满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Failure often occurs in our life. Keep _...

Failure often occurs in our life. Keep ______ about the future, and you will achieve the goal you set sooner or later.

A. thankful        B. skeptical

C. optimistic     D. successful


C 【解析】A. thankful感谢的; B. sceptical怀疑的; C. optimistic乐观的; D. successful成功的;根据题意:失败在生活中经常发生,所以应该乐观的对待。选C。 考点:考查形容词。  

If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a ______reason, such as your job or your studies?_______ perhaps youre interested in the _______ , films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a ______ of the language.

Most people learn best using a variety of _______, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They_____an environment     you can practice under the guidance of someone whos good at the language. We all lead ______ lives and learning a language takes _____. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a routine. It doesnt     if you havent got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes ____.

Many people start learning a language and soon give up. Im too _____, they say. Yes, children do learn languages more ____ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any _____. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. Ive also heard people ______ about the mistakes they make when ______. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes ____ youre much less likely to make them again.

Learning a new language is never ______. But with some work and devotion, youll make progress. And youll be amazed by the positive reaction of some people when you  ____ just a few words in ____ own language. Good luck!

1.A.technical    B.political        C.practical     D.physical

2.A.After       B.So             C.Though      D.Or

3.A.literature    B.transport        C.agriculture      D.medicine

4.A.view       B.knowledge     C.form     D.database

5.A.paintings    B.regulations     C.methods     D.computers

6.A.protect      B.change         C.respect      D.provide

7.A.which      B.what        C.where      D.that

8.A.busy       B.happy          C.simple       D.normal

9.A.courage     B.time           C.energy      D.place

10.A.begin      B.end        C.matter      D.admit

11.A.some risks   B.a lot less        C.some notes    D.a lot more

12.A.old         B.nervous       C.weak     D.tired

13.A.closely      B.quickly       C.privately      D.quietly

14.A.age        B.speed         C.distance      D.school

15.A.worry      B.hesitate         C.think     D.quarrel

16.A.singing    B.working      C.bargaining    D.learning

17.A.if          B.and           C.but       D.before

18.A.tiresome   B.hard          C.interesting    D.easy

19.A.write     B.say         C.speak     D.talk

20.A.their       B.his            C.our       D.Your



Five Questions to Ask to Detect a Lie

Are you being lied to? Find out how you can tell.

How is the person speaking?

Although a change in voice can be the tip-off to a lie, experts say that to be sure, you should also pay attention to a persons speech rate and breathing pattern. ___1.__

What is the person saying?

Liars tend to avoid exclusionary words like but, nor, except, and whereas, because they have trouble with complex thought processes. __2.___ In their attempts to distance themselves psychologically from their tall tales, liars will tend to communicate using fewer personal pronouns.

Is his face giving it away?

You may think disguising your true feelings is easily accomplished with the help of a smile, but the expressions that flash across your face will give away what youre really thinking—whether you know it or not. __3.___ These clues are often so difficult to detect that even trained experts have trouble discerning them.

How is the person smiling?

A smile can sometimes mask a persons true feelings. ___4.___ You may be able to detect the emotions he or she is trying to hide—such as fear, anger, and disgust. A true smile will incorporate both a person’s lips and eyes.


Its more important to examine a persons entire demeanor, as theres no one feature thats apt to give away a liar. Honesty is characterized by features that are in sync with one another—so besides posture, note the fit between face, body, voice, and speech.

A. Does the body language follow the story?

B. Is your subject behaving uncharacteristically?

C. Liars are less likely to use the words I, me, and mine.

D. You should weigh rate of speech, tone of voice, posture, and hand gestures.

E. Pay close attention to how a person smiles as well as other facial movements.

F. Experts advise paying close attention to the micro-expressions that a face cant hide.

G. If a person either speeds up or slows down, chances are you’re not hearing the whole truth.



Walt Disney and Shanghai government have formally agreed to open up a Disney theme park in China's commercial capital.

Just days after the World Expo was closed, they agreed on plans for a joint venture(合资企业)to manage the project, expected to cover nearly eight square miles for the entire resort(度假胜地), the city government said in a statement. The cost is reportedly estimated at 25 billion yuan.

Plans call for the theme park to be a strong international tourism resort with a pleasant, low-carbon environment, the city said.A joint venture between local companies and Disney will be responsible for construction, management and operation of the Disney theme park,it said.

Some villagers were long ago moved off farmland in Chuansha, a part of Pudong district near the city's main international airport,to make way for the park.

Disney issued a statement confirming its discussions with the Shanghai government, saying, We can confirm the statement from the Shanghai government that we have taken another step forward in the approval process.

But the company said it was still awaiting final approval of the joint venture by the central government and completion of necessary procedures.

The six­month­long World Expo,which ended on Sunday,drew a record of 72 million visitors,mostly Chinese tourists.That event made it necessary for the city to build nearly a dozen new subway lines,new highways,airport upgrades and other modern facilities.

With the Disneyland project due to start,the city appears likely to continue its building boom(激增).

The agreement on Friday came exactly a year after China's national planning agency approved the plans for the park­­a major step toward getting the project started.

The park will give Shanghai,the mainland's main financial and commercial centre,a new showcase.While the city is one of China's most modern and wealthy cities,it has relatively few big historic landmarks compared with ancient capitals like Beijing and Xi'an.

Disney has said the Shanghai resort will include a Magic­Kingdom­style theme park with characteristics tailored to the Shanghai region.

Disney has been expanding its presence in mainland China after opening a theme park in Hong Kong in 2005.That venue, which has suffered from disappointing attendance,is in the midst of Disneys expansion as it intends to compete with the future theme park in Shanghai.

1.What do we know about the Disneyland project to be built in Shanghai?

A.The cost is more than 25 billion yuan.

B.The design is environmentally friendly.

C.It will be built by Walt Disney Company.

D.It is as large as the World Expo Garden in area.

2.What can we learn from Disney's statement?

A.The construction of the theme park is in process.

B.They need approval from the central government.

C.The joint venture has completed necessary procedures.

D.Disney didn't think their discussions with the Shanghai government was helpful.

3.We can infer from the last paragraph that________.

A.visitors often go to Hong Kong Disneyland these days because of its expansion

B.the Shanghai theme park should learn from Hong Kong's

C.Hong Kong Disneyland will face more challenges

D.Hong Kong Disneyland is well managed



Pinnawella Elephant Orphanage

Pinnawella is an orphanage for baby elephants that have been found abandoned in the wild.There are 60 small elephants on the site and they are fed, trained and cared for by the orphanage. If you visit Pinnawella during feeding time, you may be given the opportunity to bottle-feed an elephant during your Sri Lanka holiday. Bathing time is also popular with visitors and accompanying a baby elephant to a nearby river is a wonderful experience.

Colombo Zoo

After seeing an elephant in the wild, seeing one in the zoo may seem a little uninspiring; however this is one for the children.The Colombo Zoo is famous for its elephant shows,where six Indian elephants do all kinds of tricks,from playing the music instruments to shooting basketballs with their trunks.

Wasgamuwa National Park

Wasgamuwa National Park is located in the town of Mahiyangana, an ancient city and important site in the Buddhist religion.It is one of the best places to see wild elephants in their natural habitats(栖息地)and is closest to six other national parks.The park and nearby area also provide ample bird watching opportunities.

Yala National Park

Yala is the largest national park in Sri Lanka and home to the majority of the islands wildlife,including Indian elephants and rare leopards.Arranging a tour here is the best way to spot an elephant,and if you're particularly lucky you may also spy a leopard lying lazily around on an overhanging tree branch.

Maduruoya National Park

This Park has a huge reservoir and if you get up before sunrise,you may spot some elephants playing about in the large expanse of water. You can also ride an elephant through the dense forests, which is perhaps one of the strangest forms of transportation to use on your Sri Lanka holidays.

1.Which place should visitors go to if they want to have closer contact with elephants?

A.Maduruoya National Park

B.Wasgamuwa National Park

C.Colombo Zoo

D.Pinnawella Elephant Orphanage

2.According to the author,Colombo Zoo________.

A.actually causes harm to elephants

B.can bring pleasure to children

C.has a good way to protect elephants

D.is not inspiring at all

3.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A.Wasgamuwa National Park is the best place to watch birds

B.Yala National Park has nothing special to watch

C.visitors can watch birds in Yala National Park

D.a leopard can climb up trees and stay there

4.What may cause the tourists' curiosity in Maduruoya National Park?

A.The huge reservoir which has a large expanse of water.

B.The beautiful and charming scene of sunrise.

C.Riding elephants through the dense forests.

D.A group of elephants playing in the water.



Perhaps the most challenging material you read at school is poetry. Though the message of some poems may be very simple, the way poets put words together often makes this message elusive. When you read a poem, you should begin by trying to understand what the poet is saying on the surface, then examine the way the poet  expresses this content, and finally decide how the poem's meaning is created. Here are some steps to read a poem.

First, read the poem once slowly aloud without writing or marking anything. Don't stop until you finish the poem, even if you don't know the meaning or pronunciation of a word. When you've finished, think it over for a moment on any words, images, and characters that caught your attention. Then read the poem again silently. When you come to a word you don't know, look it up in the dictionary.

Understand the meaning of figurative (比喻的)language. Figurative language doesn't mean exactly what it says; instead, it suggests meanings. For example, in the line Love, all alike, no season knows, the poet doesn't mean love is unfamiliar with four seasons. Love cannot know anything at all; only people can know something. Thus, the poet is personifying(拟人化) love, giving it human qualities.

Examine and think about the poet's use of language. Why, for example, did the poet choose to compare his love to a red rose instead of a tree or a bird? We can use associations: we usually associate roses with beauty and love, but we also know a rose bush has thorns (刺). All of these associations may not be right for a particular poem, but many of them probably will.

Finally, read the poem one more time aloud.Practice using pauses and stress to make the poem's meaning come alive.

1.The underlined word elusive in Paragraph 1 probably means ________

A.easy           B. interesting

C.difficult      D. boring

2.What should we put on the first place when reading a poem?

A.The form of the poem.

B.The content of the poem.

C.The meaning of the poem.

D.The language of the poem.

3.When reading a poem for the first time, we should________.

A.try to understand new words

B.examine the poem's language

C.try to understand its meaning well

D.avoid being stopped by new words

4.We can learn from the passage that figurative language________.

A.is useful in expressing love

B.helps us understand new ideas

C.is easy for most readers to understand

D.should be repeated while reading a poem



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