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Money Matters for Students GETTING A GRA...

Money Matters for Students


Who pays?

The local education authority (LEA) for the area in which the student is living.

Who can get this money?

Anyone who gets a place on a first degree course,although a student who has already attended a course of advanced further education may not.Students must also have been resident in the UK for at least three years,which can exclude (排除) some students from overseas.


If a student has worked before going to college:

A student who is 26 or more before the course starts and who has worked for at least three of the previous six years will get extra money—£ 155 a year if 26,increasing to a maximum of £ 615 at 29 or more.

If a student is handicapped:

LEAs will give up to £ 500 to help meet extra expenses—such as buying a tape recorder for a blind student,extra heating or special food.


Most of the big banks offer special services to students who open accounts (in the hope that they will stay with the bank when they become rich officials).A student won't usually have to pay bank charges as long as the account stays in credit.Some banks allow students to overdraw by £ 100 or so,and still don't make charges (though they  do charge interest).

1.A student from Japan who has been staying in England for a year and intends to go to college in a few months will ________.

A.get money if he is taking a first degree course

B.be unable to get money from any LEA

C.get money from any LEA when he has finished his course

D.have to open a bank account before he gets any money

2.A 31yearold nurse wishes to qualify as a doctor at a university.She has worked

since she was 25.How much extra money will she get a year?

A.None.  B.£ 155.

C.£ 615.  D.£ 515.

3.A student who cannot walk has to buy a wheelchair costing £ 750 to go to

classes.How much of the cost will he have to pay himself?

A.£ 150.  B.£ 250.

C.£ 500.  D.£ 750.

4.You are a new student.Why may a bank welcome you as a customer?

A.They know you receive money regularly.

B.They charge students extra.

C.They hope you will be rich in the future.

D.They need students accounts in term-time.


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 【解析】 1.答案 B [事实细节题。从Students must also have been resident in the UK for at least three years,which can exclude (排除) some students from overseas.可知道应该至少三年。] 2.2】答案 C [事实细节题。从increasing to a maximum of £ 615 at 29 or more得知,31yearold nurse可以得到£ 615。] 3.3】答案 B [事实细节题。从LEAs will give up to £ 500 to help meet extra expenses—such as buying a tape recorder for a blind student,extra heating or special food得知一辆£ 750的轮椅自己只要付£ 250。] 4.4】答案 C [事实理解题。从最后一段in the hope that they will stay with the bank when they become rich officials得知答案应该是C。]

When people think of the unique characteristics of Beijing the hutong style always comes to mind.It is no exaggeration(夸张) to say within hutong lives the city's history.

The word hutong was borrowed from the Mongolian word to mean “water well” about 700 years ago.Later it referred to a place where people live.Hutong we see today are made up of small lanes formed by walls of siheyuan.They were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.

When the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, there were more than 3,000 hutong.Most of the city's population lived in this traditional housing.But with the modernization of the city in the 1980s and early 1990s, many hutong were pulled down to build roads, skyscrapers and modern houses.

The government has recognized the importance of hutong to Chinese cultural heritage(文化遗产).In 2002, Beijing listed 40 protected historical zones and increased its efforts to restore some key relics and older streets in the city.Nearly 500 hutong have survived.

Hutong that still exist are like oases(绿洲) of calm surrounded by the noisy city.Walking through them, it's common to see groups of elderly citizens sitting together playing cards, mahjong or Chinese chess.In the early mornings and evenings, they gather to practice traditional forms of exercise such as taijiquan as well as dancing and singing folk songs or Peking Opera.Hutong have become a museum of Beijing's folk customs and history.

1.What is the original meaning of the word hutong?

A.Small lanes.  B.Water well.

C.Siheyuan.  D.A traditional house.

2.What does the phrase “pull down” mean in Paragraph 3?

A.Replace.  B.Destroy.

C.Restore.  D.Establish.

3.According to the author, what is the importance of hutong to Chinese cultural


A.It is a traditional housing style of Beijing.

B.Hutong have become a museum of Beijing's folk customs and history.

C.It is a good place for the elderly citizens to play cards, mahjong or Chinese


D.Hutong are like oases of calm of Beijing.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is FALSE?

A.Hutong style is one of the unique characteristics of Beijing.

B.In 2002, Beijing listed 40 protected historical zones.

C.Beijing decreased its efforts to restore some key relics and older streets in the


D.Hutong have become a museum of Beijing's folk customs and history.



Teaching second grade is always a challenge.Each student arrives at school with his own needs and difficulties.One year a student called Billy___me with his behavior as well as his academic requirements.He struggled daily with his ____emotions and often became angry or violent.I knew that,to make____progress,his emotions needed controlling.

One ____I tried to help Billy was to have him come directly into the classroom when he arrived at school.Billy's mom would____me to alert me to a particularly emotional morning at home.Then,I would focus on____his anger and calming him down before the other students arrived.

One week our class was studying____.I thought one way to bring learning into the classroom was to bring my dog Rocky to school for the day.

That day began as normal.I was preparing activities focused on dog themes____I was told that Billy had a ____morning at home and I might need to get him____.As I was talking to his mom,Billy____into the classroom.To Billy's____,Rocky immediately ran up to his new____,wagging his tail and licking Billy's face with doggy affection.Billy couldn't ____Rocky's charm(魅力)and began laughing as his anger melted away.

Throughout the day,Billy never left Rocky's side,feeding him,being gentle with him and even ____the other students while Rocky was sleeping.

Billy was known for doing anything he could to avoid____,but on this day he found a good dog story,“ Clifford's Puppy Days”,and read it to Rocky.How ____I was at the sight of Billy reading happily!My little dog was able to____Billy's day from one of anger and frustration to one of laughter,gentleness and ____.

That day Rocky more than helped me with my____;he helped to change the life of a child!After that Billy's behavior definitely improved.

1.A.challenged  B.cheated

C.benefited  D.betrayed

2.A.unforgettable  B.uncontrollable

C.unconscious  D.unfortunate

3.A.physical  B.mental

C.academic  D.authentic

4.A.advantage  B.agenda

C.reason  D.way

5.A.awake  B.call  C.visit  D.sign

6.A.tolerating  B.observing

C.relieving  D.ignoring

7.A.emotions  B.pets

C.botany  D.diet

8.A.after  B.as  C.when  D.before

9.A.boring  B.fantastic  C.busy  D.rough

10.A.settled  B.punished

C.treated  D.excited

11.A.fled  B.stormed  C.jogged  D.floated

12.A.surprise  B.delight

C.shame  D.fear

13.A.protector  B.trainer

C.friend  D.owner

14.A.resist B.describe  C.reduce  D.forget

15.A.educating  B.envying

C.comforting  D.quieting

16.A.exploding  B.reading

C.arguing  D.apologizing

17.A.surprised  B.disappointed

C.amused  D.confused

18.A.urge  B.shorten

C.transform  D.expand

19.A.admiration  B.curiosity

C.anxiety  D.love

20.A.family  B.teaching

C.housework  D.performance



In our childhood, we were often ________ by Grandma to pay attention to our

table manners.

A.demanded  B.reminded

C.allowed  D.hoped



________ the present unemployment continue, the society would face a more

troublesome situation.

A.Would  B.Should

C.Might  D.Could



I ________ the pages together with a paperclip.

A.attached  B.fixed

C.fastened  D.tied



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