满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.That was an ____________(令人尴尬的) situa...


1.That was an ____________(令人尴尬的) situation for me.

2.I was most i____________(使印象深刻) with the hardworking students when visiting the school.

3.I would a____________(感激) it if you could do me a favor at the party.

4.The natural ____________(景色) of the island is breathtaking.

5.F____________(幸运地), no one got injured in the accident.

6.They looked at him with a ____________(混合物) of horror, envy, and awe.

7.The famous company mainly c____________(集中注意力) on children’s programes.

8.We are ready to begin a discussion ____________(立刻).

9.They ____________(交换) glances with each other at the breaking news.

10.Betty and Ann are good friends, but they have different ___________(态度) to their jobs.


1.embarrassing 2.impressed 3.appreciate 4.scenery 5.Fortunately 6.mixture 7.concentrate 8.immediately 9.exchanged 10.attitudes 【解析】 试题分析: 1.embarrassing.考查形容词。句意:对我来说那是一个令人尴尬的情况。“令人尴尬的”是形容词embarrassing,故填embarrassing。 2.impressed.考查被动语态。句意:当我参观那所学校时,给我印象最深的是那些刻苦的学生们。此处是过去时的被动,动词用过去分词,故填impressed。 3.appreciate.考查动词。句意:如果你在聚会上帮助我,我会非常感激的。would后跟动词原形,故填appreciate。 4.scenery.考查名词。句意:这个岛屿的自然景色令人激动。空格处在句中作主语,应用名词“景色”,故填scenery。 5.Fortunately.考查副词。句意:幸运地是,没有人在这起事故中受伤。“幸运地”修饰整个句子应用副词,故填Fortunately。 6.mixture.考查名词。句意:他们用混合着惊恐、羡慕和敬畏的表情看着他。前面有不定冠词a修饰,应用名词“混合物”,故填mixture。 7.concentrate.考查动词。句意:这家知名公司把注意力都集中在孩子们的项目上。concentrate on“集中注意力到……上”,故填动词concentrate。 8.immediately.考查副词。句意:我们准备立刻开始讨论。“立刻”修饰动词“开始讨论”应用副词,故填immediately。 9.exchanged.考查动词。对这个爆炸新闻他们互相交换了一下眼神。“交换目光”应用动词,故填过去时exchanged。 10.是 different attitudes to...,故填名词的复数attitudes。


Long, long ago, a Frenchman traveled to a small Italian town. He was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One night, he went out for 1._______ walk alone. It was very late and the small street was dark and quiet. Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned his head and saw an Italian young man 2._____ quickly walked past him. The man was 3._____(near) out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found his watch 4._____(go). He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided to get back the watch.

Soon the Frenchman caught up 5.____ the Italian, but 6._____ of them understood the other’s language. The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist and 7._____ (point) to the Italian’s watch. 8._____ the end, the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman.

As soon as he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife 9.______ had happened. He was greatly 10._____(surprise) when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Then he realized that he had robbed the Italian’s watch by mistake.



Jack Baines is a self-made millionaire, but his beginnings were very lowly. He was the youngest of eight children. His father had a    in a cotton mill (纱厂), but he was often    to work because of poor health. The family couldn’t    to pay the rent or bills, and the children often went   _. After leaving school at the age of 14, Jack was __  what to do when Mr Walker, his old teacher, offered to lend him £100 to start his own _ _.

It was just after the war. Raw materials were not enough, and Jack saw a  _ in scrap metal(废弃金属). He bought bits of metal and stored it in an old garage. When he had built up a large amount, he sold it and    plenty of money.

Jack    working hard. After one year he succeeded in   the £100.

By the time Jack was 30 years old he had   his first million, and he wanted to    this achievement by doing something __ ”. With all his money it was    to build a beautiful home for himself and his parents. In 1959, “Baines Castle” was built in the _  of the Lancashire countryside. It was one of the finest buildings in the country.

Jack has recently sold “Baines Castle” for £500 million,        Jack still can’t get used to    the good life. He can    be found drinking with the locals at the local pub(酒吧).

“I remember being very    as a child, but never    as a child,” says Jack, “and I will never forget where I came from and who I am.”

1.A. work    B. job    C. company    D. house

2.A. able    B. glad    C. eager     D. unable

3.A. offer    B. like    C. afford        D. expect

4.A. wrong   B. ill    C. hungry    D. bad

5.A. seeing   B. doubting   C. wondering       D. preparing

6.A. school   B. farm    C. store     D. business

7.A. problem   B. future       C. purpose    D. principle

8.A. spent    B. borrowed   C. wasted        D. earned

9.A. preferred   B. enjoyed   C. promised    D. hated

10.A. paying back   B. making up     C. developing into    D. bringing up

11.A. given   B. taken    C. made     D. lost

12.A. celebrate   B. honor       C. remember    D. recognize

13.A. common      B. simple       C. grand     D. boring

14.A. impossible  B. obvious   C. possible    D. basic

15.A. ground   B. front    C. spot     D. heart

16.A. so    B. and    C. or     D. but

17.A. living   B. sparing   C. using     D. keeping

18.A. never   B. often    C. sometimes       D. seldom

19.A. rich    B. poor    C. healthy    D. well

20.A. unhappy   B. satisfied   C. proud        D. happy




Get a Better Night’s Sleep

You’re trying to get a good night’s sleep, but why do you still find yourself staring at the ceiling? It’s time to listen to what some unexpected experts have to say.

Get the Basic Equipment Right.

There’s really good study on the basic equipment for sleep. 1.  Firstly, most people prefer a mattress (床垫)that is not too hard and not too soft. Secondly, if your mattress is eight to ten years old, you should get a new one. Seventy-two percent of people said they slept better on their new mattress than they did on their old one.


Watching TV at night may seem relaxing. However, it beams light into your eyes, which is a “warning” signal for the brain.   3.   Besides, the cooler white and blue light from a computer screen encourages brain activity and makes your brain difficult to calm down. Download the software at stereopsis.com /flux. It gradually makes your screen less bright at sunset, turning its colors a warmer red one.

Keep you Cool.

One of the best signals from the body to go to sleep is a decrease in body temperature. I suggest sleeping in a very cool environment, about 19℃. A hot bath will increase your skin temperature, which finally decreases your main body temperature.  4. 

Make Sleeping Pets Lie.

Sometimes your dogs might need the noise of machines. Many dogs are sensitive to noises outside, like other dogs barking or neighbors coming home late. A noisy machine will drown out the noises that are keeping your pet up, which keep your pet from waking you.  5.   . If you keep them awake during the day, they’re more likely to sleep at night.

A. Read a book before bed instead.

B. Take a bath a half-hour or so before bedtime.

C. You also learn dogs sleep when they’re bored.

D. The dog is very loyal to his master.

E. It proved two theories.

F. You don’t need a really beautiful mattress.

G. Switch off the Box.



Japan’s youth are losing interest in science and as a result, threatening the nation’s industrial progress. According to Japan Science and Technology Agency, young Japanese are surrounded by high-tech devices(设备), but are not interested in how they work.

Japanese businesses have succeeded partly because they’ve a great many engineers. A drop in interest could lead to a decline(减少) in their numbers and quality. "In the past, the young had a big interest in science and technology," said Hirano, director of the agency’s policy department.

There are two main reasons for the problem. The first is known as "black box syndrome" of modern technology.

Electronic devices depend on tiny silicon chips(芯片), which can only be made in big factories, whose workings can’t be seen by the eyes. The devices, unlike machines of the past driven by gears and wheels, are simply boxes.

Young Japanese, brought up on video games and at home with computers, enjoy using modern technology, but this is a passive interest and different from the interest in how things work. "You need an active interest to get interested in science. This is declining in the young," said Hirano.

About two-thirds of Japanese in their 20s use PCs, twice the number of those in their 50s. But only 40% of those in their 20s say they are interested in news about science and technology, compared to 60% of the 50 to 60 year olds.

"Another reason for it is that life in modern Japan is too comfortable," he said. "A wealthy society reduces people’s desire to modernize and develop their country. To a degree, you can’t avoid this when the fruits of science and technology are fully developed." Similarly, science in Europe and the US has also suffered a lack of interest.

1.Japanese youth’s interest in science is dropping probably because ________.

A. scientists don’t make much money in Japan

B. there are too many scientists in Japan already

C. they’re not interested in how high-tech devices work

D. science is more difficult for young people to learn

2.The underlined word "their" (in Para. 2) refers to ________.

A. Japanese engineers’

B. Japanese businesses’

C. Japan’s young people’s

D. high-tech devices’

3.Why does science meet the same problem in Japan, the US and Europe?

A. People believe they don’t need to develop their science any more.

B. People are satisfied with the comfortable life high-tech devices bring to them.

C. People think high-tech devices destroy the environment.

D. People don’t want to live the modernized life.

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Older people are probably more interested in science in Japan.

B. About one-third of Japanese people in their 50s use computers.

C. Japan’s youth live too comfortably to take interest in science.

D. Electronic devices are made of parts that can not be seen at all.



If you want to live longer and lower the risk of heart disease, a move to the mountains may help. Research by scientists in Greece shows that living in the mountains is good for the heart and longevity(长寿). People living at higher altitude(海拔) have lower possibility of dying from heart disease than those closer to sea level, even if they have factors that could increase their risk. "Residence in mountainous areas seems to have a protective effect’ from heart disease," said Dr Nikos Baibas of the University of Athens. He and his colleagues suspect that the increased exercise from walking up mountainous area gives the heart a good workout and enables it to cope with lower levels of oxygen.

Researchers studied the health records and death rates of 1,150 Greeks who lived in three villages near Athens over 15 years. One village was 1,000 meters above sea level and the other two were in low-lying areas. Although men and women living in the mountainous village had higher blood pressure rates and other risk factors than people in the other villages, they had a lower rate of death from heart disease and other causes after a fifteen year follow-up." The contrast was more evident among men than among women," Baibas added in a report in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Heart disease is one of the world's top killers. Smoking, high blood pressure, raised cholesterol levels, being overweight and a family history of the illness increase the possibility of developing the disease.

1.The first sentence in the passage is used to ________.

A. give a very good guessing

B. tell readers what the passage focuses on

C. warn people of the risk of heart disease

D. name a new unknown illness

2.According to the passage, a person ________ may have less possibility of having heart attack.

A. from higher altitude

B. with a better living habit

C. with more money

D. in a happier mood

3.How long does the research of the Greeks last?

A. At most 10 years.B. Not mentioned.

C. More than 20 years.D. About 15 years.

4.Apart from altitude, how many factors raise the chance of developing heart disease?

A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six



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