满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假设你是遵义航天高级中学的学生会主席李华,为了解决中学生中存在的心理问题,你校决定举办一场讲座,请你给遵义师范学院的教授Mr. Smith 写封电子邮件,邀请他来你校作一场这样的讲座。主要告诉他该讲座的:


时间 :11月19日下午2:00-4:00





参考词汇:心理问题:mental problem

Dear Smith,

  I’m Li Hua, chairman of the students union of Zunyi Aerospace Middle School.




                                                             Best wishes!

                                                             Yours sincerely,

                                                              Li Hua


Dear Mr. Smith, I’m Li Hua, chairman of the students union of Zunyi Aerospace Middle School. To help us students deal with our mental problems, our school will hold a lecture, whose title is about mental problems among middle school students. I am writing to invite you to deliver us such a lecture. The lecture will be held in our school hall at 2p.m. On November 19th- this Saturday, and will last 2 hours. Students are likely to have many questions to ask, so in the end, twenty minutes will be left for them to consult you. I will wait for you at the school gate half an hour earlier. Is that OK? If you have any question, don’t hesitate to write to me. I am looking forward to your reply. Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Lihua 【解析】 试题分析:本次作文要求遵义航天高级中学的学生会主席李华,为了解决中学生中存在的心理问题,决定举办一场讲座,请你给遵义师范学院的教授Mr. Smith 写封电子邮件,邀请他来你校作一场这样的讲座。要点包括:1.主题:中学生心理问题。2. 时间 :11月19日下午2:00-4:00。3. 地点:学校礼堂。4. 其他信息:最后20分钟与学生进行互动交流。故既要完成任务,又要兼顾形式的要求。 写作亮点:本篇条理清楚,要点全面,结构连贯。其句式上的变化既使得文章生动而流畅,也体现了作者驾驭句式的能力。例如:文章运用了定语从句whose title is about mental problems among middle school students. 不定式表目的To help us students deal with our mental problems,。deal with, deliver, consult, hesitate, looking forward to等词汇。 考点:应用文写作。 【名师点睛】 应用文写作指导 应用文写作题目的设计形式多种多样,一般通过图画、表格、提纲等形式展示表达的话题及相关信息和主要内容,一般都要有一定的汉语提示和要求。写作内容大都包括对信息内容的客观描述,还要发表自己的观点和看法;有时要求提出解决问题的办法或建议。 应用文的写作要注意以下几个方面: 1、写作的前提是明确目的,以便合理的安排文章内容和结构。除了感谢信、道歉信、邀请信、推荐信、投诉信、求职信等目的较明确外,发言稿、通知、调查报告等也要考虑写作文章的用途或听众与读者的需求; 2、写作的关键是仔细审题,通过审题,得出图画、图表或提纲提示信息,并选准表达要点,使其很好的描述现象,分析问题,解决问题,达到写作的目的; 3、注意篇章结构的整体安排:开篇点题,表明写作的目的(一般给出);描述事物的顺序和思路(按照审题得出的表达要点合理安排,要符合客观实际和人们的认知规律);合适自然的结尾(首尾呼应,提出解决问题的方法或建议)。 4、注意应用文的语言要规范、准确,要得体;选词要丰富,适量使用结构稍复杂的长短句式,如倒装句、强调句和定语从句等,确保写作信息的含量;注意过度与衔接,确保行文连贯,提高写作的质量。 5、选择恰当的人称和时态:以第一、三人称为主,主要选用现在时态。  






修改:在错的词下划一横线( ____ ),并在该词下面写出修改的词。




Hi, Joe. I have read about your situation. This is common for everyone to have arguments or even quarrels with friends. So take it easy, and find the way out.

You may follow my suggestions. First, try to find out that who did wrong and cause the arguments. If it is you, be brave enough to say sorry for your friend. And unless it is your friend, you shouldn’t be too hard on him or her either. Instead, try to taking it easy and be kind. Second, give yourself and your friend some times to calm down, as it is not necessary to solve the arguments immediate.  

Good luck, best wishes for you!



WangKun and his sister had dreamed 1.___ taking a great trip since middle school. After 2._____ (graduate) from college, they 3.______ (final) got a chance to make their dream come true. His sister thought of the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from4.____it begins to where it ends. They 5._____ bought expensive bikes. They also got their cousins 6._____ (interest) in cycling. WangWei 7._____ (insist) that she organize the trip properly. When she heard that the source of Mekong River is in Qinghai Province, she wouldn't change her mind. She even felt excited 8.___ she knew that their journey would begin at 9.____ altitude of more than 5,000 meters. Before the trip they found a large atlas in the library 10.____ from the atlas they knew clearly about the Mekong River.




Hiding     the loose dusty curtain, a/an    packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk     there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his     nagging about his     study and did not want to     it any longer. He couldn’t get along     with English and disliked joining  in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him     purpose.    ,  his score in each exam never    over 60.

His partner was     about him very much. She understood exactly       he was suffering from, but     disagreed with his idea.      calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and     a series of learning tips with him. The items she set    helped him find the    to study English well. The teenager was grateful and got great     from his friend’s words.

Now, he has recovered from being     and has fallen in love with English. What an important part friends     in our life!

1.A. in front of     B. beside         C. behind          D. besides

2.A. teenager       B. small child     C. adult           D. baby

3.A. if             B. although       C. as             D. because

4.A. teacher’s       B. partner’s       C. classmates’      D. parents’

5.A. English       B. Chinese       C. maths          D. physics

6.A go through      B. get through     C. go over         D. take over

7.A. nice           B. badly          C. well           D. good

8.A. to            B. at             C. on           D. with

9.A. As the result    B. As a result    C. As a result of     D. As result

10.A. added up      B. added to      C. added          D. added up to[

11.A .happy         B. concerned     C. sorry           D. excited

12.A. which         B. what         C. where          D. that

13.A. frequently     B. gradually    C. fluently         D. totally

14.A. In order that    B. So that     C. So as to         D. in order to

15.A. communicated  B. gave        C. taught          D. asked

16.A. down         B. up           C. off            D. out

17.A. highway       B. way         C. confidence      D. ability

18.A. strength       B. force         C. power         D. energy

19.A. satisfied       B. surprised      C. excited       D. frustrated

20.A. make          B. take         C. play          D. prefer



You know that you have everything to be thankful for:a loving family,a pretty good job,and a healthy working body.Still,you keep feeling that what you have just isn’t enough.Sure,you can be happier by making some life changes. 1.  It will make you more likely to start enjoying that sunshine instead of complaining(抱怨)about sunburn.

   Live in the present.

    The people who are the happiest with their lives are able to enjoy and hug the present moment. 2. Focus on what the day will bring you instead of what happened yesterday or what you’ll be able to change about tomorrow. 3.

    Though your life may not be perfect in the moment,there are surely some things that you can be very grateful for,whether it’s your loving family,your amazing friends,your health,your cool new job,or your amazing home.You probably don’t have all of these things but surely there are a few things you can remind yourself to be grateful for every single day.

    Stop comparing yourself to others.

    Stop thinking about how big your neighbor’s house is,how great your friend Jack’s job is,or how perfect your best friend’s relationship is.You’ll never get anywhere if you compare yourself to others. 4.   

   Hang out with people who are satisfied with their lives.

    Surround yourself with people who are good influences.They will show you that there are all kinds of ways to be happy,and will maybe even give you some tips for how to walk to difficult situations.5.   They are more likely to come up with some reasons to be unhappy.

A.Be grateful for what you have.

B.What if there is a major obstacle (障碍)standing in your way?

C.Take some time to enjoy exactly what you’re doing right now.

D.The easiest way to be satisfied with your life is to adjust yourself positively.

E.Avoid people looking for reasons to be upset with their life.

F.But if you drop comparing completely,you’ll only be doing yourself a favor.

G.Get regular exercise with friends every day.



In high school, all Canadian students take part in a very exciting event. It is "Take Your Children to Work Day". Students will have a chance to work with their parents. My day took place in my mom's work, the York Region Police Department.

  When I arrived, a coach was teaching the officers basic combat(格斗)skills. Everyone tried their best to practice. I could see them sweating and panting (喘气).

The most exciting part of my visit was a stop at the 911 Communication Center. 911 is the same as 110,119 and 120 in China. Every 911 call in the city is answered here. When I entered the center, I stood beside a call dispatcher (分派人员)arid watched him dealing-with the calls.

  Suddenly, the phone rang, he picked it up and a woman cried for help. There was a robbery in her house. The call dispatcher told her, "Please calm down and move to the safe place quietly. Don't fight with them. Just let them take what they want. Please make sure you are not hurt. We are sending officers there."

   He followed the call and found the address. The call dispatcher chose the five closest police cars from the satellite map and clicked(敲键盘) to send the policemen.  I saw the police cars from the satellite map were quickly moving to the woman's house. Five minutes later, they arrived .I asked the call dispatcher why he sent five cars. He said, "There are different levels of emergencies. Robbery is a high priority (优先),so we have to send five cars." The day was interesting. I leaned how the different departments worked together. The officers were very friendly and admirable.

1.What's the best title for the article?

A. An exciting day at a Police Department.

B. Robbery is a high priority.

C. How the police saved the woman.

D. The 911 Communication Center.

2.What is the correct time line according to the article?

a. A woman cried for help on the phone.

b. A coach was teaching the policemen combat skills.

c. The writer visited the 911 Communication Center.

d. The police quickly arrived at the woman's house.

A. b-c-d-a         B. b-c-a-d

C. c-b-a-d         D. c-d-a-b

3.What would the woman probably do after dialing 911?

A. Fight bravely against the robbers.

B. Find a safe place to hide.

C. Ask the robbers not to hurt her or take anything away from her house.

D. Ask her neighbors to help her catch the robbers.



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