满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“Neal, listen,” she said, looking straig...

“Neal, listen,” she said, looking straight at him, “I ask you not to get _____ in this kind of matter. It’s none of your business.”

A. caught          B. connected

C. attached      D. involved


D 【解析】get caught in陷入;遇到,get connected 连接get attached 依附get involved in介入,卷入。句意:她直直的看着他说“尼尔,听着,我要你不要卷入到这种事情,这不关你的事。”选D。 考点:考查动词。  

It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and ______better ones of your own.

A. introducing      B. introduces

C. to introduce   D. introduced



The information on the Internet______ much more rapidly than that in the newspaper.

A. gets through     B. gets around

C. gets away      D. gets off



Failure often occurs in our life. Keep ______ about the future, and you will achieve the goal you set sooner or later.

A. thankful        B. skeptical

C. optimistic     D. successful



If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a ______reason, such as your job or your studies?_______ perhaps youre interested in the _______ , films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a ______ of the language.

Most people learn best using a variety of _______, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They_____an environment     you can practice under the guidance of someone whos good at the language. We all lead ______ lives and learning a language takes _____. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a routine. It doesnt     if you havent got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes ____.

Many people start learning a language and soon give up. Im too _____, they say. Yes, children do learn languages more ____ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any _____. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. Ive also heard people ______ about the mistakes they make when ______. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes ____ youre much less likely to make them again.

Learning a new language is never ______. But with some work and devotion, youll make progress. And youll be amazed by the positive reaction of some people when you  ____ just a few words in ____ own language. Good luck!

1.A.technical    B.political        C.practical     D.physical

2.A.After       B.So             C.Though      D.Or

3.A.literature    B.transport        C.agriculture      D.medicine

4.A.view       B.knowledge     C.form     D.database

5.A.paintings    B.regulations     C.methods     D.computers

6.A.protect      B.change         C.respect      D.provide

7.A.which      B.what        C.where      D.that

8.A.busy       B.happy          C.simple       D.normal

9.A.courage     B.time           C.energy      D.place

10.A.begin      B.end        C.matter      D.admit

11.A.some risks   B.a lot less        C.some notes    D.a lot more

12.A.old         B.nervous       C.weak     D.tired

13.A.closely      B.quickly       C.privately      D.quietly

14.A.age        B.speed         C.distance      D.school

15.A.worry      B.hesitate         C.think     D.quarrel

16.A.singing    B.working      C.bargaining    D.learning

17.A.if          B.and           C.but       D.before

18.A.tiresome   B.hard          C.interesting    D.easy

19.A.write     B.say         C.speak     D.talk

20.A.their       B.his            C.our       D.Your



Five Questions to Ask to Detect a Lie

Are you being lied to? Find out how you can tell.

How is the person speaking?

Although a change in voice can be the tip-off to a lie, experts say that to be sure, you should also pay attention to a persons speech rate and breathing pattern. ___1.__

What is the person saying?

Liars tend to avoid exclusionary words like but, nor, except, and whereas, because they have trouble with complex thought processes. __2.___ In their attempts to distance themselves psychologically from their tall tales, liars will tend to communicate using fewer personal pronouns.

Is his face giving it away?

You may think disguising your true feelings is easily accomplished with the help of a smile, but the expressions that flash across your face will give away what youre really thinking—whether you know it or not. __3.___ These clues are often so difficult to detect that even trained experts have trouble discerning them.

How is the person smiling?

A smile can sometimes mask a persons true feelings. ___4.___ You may be able to detect the emotions he or she is trying to hide—such as fear, anger, and disgust. A true smile will incorporate both a person’s lips and eyes.


Its more important to examine a persons entire demeanor, as theres no one feature thats apt to give away a liar. Honesty is characterized by features that are in sync with one another—so besides posture, note the fit between face, body, voice, and speech.

A. Does the body language follow the story?

B. Is your subject behaving uncharacteristically?

C. Liars are less likely to use the words I, me, and mine.

D. You should weigh rate of speech, tone of voice, posture, and hand gestures.

E. Pay close attention to how a person smiles as well as other facial movements.

F. Experts advise paying close attention to the micro-expressions that a face cant hide.

G. If a person either speeds up or slows down, chances are you’re not hearing the whole truth.



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