满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When he came back, his _________ look on...

When he came back, his _________ look on his face, he failed in the interview.

A. disappointed    B. disappointing

C. encouraged    D. encouraging


A 【解析】考查v.­ing形式的形容词与v.­ed形式的形容词的辨析。句意:当他回来时,脸上满是失望的表情,他面试失败了。这种表情是主语自己产生的,故选A。  

Tom felt that he himself,rather than the girls,________for the failure of the football match.

A. were to blame    B. was to blame

C. were to blamed    D. was to be blamed



Kathy _________ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. picked up    B. took up

C. made up    D. turned up



My money_________ . Could you please lend me some?

A. has run out of    B. has run out

C. was run out of    D. has been run out



I _________ him to take the train, but he wouldn’t.

A. managed to persuade    B. tried to persuade

C. failed to persuade    D. persuaded



The bag  _________ on the table is brought in the shop _________ in the east of the city.

A. laid; lying    B. lying; laid

C. lies; lay    D. laying; lain



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