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Best Travel Guides by Continent We’ve br...

Best Travel Guides by Continent

We’ve broken down(分类)the best travel guides, by continent, to help you find student discounts and travel like a local on your next adventure.

Europe—Let’s Go Europe 2017: The Student Travel Guide

Let’s Go was founded about 55 years ago when a Harvard student had an idea to provide accessible, budget travel lips for young people. Students lave its amusing pages. Let’s Go Europe 2017 has everything you need for your trip—from the best beer in Brussels to how to avoid the lines at the Louvre.

Africa—The Rough Guide to Cape Toxin, the Winelands, and the Garden Route

With its colorful photos and detailed tips on how to make the most of South Africa, The Rough Guide is the book to gel when visiting Africa. You may not have access to Google Maps when you1 re out exploring but that’s OK. The Rough Guide also comes with easy use to maps.

It can be purchased as an eBook, or as a paperback(平装本).

Asia—Lonely Planet: South-East Asia on a Shoestring

This guide is perfect for those backpacking through the hidden treasures of South-Ea.sl Asia. With detailed recommendations from experts in the area, this guide helps first-timers as well as experienced backpackers. This book can lie purchased as a paperback travel guide. A download for an eBook or separate chapters can be purchased to serve as a guide to specific cities.

North America—Planet USA Travel Guide

With detailed reviews of the best places to eat, sleep, and explore, Lonely Planet is linked with budget-friendly attractions and that’s why it makes our best travel guides list. This travel guide is available in paperback.

1.What is the common character of the four travel guides?

A. They are all expensive.    B. They are intended for students.

C. They all have a very long history.    D. They are all available online.

2.Which travel guide can be downloaded partly online?

A. Lai s Co Europe 2017: The Student Travel Guide.

B. The Rough Guide to Cape Town, the Winelands, and the Carden Route.

C. Lanely Planet USA Travel Guide.

D. Lonely Planet: South-East Asia on a Shoestring.

3.Why does the author recommend Lonely Planet USA Travel Guide?

A. It contains recommendations from experts.

B. It introduces the attractions in an amusing style.

C. It has colorful photos and vivid travel videos.

D. It provides cheap but attractive travel destinations.


1.B 2.D 3.D 【解析】本文是一片说明文。介绍了四种旅游指南及其各自的特点。分别是“Europe—Let’s Go Europe 2017”“欧洲2017:学生旅游指南”,“Africa—The Rough Guide to Cape Toxin, the Winelands, and the Garden Route”“非洲-佛得角毒素的粗糙指南,Winelands和花园路线”,“Asia—Lonely Planet: South-East Asia on a Shoestring”“亚洲-孤独星球:东南亚的鞋带”和“North America—Planet USA Travel Guide”“北美-行星旅行指南”。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段“Let’s Go was founded about 55 years ago when a Harvard student had an idea to provide accessible, budget travel lips for young people”“Let’s Go是成立于55年前,当时一个哈佛大学生有一个想法为年轻人提供便利的,廉价的旅行。”可知A,C错误。根据第五段“You may not have access to Google Maps ”“你可能无法访问谷歌地图”可知D错误。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第八,第九段“ A download for an eBook or separate chapters can be purchased to serve as a guide to specific cities”“下载电子书或单独章节的购买可以作为特定城市的指南”可知,“Lonely Planet USA Travel Guide”可以在线下载。故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段“ Lonely Planet is linked with budget-friendly attractions and that’s why it makes our best travel guides list”“孤独星球与预算友好的吸引力联系在一起,这就是为什么它成为我们最好的旅游指南的原因”。故选D。




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Mrs Brown,



Li Hua









Thirty years ago, my world almost fell apart. I had operation and was fired. In a few weeks, I saw an ad about a Spanish festival. Although I was very upset, and I decided to go. Here, I met a gentleman with who I chatted for hours. A few day later, I came home to found a letter at my door. It was from that friend. Inside the letter was a 1,000-dollar check to help me through his hard days. Sixteen years later, I met a family that bad needed help. I gave them enough money to get through. They called me their angel, but I told them I once had an angel, also.



Sending your child to piano or violin lessons in an attempt to improve their academic achievement is a waste of money, according to scientists. 1. research has shown that youngsters who take music lessons are more likely to be top of their class, Professor Glenn Smith claims this link is 2. (mislead).

“Music may change you a bit, but it’s also the case that different children take music lessons,” said Professor Smith of the University of Toronto, 3. added that parents’ education had most influence on musicality.

“Children who take music lessons come from families with incomes 4. (high) than average. They come from families with more 5. (educate) parents, they also do more extra-curricular activities, they are more likely to learn 6. instrument, and they do better at school.”

“We 7. (motivate) by the fact that kids who take music lessons are particularly good students. In school they actually do better than you would predict from their IQ. So 8.

(obvious) something else is going on. We thought that 9. (person) might be the thing.” Professor Smith explained, “Clearly studying music changes the brain, but so does any learning. In fact, that is 10. learning is,” he added.



I always wanted to be a writer. When I was fifteen, I ______ to my English class that I was going to write my own books. My classmates fell out of their chairs laughing. “Don’t be ______. Only geniuses can become writers,” the English teacher said, “And you are getting Ds.” I was so

____ that I burst into tears.

That night I wrote a short sad poem about ______ dreams and mailed it to a newspaper. To my ______, they published it and sent me two dollars. I couldn’t believe it. I became a published and ______ writer. ______, I sold more poems. By the time I graduated, I had scrapbooks filled with my published work. I never ______ my writing to my teachers or classmates again as they were dream ______.

Years later, when I was ready to write my first novel, I already had four children. I wrote on my typewriter while they napped. It took nine months to finish. I ______ chose a publisher, put my book in a ______ and mailed it off. The letter I ______ read, “I wrote this book myself and I hope you’ll like it. Thank you.”

A month later I received a contract (合同) and a/an ______ to start another book. My book, Crying Wind, became a best seller. Translated into fifteen languages, it was sold ______.

People asked what college I ______ and what qualifications I have to be a writer. The answer is: “None”. I’m not ______ and I just write. To those who ______ writing, I’m shouting at you: “Yes, you can. Don’t ______ others.” I don’t write right but I’ve overcome the ______. Writing is ______, and anyone can do it.

1.A. announced    B. admitted    C. introduced    D. advertised

2.A. optimistic    B. enthusiastic    C. silly    D. sad

3.A. surprised    B. confused    C. worried    D. ashamed

4.A. ambitious    B. broken    C. wild    D. vivid

5.A. annoyance    B. regret    C. astonishment    D. satisfaction

6.A. respected    B. famous    C. valued    D. paid

7.A. Gradually    B. Especially    C. Finally    D. Suddenly

8.A. submitted    B. mentioned    C. sold    D. returned

9.A. savers    B. makers    C. killers    D. seekers

10.A. randomly    B. partly    C. nervously    D. naturally

11.A. collection    B. bottle    C. suitcase    D. package

12.A. covered    B. attached    C. received    D. published

13.A. request    B. doubt    C. instruction    D. attempt

14.A. separately    B. originally    C. freely    D. internationally

15.A. entered    B. established    C. attended    D. operated

16.A. satisfied    B. trained    C. courageous    D. hard-working

17.A. approve of    B. dream of    C. succeed in    D. believe in

18.A. argue with    B. rely on    C. fight against    D. listen to

19.A. uncertainties    B. qualities    C. difficulties    D. curiosities

20.A. easy    B. challenging    C. boring    D. logical



We all know that early birds get more things done by making the most out of their mornings and setting the day right for successful completion of all goals and tasks. 1. Successful people not only have healthy morning habits, they also know how to finish off their day right. Here are some habits that can help plan a more productive tomorrow:

1. Read a book. Successful people read daily. 2. By reading daily, they can achieve better results in their professional and personal lives. Reading will not only make you more likely to succeed, but if you do it before going to bed, it can really help you to reduce stress and progressively calm you down.

2. Unplug from social media. At the end of each working day, the most important thing is to switch off distractions such as WeChat, emails and messaging to create some time for yourself.

3. Go to bed earlier, take a bath, go to that cooking class you have been putting off for so long, or spend quality time with the person you love.

3. Organize the following day. 4. It is really difficult to remember all the things you need to do, so why not write them all down in a journal or a to-do list? Successful people know the importance of a well-planned day and this allows them to enjoy themselves in the evening. So before you go to bed, grab a planner or a notebook and write down your 3 most important goals for tomorrow. 5.

A.But what about the evening habits?

B.Do something you love every night before you sleep.

C.It is also really useful for improving your creative thinking.

D.They all know the importance of educating themselves every single day.

E.Having a well-written plan can really benefit the tasks you have set for the day.

F.Simply lying down and focusing on your breath and body is a significant stress reliever.

G.Be honest with yourself in setting the right amount of time to achieve each individual goal.



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