满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In a physical change no new substance is...

In a physical change no new substance is formed,__________ in the composition

of matter.

A.nor does any change take place

B.nor any change takes place

C.not any change takes place

D.either any change takes place


A 【解析】A [考查倒装语序。否定副词nor置于句首,全句主谓需部分倒装。]  

The mayor will __________ the prizes among the winners.

A.send  B.spread

C.distribute  D.hand



It's estimated that nearly 70% prisoners __________ from the prison located in that

coastal city.

A.got off  B.got away

C.got through  D.got out



With petroleum reserves (石油储量) decreasing,the search is on to replace gas with a cleaner,greener alternative.Though much eco-talk has centered on biofuels from corn and soybeans,the biofuel that looks more likely to replace petroleum comes from a most unlikely source:algae (藻类).

Algae,like corn,soybeans,and other crops,grow via photosynthesis (光合作用) and can be processed into fuel oil.However,they yield 30 times more energy than land crops such as soybeans,according to the U.S.Department of Energy.Many algae species also can grow in saltwater and polluted water-while corn and soy require arable land and fresh water that will be in short supply as the world's population balloons.

“If you replaced all the diesel (柴油) in the U.S.with soy biodiesel,it would take half the land mass of the U.S.to grow those soybeans,”says Matt Caspari,chief executive of Aurora Biofuels,a Berkeley,Calif.-based private firm that specializes in algae oil technology.On the other hand,the Energy Department says that if algae fuel replaced all the petroleum fuel in the United States,it would require 15,000 square miles,which is a few thousand miles larger that Maryland (12,407 square miles),the 42nd state in land area.

Another bonus:Because algae can be grown just about anywhere in a closed space,they 're being tested at several power plants across the nation as a carbon absorber.Smokestack emissions (烟囱排放物) can be pumped directly into the ponds,feeding the algae while keeping greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.

Although processing technology for algae fuel—also known as “oilgae” in some environmentalist circles—is improving,it's still years away from reaching your local gas pump.“It's just a question of cost,because no large-scale facilities have been built yet,” Caspari says.

1.The underlined word “yield” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “________”.

A.control  B.require

C.produce  D.grow

2.Compared with corn and soybeans,algae ________.

A.may pollute water and soil

B.can grow in poor conditions

C.provide much less energy

D.need more special care

3.According to Paragraph 3,one of the advantages of algae fuel is that ________.

A.it can be used more widely

B.it is more easy to produce

C.it needs much less land

D.it costs much less money

4.What do we learn about algae from Paragraph 4?

A.Algae help protect the environment.

B.People can grow algae anywhere.

C.Fish can get more oxygen from algae.

D.Algae produce less waste.



There were a thousand reasons not to stop.I was running late for a very important...well,whatever it was that I was running late for that day.Surely the Highway Patrol would be along soon,and it's their job to help stranded (搁浅) motorists,isn't it?

That made 1,004 reasons not to stop.And here was 1,005:I was the world's worst auto mechanic.The first time I tried to change my car's oil myself I did fine—until I forgot to put the new oil in.The boys down at the garage had a big laugh over that.

I'm not sure how much it would have helped that lady who was stranded by the side of the freeway if I had pulled over.So I drove on by,just like hundreds of other drivers on the freeway that day.Then suddenly I turned off at the next exit and made my way back to see if I could at least give her a lift or something.But by the time I got back to her,a Hispanic (西班牙的) gentleman had pulled in behind her,and was tinkering (修补) with her car's engine.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I asked.

“No,thank you,”the lady replied.“This nice man says he can fix it.” After the man repaired it,the woman tried to give him some money,but he declined and waved as she drove off.It wasn't until we started walking toward our cars that I noticed he had five more reasons not to stop than I did;his family was sitting in the station wagon,waiting patiently.“Do you stop and help people like this often?”I asked.

“Somebody has to,”he said.“What's she going to do if nobody helps?”And for him,that was enough.

1.By telling the story,the author intends to tell us ________.

A.we must help someone in trouble even if we have every reason not to do so

B.if we don't have the necessary skills or knowledge,we can't help a person much

C.what the person in trouble needs most is kindness rather than practical skills

D.we much thank the person who has helped us when we are in trouble

2.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A.The author once helped a person who was in trouble but was laughed at by a


B.The author just wanted to find an excuse to stop to help the stranded lady.

C.The author doubted whether he had the ability to give the lady some necessary


D.What the author was running late for made him very angry.

3.Why did the author make his way back at the next exit?

A.Because he wanted to see if anybody else had helped the lady out.

B.Because he felt guilty about not helping the lady.

C.Because he wanted to help the Hispanic gentleman fix the lady's car.

D.Because he had thought of a way to help the lady.



Money Matters for Students


Who pays?

The local education authority (LEA) for the area in which the student is living.

Who can get this money?

Anyone who gets a place on a first degree course,although a student who has already attended a course of advanced further education may not.Students must also have been resident in the UK for at least three years,which can exclude (排除) some students from overseas.


If a student has worked before going to college:

A student who is 26 or more before the course starts and who has worked for at least three of the previous six years will get extra money—£ 155 a year if 26,increasing to a maximum of £ 615 at 29 or more.

If a student is handicapped:

LEAs will give up to £ 500 to help meet extra expenses—such as buying a tape recorder for a blind student,extra heating or special food.


Most of the big banks offer special services to students who open accounts (in the hope that they will stay with the bank when they become rich officials).A student won't usually have to pay bank charges as long as the account stays in credit.Some banks allow students to overdraw by £ 100 or so,and still don't make charges (though they  do charge interest).

1.A student from Japan who has been staying in England for a year and intends to go to college in a few months will ________.

A.get money if he is taking a first degree course

B.be unable to get money from any LEA

C.get money from any LEA when he has finished his course

D.have to open a bank account before he gets any money

2.A 31yearold nurse wishes to qualify as a doctor at a university.She has worked

since she was 25.How much extra money will she get a year?

A.None.  B.£ 155.

C.£ 615.  D.£ 515.

3.A student who cannot walk has to buy a wheelchair costing £ 750 to go to

classes.How much of the cost will he have to pay himself?

A.£ 150.  B.£ 250.

C.£ 500.  D.£ 750.

4.You are a new student.Why may a bank welcome you as a customer?

A.They know you receive money regularly.

B.They charge students extra.

C.They hope you will be rich in the future.

D.They need students accounts in term-time.



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