话的“finding that content using simple search terms is a difficult...”说明真正让学生感到为难的是“沙里淘金”。故选C。 2.D细节理解题。第一段最后一句话的“more detailed criteria(标准)”和“be added into the search lines for Google,Bing,and Yahoo”是这些联合起来的团体组织形成的一个集体想出来的方法,所以答案选择D项。 3.B细节理解题。第二段最后一句话的“use a matching set of tags(分类)to help the search engines sort out their content more easily”从出版社的角度说明了他们应该怎么做才能帮助学生们更有效地搜索到所需要的信息。故选B。 4.A细节理解题。第三段第二句话的“professors,who worry that students are not finding the most reliable content”说明大学教授的担忧正是目前所存在的问题,所以答案选择A项。 【名师点睛】 在细节考查题中有一类事实细节题,它一般只针对某个特定的细节,题型可以多种多样。此类题型一般分两种。第一种是直接理解题,在原文中可以直接找到答案。第二种是词义转换题,正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的转换。做此类试题一定要抓住事件发生的时间、地点、人物、发展过程和结局等环节,所选答案一定要符合原文,切不可望文生义。本文第1小题,就属于第二种情况,第一段第一句中的“not that the search leader is unable to offer useful educational content”说明A项是错误的。第一段第二句话的“finding that content using simple search terms is a difficult...”说明真正让学生感到为难的是“沙里淘金”。 C项中的hard和文中的difficult属于同义词,故选C。

Whenever anyone measures educational success, East Asian countries are always top scorers. But in a recent league table, a European country, Finland, was top of the class.  South  Korea  was  still  in  second place, though. Britain was at number 6.

In Korea the school day is long­typically 7 or 8 hours, followed by hours of private tutoring in the evenings.  All_this_hothousing leaves Korean students so tired, they sometimes fall asleep in class next day. Worries about the effects of late night cramming (填鸭式) led the government to force cramming schools to close by 10 pm.Finnish children spend the least time in class in the developed world, often finishing just after lunch, with about one hour of homework a day. Private tuition is uncommon. The British and American school day is quite  long  in  comparison,  around  6 hours, and secondary school pupils do 2 or 3 hours of self­study a night.

The Korean education system,  like many in Asia,  is intensely competitive, with students even competing to get into the best cramming schools, to help them get ahead. Finnish education is far less cut­throat. Classes are all mixed ability, and there are no league tables.  British schools again occupy the middle ground, with quite high levels of competition for places at university, and schools and universities battling to come top of league tables for everything from exam results to student satisfaction. Korea and Finland both do well, yet their education systems are so different.

However, there are some similarities in Korea and Finland. In those countries, teachers have high status in society, and education is very highly valued. Those attitudes can't change quickly.  But it can be done. They might be the star pupils now, but until the 1970s, Finland's educational system was poor. Their thoroughly different approach to schooling has taken them to the top in just a generation.

1.The students spend the least time in school in ________.

A. the UK    B. Finland

C. the USA    D. Korea

2.The underlined phrase “all this hothousing” in Paragraph 2 probably  refers to ________.

A. private evening tutoring

B. self­study at home

C. long­hour study

D. school study

3.From  Paragraph  3,  we  can  know that ________.

A. Finnish students are less stressed in study

B. there're also many cramming schools in Britain

C. students in Korea are the most competitive in Asia

D. British schools are less competitive than universities

4.According to the author, the key to improving education is ________.

A. the attitude

B. the schooling time

C. star pupils

D. new teaching approach



Having a website is not enough today.In fact,  for a website to be indexed by Google, it may take about a month. Even after this, it's not likely that it will appear on such engine rankings when a search is made. This is because there are millions of web pages that can be accessed at any given moment. Thus, they need to advertise website is more important than having a website.

Online advertising methods are very different from traditional ones. One of the methods to advertise website companies is use of banner ads. Companies use flash ads or banner ads placed in strategic locations around the web. However, the most common way of advertising today is the use of link­building. Usually, Google and Yahoo will index web pages based on their popularity. Therefore, advertising website campaigns should be targeted towards ensuring your website has relevant links that are both outbound and inbound. Inbound links link back to you while outbound links come from your website to other relevant sites.

Usually, link­building in any of your advertising website  campaigns  will  have some measure of success. If you link to other relevant websites, they will more likely be willing to link back to you. Paid links can help if you have some extra cash to spare. Pay­per­click campaigns also go a long way in advertising website campaigns. Search engines like Google and Yahoo provide pay­per­click services  based  on the keyword used. Thus, ensure that you do careful research on keyword relevance before starting a pay­per­click campaign.

Good web design also plays an important role in not only attracting new clients but also maintaining them. Take time to design the website, your links, icons and look of the website. This will go a long way in your advertising website campaign. Traffic generation takes time and effort, but it is time and effort well spent.

1.It is hard for a website to be indexed by Google and Yahoo mainly because it ________.

A. doesn't work properly

B. doesn't pay for the link to it

C. doesn't have the proper keywords

D. doesn't stand out among others

2.What can we learn about link­building according to the text?

A. It mainly refers to those inbound links.

B. Pay­per­click services are only provided by Google and Yahoo.

C. General keywords play an important role in the process.

D. Paid links are not advised to use by those new websites.

3.Before starting a pay­per­click campaign, people should ________.

A. find the relevant keywords correctly

B. design their web pages creatively

C. find proper search engine like Google

D. pay Google and Yahoo in advance

4.The text is for those who want to ________.

A. design their websites better

B. develop their websites eagerly

C. advertise on Google and Yahoo

D. win advertising website campaigns



Computer hackers have now got their hands on mobile phones. A phone virus program can ______ your phone do things you have no control over, computer security experts ______.

It might ______ the White House or the police, or forward your personal address book to a marketing company. Or it could simply eat into the phone's operating software, turning it ______ and erasing your personal information.

Similar viruses have already made mobile phone owners ______ in Japan and Europe.

Mr.Hypponen, chief technical officer of a computer security company in Finland, said a virus “can get your ______ and send them elsewhere. And it can record your ______. ”

Mobiles are now able to surf the net, send emails and ______ software. So they are an easy ______ for the same hackers who have sent viruses to computers over the past decade.

“It's technically ______ now,” said Stephen Trilling, director of research at anti­virus ______ maker Symantec Corp based in the US.

“If the phone is connected to the ______ , it can be used to transmit threats and ______ targets just as any computer can. ”

In Japan, if you opened a certain email message ______ your mobile phone, it would cause the phone to repeatedly ______ the national emergency (紧急)number.

So phone operators had to ______ emergency calls until the ______ was removed.

In Europe, the mobiles' short message service, ______ SMS, has been used to send codes that could damage phones.

Mobile users can ______ viruses, of course, by sticking to their traditional phones ______ web links, some experts said.

1.A. get    B. force    C. make    D. damage

2.A. speak    B. talk    C. tell    D. say

3.A. lead    B. cause    C. control    D. call

4.A. off    B. out    C. down    D. on

5.A. interested    B. angry    C. excited    D. terrified

6.A. messages    B. passages    C. news    D. information

7.A. voice    B. passwords    C. music    D. address

8.A. make    B. destroy    C. download    D. develop

9.A. job    B. task    C. mission    D. target

10.A. possible    B. impossible    C. useful    D. valuable

11.A. hardware    B. software    C. computer    D. equipment

12.A. computer    B. television    C. Internet    D. radio

13.A. strike    B. visit    C. inquire    D. attack

14.A. in    B. by    C. on    D. with

15.A. send    B. dial    C. count    D. press

16.A. cancel    B. forbid    C. stop    D. prevent

17.A. bug    B. mistake    C. fault    D. email

18.A. and    B. not    C. or    D. but

19.A. stop    B. avoid    C. kill    D. find

20.A. beyond    B. with    C. over    D. without



He would rather ________lectures to the students than ________to different boring conferences.

A. to give;be invited    B. give;be invited

C. giving;be invited    D. giving;being invited



—I wonder why he has been acting so strangely these days.

— Recent pressure at work may ________ his behavior.

A. account for    B. make for

C. stand for    D. change for



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