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Moochie the Soochie Visits the Peace Peo...

Moochie the Soochie Visits the Peace People

By Quinton Crawford

Price:$3.00        Words:2,800

Language: English

This is a two-story children’s book. Story 1:Moochie visits children on every continent to learn a little of their languages. Story 2:Moochie travels through human history to find people in times of peace. Kids can learn greetings in over nine languages from around the world in the book.

Jokes Series 4(Fruits)

By BodhaGuru Learing

Price: Free         Words:21,320

Language: English

This is a book on funny jokes for children and is a colorful picture book. It has many jokes on fruit. Fruit keeps us healthy and now it has come to make us laugh. Let us laugh with funny jokes on fruit.

Three Wolves

By Chris Sheerin

Price:$4.99        Words:50,440

Language: British English

Two officers secretly enter Yellowstone National Park and steal a female wolf from her den(兽穴).Little do those men realize, however, that the female wolf is highly valued by her pack(一群),and that they will do anything to find her.

Three Wolves is told not through the eyes of man, but through wolves. It is a story of hope and courage, of dreams and superstitions(迷信),in which you might at last be persuaded that wolves know more about nature than man.

The Officer’s Whistle

By Matthew Howorth

Price:$3.20        Words:24,540

Language: English

Simon is in his last year at prep school(预科学校)and always seems to be in trouble. He finds a feeling of comfort in history lessons .When doing a homework task,he finds an old box dug out by his father.It holds secrets of a relative who fought in World War I . Looking through it, Simon discovers the story of Tom Beal, who applied to fight in 1914 and finds an old whistle. What story does it hold?

1.What makes the book Joke Series 4(Fruits)different from the other three?

A. It’s written in a different language.

B. Readers don’t have to pay to get it.

C. Its main characters are not humans.

D. It’s the only book written for children.

2.What can we learn through Three Wolves?

A. Wildlife protection

B. The beauty of nature

C. Nature through wolves’ eyes

D. Basic facts about Yellowstone.

3.What can we know about Simon in The Officer’s whistle?

A. He learns about Tom Beal from his father.

B. He has a great interest in history lessons.

C. He does homework with the help of his father.

D. He discovers the whistle mystery with Tom Beal.

4.In which book can readers learn foreign language?

A. Three Wolves.

B. Joke Series 4(Fruits).

C. The Officer’s Whistle.

D. Moocie the Soochie Visits the Peace People.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】本文是一种广告类型的文章。主要对几本书进行宣传广告,分别对书中的故事情节进行了简要概括,帮助读者了解该书的情节发展。 1.细节理解题。根据“Jokes Series 4(Fruits) By BodhaGuru Learing Price: Free”,可知Jokes Series 4与另外三本书不同的是,它是免费的,故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据“Three Wolves is told not through the eyes of man, but through wolves”,可知,Three Wolves 这本书,不是透过人类的眼睛来讲述故事,而是透过狼的眼睛。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据“Simon is in his last year at prep school(预科学校)and always seems to be in trouble. He finds a feeling of comfort in history lessons”,可知,Simon对历史课是比较喜欢和感兴趣的。故选B。 4.细节理解题。根据“Kids can learn greetings in over nine languages from around the world in the book”,可知,读者阅读这本书时,可以从中学习9种语言。故选D。 【名师点睛】阅读理解旨在考查考生对于文章整体的理解与细节的把握与分析,要在了解整篇文章框架的基础上进行选择。本篇文章较简单,属于广告形式的文章,可直接通过题目在文中寻找答案。例如第4题细节理解题,用细节定位法:细节理解题属于直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的送分题。根据第4题的题目“In which book can readers learn foreign language?”,问的是读者从哪本书里面可以学到不同国家的语言,可直接在文章中定位到第一篇小文章Moochie the Soochie Visits the Peace People中“ Kids can learn greetings in over nine languages from around the world in the book”直接进行选择,故选D,这类题型较简单,不需要通读全文直接定位文章位置,也可以较轻松的选出来,可以为考生考试节省较多时间。









Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to learn that you are coming to my city for travel.








Looking forward to meeting you earlier

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua







1.I suggested that we went out to eat and enjoy ourselves.

2.If you want to swim in the river, ask permission first.

3.We’re obviously going to need her help and she is quite clearly.

4.To solve the problem, we should first to go out to plant trees.

5.His child is lost, for that he is to blame.





That song always _____ me _____ our first meeting.


I was _____ _____ by my aunt.


According to the theory, scientists think something could be hidden beyond the edge of our _____ _____.


He _____ _____ die than give in.


_____ _____ he was not the only one.



When you think about 1. affects your kids most, you might think about their friends, rock stars, sports stars or other famous people. But that’s not 2. (complete) true. Whether they’ll admit it 3. not, most kids-even teenagers-look up to 4. (they) parents. What you do, how you act and what you say have a huge effect 5. your children.

To your kids, you’re a hero. That’s an awesome (令人敬畏的) 6. (responsible). It means your kids are 7. (watch) you all the time and learning how to respond to the world. If you act as if the school 8. (matter),then your kids will think their education is important. If you read at home and stress the importance of that skill, your kids will pay attention to that, too.

And that’s not just an opinion. There are 9.  (fact) to support it. A report released by the National Education Association tells us that when parents are involved, kids stay10. (long) in school, do better in school and even like school more.



Recently, I went to a small town for a short holiday with my husband and daughter. On the first evening, we decided to visit the nearest ______ to check out the local foods and do s0me shopping as well. After spending some time ______ this and that, we decided to get a bite to eat. We had to ______ our turn at the restaurant. I stood on the ______ outside, looking at the crowd of ______ makers.

____, I noticed a small boy of about seven carrying several hand-made gift ______. They were small but very ______. The boy asked me to buy one, ______ widely. He said he had ______ the bags himself as he wanted to help ______ the family. I smiled back and asked the ______ of the bags. He named a(n) ______. I told him it was too ______ for such small bag.

The boy ______ that he had to buy paper and string(线)which ______ him a lot. At that time, I was still hesitating(犹豫), ______ he smiled another sweet smile saying, “Miss, please ______ one, I really worked hard to make it day and night.” His smile stole my ______ and bought a red bag. The boy left ______ the cash carefully in his pocket, but with another of his smile. That day I knew I had met God.

1.A. restaurants    B. hospitals    C. factories    D. schools

2.A. saying    B. performing    C. buying    D. protecting

3.A. break up    B. stand for    C. pick up    D. wait for

4.A. table    B. street    C. roof    D. window

5.A. paper    B. voyage    C. holiday    D. loss

6.A. Hopelessly    B. Confidently    C. Independently    D. Suddenly

7.A. bags    B. signals    C. books    D. toys

8.A. dirty    B. Colorful    C. ugly    D. thin

9.A. smiling    B. thinking    C. agreeing    D. looking

10.A. borrowed    B. invented    C. made    D. inspected

11.A. admire    B. move    C. feed    D. visit

12.A. color    B. size    C. quality    D. price

13.A. number    B. invitation    C. secret    D. plan

14.A. little    B. young    C. much    D. short

15.A. guessed    B. hoped    C. explained    D. decided

16.A. cost    B. paid    C. appreciated    D. saved

17.A. or    B. so    C. if    D. because

18.A. stop    B. remember    C. take    D. sell

19.A. pain    B. heart    C. bag    D. car

20.A. removing    B. spending    C. wasting    D. storing



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