满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。[来Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important     : giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You needn’t worry if you      money.

This is how I    with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store      in my mind, I step in and make the    to the storekeeper. If an accident takes place, the     of which I think the local police could use, I     him up and tell him about it, though I am not in    here. I found a rule about this world is to give     getting something back, though the    often comes in an unexpected form.

One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special letter to my home, though it was    to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of     . More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was         . I was told at the window that there were   boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long   list. As I was about to be     , the postmaster appeared in the   . “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering an __ delivery to your home?” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office     we ke one specifically for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get    but complaints.”

1.A. difference   B. research  C. speech   D. discovery

2.A. earn       B. lack   C. spend   D. steal

3.A. experienced  B. connected  C. cooperated  D. experimented

4.A. strikes   B. flashes   C. happens  D. attempts

5.A. appeal   B. request  C. suggestion  D. demand

6.A. story       B. damage  C. challenge  D. material

7.A. call       B. hold   C. cheer   D. pick

8.A. possession  B. trouble   C. place   D. charge

9.A. plus       B. without  C. for         D. before

10.A. process   B. goal   C. return   D. concern

11.A. replied   B. addressed  C. driven   D. brought

12.A. invitation  B. apology  C. complaint  D. appreciation

13.A. discussing  B. providing  C. applying  D. starting

14.A. enough   B. extra   C. no   D. other

15.A. admitting  B. relating  C. buying   D. waiting

16.A. positive   B. shocked  C. discouraged  D. optimistic

17.A. doorway      B. window  C. home   D. yard

18.A. unfamiliar  B. unexpected  C. unknown  D. uncertain

19.A. in case   B. now that  C. even if   D. rather

20.A. nothing   B. something  C. anything   D. everything


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:大多数人认为,生活就是获得的过程。但在人生的生中,放弃或给予同样也是一种精彩。 1.D考查名词辨析make a difference有影响,起(重要)作用; make a research做研究 make a speech 作演讲;make a discovery有发现。像很多人一样,我生来就认为生活就是获得,直到三十多岁的时候才发现,放弃或给予也会使得生活如此精彩。再者,后文也提到了这种发现,故选D项。 2.2】B考查动词辨析earn赚(钱),挣(钱);lack缺乏,缺少;spend花(钱);steal偷。你缺钱也无须担心(言下之意,即使缺少钱,你也能给予),故选B项。 3.3】A考查动词辨析Experience经历;connect;联系,相联系cooperate合作;experiment做实验。下文列举的事例都是作者生活中经历的事情,故选A项。 4.4】B考查动词辨析A. strikes 打击;B. flashes闪现;C. happens发生;D. attempts尝试;如果我灵机一动发现改进隔壁商店橱窗展示效果的主意,我会走进那家店,向店主提出建议,故选B项。 5.5】C 考查名词辨析appeal呼吁;request请求;suggestion建议;demand命令。向店主提出建议,故选C项。 6.6】A考查名词辨析story故事,事情。damage 破坏;challenge 挑战;material物质,材料。出现事故,警察应了解事情的经过真相,故选A项。 7.7】A考查动词短语辨析A. call up 打电话; B. hold up 耽搁;C. cheer up欢呼; D. pick up接某人。根据后文tell him about it 可知作者是打电话(call)告诉警察事情的经过,故选A项。 8.8】D考查名词辨析in possession拥有;trouble处在困境之中;in place在对的位置,适当的,在工作,准备就绪;charge负责。作者虽然不负责这里的事情,但他却主动帮助警察了解事故经过,故选D项。 9.9】B考查语境理解。plus加上;without 没有,不;for为了;before在……前。上文列举的事例都表明作者想主动帮助别人而不希望得到什么,故选B项。 10.0】C考查名词辨析process过程,工序,做事方法;return回报;goal目标;return回报;concern关心根据转折连词though和下文所列举的事例表明,帮助别人有时候在不经意时也会得到回报,故选C项。 11.1】B考查动词辨析A. replied回答;B. addressed注明地址;C. driven开车;D. brought带来;信上标明收信人的地址是我办公室的地址,故选B项。 12.2】D考查名词辨析A. invitation邀请;B. apology道歉;C. complaint抱怨;D. appreciation欣赏;邮递员把本来该送到办公室的信送到家里,人们通常只会责备他们,而作者却与此相反,非但没有责备,而是给邮局局长写了封感谢信,故选D项。 13.3】D考查动词辨析A. discussing讨论;B. providing 提供;C. applying 申请;D. starting开始;作者要开办(starting)一项新的业务,故选D项。 14.4】C考查形容词辨析A. enough足够的;B. extra额外的;C. no没有;D. other其它的;结合上下文可知,邮局里已没有(no)剩余的邮箱,故选C项。 15.5】D考查动词辨析A. admitting承认;B. relating联系;C. buying买;D. waiting等待;邮局里没有剩余的邮箱,要想安装邮箱,只能等(waiting)到有的时候,故选D项。 16.6】C考查形容词辨析A. positive 积极的;B. shocked震惊的;C. discouraged丧气的;D. optimistic悲观的;因为这样的情况,作者有些泄气(discouraged)准备离开,故选C项。 17.7】A考查名词辨析A. doorway门口;B. window窗户;C. home家;D. yard院子;正当我有些泄气准备离开时,邮局局长出现在门口,故选A项。 18.8】B考查形容词辨析A. unfamiliar不熟悉的;B. unexpected没有预料的;C. unknown不出名的;D. uncertain不确定的;您就是一年前因为邮局将一封意想不到(unexpected)的快递信件发到您家里而给我们来信的那位先生吧,故选B项。 19.9】C考查连词辨析A. in case以防万一;B. now that 既然;C. even if即使;D. rather相当;句意为在这个邮局里,你应该得到一个邮箱,即便(even if)是我们给你做一个,故选C项。 20.20】A考查代词辨析A. nothing什么也没有;B. something一些;C. anything任何事情;D. everything一切 ;邮递员从顾客那里一般不会得到任何东西,只有抱怨,nothing but只有,故选A项。

I know that something you get that sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work---your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star.  1.  .

The truth is, being successful is hard. You won’t love every subject that you study. 2.      Not every homework assignment will seem completely relevant to your life right at this minute. And you won’t necessarily succeed at everything the first time your try.

That’s okay.    3.   JK Rowling---- who wrote Harry Potter---her first Harry Potter book was rejected 12 times before it was finally published. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. He lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career. But he once said, “I have failed over and over again in my life. And that’s why I succeed.”

These people succeeded because they understood the secret of success ---you can’t let your failures define you.  4.   You have to let them show you what to do differently the next time. So if you get into trouble, that doesn’t mean you are a troublemaker, it means you need to try harder to act right.   5.

A. If you get a bad grade, that doesn’t mean you’re stupid, it just means you need to spend more time studying.

B. Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who have had the most failures.

C. You have to let your failures teach you.

D. You won’t get along well with every teacher that you have.

E. So many of you dream of being successful by hard work.

F. Failures can lead you to success.

G. Chances are you’re not going to be any of those things.



As we know, many teen celebrities(名人) feel and think that having a slimmer figure can do great good to them. But, does size really matter? Are teenage fans trying hard to become like their celebrity idols(偶像)? Do celebrities really have the power to influence people, especially teenagers?

For the longest time, many parents blame teen idols for influencing the way their kids act. Have you noticed how teens idolize the celebrities these days? Even, their personal affairs are being followed by kids these days. Take for example the case of Lindsay Lohan of Mary Kate Ashley. They are definitely famous teen stars. But, since they are trying to project an image to satisfy a lot of people in show business, their health and body suffer. Many kids are aware of this problem. But they are easily influenced by these celebrities to exercise and eat less.

It is a fact that the media, and especially famous teen celebrities, can influence people powerfully. But teenagers are easily influenced because teenage years are the period when our personality and identity developments take place. Teens watching TV shows and reading magazines are easily pulled into the dieting and harmful eating habits because the media have some ways to pull these acts. They use thin models and celebrities to endorse(做广告宣传) products or to star in an up-and –coming shows or movies. With fierce competition, celebrities are forced to eat less and do extreme exercise routines to get the roles or offers that come their way.

Living in today’s time and generation is a bit disturbing to a lot of parents. Media, especially as well as the celebrities, have a very powerful influence to drive teenagers to good or bad. It’s good that we can control ourselves to avoid bad things from happening. If not, parents should really be aware and guide their teens to determine what’s in ad what’s out.

1.From the passage we can find Lindsay Lohan         .

A. lives an unhealthy lifestyle

B. lives a rich and happy life

C. doesn’t get any exercise

D. sets a good example for teenagers

2.According to the writer, why are teenagers easily influenced by some TV shows?

A. They are tired of school.

B. Their celebrity idols appear in many TV shows.

C. They’re in their development period.

D. They have nothing to do in their spare time

3.What’s the title of the passage?

A. Parents’ responsibilities.

B. Advice on self-control.

C. Bad influences of celebrities.

D. Media’s bad influences.



When Major Mary Jennings Hegar was serving as a captain in Afghanistan, her aircraft was shot down by enemy fire while she and her crew were taking back injured soldiers. Though injured, she completed the rescue mission (任务) while under fire on the ground and received the Purple Heart and the Distinguished Flying Cross for “outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty.”

However, Hegar did not get prizes for serving in combat (战斗), for it is illegal for women to be in official combat(作战) positions and to get the benefits that come with them. Hegar and three other service women filed a lawsuit(诉讼) in federal court in San Fransico on Nov. 27 in a long-overdue challenge to the Pentagon's (五角大楼) ban.

Many military women who constitute 14% of the 1.4 million active members of the military object to the policy because it stops them from applying for some 238,000 jobs and excludes (排除) them from certain promotions. It is particularly unfair because it doesn't protect women in service. Fully 85% of women, who have served since Sept.11, report having served in a combat zone or an area where they were faced with combat or immediate danger according to the lawsuit, and half reported being involved in combat operations. At least 860 female troops have been wounded and 144 killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

The ban does another bad thing: drive talented women out of service. Hegar says she is asked to leave the Air National Guard for a Reserve Liaison position because she is excluded(不包括,排除) from jobs she would like to apply for. Another woman who is suing, Captain Alexandra Zoe Bedell who was sent twice to Afghanistan, left active duty last year, because of the combat exclusion policy.

It is hard to see how the Pentagon could meet this burden. Clearly, women are capable of taking challenging, dangerous combat assignment, because as the careers of Hegar and others like her have shown they are doing it now. The Pentagon's policy is based on “outdated idea of women”, just the sort of thing the Constitution forbids.

But the Pentagon should not wait for the courts to order it to treat female service members equally. There can be little doubt that a court will eventually do just that and little doubt that, in the very near future, the no-combat rule, like the racial segregation (隔离) of troops and “Don't ask, don’t tell,” will seem like an ancient relic (遗物) of unenlightened (愚昧无知的) times.

1.What can we know about Major Mary Jennings Hegar from the first paragraph?

A. She failed in the rescue mission.

B. Her deeds were awarded by authorities

C. While taking back the injured soldiers some crew died.

D. When she was serving as a captain her aircraft crashed.

2.The underlined word “constitute” in the fourth paragraph means_______ .

A. take up     B. make up     C. set up     D. build up

3. Many military women objected to the policy mainly because _______ .

A. it had an effect on women’s rights

B. it was unfair to protect women in service

C. it prevented them from some jobs and promotions

D. it was opposed to women’s volunteering for combat

4.What does the writer want to tell us in the last two paragraphs?

A. Pentagon should stop the ban immediately.

B. Pentagon will not obey the court's decision.

C. Pentagon should have more women soldiers.

D. The public should be patient with the Pentagon.



With a large part of the world's population living close to the oceans, rising sea levels bring the potential for destructive (破坏性的)results. But scientists are still unable to make predictions exact enough for people to plan to handle the loss of land and the threat to coastal communities expected over this century.

“We know sea level is going to rise, but how much, and how fast, and where, we really still don’t know," said Josh Willis, a climate scientist.

The ocean isn't like water in a bathtub. It doesn’t rise all the same as more water pours in. As global warming raises sea levels, some places are expected to see higher-than-average increases, and a few places, may even see decreases.

It’s reported that over the course of this century, sea levels will rise between 8 inches and 6.6 feet around the planet. Scientists know this increase will be driven by the expansion of water as it warms—warmer water takes up more space—and the melting of ice. But the effects of warming water and melting ice on sea-level rise are expected to vary from area to area. And the melting of ice of the Antarctic and Greenland presents the largest uncertainty for the future, but air, land and water also play roles in changes to sea level. For example, sea level near the ice getting melt actually decreases, because the ground under the melting ice rises as the heavy ice disappears.

Climate change is expected to change ocean currents and the winds that help drive ocean currents. These changes will affect the distribution of heat within the oceans, and, as a result, affect changes in sea level.

Nowadays, scientists use two types of models to make predictions about the future of sea levels, but the two don’t agree. If scientists can't accurately predict sea-level increase for the coming years, the least we can do is measure what happening today with the help of the satellite, Jason-2, but it’s reaching the end of its operational life.

1. The first paragraph implies that_______ .

A. the rising sea levels mainly happens near the coast

B. people living in coastal communities have to move

C. scientists have ways to handle the rising sea levels

D. coastal cities are easily affected by the rising sea levels

2.What does the writer mean by saying "The ocean isn’t like water in a bathtub" in the third paragraph?

A. The rising sea level is hard to tell.

B. The ocean can be easily controlled.

C The ocean isn’t equal to a bathtub in size.

D. There is too much water for us to control.

3.According to the text, which of the following shows the right cause and effect?

climate change;

②ocean currents;

③the winds;

④changes in sea level;

⑤the distribution of heat

A. ①→⑤→③→④→②          B. ①→③→②→⑤→④

C. ③→④→⑤→②→①          D. ①→⑤→③→②→④

4.What problems will scientists meet with in predicting future climate changes?

A. It's too difficult to measure what's happening.

B. Types of models for prediction are difficult to set up.

C. There will probably be no satellites to help the scientists.

D. There aren’t enough scientists studying the changes of sea levels.



Maybe you don’t think animals have certain mental powers which human beings do not have. But the truth is that some of them have instincts, and besides this, I am sure they can feel certain things we humans cannot. A personal experience showed me this.

Some years ago, I had a dog named Howard. From the time when he was a puppy, he was timid, so we named him Howard, sounding like “coward”! He was especially afraid of thunderstorms. At the first flash of lightning or crash of thunder, he would run whining into his house and hide under a table.

I often went for a walk with Howard. Once, as we were walking along a road, it began to rain. I quickly ran to a bus stop for shelter. The bus stop had a roof supported by metal poles. Soon after I had got there, Howard caught my trousers in his teeth and tried to pull me away. At first I was puzzled and a little angry at his behavior. But I decided to humor him and walked away from the shelter into the rain and started to go home.

When I was about two hundred metres from the shelter, there came a flash of lightning and soon after, there was thunder which nearly deafened me. Howard stopped walking and began whining. Thinking he was afraid, I bent to pick him up. As I straightened up, I glanced at the bus shelter we had just left. I was shocked to see that two of the poles were bent and the roof was lying on the ground, broken. The shelter had been struck by the bolt of lightning!

1.The author named his dog Howard mainly because of_______.

A. his timid characteristic

B. one of the author’s friends Howard

C. his loud sound

D. his strange behaviors

2. The reason why the author was puzzled and angry with the dog was that          .

A. Howard had a strange behavior

B. Howard should be afraid of the metal poles

C. Howard should know the approaching of the terrible lightning

D. Howard bit his trousers in his teeth

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Dogs are cleverer and better than men.

B. Dogs are usually afraid of thunderstorms.

C. Some animals can feel certain things humans cannot.

D. Dogs are naturally born heroes.

4.What can be inferred about the bus shelter from the passage?

A. It was about 200 meters from the author’s home.

B. It was destroyed in a rainy day.

C. Its roof was supported by wood poles.

D. It could produce blinding flash of lightning.



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