满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Tomorrow there will be _______ sunshine ...

Tomorrow there will be _______ sunshine with cloudy intervals so he has made a plan for a picnic with his family.

A.mainly B.occasionally C.roughly D.Extremely


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查副词。句意:明天的天气主要是晴天,但有时多云,他计划和家人一起野餐。A.Mainly主要是;B.Occasionally时不时;C.roughly 粗糙;D.Extremely极度;天气好才会想到去野餐,所以天气主要是晴天,故选A项。 考点:考查副词  

Compared with Mary, Jerry is even more________ to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems.

A.skeptical B.addicted C.sensitive D.Available



After the arrival of the first humans into the uninhabited land, such large areas of forest were destroyed that many animals and plants became ______ , including the giant moa.

A.influential B.extinct C.specific D.Domestic



--- Four dollars a pair? I think it’s a bit too much.

---If you buy three pairs, the price for each will _______ to three fifty.

A.come down B.take down

C.turn over D.go over



As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village _______scenes of my childhood.

A.caught up B.called up

C.caught on D.called on



The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already ______ to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan.

A.contracted B.admitted

C.contrasted D.Adjusted



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