满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

选择方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。 1.The houses are __...


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1.The houses are _____________________ traditional Chinese architecture.

2.You can't _____________________ the house until all the papers have been signed.

3.This year government said more resources will _____________________ education.

4.Children who do volunteer work _____________________ grow up to be caring adults.

5.You must _____________________ customs in order to pass across the border.


1.in the style of 2.take possession of 3.be devoted to 4.are likely to 5.go through 【解析】 试题分析:选择方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。 1.】in the style of 句意:这些房子是传统的中国建筑风格。in the style of 以---风格,故填in the style of。 2.take possession of 句意:文件签了以后你才能拥有这房子。take possession of拥有,占有,故填take possession of。 3.】be devoted to 句意:今年政府说更多的资源将被用于教育。be devoted to致力于---,奉献给---。故填 be devoted to。 4.are likely to 句意:做志愿者工作的孩子很可能成长为一个有爱心的成年人。句子的主语是复数形式,故填are likely to。 5.go through 句意:为了过边境你一定要过海关。go through经历,通过。故填go through。 【知识归纳】 in/take charge of 负责,管理;in/take the charge of 被---管理;in/take possession of 拥有,占有; in/take the possession of 被---拥有。 考点:考查短语选择填空


1.Tom is very nice, but he does like to d________ (控制) the conversation.

2.Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks m__________ (主动性).

3.We cannot guarantee the p__________ (准时的) arrival of trains in foggy weather.

4.C___________ (好强的) people want to be the best at everything.

5.The boys d___________ (不顾一切地) wanted to leave the workhouse.

6.Symptoms are a slight fever, headache and loss of a_____________ (食欲).

7.Herbs(草药) have been used for centuries to make r__________(提神的)drinks.

8.She was a____________ (显然) a very nervous woman, and that affected her career.

9.Only a m________(少数) of the people supported the Revolution.

10.A proper amount of exercise c____________ (有益) to good health












Dear Peter,







Best wishes to you!


Li Hua










Dear Editor,

I used to be a physician in the children’s department of a hospital. From time to time I treated children who had poisoned by medicine with older family members. The children didn’t know the medicine was danger; they just knew it tasted sweet. Children easily open the bottle what we now use in China.

Some days before I talked about medicines with an American. He showed me a sort of plastic bottle. The design was quite simple and I’m sure our Chinese factories could produce these bottles. The top of the bottle can be opened by pressing down on them while turning, which is difficult for most young children to do so, though grown-up can open these bottles very easily.

I’m certainly that the expense of making such tops would be very small. As a doctor, I’d love to see this doing. And most parents would be grateful.

Sincerely yours

Li Hua




When young F.W. Woolworth was a store clerk, he tried to convince his boss to have a ten-cent sale to reduce inventory(存货). The boss agreed, and the idea was1.      great success. This inspired Woolworth 2.      (open) his own store and price the items at a nickel and a dime (角). He needed capital for such a venture,3.       he asked his boss to supply the capital for part interest in the store. His boss turned him 4.        directly.“The idea is too risky,” he told Woolworth.“5.      are not enough items to sell for five and ten cents.”

Woolworth went ahead 6.      his boss' support. But he not only was7.    _   (success) in his first store, but8.     (eventual) owned a chain of F.W. Woolworth stores across the nation. Later, his former boss 9.      (hear) to remark,“As far as I can figure out, every word I used to turn Woolworth down 10.      (cost) me about a million dollars.”





If you ever have a chance to go to Finland, you’ll probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.

Take the taxi drivers for example.You can go _________ on a journey, tell the driver to   _________ you at any place, say that you have some business to   _________ , and that you will pay the taxi driver later. He will agree without any _________  but just accept your words in good   _________ .

The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their   _________  , but also provide food for outside _________ .Hotel guests have their meals free, so they _________ go to the free dining rooms to have their meals, and the _________ they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration card to the waiter.With such _________ check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to wine and dine free of   _________  .

Finnish workers are paid by the hour.If you work in Finland and have    _________ the boss on the hourly rate, then you just say how many hours you have worked and you’ll be paid_________   .

With so many loop holes in everyday life, surely Finland must be a good country to those who _________  to take “petty advantages”.But the_________ thing is, all the taxi passengers always come back to pay their _________  after they have attended to their business; not a _________  outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms; workers always give the exact hours they have _________.As the Finns always act on good faith and always have a (an)   _________ of “right is right” and “wrong is wrong” in everything they do, so to live in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.

What we regarded as “foolish” is _________  the Finnish people’s way of life.

1.A. somewhere     B. anywhere   C. sometime     D. anytime

2.A. stop        B. pass         C. drop         D. pick

3.A. attend to     B. take care    C. take up     D. appeal to

4.A. guarantee     B. anxiety    C. passenger    D. money

5.A. smile          B. place       C. seat         D. faith

6.A. meals          B. visitors     C. guests     D. cards

7.A. waiters        B. diners      C. drivers    D. workers

8.A. naturally     B. respectively C. secretly    D. contently

9.A. best           B. worst       C. most        D. least

10.A. strict       B. complete     C. troublesome  D. loose

11.A. registration B. care        C. charge       D. noise

12.A. paid for      B. debated with C. talked about D. agreed with

13.A. accordingly  B. reluctantly  C. separately   D. automatically

14.A. hesitate    B. hate        C. love         D. refuse

15.A. strange      B. confusing   C. complex      D. imaginative

16.A. business     B. trip         C. fine         D. fare

17.A. single        B. faithful    C. familiar    D. usual

18.A. worked on     B. put in     C. spent on    D. run out

19.A. religion     B. law          C. idiom        D. attitude

20.A. eventually    B. accidentally C. actually   D. temporarily



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