满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

After a busy day of work and play, the b...

After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping makes it possible for your body to prepare itself for the next day.

There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your body relaxes little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.

Although your mind slows down, you will dream from time to time. Scientists who study sleep point out that when you are dreaming, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.

If you have trouble falling asleep, some people suggest breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep.

1.The text makes us know that not getting enough sleep might make you _________.

A. suffer form poor health                B. enjoy more

C. dream more often                       D. breathe quickly

2. During REM, _______.

A. you move restlessly

B. you start dreaming

C. your mind stops working

D. your eyeballs move quickly

3.The underlined word “drowsy” in the last paragraph probably means______.

A. lazy            B. sleepy           C. relaxed          D. pleased


1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】 试题分析: 文章主要介绍睡眠的一些知识,睡眠质量对身体健康很重要。睡眠有4个阶段; 睡不着觉有一些方法如:数羊、睡前喝一些热牛奶、深呼吸等。 1.A 推理判断题。根据第一段的句子:Sleep is necessary for good health.推断,如果缺乏睡眠,就会有健康的问题。故选A。 2.D细节理解题:根据第三段的句子:This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement. 可知REM状态时,眼球转动的很快。故选D。 3.B 词义推测题。本段开头说有入睡难时怎么办。 睡前喝些热牛奶可有助于睡眠,由此可知drowsy是sleepy“困”的意思。故选B。 考点:科技类短文阅读。








I'd like tell you something about your life in this boarding schoo1.I stay in a dormitory with three other girls,all of them are kind and nice. We get on well to others and have become good friends.Living in a boarding school make me independent.I am confidence to take care of myself,wash the clothes,and clean the rooms,which I never did when at home.The classes here are very interesting and challenged.I’m still feeling a little dissatisfied with some other thing.The living conditions are not as good as it at home and the chance to get in touch with the outside world is limited.Anyway,I’II get used to living here and hope everything will be more better soon.




One day Mark Twain was going to a small town because _1.__ his writing. Before he was going to leave,one of his friends __2.__ (say) to him that there were always a lot of mosquitoes in the town and told him that he'd better not go there. Mark Twain waved his hand and said,“_3.__ doesn't matter. The mosquitoes are not relatives of mine. I don't think they will come __4.__ (visit)me.”

After he arrived at the town, Mark Twain stayed in __5.__ small hotel near the station. He went into a room, but 6.__ he was just about to have a rest, quite __7.__ few mosquitoes flew about him. The waiters felt very sorry about that. “I'm very sorry, Mr Mark Twain. There are too many mosquitoes in our town,” one of them said __8.__ him.

Mark Twain,however, made a joke, _9.__ (say) to the waiter, “The mosquitoes are very clever. They know my room number. They don't come into the wrong room.” What he said made all the people present laugh heartily.

But that night Mark Twain slept well. Did you know why? That was _10.__ all the waiters in the hotel were driving mosquitoes away for him during the whole night.




I walked through the door of the office building I worked in. Then I realized that I needed some money so I went to the ________ at the corner of the street.

As I finished and turned to ________ , I saw a wallet on the counter(柜台). The wallet was brown and________three hundred dollars, a driver’s license, and a ________ card. I didn’t know the name on the license, but _______he was, he was going to be in panic.

I went home with the wallet. In my apartment, I ________ the online phone book and found no one to ________ the name on the card in the wallet. I really wanted to ________ the man. If it had been my wallet, I would have been sick to my stomach with ________. I ________  the bank card and became  ________ in thought. ________ , a fresh idea flashed through my mind. On the back was the number to his bank.

“Thank you for ________Wachovia Bank. Can I help you?” “I found a wallet at one of your bank machines today and I am trying to find the ________ .” “That’s very nice of you, sir. Can you________ me the number on the card please?” I did what I was told and , “Can you tell me his phone number? I want to contact him to ________  his wallet.” “I’m sorry, sir, but we cannot give out the ________ information of our customers.” “I understand. Can I give you my telephone number? You could call him and tell him who I am.” “I can________ do that, sir.”

I gave her my contact information and hung up. Two days later, a gentleman found me. He ________  thought he would see his wallet again. He was so ________ that he kept saying “thanks” many times.

I smiled all day long. Doing good for others does good for you.

1.A.restaurant   B.bank      C.hotel       D.supermarket

2.A.pass        B.inform    C.watch      D.leave

3.A.existed     B.replaced   C.contained   D.gathered

4.A.name        B.identity   C.record     D.bank

5.A.whoever      B.whatever   C.however    D.whichever

6.A.published   B.checked   C.compared  D.reviewed

7.A.need         B.recognize  C.match      D.remember

8.A.blame        B.help      C.follow     D.study

9.A.worry        B.doubt      C.curiosity   D.sadness

10.A.set up      B.gave up    C.picked up   D.put up

11.A.interested  B.confused   C.crazy      D.lost

12.A.Immediately B.Strangely C.Generally   D.Recently

13.A.visiting  B.choosing   C.calling    D.trusting

14.A.seller     B.designer C.winner      D.owner

15.A.give        B.send       C.write      D.suggest

16.A.return      B.gain      C.keep       D.confirm

17.A.enough     B.personal   C.special    D.obvious

18.A.certainly   B.usually  C.luckily    D.simply

19.A.often      B.never      C.seldom      D.once

20.A.nervous    B.curious  C.modest     D.grateful



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News presenters:

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2. Able to work the night and early morning shifts.

3. Team spirit and flexibility.

Biz News Reporter/Presenter:

1. Journalistic experience, particularly in the field of business news.

2. Good reading and presentation skills.

3. Able to work at irregular hours.


1. Journalistic experience and good news-writing skills.

2. A good command of the English language.

3. Able to work at irregular hours.

Music DJs:

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1.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To advertise a website.

B. To attract some talents.

C. To introduce a radio station.

D. To introduce a company.

2.To apply for the positions above, one must____.

A. work long hours

B. have related working experience

C. have team spirit

D. live in English-speaking countries

3.Which of the following positions require irregular work hours?

A. Video reporters&News presenters

B. News presenters&Biz News Reporter

C. Biz News Reporter&Copyeditors

D. Copyeditors&Music DJs



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