满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

No matter how frequently ________, the w...

No matter how frequently ________, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world.

A. performed         B. performing

C. to be performed   D. being performed


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查非谓语动词和省略。句意:无论被演奏过多少次,贝多芬的作品仍然吸引着全世界的人们。非谓语动词的逻辑主语必须与主句主语保持一致,the works与performance是动宾关系,即演奏音乐作品,应该用过去分词表被动,frequently后省略了they are,故选A。 考点:考查非谓语动词和省略  

The noise _______, she couldn’t live here any longer.

A. is too loud to put up

B. is too loud to live with

C. being too loud to put up

D. being too loud to live with



The film 2014 has filled some people with ________ fear that ________ man will meet terminal disasters in 2014.

A. a; /      B. a; the

C. /; the   D. the; /




要点:1. 户外活动的好处;

2. 户外活动的方式;

3. 户外活动需要注意的事项。

注意:1. 短文必须包括以上所有要点,并适当增加细节,以保证表达的连贯;

2. 词数:120–150词。开头已给出,该部分不计入总词数;

3. 不得抄袭,所有雷同作文均以零分计;

4. 短文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。

A survey suggests that more than 70 percent of children today have little contact with the

natural world, and that this is having a huge impact on their health and development.











I went on an     recently, but my trip took me     than I expected.


He could not keep pace     the game, and as a result     his careless playing we lost.

3.虽然可能有点尴尬, 但是如果她真是你最好的朋友,你应该为责怪她而向她道歉。

it may feel awkward, if she really is your best friend you should apologize for     her.


When     about the company’s future, the manager responded without     that he remained optimistic.


Forest fires are often caused by     glass or by cigarette ends which people     throw away.


If you take     consideration the money you’ll spend on     , this house is a little bit expensive.


They think of     businessmen     from their responsibilities, and only worrying about money.

8.后来,我假装很开心,但汉娜还是觉察到哪儿有点不对劲 。

Afterwards, I      to be cheerful, but Hannah     something was wrong.


Their opinions            each other on this matter.


In     of all that has been said, the tourists have been     leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk.




1.Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very     (成绩好) and like to study, but we like it that way.

2.At universities and colleges you need a certain number of c     to be awarded a degree.

3.Paul’s mother had him     (收养) because she couldn’t look after him herself.

4.As the child was ill, his parents took him to the hospital to see a p    .

5.We use human translators rather than machines as we believe they are more     (可靠)

6.Usually girls’ friendships are a    in shared feelings and support.

7.At the time, I thought that the whole     (概念;观念) of cloning was not moral.

8.The successful cloning of this baby was seen as a medical b    .

9.The children were     (争论) about which TV programme to watch.

10.The plane’s e    were damaged when the plane landed, and the plane had to be repaired.



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