满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Did you enjoy the party? --Yes,we___by ...

Did you enjoy the party?

--Yes,we___by our hosts.

A.were treated   B.would be treated.

C.treated   D.had treated


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——你喜欢这个聚会吗?——是的,我们的主人很好的招待了我们。根据上一句中的did可知用一般过去时;且we和treated是动宾关系,用被动语态。空中应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选A。本题考查时态和语态,本题需要先看句子中有没有明确的时间状语,然后再看有没有相关的词,比如隐藏的时间点,和一些动词的过去式。解答时态语态题时,学生需要注意结合上下文语境,找出相关提示词来判断时态;并且分析出主语和动词是主谓关系还是动宾关系。 【考点定位】考查动词的时态及语态。  

_____the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.

A.Catching.    B.Caught.     C.To catch.    D.Catch








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5.直到真要出国了,这个年轻人才意识到自立的重要性。 (Not)



For a sight of an evolving technology that promises to shake video gaming to its foundation, check out “Throw Trucks With Your Mind”.

Unlike most video games, it doesn't rely solely on a mouse. Instead, its players also put on a headset that enables them to throw trucks or other virtual objects simply by thinking.

And that's just for starters. Advocates of so-called neurogaming(交感神经游戏)say the concept in a few years will combine a wide variety of physiological factors, from a player's heart rate and hand gestures to pupil dilation(瞳孔扩张) and emotions. Moreover, they imagine many such games being developed to improve the health, brainpower and skills of those playing them.

The electroencephalography(脑电波仪), or EEG, headset used to throw trucks and other objects onto enemies was made by San Jose, California.-based NeuroSky. It measures separate brainwave frequencies that reflect how focused the player is and how calm they are, according to Lat Ware of Emeryville, California., who developed the game. The game, which can be purchased at www.throwtrucks.com, costs $25, or $99 with the headset.

Ware, 29, said it's possible to move a pear or other small virtual object if the player is calm, but not focused, or vice versa. But he said both mental states are essential to flatten an enemy with a huge truck, which takes considerable concentration.

Although only a few neurogames have been introduced so far and their action tends to be fairly limited, the games are expected to become far more challenging - and multipurpose - as the software and related technology improves.

One concept being explored is to develop games that adjust their action according to the player's changing emotions. These are measured by such factors as their facial expressions, eye movement and skin-conductance(皮肤导电) levels. Another approach is to make games that influence how the player thinks and feels.

Consider Los Angeles-based Melon, which, like "Throw Trucks With Your Mind," was recently launched via the online fundraising site Kickstarter. Melon officials say their first game-- which challenges players to fold origami(折纸) with their mind, using NeuroSky's EEG headset -- helps people "learn how to focus, relax and meditate better."

1.According to this article, what is the purpose of developing the new kind of games?

2.The function of brainwave frequencies measured by EEG made by San Jose is to _________.

3.According to Ware, if you want to throw something such as a truck, you must be __________.

4.What is the new idea being studied to develop more challenging and multipurpose games?

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN ELEVEN WORDS)



A rapidly advancing contemporary science that is highly dependent on new tools is Earth system science. Earth system science involves observation and measurements on the Earth at all scales from the largest to the smallest. The huge amounts of data that are gathered come from many different locations and require special techniques for handling data. Important new tools that facilitate Earth system science include satellite remote sensing, small deep-sea submarines, and geographic information systems.

More than any other way of gathering evidence, satellite observations continually remind us that each part of the Earth interacts with and is dependent on all other parts.

Earth system science was born from the realization of that interdependence. Satellite remote sensing makes possible observations at large scales, and in many cases, measurements of factors that could not otherwise be measured. For example, the ozone hole over Antarctica--the decrease in the concentration of ozone high in the atmosphere--is measured by remote sensing, as are changes in deserts, forests, and farmlands around the world. Such measurements can be used in many areas of specialization besides Earth system science. Archaeology, for example, has benefited from satellite observations that reveal the traces of ancient trade routes across the Arabian Desert.

New tools for exploring previously inaccessible areas of the Earth have also added greatly to our knowledge of the Earth system. Small deep-sea submarines allow scientists to travel to the depths of the ocean. There they have discovered new species and ecosystems thriving near deep-sea vents that emit heat, sasses, and mineral-rich water.

Just as important as new methods of measurement and exploration are new ways to store and analyze data about the Earth system. Computer-based software programs known as geographic information systems, or GIS, allow a large number of data points to be stored along with their locations. These can be used to produce maps and to compare different sets of information gathered at different times. For example, satellite remote sensing images of a forest can be converted to represent stages in the forest's growth. Two such images, made at different times can be overlaid and compared, and the changes that have taken place can be represented in a new image.

1.The word "facilitate" in Paragraph I is closest in meaning to ________.

A. enable   B. require    C. organize   D. examine

2.The author of the passage mentions that satellite observations are especially effective in ________.

A. conducting scientific studies of life on the ocean floor

B. predicting future climate changes

C. providing data to determine Earth's age

D. demonstrating interactions among all of Earth's parts

3.According to the passage, satellite observations of the Arabian Desert allow archaeologists to know ________.

A). indications of ancient routes

B. evidence of former lakes

C. traces of early farms

D. remains of ancient forests

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. special techniques are needed to classify the huge amounts of data about Earth.

B. New tools provide information about Earth that was once impossible to obtain.

C. Advances in Earth system science have resolved many environmental problems.

D. Satellite remote sensing can show changes between two images taken years apart.



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